Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 136: fool

  Chapter 136 fool

  There is a kind of pain, like the flames of **** burning in the chest, the place where the tongue of the fire licks is painful, because I want so much but I can't get it.

  There is a spell that is more partial than Occlumency, called the Freezing Fire Curse. If a wizard used this spell when he was tortured by Muggles, the flame would only have a slight tingling sensation on the wizard, and would not really hurt them.

Arthur Weasley’s history of magic is definitely not good, because he spends his time studying Muggles. Muggles never need protection. They are very dangerous. The "witches" who were sent to the torture in the Middle Ages There are many "witches", so many sorcerers must escape the Muggle witch hunting movement and escape into the deep mountains and old forests.

  He is kind-hearted but not wise enough. He doesn't know how terrifying human greed and desire are. He is an honest and safe man and should not participate in such a dangerous game.

  Pain spreads throughout the body like hellfire. What’s worse is that it cannot be stopped like a freezing spell. Wisdom loses its function at this time, and you can do anything to achieve your own goals.

  Dumbledore asked Pomona what she was thinking at that time.

  She didn't think about anything at that time, she enjoyed the process of falling downward, and gave up the crown of pursuing knowledge.

She remembers that handsome men are prone to being unfaithful, so she chose one who didn’t grow up well. However, it turns out that no matter what he looks like, being unfaithful is unfaithful. He actually slept with other women with Lily in his heart. At the same time, what was even worse was that the woman she should have spurned was Pomona herself, so the speed of the downward sliding was so fast that she herself could not even imagine.

  As sung in that song, smart people shouldn’t fall in love. She is really a stupid Hefpaff. Even the dean is so stupid, how can she teach smart students.

   "I'm jealous of him." After the dazzling kiss was over, Severus closed his eyes and cried.

   "Who are you jealous of?" Pomona gasped. She thought she was suffocating in the flames.

   "Draco, Cedric, and Sirius Black."

  Everyone Severus said was a good-looking boy. It seemed that his fascinating self-confidence was fake, in order to conceal his inferiority.

"But they are not as good as you, Severus." She hugged the Death Eater in black. He was lost for a while like Ron Weasley, and now he is back. "In my eyes you are very handsome."

"I wanted to die with you, Pomona. I didn’t even think about it when Lily died. Dumbledore said I could take care of Harry Potter. I can’t do it if it’s you. I No..."

  He kept his eyes closed and repeated that he couldn't. Pomona would make him stronger in normal times, but now she doesn't say anything, because she can't imagine what life would be like without him.

  The farmer rescued the snake, but the snake did not give back to the farmer’s kindness. Instead, he bit him. You are kind to others, and what others give back to you is not necessarily kind, so put away the kind of compassion like the Mother of God.

  She wanted to be compassionate to the person in her arms, so she kept holding him, which was really strange. He killed her Muggle father. She didn't think he was an unforgivable badass, but cleaned up the scene for him as soon as possible.

   "Where are we now?" She looked around at the familiar and unfamiliar environment around her, and a big tree looked very familiar.

   "The Lily I met here."

  Pomona suddenly remembered where it was, but she didn't think she deserved to be here because she was not pure enough.

   "How can you tell a girl you met for the first time that she is a witch?" She deliberately said briskly.

   "But she is."

  This kind of conversation could not go on. She felt that she was chatting with a ten-year-old child, and she was still very stubborn.

   "Do you remember how Lupin told Harry about his mother?" Pomona couldn't help laughing. "He actually said that she was a good person who is good at discovering other people."

  Severus laughed, "She is like a lioness guarding her cub."

"Every time James Potter bullies you, she always comes the first time, and James Potter is also jealous of you because she always defends you." Pomona is very funny when she thinks of the situation at the time, Lily is very partial Yes, it’s not fair at all. She always protects Severus unconditionally. Whether he is Slytherin or he is isolated by the whole school, she never leaves him. This is the characteristic of Gryffindor, loyalty, how Good quality.

"Compared to her, people who are good at discovering the virtues of people are more feminine. I think Lupin hopes that Harry Potter has a slightly gentler mother." He returned to normal, looking at her with anticipation. "I What are the advantages of?"

   "You are gentle, Severus, and you are very focused." She stroked his cheek, the traces of the years seemed to be less, and he looked a lot younger. "Concentration is your gift."

  "Stop being someone else's teacher, Pomona, especially male students!" He pulled her wrist like a sudden madness and said, "You can teach Hermione Granger, but don't care about Malfoy."

   "Then you go teach him? Severus, you are his godfather."

  He was unwilling to agree to it.

   "Let me say yes, he will become a doctor, not a soldier. He is not as strong as you."

   "Got it." He said extremely coldly.

  "How long have you been following me?"

  She didn't feel it at all.

  "From the moment you left the Weasley trick shop."

   "You have nothing else to do?"

   "There is nothing more worthy of my time than you. If you want, we can go back to the last bunker and continue to do research with Nick Lemay and his wife."

   "How did you find that place?"

   "The Dark Lord found the Ravenclaw crown in Albania, where a group of Muggles tried to make the Philosopher's Stone."

One day an Albanian farmer accidentally found a beautiful crown in a tree hole. It was hidden in it by Rowena Ravenclaw’s daughter Helena. Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind, Helena. He wanted to be as smart as his mother, but Barrow didn’t let her go. He took Helena to see her mother. Helena resolutely refused. In the end, Barrow frustrated her and killed her. After that, he regretted it too, so he stabbed himself and ended his life.

The supreme crown representing wisdom has since disappeared in the magic world. I did not expect to be discovered by a Muggle after a thousand years. Unfortunately, it was not used on the right path. These people have to sacrifice the majority of people in exchange for a small number of people. The eternal life, because these people believe that as long as they sacrifice enough sacrifices, they will get the gift of God. Because the alchemist Nick Lemay created the Philosopher's Stone during the spread of the Black Death in the Middle Ages. In order to create a similar mass death environment, they became accomplices in launching a world war, and all this was only for the hope of the near-slope.

   "The Dark Lord got the knowledge about the Philosopher's Stone there, so he started to track it. Nick Lemaine is Dumbledore's friend. He believes that as long as you pay attention to Dumbledore, you can find where the Philosopher's Stone is."

  Unfortunately, Tom didn’t notice the humble mouse. He didn’t expect the Philosopher’s Stone to be stored in a vault where a witch kept private money.

  How crazy, it's not logical at all, only a woman can think of it.

Pomona laughed, but before she laughed, she screamed and was thrown down. Then the two disappeared. The autumn river is still pure, just like the heart of some fools. .

  (End of this chapter)