Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1369: substitute

   Chapter 1369 Alternatives

  Georgina took a lot of words to let Rochambeau understand that the capture of St. Dominic and the reconstruction of slavery and colony were not the main purpose of this expedition.

  He was a staunch supporter of the plantation, and one of the tobacco companies that Napoleon took away his assets. This time he performed so desperately in the hunt and eager to participate in the expedition for the sake of his family.

Georgiana arranged one of his cousins ​​to the Sèvres Ceramic Factory in Bernadotte, while the youngest daughter Michelle stayed with her. After the establishment of the tobacco company, his eldest son will serve in the company. A post.

She wanted to place Michelle with Josephine, but now everyone with a discerning eye could see that Josephine was "out of favor". Later, Mrs. Rana introduced a minister's daughter named Paula, this girl. She is lively, young and beautiful, but Georgiana doesn't like it very much.

  Later, Mrs. Rana promoted Phyllis, a niece of the Guards, and she was satisfied. This girl is very obedient and not very good-looking, but she works very quickly.

  She was not like this before. She also liked smart students in school, but now she has changed.

A girl like Paula is a "threat" to her. She doesn't want her relationship with Josephine to become like Madame Pompidou and Queen Mary. Her "chief mistress" is surrounded by a group of young girls and jealous. The target.

  Napoleon’s body really became worse after two battles across the Alps and Egypt. He can now ride as little as he can, and usually rides in a carriage.

Two days after the memorial column was erected, they moved back from Paris to the Grand Trianon. The King’s Botanic Garden was converted into a place where he met the ministers and offices. There were ready-made hot water pipes to ensure the indoor temperature. No more having to light a fire like the Tuileries and Saint Luke.

  According to the newspaper, the winter of 1801 was colder than that of 1800. The price of charcoal and firewood in the city soared, and there were also incidents of carbon monoxide poisoning, all of which occurred in rooms with closed doors and windows.

  Porcelain burning will definitely generate heat, so Georgiana wanted to find someone to design a heating system using the heat source of the Sèvre Ceramic Factory to provide heating for the townspeople.

The two "masters" lived in the greenhouse, but the Grand Trianon Palace was occupied by others. Polina's husband Leclerc was not at home. In order to prevent her from continuing to "rogue" in her suburban house, she was taken Napoleon received it from the Grand Trianon.

  She didn't like Georgian, and didn't want to "interrupt her work", so she asked Ufrall's mistress, Mrs. Talian, to accompany her.

  Madame Tarian is the daughter of the Spanish banker Count Cabalus. At the age of 16, she was married to the Marquis of Cartane. She was arrested during the reign of terror, and she was almost guillotined.

Later, in prison, she gained the love of Talien, the Jacobin power figure. One day, she threw a piece of cabbage to him from the gap in the window of the cell. There was a note in it: If you really are like you said. Sincerely love me, please spare no effort to save France and me.

So before the beautiful woman was sent to the guillotine, Tarian, Ballas, Fouché and others launched the Thermidor coup. Robespierre and his supporters were sent to the guillotine. The nobles received After her release, people called her "Mother of the Hot Moon."

A few years after marrying Talien, she became the mistress of the governor Ballas. Every night she hosted the salon in her magnificent home called "The Cottage", where the politicians, celebrities, soldiers and ladies of Paris were there. In and out, she became a social star in the governorship period.

  Napoleon and Lucien had visited her when they were small people. They had a deep friendship with this lady, and they met Josephine in her salon.

  However, after Napoleon came to power, he refused to invite her into the palace and forbid her to communicate with Josephine.

  Mrs. Talyan is good at art and music. It just so happens that the concert halls and galleries of the Grand Trianon can be used by the musicians and painters she supports.

She advocated the restoration of ancient Greek art, but it was different from Madame Recamier’s neoclassicism. For example, Madame Recamier would never wear clothes when painting portraits, but Madame Talien would, even Pauline, the conservative George Anna couldn't accept this, so she refused to open her greenhouse to them so that they could paint in light clothes.

  The two women simply occupied the Grand Trianon Palace by themselves, and didn't usually go to the greenhouse to look for Georgiana.

  During the day, the Paris Agricultural Association will send people to discuss the issue of farming next year.

A good harvest next year will almost certainly be impossible. For the land that has not been deeply plowed for many years, except for the fertile surface soil, some of the bottom is already solidified. After plowing with a horse, the infertile soil is also turned up, even if the purpose of deep plowing was originally It is resistant to cold and drought, and it fails to achieve its purpose.

   Although advanced farming methods are used in the Netherlands and northern France, the low temperature will also reduce yields. The Association of Agriculture intends to popularize new farming methods for farmers during the slack time, but this will incur costs, which are expected to cost 800,000 francs.

  Once Napoleone had a whim, asked Giorgio if there were any plants that could replace hops.

  The grain production has been reduced to such a degree that she still wanted to drink beer, even though she was angry, she told him. There is a close relative of hops called Humulus in Asia. Beer needs that bitterness. If there is no bitterness, the wine produced is not beer, but wort.

  With his reminder, she also began to miss butter beer.

  Since November, she hasn't seen any British people except Dillock for a while.

  Sèvres is near the barracks built by the Duke of Breuère. She can make an excuse to inspect and see how the British are transforming the barracks.

  But she thinks she'd better tell Napolioni honestly.

  Don’t think that you are safe and you can do whatever you want.

  On December 4th, she felt a horror that was truly cold to her bones, although she later achieved what he wanted with an exaggerated acting skill.

  The place where the memorial column was erected was not far from the place where the Lunar riot happened. At that time, Napoleon was just as downcast as Kleber.

  Napoleon actually didn’t like to go to the theater. In his words, he would go to that kind of social occasion when he needed someone to remember him in this big city of Babylon.

  There are too many celebrities in Paris, one after another. Napoleon's record in Italy in 1797 did not pass back to the country. This may be the intention of the supervising government.

  This is easy to understand. Soldiers are desperately working abroad. Only when they feel valued and respected when they return to China will they feel that it is worthwhile to give up their lives.

  However, after coming back, all social strata of the society looked at them indifferently, and continued to sing and dance, and even opera actresses and stars looked down on soldiers. The result was very serious.

  Georgianna thinks she can’t do what Mrs. Talian does. She can still live in jail, and she has a normal mentality to live, but will William Pitt Jr. like her, the "Mother of the Hot Moon"?

  No coffee, chicory can be used instead, maybe it tastes more suitable for you.

  Georgiana walked to the typewriter and began to crackle typing. With this thing, she doesn’t need Sophie and Matilda to write for herself, and she doesn’t need to change secretaries as often as the 30-year-old antique. They can help her with the letter delivery, the daily chores Michelle and Phyllis can do it.

  Aristocratic ladies like Michele would definitely oppress Phyllis, but Phyllis’s relatives are the Guards. If Michelle overdos them, the Guards who treat them well now will be ruthless.

Eugenie will be replaced by Josephine, who is more valuable to Napoleon's career, Pauline, who is nicknamed "Cleopatra", will also be replaced by Georgianna. Who knows who will replace Georgianna?

  For example, the Austrian princess who will have children, or the Polish lady whose motherland is not as difficult as that of Britain.

  Georgiana didn’t doubt that Napoleon would kill her, so that he could cut off his love and concentrate on dealing with the British enemy.

  If that is the case, why not let her go?

   "Damn dwarf." She muttered as she changed lines.

  Napolioni used to say that he was not conscious, but now Georgiana believes it.

  She didn’t want to be Helen, nor did she want him to be a Troy prince. Poseidon was originally the patron saint of Troy, but later felt that the prince of Troy was really unreliable, so he abandoned him and joined the camp of Athens.

  The reason why Poitwin’s script is so popular is that, in addition to some of the flatteries who supported Napoleon, there are also some people because the drama was released after Napoleon was assassinated. The French are as keen on politics as the British are keen on money, and they like to talk about topics that are banned by the government.

  When night falls, Napoleone will put on his pair of sanded slippers again and appear in her greenhouse.

He likes to take a bath, but he doesn’t necessarily have to go to the luxurious bathroom of Louis XIV. During their stay in Paris, Poitvin’s relatives rebuilt a bathroom for them. After the bath, he would wear slippers and walk in the greenhouse. He said that this place looks like a tropical rain forest.

   "Since you want to see him, why don't you go and find him?" Caroland said while eating the chestnut cake.

   "If he doesn't come to me, I won't go to him." Georgiana said so hot.

  "You can invite him to have lunch." Caroland said, "I believe he will not be too busy to walk here from the Kings Botanic Garden."

   "Miss..." Sophie appeared happily at the door.

   "What?" Georgiana glared at her angrily.

   "Master gave you a new potted plant." Sophie said cautiously.

   "What an excuse." Caroland teased, "I can deliver the letter for you."

  Georgiana was so frustrated that she left.

  She still has to prepare lunch, isn’t she? This time she can do whatever she wants, and France has no constitutional monarchy!

  (End of this chapter)