Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1394: agape

   Chapter 1394 Agape

  Napoleon had two bedrooms in St. Luke.

One is next to the large living room and connected by a large balcony. Sometimes Bonaparte’s family gatherings will be held here. After the gathering, the others will return to their respective homes, while Napoleon Bonaparte will walk through the balcony with Josephine. Go back to the bedroom that belongs to both of them. At this point Bonaparte still maintains the habit of "citizen couples", and couples never sleep in separate rooms.

  The other bedroom is in his studio, study, and reception room. It is almost never used, but it is not suitable for a homeless woman who does not know where she came from.

There are many secrets in the first ruling study room. This room is as big as a library. The bookshelves are full of books. There is a bass-like table. The table is full of documents. Among them is a red leather folder. Eye-catching.

When Georgiana was visiting this study, the first ruling urged her to open the folder. After a glance, she put it back. It contained military secrets of the French army and navy. Including the personnel, location, and officer's name, if she is really a spy, she would be very interested in this.

There is a green sofa in the studio, next to the sofa is a desk, which is used by his poor secretary, behind the bookshelf there is a door leading to a very private small staircase, going up the stairs is the reception room And the bedroom, the decoration inside is very simple, only the floor and the bed are decorated. From the reception room, you can see the garden downstairs and the bust of Caesar.

She heard Mrs. Leoncourt say that before the outbreak of the Revolution, the palace always prepared a lot of small food "just in case", and there was almost no such thing in Napoleon's palace. Except for Austrian chocolate, there are now ready to supply them. Of sherbet.

In the 20th century, someone commented on who the four famous generals in military history were. The original four famous generals were Alexander of Macedonia, Hannibal of Carthage, Caesar of ancient Rome, and Gusta, which is now hanging on the wall of the reception room. Adolphus, this Swede was called the "Lion of the North" because of his performance during the 30 Years War, but Gustav was later replaced by Napoleon.

   "Cheers." The Corsican touched the silver cup in his hand with the one in her hand. The silver cup collided with a clear sound, and then he took a sip of himself, as if celebrating victory.

   "How much do you hate Siers?" She asked, staring at the cheerful smile on his face.

   "I am not as happy as I am when signing a treaty in the Pope." Napoleon said with a smile, and then kissed her with her sherbet lips. "Sweet?"

  She put out her tongue and licked her lips. It smelled of apple juice.

  He seemed to have found something more delicious than sherbet, put the cup on the low table, and then cupped her face with both hands.

  "Do you think Siers did the right thing?"

  Georgina thought he was going to kiss her, but she didn't expect him to ask.

  But she can look into his eyes with this, so she is sure to nod her head, "Sies is right, but it takes time."

   "What do you mean?"

"The Jews collect tithes for the purpose of establishing a country. The churches have already established a country and do not need to charge tithes. The same country also has emergency and non-emergency states. You are a war expert. If you encounter a certain situation, you must abandon your tithing. Will you give up?"

  He nodded calmly.

"The laws promulgated in peacetime need to be reviewed, but special emergencies such as wars, plagues, famines, etc. do not need to carry so much'handling'. I remember the Arab doctrines can be ignored in life-threatening emergencies. For some precepts, you should first define the'emergency' with Siers, just like an emergency assembly."

   "I remember the first time I brought you to this place, there was an ‘emergency’ when we were all assembled in an emergency." He smiled and said, "We didn’t have war, plague, or famine at the time."

   "At least you can have a buffer, not the same as now." She bit her lip, and she felt numb and itchy, although nothing touched it. "Are you listening to me?"

  "Why do you smell of French women, British women?" He said in a low voice.

  She woke up before her head became hot. "You are not listening to me, are you?"

  He leaned in directly and smelled the smell in her hair.

   "You finally don't have the smell of others." He said contentedly, "Do you like Gulong too?"

  What can she say, she can't let him go out with the smell of a woman's perfume, he is not majestic enough, anyway, the cologne is very refreshing, so she just used his men's perfume.

  "Tell me what reward you want?" He whispered in her ear, like a snake in the Garden of Eden tricking Eve.

  "Tell me a story, how did you know General Rann." She said in a hurry and wisely.

  He stepped back a bit, leaning against her not so close.

"Come here." He put the sherbet that she didn't drink in her hand on the table, and then took her hand, walked to an armchair, he sat down first, and then took Georgiana to sit. On his leg, and let her wrist hook his neck.

"It was 1796. I had just become the commander-in-chief of the expedition to Italy. When I arrived in Nice, Cheryl introduced me to the situation of the army. It was worse than I had originally imagined. There was no food supply, and the mules used for transportation were not available. There were only 500 horses, and the horses that were pulling the carts were starving to death. With those mules, there was no way to carry 30 cannons. Our strength was only 30,000, and Austria had 80,000, 200 cannons, and these 30,000. There were still 8,000 people to defend in Nice, Monaco, and Avignon. At the time, almost no one thought I could win."

   "You won." She whispered, "I heard that winning is difficult."

"I remember when I arrived in Moncechetto, I saw a magnificent sight. On the fertile and vast Piedmont plains, the Po River and the Tanaro River were winding and flowing into the distance, and the mountains were dazzlingly high. Snowy, nature made these obstacles so terrible that they were like the edge of hell. I thought at the time that Hannibal forcibly crossed the Alps, and we bypassed it, but at that time the French The limit was reached. The poverty of the French army at that time was indescribable. The officers only received a salary of 8 francs a month..."

   "I heard people say that workers in the city are 2 francs a month." She interrupted.

   "Who did you hear?"

  "The country..." She shut up automatically.

"There is no way to live for 2 francs a month." He said impatiently. "Compared with poverty, how to restrain military discipline is the most difficult. We were short of food for ten days and depended on looting for supplies. Later, our supplies were normal. Only then began to recover. At that time, Austria only took care of protecting Milan and ignoring Piedmont. When the French came to such a rich place, they would never stop. I shot a few people who had robbed the church before the looting stopped. There is a shortcut to Milan from Diego in Piedmont. This road is called the Akvi Road. Diego was originally guarded by an Austrian and was captured by Massena and Lagarp on April 13. On April 15th, an Austrian grenadier division flew to Diego. At that time, the area was very close to the base camp. There were only a few battalions stationed. This grenadier division bypassed the outpost and easily After taking down a village, I personally went to command and took Diego back. I found Battalion Commander Rann there."

  "Don't say it if you are not happy," she said softly.

"I want to make a good impression on you, but you are the kind of woman who would rather face cruelty than be deceived. That's why I told the whole story that day. I planned to go to Lyon a few months ago. Yes, but Josephine wanted to go, so she told me..."

   "I understand." Georgiana interrupted him calmly. "She is a weak woman."

   "She doesn't think you are a threat at all, do you know why?"

   "Because you are notarized married, she is your legal wife, sooner or later I will leave like other women." Georgiana smiled and said, "not to mention I am a woman from an enemy country."

   "She is such a person. She thought that as long as I could see through you as an enemy spy, I would return to her."

   "You don't want to go back anymore?"

He was silent for a while and said, "I always thought that the heaven described to me by others was not fascinating enough, so I don’t care about going to heaven or going to hell. In fact, suicide is very simple. Once my brain gets hot, I can get rid of it quickly, but I don’t Just like Copern, he is fighting for love. As a soldier, he must overcome the depression caused by love and stand still in the rain of bullets with flesh and blood. I will not run away."

"Have I ever told you that Louis XVI actually declared allegiance to the Constitution at the Temple of Mars on July 14th, but Marie Antoinette pinned her hopes on foreign troops, and she wants to return to the absolute monarchy? System, do not want to be constitutional by the monarchy." Georgiana said.

   "I also know that the parliament passed the proposal of the state of emergency before the king took the oath. The power of dictatorship was transferred from the king to the parliament." Napoleon said coldly.

  "Marie Antoinette rejected nobles and constitutionalists. She only believed in foreign armies."

   "Do you want to warn me?"

   "You lied to me about retirement?"

  He lamented silently.

"You ask me what I want? I want to go to Venice. I haven't danced with you in the most beautiful living room in Europe." She pinched his nose. "Many people told me that the Governor of Piedmont should change. Which one do you think is suitable, Bernadotte or Rann?"

   "What if I don't change it?" he said hard.

   "Do you still want the Turin Fortress thing to happen again?"

  He stopped talking.

  "In addition to dealing with the church, what do you want Siers to do for you?"

   "I want him to help the Southern Alps formulate a constitution different from France."


"what why?"

  "Do you not want the Southern Alps to belong to France?"

  He laughed and pinched Giorgioanna’s chin. "Italy is the woman I love the most, and I don’t want to share it with others."

  She was very confused.

   "Tell me a fascinating story, sister Dina Sad, stop talking about those just now."

  She didn’t know what to say, it seemed that Napoleon knew more stories than she did.

  "Have I told you that I am the godfather of Delmid." Napolioni said softly, "I took his name."

   "I already have a godson." She said calmly, "His mother asked me to be."

   "Related to that guy?"

  Georgiana nodded.

  He gritted his teeth and muttered.

   "He never discussed the constitution with me." Georgiana comforted, "and I never put olive oil on him."

  He smiled sarcastically.

   "Don't be angry." She pinched his woolen sweater and said.

  He turned his gaze to her, "Have you ever watched "The Country Diviner"?"

  Georgiana shook her head.

   "His kiss can heal my wounded soul, please give me a kiss." Napolioni said briskly, not as dead as he had just said.

   "You will watch less tragedy in the future." She said angrily, but he just looked at her quietly.

  So she kissed the devil.

  She regrets telling him the story of the elf in the bottle, because if she continues to do nothing, genius knows whether the devil will break her neck.

  (End of this chapter)