Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1371: "Circular Route"

  Chapter 1371 "Circular Routes"

  Napoleon hoped that Pauline could take her son Delmid and Lecbell to the permanent residence of Santo Domingo, who will be the governor of Santo Domingo.

  The literati who came with Napoleon and Granit was named La Lei. He was a military doctor. This time he came here to inoculate Pauline and Delmid.

  Vaccination is not Larley’s specialty. He is better at surgery, but how difficult can it be to vaccinate?

  Perhaps Napoleon remembered his experience when he had just returned from Egypt to launch a coup. He didn't want Leclerc to experience it again, so he placed Polina in the Grand Trianon.

He thought that if there were outsiders in Polina, he would not be ugly to him. In fact, he underestimated this sister. The lunch was considered polite at first. Later Napoleon said, "If you are afraid of being unaccustomed to life in Santo Domingo, you can ask for it." Then Polina got angry and quarreled directly with Napoleon. Lunch broke up unhappily, wasting a table of food prepared by Georgiana.

When Polina was gone, Napoleon told Granit that he could ban all imports of raw and delicate goods within 48 hours after the agreement was signed, and issued a shipping order to allow only French ships to enter French ports, and then He also left.

  Leclerc is like a reticent German, he also left not long after Polina and Napoleon left.

  Lare and Mrs. Talyan looked at each other after they left, and they also left tacitly. When only Granit was left on the table, he began to explain the cause of this "family dispute" with Georgiana.

  The territory of Orange was annexed by France in 1713, and the Netherlands became a republic in 1795. The original ruler of the Orange family was overthrown, and members of the family fled to Britain. The draft agreement signed by Hawkesbury in October did not mention compensation for the Orange family, and of course there was no agreement to sign a business.

In peacetime, each sovereign state will monopolize trade with its own colony. The vassal state is not allowed to engage in commodities that compete with the sovereign state, trade with other countries, or use ships outside the sovereign state in foreign trade. This power is called "exclusive trade". right".

According to the "1756 rule", due to the disadvantage of the French navy, it cannot use its own merchant ships to maintain its colonial trade, the overlord country cannot guarantee the colonial trade of its own merchant ships, and it does not allow the vassal country to use ships other than the overlord, so business cannot be done Therefore, France will open the trade that it usually leaves to its own country to the neutral Netherlands.

  After the Netherlands opened its mouth, the dependent countries such as Spain and Italy also gave up their "exclusive trading rights", which resulted in neutral countries being able to load goods in these colonies. After 1793, Britain, just like in 1756, banned the power of neutral countries, and other neutral countries in Europe could only submit to Britain.

  However, in order to appease the Americans, the United Kingdom allowed these neutral countries to load cargo in the West Indies, and trade for the neutral countries themselves or the United Kingdom. The British Navy provided protection for these cargo ships. In this way, Britain almost completely monopolized the colonial products, and regarded the neutral countries as its own helper. The UK also issued some neutral country licenses according to its own needs. Scandinavians, Prussians, Hansa, and Americans made huge profits despite their dissatisfaction. After the Netherlands was occupied by France, Hamburg then became a transit point between Britain and Germany and became the largest banking center in Europe. The Anti-French Alliance received the British subsidy through the Parish Bank in Hamburg.

  The system of issuing trade orders has become a system in the UK, and the system of issuing trade concessions has not been fixed in France. If the United Kingdom can issue special trade certificates to neutral countries, then France can also issue special trade certificates to its own vassal countries, such as Spain. The blank trade certificates issued by Ufral can save American companies from going to the West Indies to load goods. Atlantic shipping is booming.

Almost all countries’ maritime rights are trading rights, that is, cargo rights. The ocean is like a plain with many roads passing through. It can provide countries with a wide range of transportation and transportation methods. In contrast, the catch of the ocean is the same as that of the land. Compatibility is trivial.

  The Duke of Orange has lost his legal rights in the Netherlands, but he still has the legal rights of the colony. The Duke of Orange’s proposal for compensation is reasonable.

  After the War of Independence, Britain once banned American ships from docking. Later, because of the demand for cotton, this ban was gradually lifted. Napoleon's order was issued. Even if the agreement was signed, the relationship between the two countries would still return to wartime conditions.

Granit also transported Spanish silver coins to West India to avoid intensification of conflicts. For Napoleon, Spanish money was his own money. The British cruisers transported his deducted Spanish war compensation. The current focus of public opinion in the United Kingdom Regarding the corn law, the landlords strongly urge the British government to strengthen the corn law. It seems that they think that with the British navy and the English Channel, they don’t have to worry about French invasion and can lead a "normal life."

  Even if you bring enough supplies, fresh water still needs to be supplied by shore.

If Napoleon is invincible, then the fortress of the Hospitallers is also indestructible. When he occupied Malta, Napoleon did not directly choose to attack, but used the supply of fresh water as an excuse. For this "reasonable request", the chief of Malta stated that he was neutral. In principle, at most 4 ships can enter the port at a time, and it is impossible to put Napoleon's fleet in at once.

  He made the plan to attack Malta a year ago. He sent spies in and rebelled against the members of the Knights. The fortifications that the hospital knights spent a lot of money and energy built didn't work at all. After a little resistance, he surrendered.

"The Leclerc family will set sail in Brest. Leclerc can rest in Paris for a few days, provided Polina can really cleanse him." Granit rubbed his nose and said tiredly, "This is a disaster. ."

  Georgina also couldn't find what to say to Granit.

  It must be a coincidence that she felt that no matter how smart Napoleon was, he would not be so smart as a monster.

   "The way London came up with is to ask the Duke of Orange to ask for compensation?" Georgiana asked.

   "Circuitous routes are suitable for deception." Granit said, "just like he deceives you."

   "Don't do this." Georgiana shook her head.

   "Don't do anything?" Granit asked with a smile.

  Georgiana took a sip of soda.

   "I heard that you wrote to Mr. Jenner, hoping that he would adopt you as an adopted daughter. Is this what you think or he asks?" Grannet asked.

   "His idea." Georgiana said coldly, "I told him that if Mr. Jenner disagrees, he can't force it."

  "Please tell me, how did you do it?" Granit asked.

   "What to do?"

   "Let an angry person become a docile lion." Granit said.

   "I don't know what you are talking about." She looked at the unfinished food on the table, "It's a waste."

"The development of shipping in the United States has made many people jealous. The navy has never clearly stipulated'neutralization'. Some ships have not levied tariffs in accordance with US regulations, and even the capture court is speeding up the confiscation of goods. This will undoubtedly make the United States impose on the United Kingdom. Take revenge." Granit sighed. "But I don't think it would be a good idea to be an ally with the United States."

  "He likes land more than gold coins. I guess his goal is to join Quebec to attack the United States with North and South. Will the United Kingdom help the United States fight the French?" Georgiana asked with a smile.

  Thomas Granit laughed, "Do you think the French Navy can prevent pirates?"

  "You mean a pirate in a British navy uniform?"

   Granit laughed but said nothing.

   "I went to see the children." Georgiana also put down her napkin, "I hope his parents will remember to take him away."

  "Do you think he will make your child his heir?" Granit asked again.

   "I can't give birth, did you forget?" Georgiana said calmly.

   "How did you know it was not his problem?" Granit said again, "I heard you were pregnant."

  Georgiana did not want to continue discussing this issue, this attack method is too vulgar.

  "Do you think he is a promised person?" Granit asked before she left.

   "What does that matter?"

  Granite looked at her silently.

   "Let him control Ufral, otherwise we will take the necessary measures." Granit said after a moment.

"Just like Ulm, when he was negligent, he couldn't control the Spaniard." Giorgioanna smiled bitterly. "He signed an agreement with Uvral, otherwise you will also sign an agreement with Uvral. Copies?"

  "What is the content of the agreement?"

  "He is very clingy. We are always together, sometimes even in the office." Georgianna said, "but he has avoided me lately. After coming back, he is in the King's Botanic Garden."

  "He also has an office in Versailles, why not go there?"

   "He said he didn't like the tacky decorations inside, and the fragrant and smelly smell that seeped into the cracks in the wall. Tell me, what is the layout of his office?"

   "I thought I was in Egypt." Granit said, "African plants are everywhere, and there are many Egyptian sculptures."

  She suddenly became curious about his new office.

   "Cecilia, let him focus on other places." Granit whispered, "Like the church."

   "It's a little bit of morals, Diamond Kid." Georgiana said coldly, "I hope this is the last time I hear you say that."

Then she also left, leaving the guests alone at the table. Fortunately, Mrs. Talien and Larre came over immediately. They served him courteously instead of her. After all, lunch in France represented politeness, although the first French ruling party did not eat well. Not good-looking.

Rules 1756 and 1793 are well documented. The trade frictions between Britain and the United States can be seen from the ban on the import of British goods issued by Congress in 1806. It was almost when the U.S. Congress embargoed that Napoleon’s continental blockade also began. , India, the Baltic Sea and the Adriatic Sea have become the British "battlefield", and the "game" is probably like this



  (End of this chapter)