Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1339: marryme (four)

  Chapter 1339 marryme (four)

  If rural men don’t greedy urban life and leave women, old people, and children in the countryside, then Georgian will not come up with such bad ideas. Men will be willful to do things with their own ideas and completely ignore the feelings of others.

  Georgiana looked at the latest collection on the walls of the Louvre, the "Girl with a Pearl Earring" from the Netherlands. She said that she wanted to make a copy, but Augereau sent the original. The French have always been criticized for taking the occupied territories. Perhaps this time the horse was borrowed because of this painting.

   Regarding the Belgian issue, she will often deal with the Dutch in the future. If she really introduces the Venetians to the court, then how can she get along with the Dutch?

  There is a Dutch park in the United Kingdom. Although France has occupied the Netherlands at present, whether their hearts are toward France is another question.

  Like a failed political marriage, the hearts of both spouses are not on each other's body. Such a marriage has no real value except for the children.

  For unmarried girls, the wedding ceremony can be the finale. From then on, the prince and princess live happily together.

But for married women, the wedding ceremony is just the beginning. Just now, Georgianna told Carnot that she would do better than Josephine. In the end, she also raised her heart of "competition". What could be worse than this. of.

  She originally had a husband who loved her very much. He spent all his time with her and needed her to drive him out to work.

  Now she was turned into "the emperor's harem" by an illusory dream.

  Compared with Lily, who sacrificed herself for her children, Josephine, who had her children sacrificed for herself, was much easier to deal with.

She can actually choose a simpler life. Compared with dealing with politics, it is more difficult for her to deal with emotional problems. Severus is too difficult for her, not to mention that she does not want to face the whole world. Saying that he really loves Lily, if she tells those people that he loves herself, others will only treat her as a self-sufficient fool.

  Harry justified his name for Severus, he was kind enough to expose Severus’s privacy.

  First love is inherently pure. How can a muddy woman like her compare to Lily? She actually fits well with the scum of hell.

  I compare my eyes to a painter and draw your portrait on my heart.

  My body is the frame with your beautiful face embedded in it.

  When Georgiana saw "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" for the first time, she kept guessing what the girl thought when she looked at the painter?

  So she pretends to be a girl, and let the robber who likes to stare at the Mona Lisa look at herself. Although he can't paint portraits, he can use his eyes as a painter.

  His comprehension ability in this aspect is not enough, she needs to give some pointers, but he finally realized her romantic way.

  They only see each other in their eyes, just like people in love, but they are not true lovers. This is what she realized through Leon’s eyes, the relationship between "Girl with a Pearl Earring" and the painter.

  Ambiguous period is the most wonderful moment in love, and perhaps only first love can match it.

  She recalled the scars left on their bodies when bathing them with water.

  The location where they were injured is different, and the size is also much worse, she can't get it wrong.

  She will not forget her old husband like a Polish woman, nor will she let English men beg for herself and sacrifice for the country.

  But the Polish woman was only 18 years old. What could a little girl expect from her?

  At least she brought him a few sons. Those children grew up pretty well, and they were better than her and Josephine being barren.

  Some land is not naturally used to grow food, and it will not sprout even if it is sowed.

  She can see the saline-alkali land, how can farmers who have few harvests after reclamation be able to see it?

   "Miss." Sophie came over with a letter.

  She suddenly didn’t want to pick it up.

  But she seemed to have told him that she could pin her nostalgia on her in the future, so she took the letter.

  What hot content she thought he would write:

I really want to hear the King’s reply before September 30. Comte Athos bought 60 assassins in Paris. I have already arrested. Tomorrow Brunner and Siers will come to see you. Our current enemy is Paul. Kings, since you don't want to sleep in Josephine's bedroom, sleep with me, don't make any extravagance.

   "Aha, is this warning me not to engage in privileges?" Georgiana laughed angrily.

  But she calmed down quickly, and it would be really troublesome for the British to keep Comte Athos.

  As a commoner, she doesn’t understand why the King of England will fund the Prince of Bourbon, so a person’s blood relationship is so important? Muggles are not like pure-blooded nobles, there may be some power inheritance, and the European royal family has also been cursed with blood because of Queen Victoria.

  After all her thoughts, there is only the issue of inheritance, because each king of the marriage has the right to inherit from another country. When other countries, such as the Spanish Habsburg family, extinct, they can use the descendants of the Bourbon royal family to inherit the throne.

  Napoleon has no such relationship. He is a "civilian", and wanting to join the "club" cannot be solved by controlling the real power.

  Class barriers were not felt before they encountered it. Napoleon forced the Prince of Wales so hard, and the "pen pal" relationship they finally established might break down. Anyway, as long as the British don't fund the Royal Party, let them stay in the UK and find jobs for their livelihoods like ordinary civilians. They don't have time to think about rebellion, and they don't have to be deported.

  The British are very good at "compromising", but they won't "bear". Corsicans are so tough.

  "Does the lady want to reply?" Sophie asked.

   "Of course I want to reply." She put the letter away "But I have to think about how to reply."

  "The first ruler said that you can work in the library of the Louvre, but it is not convenient for you to work in the living room of the Tuileries."

  She sneered, it was not so easy to stay in the Tuileries Palace.

   "My bedroom is set up in the library. I like the feeling of sleeping in heaven." She said to Sophie.

   "Also, he asked Godin to tell you that he loves you." Sophie blushed.

  Georgina was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Is this letter from Godin?"

  Sophie nodded.

   "Does Godan's original words to you "I love you"?" Georgiana asked.

  Sophie seemed to be crying, her eyes watery.

   "This kid really has a trick." Georgiana couldn't help admiring her, she really deserves to be a master of script writing and flirting. The methods are really hot.

  "Are you not giving him any response?" Sophie said pitifully.

"I won't respond to the courtship of all the boys, and the same with you. You gave Godan a chance. He shouldn't expect more." She said coldly. "After Godan comes, let Matilda or Meng Madame Desquieu received him."

  Sophie seems to have something to say.

   "Unless he proposes to you, you can't sleep with him." Georgiana said, "I don't care what your parents say, I am such a person."

  "You are not yet..."

  "Godan is not the material of marriage at present, you have to think about your future husband, will he mind your past." Georgiana interrupted Sophie's nonsense.

  This is the end of not leading by example.

   "My life has been ruined, and yours has not yet. Be cautious when making decisions, and don't be so emotional."

  "How do you respond to the first ruling?" Sophie asked a little rebelliously.

   "He didn't say that sentence!" Georgiana replied forcefully.

  "Do you think this was made up by Godin?"

"if not?"

  Sophie left angrily, as if she was an unreasonable person.

   Bonaparte said that he loved her once, but how could he believe what a man said at that time.

  She smiled bitterly, then glanced at the girl with pearl earrings, and suddenly felt that she was very pitiful.

  She moved her true feelings, but the painter did not. I really don’t know how she will end up in the end.

  Painters only become famous after death. Few of them become famous when they are alive. It is very painful to follow him in such a poor life.

  A hard life will make a girl lose her beautiful face quickly, like a yellow pearl. Will the painter still love her at that time?

   "I will collect you well." She vowed to the girl in the painting, and then walked to the library.

  (End of this chapter)