Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1474: Paris Lover

   Chapter 1474 Paris Lover

  Ireland “was” and “still” a member of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. It has always been governed by English laws and obeys various laws of the British Parliament.

  "Once" refers to the Stuart dynasty, which was the first royal family to successfully rule the kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ireland on the British Isles, although its rule is actually unstable.

  "Still" refers to the Royal Family of Hanover. After Ireland was incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801, the Kingdom of Great Britain was reunited.

  Before the merger, Ireland still had tariff protection, and after the merger, there was no protection. Ireland will be completely reduced to a "vegetable garden" to provide England with agricultural products.

  When the Irish famine broke out, the British government also thought about the way of paying for work, but unfortunately the local lack of necessary infrastructure, this is a problem accumulated by decades of economic exploitation.

Wheat is not only the staple food of the French, but also the staple food of the British and Irish. Bonaparte cannot make up 1.2 billion francs and realize the vision of Lange all at once. But if anyone sees the piles of grain everywhere on the pier, As well as porters carrying sacks like ants, they doubt whether France is really short of food.

  Napolioni’s cavalry may not be able to cross the English Channel, but British civilians can come to France, and a ship of wheat can be exchanged for French Bordeaux wine.

  There are also vineyards in Britain, but they are not as good as those in France. In the past, Britain wanted to drink wine and imported Sherry and Porto from Portugal. In the 17th century, because of the British-French hegemony, France did not allow Bordeaux to be exported to Britain, so Britain set its sights on the Portuguese royal family. Sharptal asked Britain to allow wine imported from France to obtain the same conditions as Portugal.

   Corresponding to the high tariffs on industrial products, which is certainly unfair to the textile industry. Kirkber de Mumble and some business representatives persuaded the United Kingdom to allow France to take some temporary measures to protect its own industries.

  It's like a horse locked in a stable in winter. It feels very comfortable to run freely, but this kind of thing will not last long. After running freely for a while, it still has to go to "work".

  The concession is the royal family's privilege to the colony. It is not issued by the parliament, and the parliament only has the qualification for review.

  It is not easy for the crazy George III to stop issuing licenses, and Addington did it anyway.

  Jefferson, who hated the license, was happy to see it disappear, but everyone knew that this short good time was temporary. Austria and Russia are very worried about the fate of Switzerland, especially after they approved the Malmaison pardon on May 26. In addition, the issue of compensation for the Duke of Orange has to be negotiated in Berlin.

  Nelson is on vacation, Bonaparte has to continue to work, this is the end of making enemies everywhere.

  Doctors can heal physical wounds, but cannot heal spiritual wounds.

  Georgina sighed, she thought she might die soon.

  Napolioni lacks tenderness and consideration. He is like a desperado who has today and no tomorrow. He can do whatever he wants. Maybe he no longer regards "eternity" as important.

Exporting a large amount of food is a misstep, but Addington, who is eager to recover the post-war deficit, can’t take care of that much. Everyone is betting that the weather this year will be the same as last year. It's Addington's turn to organize food sources.

  The weather forecast is also a kind of prediction.

The exiles are still waiting for the "Prince" who is predicted to be the protector of humanity, justice and culture. He was not originally Bourbon, but he added the word artificially, so the prince became the prince of France. .

   "Why sigh?" asked her little French lover.

  "I'm thinking about a poem by Madame Pompidou." Giorgioanna said slowly, "Without wit, no noble feelings, neither beautiful nor young, you can still find a first-rate lover in France."

  He laughed out loud.

   "The way you flatter people is really peculiar." He said happily.

   "I don't think any woman has the courage to treat you as a lover." Georgiana said dryly, "If I write a biographical novel, it will definitely sell well."

  He ignored her nonsense, and like an ordinary, energetic young man, he hugged her young and old bone, his tongue slicked and praised her.

  Napoleon was a poet and a writer, but that was a long time ago.

His poems are not so well written, and his novels are generally written, but the text is rational. You can't feel his breath or see his eyes. Even if it is a lie, he can write it down smoothly. .

Desai clearly did not say anything like "It's a pity that I cannot be named in future generations", but Napoleon Bonaparte told the story as true, which made her think that it was for him and Kleber The two memorial pillars are to realize his dreams.

  She remembered Severus’s London accent, and his low voice, his voice was not like that when he grew up.

She didn’t want to get involved in Bonaparte’s childhood. She only hoped that the young man who said he was old at the age of 30 would maintain a healthy mentality and not make terrible decisions like a cold-blooded animal. One of his choices would change many people. fate.

  He is no longer the little person who used to panic on the streets of riots.

  The skin peeling on his chest has improved a lot under the doctor's treatment, and it doesn't look so scary anymore.

She stretched out her hand and touched it lightly, whether it was Marathi, or decided to release slaves, give them freedom, and decide to discontinue the hereditary system, they were all Jacobins. She was so superstitious that maybe he got the disease at this time. It is no coincidence.

  This person is a so-called revolutionary who has never been in contact with a conservative British girl who lives in peace times like Georgiana.

  He is worse than a hippie wearing a jacket. The fathers strictly forbid his daughters to touch him. However, in those turbulent times, even the fathers could not guarantee that their lives would be worry-free, let alone protect their family members.

  She was bold and wanted to leave her own marks on him, such as scratches, but he stopped her.

  He still needs a doctor to apply medicine to him, and his parents-in-law have not left yet.

  She felt very disappointed, but did not continue to insist. Then he asked her who put her ears on. She answered this question very honestly.

   was worn by Severus for her.

   Then he started to look at her body, as if looking for a place to pierce her, she couldn't play with young people.

  Later, he said, he simply left his mark on her, as if she was a cow.

  "Do you not care about your own life or death?" He asked, "You don't even ask who poisoned it."

   "I care more about the overall situation." She calmly said, "I don't want to cause too much trouble like Mary Mattovinette, so that other people can't manage."

   Then she touched the black cloth bag hanging around his neck, which contained deadly poison.

   "I want a piece of jewelry."

   "What jewelry?"

   "A locket, I want to put poison in it." She whispered softly, "I am not as afraid of death as Louis XV. Death is just a long sleep for me."

  "Isn't it free?" He asked back, "You can break free from the cage of your body."

  "There are corpses. Don’t try to save them. I don’t want to be burned to ashes and dumped into the Seine like Saint-Genevieve."

  He was stunned for a moment, "Why mention her?"

   "I dreamed of her." Georgiana pouted, "She thinks I brought Attila into the city."

  He seems to be thinking about who Attila is.

  "What do you think is the difference between civilization and barbarism?" Georgiana asked.

   "I don't want to think about this now." He buried his head and started kissing her neck.

  She always felt that he seemed to bite the blood vessels in her neck at any time, like a lion hunting its prey.

  At least lions eat their prey after hunting them, but wolves start to "eat" while the prey is alive.

   is also in Paris, and is also a French lover, why is the difference so big?

She recalled that Delmid, who was holding violets in his hand and dressed like a trumpet Napoleon in Sharptal’s house, said loudly, "Please accept my late apology", and wondered if she could get it again. The same treatment, but the "flower girl" becomes himself.

  (End of this chapter)