Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1434: The conference failed

   Chapter 1434

  In the 21st century, there are so many female politicians. Are they all relying on Madam Pompidou and Madam Dubali to gain power?

  Georgiana returned to the small villa full of pastoral style. Compared to the Grand Trianon, this place is indeed more like a place to escape from the world, but she does not want to let any men in.

  The king has many privileges. He can enter and leave at will without letting others enter her house. This is one of the privileges. Living in seclusion would have lived a different life than when you entered the world. There is not so much flattery, but it is more pure and comfortable. A person who cannot meditate cannot adapt to this lonely life.

  Tolerance of privilege is a kind of stupidity. Even if one person has done a great job, he cannot enjoy more power than others.

  Horace killed his sister. The citizens of Rome recited the merits of his duel and failed to condemn him in accordance with the law. This is the privilege granted by the people to Horace.

  Siers also said in his discussion of privilege: the masses of citizens will always be the subjects for whom people work for. In any sense, can it be possible to sacrifice the subjects just because the servants have been rewarded for serving the masses?

  The theory of monarchy says that rulers always have an evil virtue of pretending to be generous. They want to show how much they value talents by giving bonuses to a few people who have made outstanding contributions. However, such rulers are often hated by the people, because their generosity is built on increasing the burden of the people, and they use the majority's tax to reward the minority's dedication.

  The hereditary system allows this kind of rewards to be bequeathed from parents to offspring. Not every offspring is the same as his parents, but without this kind of reward, who would be so desperate?

  The same is true for diplomats. If one thing is not good for him, then he will not try his best or even dare to take risks. Talleyrand took advantage of the enemy country and sold out the interests of France. Napoleon kept him because he was really useful. The celebration banquet on February 17th was all money from Talleyrand, and that money is said to be He bought and sold Austrian government bonds issued to Belgium.

The lower the credibility of a government, the less valuable its public debt. The public debt during the government's period fell from 100 francs to 12 francs. Later, after Napoleon came to power, the price rose a lot to 60 francs, but it still did not reach parity. Of 100 francs.

  It can be seen that the Belgian can redeem the Austrian public debt at a fair price. It is already considered very good. This was won by Napoleon for the Belgians. Some people in Belgium may have the same image as the Milanese.

  It is estimated that no woman will be crazy enough to fall in love with the potbellied Churchill and the wrinkled George Washington. If Napoleon was an old guy, Georgiana would not have any thoughts about him.

  He is young, full of rush, enthusiasm and courage, this is his strength.

  But he is irritable, impatient, and hates being bound by rules.

  He is a lion in the wilderness, keeping him in a cage will definitely become grumpy.

  Napoleon’s greatest enemy is himself, but how many people in the world’s greatest enemy is not himself?

  She had a terrible headache, a tea scent calmed her heart, and Michelle came over with black tea.

   "Come here." Georgiana said to Michelle, she obediently put down the tea tray and sat on the sofa with small broken flowers next to Georgiana.

  Georgiana put her head on Michelle’s shoulder, even if it was a girl’s weak shoulder, she wanted to lean on it.

   "Just you?" Georgiana asked.

   "They are upstairs." Michelle said softly, "I made this tea for them."

  "What are you doing~lightnovelpub.net~novel?"

  "It's the book you read." Michelle smiled and said, "Do you like to read novels?"

Georgiana loves to read Jane Austen’s books, and also loves to read Wuthering Heights. She feels that Heathcliff will never be forgotten, the Catherine who has never forgotten abandoning him, clinging to revenge, and ignoring the happy black hair and black eyes. Man.

  Did Isabella hate him? I still resent that I have seen the wrong person.

  "Bring me the tea." Georgiana said tiredly.

  Michelle stood up, poured the black tea into the Sèvre ceramic cup, and then brought it to Georgiana.

  She leaned on the sofa, almost sitting in a paralyzed posture, slowly drinking a sip of black tea.

  Hot tea makes her body warm again. It would be better if you could add some brandy.

  It didn’t take long for her to relax, and there was a knock on the door.

   "Go open the door." Georgiana said to Michelle.

  The noble lady went to open the door for Georgiana just like the maid.

  It didn't take long before she heard the familiar footsteps, and the "leader" in military boots and black jacket appeared.

This is slightly low, and the house used to live in for the vineyard growers was too small for this big man. He took the famous three-cornered hat off and held it in his hand to avoid the brim of the hat touching the ceiling, revealing his smooth chestnut hair. With his chest up and his head up, he looked like a Gallic chicken.

  Who can stop Napoleon Bonaparte in France? She counted several of her guardians. Perhaps Mr. Edward Jenner did it. It was too difficult for them to ask a few little girls to stop the lion.

  "This is your taste?" The First Ruling said, looking at the small floral wallpaper on the wall.

   "I'm a country girl, I have this taste." She said coldly.

   "Sharptal returned from Lyon with 6 million furniture and fabrics. You can use it."

   "I don't like it." She refused firmly.

   "You haven't seen it yet."

   "I like this style." She said impatiently.

   "Okay." He said patiently, sitting on the arm of the sofa where she was sitting, "I want to try a different style too."

   "Can you promise me one thing," she said sideways.

"what's up?"

  "Leave Lucian, don't worry about his marriage. You are like those MPs who forced the Prince of Wales to marry Catherine."

   "These are two different things."

  "He is ambitious and wants to prove that he is better than you, but he would rather not inherit the right than divorce her. I think this shows how firm his determination is. I just made holes for you because the determination was not firm enough."

  He did not answer immediately.

   "Broniar told me that you reminded him of me. Does this mean that I left a trace on you?" Bonaparte said calmly.

   "I won't be next time."

"Neither did I expect that I didn't just want to destroy the horse's leg, but to destroy the entire statue, but doing that would look very tyrannical and would scare them." He grabbed her hand. Said very softly.

   "Sheep can't always be like this, let them grow into lions."

   "Sheep are also useful for sheep." He pulled up her shawl. "This is not made of wool."

  If she has some enlightenment.

   "Do you think I am in sheep's clothing?"

   "None of us noticed the steel." Napoleon smiled and said, "On the contrary, arguing over what fabrics women wear."

   "Women don't eat the food of the luxuries, this is what Rousseau said." She said coldly.

   "I know you don't like this kind of occasion. How about giving this kind of reception to Ortance in the future? It will be held every ten days."

  She still wanted to fight, but when she heard that it would be held every ten days, she was not in the mood.

   "Is she busy alone?"

  “There are also Louis and Joseph. Fear and interest are the levers that drive people to action. The Senate originally disliked me, and now no one argues with me over church issues.”

   "This is not a good sign."

  "I want them to obey my orders instead of walking through the scene. There is a British proverb, abigmeeting neverdoesanything. After an amendment to the British House of Commons, everyone is dissatisfied. It seems that this is not a special case in France."

  She was amused by his abusive English.

"Lu Xi'an thinks that the Baominyuan should be divided into three groups, and each group should be considered in private to avoid disputes in public meetings like this time. Carnot will stay. How do you think he will be the'reporter' of one group? "

  She remembered Lu Xian’s reminder that what she has to do now is to try to make him like herself.

   "I know him, I don't know other people, I think he is very good."

   "Who else do you want to recommend?"


   "Where is Bronniar?"

  "Who will replace him as the factory director? Bernadotte?"

  "He is also a member of Parliament, how could he let him resign from his position as a member of Parliament to become factory director." Bonaparte said with a smile.

   "Then who will take over?"

   "It depends on how you arrange it, Ms. Sèvre, part of the ceramic factory's income will be allocated as a fellowship fee. You can use the pocket money I gave you to fund students like Fresnel."

   "You have the final say." She said obediently.

   "I have done so many things, won't you give me a reward?"

  She ignored this guy.

  As a result, he pulled her from the sofa and danced with him.

   is not a minuet, nor a waltz, but a bit like flamenco.

   "You can jump?" He looked at her in surprise and said.

   "How can you jump?" Georgiana was even more surprised.

  His face immediately became ugly.

   "Lu Xi'an?" She said blankly.

   "He can't think that he can be forgiven for everything he has done wrong." The 30-year-old antique said harshly.

  Georgina did not speak for Lucian this time.

   "Who taught you this dance?"

   "I learned it myself."

   "How did you learn it?"

   "Face the mirror."

   "Let me see you dance solo once."

  She didn't move.

"what's happenin?"

   "I haven't performed in front of anyone." She said nervously.

  He was happier now, sitting on the sofa with great interest, with his hands on his stomach, like an audience.

   "Jump," he urged.

   "There is no music."

  "Flamenco can dance without music."

  She is still struggling.

   "Jump!" the wild lion commanded.

  So Georgiana danced stiffly like a marionette.

  After jumping for a while, she found that Bonaparte didn't laugh at her, so she danced more naturally, but she didn't wear a red dress, otherwise it would look like a burning flame.

The Mamluks once told her that the Sultan of Kebir means the Sultan of Fire.

  Fire can bring warmth, but also war and destruction.

  Who would have thought that this title actually belonged to a short Westerner with deep gray-blue eyes.

   "Come here, my Violet Queen." He extended his arms to her.

   "No, come here." She hooked her finger at him, and then ran across the house.

  Since it is a dream, why not dream sweeter?

  After being caught, she was drunk in that sweet kiss, and in a flash, she forgot the wish she had made before.

  (End of this chapter)