Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1443: Justice of the Peace

  Chapter 1443 Justices of the Peace

Sometimes Napoleon reminds Georgian of Voldemort, a poor man who does not believe in love, but only believes in profit and intimidation to make others obey him, but unlike Voldemort, Napoleon is obviously a very sunny and cheerful person, she can only understand it as He has seen so much darkness and ugliness that he has lost faith in humans.

Compared to staying in Paris as a court confessor, or as the principal of a national school, Henri Gregoire is more willing to participate in this popular farming education in the countryside. He has heard about what Georgeanna has done and has also seen The students from the technical school made models and were happy to introduce these machines to the farmers.

Not every priest called Amen in everything. They only read the Bible and theology all day long, or were old in politics and power. The French Jesuit priests first introduced Yangguji to the peasants, but they didn’t regard the wind as being. A power of God, it is a sin for humans to use it without authorization. If it is true, then all wind mills will be demolished.

Many farmers in the Avignon area still use step plows, that is, there are no wheels on the plows, and they have to use manpower to pull. A simple improvement can make the labor much easier. Henry Gregoire is happy to rate it. The team promoted this.

  Georgina saw that he was so enthusiastic, so she wanted to do something else for him, but he was the first to talk about the South.

Although southerners are located in a wealthy and warmer place than the north, they are actually very backward. In all parts of Europe, shepherds are usually solitary and widows who live with dogs and livestock all day long. People in the plains are afraid of them and also Envy and contempt, people say that they can understand the language of livestock, and can spread words between the dead and the living. They are called "soul messengers" in the south, and people accuse them of "dealing with the devil." Although they will not be sent to the torture rack as they were when hunting wizards in the Middle Ages, various prejudices still exist.

Although he was expelled from the Baominyuan, Henry Gregoire did not resent Napoleon. He also felt that there were too many noises in the Baominyuan, and he wanted more "walking around" than having a meeting at his desk. Walk around" and spend happy time with young people.

Georgian did not point out that the outbreak of the French Revolution was related to the refusal of some priests to take oaths. In this agreement, there were also priests who were reluctant to take oaths. Since Henry Gregoire offered to go to Avignon and stay away from this place of right and wrong, she did not. Reluctantly, as long as Napoleon agrees to him.

  Before she had time to send off the constitutional priest, another guest came, and it was Jean Pierre Chauffier, a citizen of Sèvres.

  He didn't write a courtesy note or received an invitation letter from Georgiana, just like an ordinary neighbor, he went directly to the villa to find her.

Giorgioanna asked Matilda to invite him in. When he appeared, Giorgioanna was a little surprised. Chauffier was obviously dressed up, with shiny boots and well-ironed clothes. He looked like a fashionable young man in Paris. Enough to create a weird contrast in front of his rustic relatives.

  Choffier bowed to Georgianna, then handed a letter out of the black jacket inner pocket.

  Matilda took the letter and handed it to Georgiana.

  This letter carries a bit of temperature. This is a weird place. How can there be temperature in the underworld?

  But she recognized the bronzing letter n on the envelope, so she left the guests and went to the next room to open the letter:

  Mrs. Leith told me that George Washington and his wife also receive many people every day. The gatekeeper led the guests into the living room and left when they were willing to leave. It was rude and there was no place for a third chair in his office. My habit is to see guests every Wednesday, but Josephine meets many people every day. Unlike Mrs. Washington meeting visitors every Friday afternoon, Washington must be there every time Mrs. Washington meets visitors.

  In this matter, the American Consul General Victor DuPont assured me that the United States is not hostile to France. It is Pierre DuPont’s own opinion that President Ferdison hopes that the two countries can maintain restraint and sincere friendly relations.

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the area in which the government of the United States is located, and its area does not exceed 10 square miles to exercise exclusive legislative powers, and to exercise the same powers in the state’s arsenals, arsenals, shipyards, fortresses and other necessary buildings. The area of ​​NSW delineated by El Dupont violates the Constitution.

  This person is visiting France in a private name. He is not a French citizen or a returning exile. I can only expel him from Paris.

President Ferdisson said that he would rather ask citizens to expand the power of Congress when necessary, rather than use an opportunity that would make the power of Congress limitless. It is tantamount to no constitution.

  Someone asked me during the Wuyue coup, what about the constitution? I said to them, constitution? You have torn it apart a long time ago. Our constitution is always revised several times and torn up again and again. This is all due to the beast of power and desire. The constitution is no longer a chain, but an ornament on the horse.

  The American people have the right to trade freely with all parts of the world. This power is considered natural power. The supreme ruler on the British Isles prohibits the colony from trading with all parts of the world, except for Great Britain. To do so is nothing more than sacrificing the power of the United States to reap certain benefits from the trade of an allied country.

British merchants increased the prices of goods needed in the Americas to two to three times the original price or the price of similar goods in other places, and at the same time kept the price of American shipments to them low, and the American tobacco remained in the British. There, they give as much as they want, and they reship the tobacco to the outside market, where it can be sold at high prices for huge profits.

As for ironware, the United Kingdom is not allowed to make ironware from the iron produced by the Americans. Even though it is heavy and needed by every agricultural sector, the Americans have to pay for the handling fee and insurance, and then pay the freight to ship it to the United Kingdom. Ship the finished product back with freight. The purpose of this is not to feed the British, but to feed the British machinery.

  Condose said that ancient people did not have any idea of ​​individual rights. It can be said that people are nothing more than machines, and the law of operation of machines is to control springs and wheels.

What the British call freedom is the freedom of business, but there is no freedom of politics and power. In a greedy country, freedom is only a necessary condition for ensuring the safety of financial operations. It has forgotten the benefits of political freedom for the benefit of freedom of trade. People have become machines that calculate benefits.

  The machine’s rationality is cold. Sadly, he doesn’t feel this restraint, because he is only convinced that he is following his own rationality while obeying a thought.

  When the fire of love begins to burn and your heart is full of tenderness, ask yourself, who is the intruder of your heart?

  I only know that when I see the candlelight swaying, it is your figure that makes me dazzled and intoxicated.

  You have the determination to control love, then I respect your determination. Washington believes that frivolous women use their eyes, words and actions to attract others to court, and then reject them. The final punishment is only to die in loneliness. The facts are not far from what he said.

  I praise your virtue, no matter how cruel it is. I will let Mrs. Slee stay with Josephine, who needs her even more for this little fool. Madame Montesquieu will replace Madame Jeanlis. She used to be the tutor of Louis XVI’s child. Both of you can educate him, but I will see him once every seven days. If I am not satisfied, your course will be It needs to be changed, and you can't teach him weakly, he will enter the military academy in the future.

  Your lion

   April 2, 1802, 4 o’clock in the morning, in Malmaison

  Georgina put the letter down.

   After she calmed down, she walked to the next door. Chaufier was chatting with Gregoire, and both of them became quiet when they saw her appear.

   "Did he want you to reply?" Georgiana asked Shaufier.

  "The First Ruling didn't say it." The lawyer who was arrogant before said calmly, "He said you would make arrangements for me."

  "Do you mind taking one more person to Avignon?" she asked Gregoire again.

   "What will you do?" Gregoire asked, looking at Chaufier.

   "Rough knowledge of the law." Xiao Feiye said with some embarrassment, "I can also drive a car."

   "You go with us." Gregoire said simply "but we are going to the farmland, your clothes will get dirty."

   "I have other clothes, which I only wore when I went to court."

   "It's not safe on the road. I will send you ten Mamluks." Georgiana said, "If you find any problems, you can write to me."

   "Yes, ma'am." Xiao Feiye said immediately.

  "Wait for me for a while." Georgiana said to Chauffier, and then went back to the next room, took out a pen, and wrote on her specific paper.

After finishing the writing, she sealed it with fire lacquer, and then covered her violet seal, took a violet queen rose from the vase, tied it with a purple ribbon, returned to the next room, and handed it over. Give it to Xiao Feiye.

  "Give it to the first ruling." Georgiana said calmly.

  Xiao Feiye took it.

"In addition, I still lack a few servants. You can introduce people you know to me. When the'living room' is repaired, I will meet guests over there in the future. You can ask Matilda who is the specific one, and she will tell you. Yes, if I want to buy something, Phyllis will tell you."

  Xiao Feiye was a little confused.

   "My last butler went to Madrid as a diplomat and married an old nobleman as his wife. Are you married?"

  Xiao Feiye shook his head.

   "Why is there no knot?"

   "I... I have no money."

  Georgina smiled, "I'll give you an annual salary of 6000 francs. Would you like to be my housekeeper?"

   "I would rather go with the bishop." Xiao Feiye said solemnly.

   "Whatever you want." Georgiana said lightly, "If you don't behave well, I won't ask you to be my housekeeper. Please help me watch him. This person has a very grumpy temper.

  Gregoire looked at Xiao Feiye with a smile, then stood up, bowed to Georgianna, and took Xiao Feiye's arm away.

   "This will not break the rules." She smiled triumphantly, humming a song and went to play with Delmid.

  (End of this chapter)