Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1341: marryme (six)

  Chapter 1341 Marryme (6)

After Robespierre’s death, the French engraved this paragraph on his tombstone: “Passengers in the past! I, Robespierre, lay here forever. Please don’t be sad for me. If I live, then you Just won't live."

  When the blade of the guillotine fell, the momentary powerful man died, and the cheers continued for a full 15 minutes.

  Victory at the Battle of Toulon allowed Napoleon to stand out, and the reward was to be promoted to brigadier general. However, Napoleon was not the fastest promoted. It took only five years for Ney to become a general from a lieutenant. This was mainly because the Jacobinist reign of terror caused a serious loss of regular army officers, so painters, doctors, etc. appeared. Amateur generals, Napoleon's promotion also benefited from the care of the Robespierre brothers, but it was these cares that almost killed Napoleon.

  With the fall of Robespierre, Napoleon was arrested, and Juno almost wanted to go to prison on an impulse.

  Fortunately, the Thermidians were not extremists. After an investigation found that Napoleon had no direct contact with Robespierre, he was released a week later.

  After being released from prison, Napoleon was not trusted. The Ministry of War transferred him from the original army. Napoleon refused to follow his orders. He simply got sick and went to Paris to receive unemployment benefits.

   Bonaparte believes that if there is no opportunity, ability is worthless.

  Bonaparte was looking for new opportunities everywhere in Paris. In order to return to the Italian artillery, he wanted the Ministry of Military Affairs to submit a bold plan for marching into northern Italy, which was called the "Madman’s Plan" by the commander of the Italian Legion.

  At the same time, he is also considering other options, including going to Turkey to train artillery, going to Russia to help deal with Turkey, and even joining the British East India Company.

  He is not the same as Robespierre, who is sincere, selfless, and loyal to the Republic.

Robespierre’s face has the characteristics of a cat, with huge apricot eyes, large curved eyebrows, a long but not big nose, and it is not towering. It happens to form an arc with his backward forehead. .

  Napoleon’s appearance is very similar to that of the ancient Greeks. Little Robespierre once commented that he "has a thunder in his heart, and his face is like a mirror lake."

Napoleon was very sympathetic to the end of the tragic death of this man who was kind to him, but this kind of sympathy could not help him escape from prison. He did not deny his Jacobin history, and he also believed that Jacob Bins are **** people. No matter how others evaluate them, they are not despicable. This is different from the behavior of some people eager to draw a line after the fall of the Jacobins.

After the Thermidor coup, the Jacobin faction was liquidated. When it decided to establish a governor government, a controversial clause was introduced. Two-thirds of the members of the governor government’s parliament should be directly elected from the National Convention, and the remaining third One is elected by the people.

In order to resist this two-thirds clause, the Royal Party launched the Lunar riot. They planned to regain power by stealing the right to vote. After the successful suppression, the governor government wanted Siers to preside over the overall situation, but Siers refused. He left France as ambassador to Berlin.

In 1798, Siers was re-elected to the governor’s government. After taking office, Siers acquiesced in a parliamentary impeachment against the governor’s government. Conservatives resigned. Siers called Robespierre the first to transfer executive power. Concentrated in the hands of the person.

  But he was not satisfied with this. He wanted to completely overthrow the incompetent government. In order to achieve this goal, he needed military power. He had to choose Napoleon Bonaparte on the recommendation of his staff.

After the Wuyue coup, Siers and Napoleon became big figures. Siers hoped that Napoleon would accept his non-privileged containment system and become the "grand electoral officer" under the constitutional monarchy. But Napoleon did not accept this system of Siers.

It is also the governor. Carnot is really idle and has nothing to do. As the first batch of patriotic heroes, Siers who drafted the "Tennis Court Manifesto", "What Is the Third Level", and "On Privileges" was very good. Prestigious figure.

The French parliament is not bicameral like the British parliament. The French parliament has no hereditary aristocracy and no common house. He dissolved the parliament like Cromwell during the Wuyue coup. The new law stipulates that Napoleon has the right to appoint and remove at will. Members of the Senate, ministers, ambassadors and other senior diplomats, army and navy officers.

  In other words, if he wants to “vote” to pass something, there is almost no need to worry about it. As long as the force is in his hands, even Siers can only break the constitution and use various loopholes to avoid harm.

  Napoleon will not gain support through speeches like Robespierre, money, power, title, and fear are all tools of his rule.

  The incitement of language is limited, and no one will sell their lives for empty checks.

  If farmers are most worried about food, soldiers are most worried about money, and then they are decent.

Robespierre said in a speech that the death penalty is extremely unfair, “The excessive use of violence by society and the government will only promote the personal use of violence, which may further encourage people to commit crimes. Therefore, any excessively severe punishment in the criminal law It's a crime in society".

  The murderous Robespierre actually opposed the death penalty. I guess no one believed it, but he actually used it to restrict the power of the king and parliament.

  Guerande wears the uniform of a hussar, which is the mark of his military. Wearing this uniform can’t be as rude to him like Louis XVI. He also needs a decent trial, a decent death sentence, and a decent funeral.

  Democracy is characterized by voting, but voting is not necessarily fair. Many factors will affect the result of voting. Being voted to death is not an order for execution by a tyrant. This is always in line with the system of the Republic.

  Siers has many places that are inconsistent with Napoleon’s political views. He was a priest and did not approve the abolition of the Eleven Taxes, but one thing was in common. He voted in favor of killing the king.

  There are not so many nobles, the French people find it easier to move, but the exiled nobles tried their best to get France into conflict with other countries.

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette wrote to Austria and other countries, hoping that they would not take into account the demands they made in public and start the war boldly, and they would also promise that France would be easily subdued and frightened. They hope that this kind of surrender will protect their broken power.

  After obtaining the consent of Louis XVI, Bouile, who fled, gave all the French colonies to Britain in exchange for the aid of George III.

  The rumor that Siers had also heard, used the sympathy of others to let the old aristocrats come back and continue to rule France. Where will they be sold next time?

  Louis XVI once said that in France he did not allow anyone but himself to rule.

  He is a good man, but a bad king.

   Raising so many nobles who enjoy tax exemption rights, but levying heavy taxes on the poor, this inequality aroused the anger of the civilians.

  Mari Antoinette lived in the palace for a long time, and the people didn’t know anything about it. 2 francs was a monthly salary for a worker, and her handkerchief might be more than that. This is still not a false report.

   "Understood?" Leon was lying beside her in his clothes.

   "I'm still confused." She answered honestly.

   "If you don't understand, think about it later." He kissed her on the forehead. "Good night, Princess."

  She grabbed his sleeve and didn't let him go.

   "Sometimes I think you are more French than the French." He said softly and straightened out her hair. "No one cares about the farmers at all."

   "I don't want to be hungry next year." She calmly said, "Horse meat is so terrible. Just treat it for fish. Don't force the King of England like that?"

   "Have you tasted it?"

  She nodded.

  "How about we regard today as an anniversary? We will have a big meal today next year."

   "I don't know when he will come."

  "You let me consider this question." He pinched her nose. "I can't give you a ring. Think about what else you can have in pairs?"

   "How about using hair?" She pinched his shaved hair. "Your hair must be cut anyway."

   "I want you to shave me tomorrow morning." He said with a smile.

   "I haven't practiced well yet."

   "I will teach you slowly." The human being younger than her said to her.

   "Pay attention to your body, don't make it too late."

  "This is the most beautiful love story I have ever heard." He said with a happy face, kissed her again, and then left the room.

  Not long after, he came back again, and he gave her a gift box.

  She took it, and when she opened it, she found that it was a golden bee seal.

   "I planned to give it to you at the ceremony."

   "Cancel the day after tomorrow's ceremony." She said sensibly, "I also have other things to do."

   "Next time, don't give anything I give you to others casually."

  She nodded.

   "I love you, Georgiana."

   "I love you, Leon."

  He kissed her on the forehead, and he really left now, but he didn't close the door.

  So she lay on the bed and fell asleep.

  (End of this chapter)