Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1462: Mobile businessman

  Chapter 1462 Mobile Merchant

Suppose you pay a sum of currency in the UK, according to the standard of the British Mint, which contains several ounces of pure silver, and the amount of money that you get paid in France according to the standard of the French Mint, the amount of pure silver contained in it If they happen to be equal, people say that Britain and France exchange at parity.

If you pay more than the exchange income, people will think that you have paid the remittance, and say that the exchange is not good for the United Kingdom, but it is good for France; if you pay for the burnt fish, people will say that you have the remittance and that the exchange is right. France is not good, but it is good for Britain.

Large countries such as Britain and France are responsible for the minting of coins, while the Netherlands, Antwerp, Hamburg, Venice and other countries hold foreign drafts of a certain value. Such banks are established under the protection of the country and rely on the credit of the country. The exchange bills are exchanged in good real currencies in accordance with national standards. The currencies of these banks are better than the national currency, so there will be a discount in the transaction process.

  Currency tends to be worn out, and some people even cut the currency in half for use, while the bank currency is placed in the bank and no one can move it. When this kind of deposit is sold in the market, a discount will also be generated.

The new shilling cannot buy more goods than the old shilling. The good currency and common currency mixed from private vaults are not more valuable than the currency. For example, Harry’s rich father, James Potter, left it to him. The Jin Jialong in the vault of his, this is a kind of bank currency. The money he used to buy the Phantom 2000 flying broom is as much as Ron Weasley’s old Jin Jialong. of.

  The fairy behind the counter said that the coins are not meant to be fun. If the gold coins recovered from the bank are too worn out or there are counterfeit coins, the money needs to be remelted. The cost incurred during the recasting process is borne by the fairy who is responsible for casting Jin Jialong. Of course, the fairy will feel unhappy. But if the pure-blooded nobles die, the well-preserved Jin Jialong and Yinsi Ke in their vaults will be owned by the fairies, so those fairies heartily "bless" the whole family of the pure-blooded nobles to die, and don't leave any descendants behind.

  The size of the discount depends on the degree to which the currency is considered to be below the national standard. In short, the cost of such an intermediate inversion is higher than the cost of shipping silver coins directly from Mexico to London. Silver mines are not found in all places in South America. For example, Brazil. The Portuguese did not find gold and silver mines after they discovered it for a long time. There was little or no income for the king. Attention by the Portuguese.

When Portugal was ruled by Spain, Brazil was invaded by the Dutch. Brazil was divided into fourteen provinces. The Dutch occupied seven provinces. The Netherlands wanted to seize the other seven provinces, but soon Portugal regained its independence and the Bragancha dynasty During the period in power, the Dutch, who were enemies of Spain, became friends of the Portuguese, and the Portuguese became enemies of the Spanish. In order to form an alliance, the Dutch unified the remaining seven provinces of Brazil that were not conquered to Portugal, and Portugal was willing to leave the seven provinces that Brazil had conquered to the Dutch.

  When the relationship between the two countries is good, there is naturally nothing to say. Later, the Dutch began to oppress the Portuguese immigrants. The people who were not satisfied with complaints took up arms and drove the Dutch away with the acquiescence of the motherland, so Brazil all returned to the Portuguese king.

  Brazil has no gold and silver mines but has a lot of iron ore. Although the British colonies in North America have a lot of good land, they are not as good as the Spanish and Portuguese colonies.

  The French colony in Santo Domingo produces more sugar than the total sugarcane fields in the United Kingdom. Who is more profitable than steel and sugar?

William Petty did not become a Marquis by the profession of a doctor, and he also earned 270,000 acres of land for future generations. He is a political economist and author of "Tax Theory", which created a lot of taxation for the King of England. Otherwise, How could a little lord be personally received by Napoleon.

  According to the constitution of the supervising government, the local treasury cannot be used by the state. This is what allowed Napoleon to distribute the property to the Italian army without turning in the income after robbing Italy.

Similarly, the supervising government did not expect to use local government toll taxes, or that the constitution does not allow them to do so. Local toll taxes can be regarded as a source of much-needed financial resources. Some local governments do not repair roads even if they are damaged, but they still To fix the toll tax, businessmen still have to pay.

There are road repairers in France. They are usually recruited by local villagers who are lazy while complaining and repairing. The progress is far less than the professional road repair team, which is the "taxation and road repair, pay for work" previously considered by Giorgio Anna. .

  The shame of the capitalist Giorgioanna has seen this. In order to allow Napoleon or the French to invest in building the railway, the British marquis Henry Petty actually helped Giorgioanna think of an idea, completely disregarding the strategic significance of the road after it was repaired.

  Switzerland is a thoroughfare of the European continent. Livestock can move around on their own. Instead of setting up a timber factory in Annecy, it is better to set up a carriage factory to change from a low-level raw material supply to an industrial product producer. Napoleon intends to levy a carriage tax. This carriage is not just a luxury carriage for the nobles, but also a carriage for soliciting goods and a carriage for soliciting customers. The livestock was taken away during the migration process.

  Sawmillers are easy to find, but there are so many in Eastern Europe. The main reason is that workers who produce carriages are hard to find and train. This is the problem that technical schools have to solve. Bread and money can produce different labor mobilization capabilities. No one will work a day for 4 su and a half bread, but if the price of bread rises to 18 su, he must consider it, especially when currency loses credit. Afterwards, the farmers no longer needed them, and they would not work for waste paper.

There are fluctuations between the prices of grains and silver. It is reasonable to say that silver is discovered in the Americas, and then the price of food should be reduced. But people do not rely on news to feed themselves. If silver does not flow into the market, the value of silver will follow the value of grains. However, the value of this type of metal will gradually decrease if the supply increases.

Even counting money is labor-intensive. There is a tool in India. It is made of a flat plate. There are hundreds of money slots on the plate. The size of the slot is just enough to hold a coin. Foreign money is too worn. Money will fall out of the trough, just like a sieve.

At present, there are still gold Louis and Riffel on the market in France. The change of dynasty usually mints new coins. Even Louis XVI also mints his own currency. Assuming that the original silver content of 20 silver shillings is only enough to min 18 new coins Silver shillings, then who will be responsible for the loss of these two silver shillings?

It is not the government that bears the loss, but the currency holders themselves bear the loss. This defective currency does not meet the new national standards, or it is used up in time, or it refuses to accept this insufficient currency. The government takes back the bad currency and refinishes it. , Exchange old coins of varying weights for uniform and beautiful new coins. Of course, to use Henry Petty’s words from his grandfather William Petty, there are also some fools who accept money only by looking at the denomination regardless of the weight and fineness of the currency, not to mention that he can understand the difference in craftsmanship and the price of coins. Can also have an impact.

The Alps have not received any news from the outside for half a year. If the local elites wait for Napoleon to mint new currency next year and spend the money they saved, they will suffer losses, so the best way is to spend the money this year. Buying the right to operate this road, anyway, it is themselves who use this road.

  Whether it is thirty or ten years, they can collect taxes as long as the road is still in business. In order to promote taxation, they will also find ways to find customers on their own.

Napoleon also talked to Henry Petty about the topic of physical taxation and currency taxation. Henry Petty borrowed his grandfather's saying that British merchants often brought silver and red cloth to East India, where red cloth was used in India. It is very wide. Whether it is a religious ceremony or a wedding ceremony, many girls' wedding dresses are red, with golden tassels on them, which look very gorgeous.

The merchant will try his best to buy red-red cloth at a price of one hundred shillings, and then carefully consider whether this cloth can be used to buy silk in East India, and if these silks are sold in London, he will get a better price than one hundred. Makes more wealth.

   But if he is not sure, he can bring part of the shilling coins and part of the red cloth.

  In other words, Napoleon could collect part of the currency rent and part of the grain.

What kind of essential oil factory, Annecy also has its own wood processing factory and blacksmith shop, villagers in winter instead of staying with animals to keep warm, it is better to go to the carriage factory to work, each family of animals are centralized management, anyway, every animal has a mark on the buttocks .

  Georgina’s dancing partner at the welcome ball was Henry Petty. Lord Bloom followed him like his entourage. Like Mr. Darcy, he was so arrogant as to “socialize” with the local elite. After the prom, Henry Petty turned the high-ranking officials of this small mountain town around. The local elites who heard the "inside information" soon came to visit. He didn't see these people at all. He was even more eager than Georgeanna to wait. Reply from Paris.

  If Henry Petty is not already a marquis in England, and there are 270,000 acres of land, mansions, and artworks, Georgianna estimates that he intends to leave Henry Petty with high-ranking officials.

With such a capable financial management expert, Georgiana doesn’t have to do anything. One livre 20 su is from the Carolingian era. The su is a copper coin. The French copper industry is very developed. Wood is readily available, and water can be used. For extraction, you only need to buy some copper pipes from outside to build a heated factory, so that people in the mountains can live a "modern civilized life".

  As for whether the bankers in Paris could use the same method to threaten Georgiana, they were not sure. They might not unite to prevent Napoleon from minting new coins.

William Petty advocated that all the movable properties and residents of Scotland and Ireland should be relocated to other places in Great Britain. This is of course impossible. He also advocated using the taxes paid by the Irish to suppress the army expenses of the Irish people, which of course is also impossible.

  The East India Company has to pay for the army's expenses from the mainland. Are they really so willing to help those who seize power?

France is responsible for the cost of the garrison. Barbados borrowed a piece of land for the French to station, and the British did not have any loss. The island originally belonged to Portugal. Portugal's pro-British colonial courts used British judges and laws and saved them. A fee, to send people to the jungle to catch the French deserters.

  Georgiana did not expect that humans would actually raise hounds that feed on humans. She had met Little Luo Chambeau, he didn't look cruel at all, but his expression was serious, unsmiling, and gentle.

"Winning in this way is not worthy of your title of war artist, Bonaparte." She looked at the mountains in the distance and said. The chasers and stunt cavalry are now searching everywhere in the forests of the Alps. Reverberating with dog barking.

  Where is "catching people", it's just hunting.

  She hates this kind of behavior but has nothing to do. Who calls her just a woman?

    Downton Abbey is similar to the manor of the Marquis of Langshitang, but a bit smaller




  (End of this chapter)