Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1472: Vigilance and caution

  Chapter 1472 Vigilance and caution

  Renaissance artists often served the upper class, so they always had access to some secrets that ordinary people could not touch, such as Leonardo da Vinci.

  The world of "genius" always makes ordinary people yearn for, what's the story behind them? Why does Mona Lisa smile so mysteriously?

  Sometimes Georgiana has to admit that the church does still maintain a unique "taste", even the spies are so unusual.

  Canova is nicknamed "modern Michelangelo", which is indeed exaggerated and flattering, but Giorgioanna remembers his work.

In the Louvre in the 21st century, she saw Cupid’s kiss in the Pillar Hall. When looking at Canova’s sketchbook, Georgiana saw the sculpture. According to Canova, “Now” The sculpture should be stored in the Arkhangelsk Palace on the outskirts of Moscow.

  If Napoleon does not go to Russia or attack Moscow, then this sculpture may not appear in the Louvre.

  Troy was destroyed by fire, and so was Moscow, but Moscow did not let Trojan horses enter the city like Troy.

Sai Ji means soul in Greek. Cupid only allowed her to see him at night, but Sai Ji still couldn't help her curiosity. She wanted to see what her husband looked like, so she waited for Cupid to fall asleep at night. Later, she lit an oil lamp.

  She broke her vow, even if Cupid still loves her, she has to leave her.

Sai Ji regretted very much and found Venus, hoping she could tell Cupid’s whereabouts, but Venus was full of jealousy and hostility towards Sai Ji. She gave Sai Ji three impossible tasks, one of which was After facing the dark, Persephone squeezed the beauty ointment to be packed in the golden box.

Sai Ji reached the underworld safely with the help of the gods. After she saw Ming, she also got a box full of beautiful appearances, but on the way back, Sai Ji developed a strong curiosity about the box, so she opened it carefully. it.

  She fell asleep, and Cupid later found him and awakened the sleeping Sai Ji with his kiss.

  This is a bridge between Snow White eating a poisonous apple and being kissed by the prince.

  Georgiana sponsored Fresnel, a poor student, who wanted to realize Marquis Condorcet’s theory of lighthouse glass.

  So why didn’t she go to fund an old nobleman who could build a steam engine ship?

  She and she didn’t need to think about it, knowing that Bonaparte would definitely use steamships for war. This is the difference between the thinking of men and women.

For world peace and let Europe experience less war, Georgiana should assassinate Napoleon Bonaparte. She has a great opportunity. The razor in her hand has scratched his throat more than once, but in his gray-blue eyes. But her figure is reflected.

  The God of War named after the "Lion of the Wilderness" has deep eyes. He originally liked Gao Nai and Racine, and felt that Shakespeare was nothing great, but the **** love poem turned into a kind of spell, breaking a taboo.

  Cupid fell in love with the human female Sai Ji, and did not fall in love with a monster as Venus ordered.

  Monsters are not necessarily ugly, beautiful monsters are also monsters.

Following the sculpture of the Goddess of Grain, Bonaparte ordered a group of mermaid and Poseidon sculptures, which will be placed in the fountain of the Grand Trianon Palace. This group of sculptures, Canova, has no time to complete it alone. Now, he let his students be responsible for carving, the apprentices of the Louvre School of Sculpture.

   Focusing on artistic creation, Canova seems to have forgotten that the motherland was once invaded. It seems that this “modern Michelangelo” started to play for the French king just like Leonardo da Vinci.

  But will he inadvertently "vent Napa’s secret plan?"

  Money is placed in the bank vault, no one moves, just because the new currency appears will suffer losses, this is a disaster for conservative bankers, and its severity is no less than a robbery.

  Napolioni is sometimes very aggressive. Vaccination has not been recognized by the authority in the UK, so he took the lead in vaccination and promoted it in France.

  What is authority? He himself is an academician of France, so authority is despised in his eyes.

  He is authoritative, where does he need others to question and make suggestions?

  Romans, remember that you should use your authority to rule all nations. This will be your specialty. You should establish a peaceful order, be generous to the surrender, and conquer the arrogant through war.

He is a polygamy, bigamy, arrogance, and thinks that the best woman to have children, a dictator who despises the wisdom of women, this kind of person has all her hatred of men, and he is short and clear-headed. Stay away from him.

But she was curious about what insights he would express on the astronomy date tonight. Pierre Simon Laplace was also his teacher. The Nebula that he published in 1796 was verified in the 20th century, and this is what she prepared Deal with his "weapons" tonight.

  Laplace believes that the solar system is a cluster of nebulae, the sun is formed by the natural law of gravity and other contractions, and then the remaining nebulae are further contracted into planets.

  She also wanted to add star explosions and the formation process of various elements to open his eyes.

  But then a feeling of pain lingered in her heart.

  She saw a pair of black eyes, and there was only her shadow in those eyes. This was the secret of their two adventures, and she shouldn't have said it to a Muggle.

She was so excited that she was rolling on the bed, flipping through Laplace's books about Nebula, but now she feels like she is dead, lying on the bed without moving, a question circling in her mind, she still has to be sober How long do you sleepwalk?

  Neither Napoleon nor his empire has ended like a shooting star across the sky.

  He used to illuminate the entire era, but unfortunately he is not the sun.

  As long as she escapes his gravity, she will not be attracted to him, just like those planets orbiting the sun.

  The sun is just one of the tens of thousands of stars in the universe. It is neither the oldest nor the youngest, nor the largest nor the smallest. It is not worthy of worship.

  She doesn’t need to suffer this sin, to make her innocent conscience and pure soul dirty a little bit, as long as she returns to the 21st century.

  She will not be as pretentious as Grindelwald. She feels that she is talented and can change the world or rule the world.

  She is no one, just a kind witch who likes food magic. There are many magical animals and plants, and there is a strange temper who is not handsome, but will take care of her husband when she is sick.

  The potions and herbs are a good match, why does he think it is useful to use them on people? As long as it is not injured, the medicine will not be useful if placed there.

   Let alone commit suicide with it.

  Georgiana suddenly woke up.

   "Carolan!" she yelled.

  Caroland did not appear, and Louvre Truman opened the invisibility cloak to reveal his figure.

   "Give me the antidote!"

  The female Auror quickly found a bottle from her pocket, and then delivered it to Georgiana's mouth.

  After drinking a few sips of the potion, she felt a lot more relaxed, and the anxiety disappeared.

   "Are you poisoned?" Louvre Truman said nervously.

   "It's hard to tell." She said weakly, "I just drank a cup of black tea at St. Luke's Palace."

   "You drink black tea alone, and everyone else drinks coffee." Truman stared at her and said, "I'll get it."

  "Don't you go!" Georgiana grabbed Truman's hem. "Let Caroland go, and don't tell any Muggles."

   "Why?" Louvre Truman asked.

   "You are right to do so." Georgiana said tiredly, "Tell Bonaparte, I won't go on my appointment tonight."

   "Are you going to not even tell him?"

  She did not answer.

  She is thinking about who will be the biggest beneficiary if she dies.

She was too careless. The black tea leaves curled after drying. I couldn’t see if there were other poisonous leaves mixed in. Fortunately, she was a wizard. There are many things that are highly toxic to Muggles. deadly.

  Of course, this may also be because she is not the same species as humans.

  In fact, apart from peace talks, Napoleone has another way to go. After all, every expeditionary soldier has been vaccinated.

   is dead, no news will be leaked.

  She sincerely prayed to God that he would not choose this path.

  Not long after, she felt that Louvre Truman was gone. She felt very tired, so she slowly closed her eyes.

  In her dream, she saw a woman standing in front of the Pantheon opposite the Louvre.

  "Do you want to protect Paris or destroy it?" the woman asked.

"Why do you ask?"

   "Because you are turning it into Rome." The woman said, "Those aqueducts shouldn't appear."

  "This is for citizens' water."

   "That is your dream." The woman said, "Have you ever asked other people's opinions?"

   "That's better than nothing." Georgiana said coldly, "Your piety may be able to stop Attila, but not the plague!"

  The woman smiled, "You know, who am I?"

   "You know, who am I?" Georgian asked with a smile.

  They are friendly and smile at each other, looking like a pair of "good friends".

  (End of this chapter)