Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1497: "The Way of Defense"

  Chapter 1497 "The Way of Defense"

  In the book of William Petty, such a question was once asked: Why do people pay import and export taxes to the monarch?

  William Petty believes that tariffs were originally paid to the monarch to protect import and export goods from pirates. If the goods are looted by pirates, the monarch is liable for these losses.

Of course, the true purpose of tariffs is now unknown. Currently tariffs have become a tool of trade protection. British textiles still have high tariffs, but the taxes on raw materials have been reduced. This is beneficial to the domestic textile industry in France. .

This is of course unfair to practitioners in the British textile industry. However, Napoleon imposed a tariff-free policy on British grain and steel, which led to the dumping of British steel into France. Originally, Britain also exported grain to France. Compared with the high price of flour in France, even if the British flour is more profitable after the price increase, and there is a very important point. The French Revolution abolished the indirect tax, which needs to be replaced by the flour tax. Directly providing flour can reduce French taxes.

  This is definitely a loss-making business. Of course, it must be prevented. The root cause is still caused by Cleopatra in the United Kingdom. Sweden gave French goods duty-free rights, and Louis XVI also ceded a piece of territory. Where did the United Kingdom cut it?

  In fact, this still needs to be treated differently. The funds invested by the Orleans and Lyon Railway Company are allocated by the local government, and the money is provided by taxation. If it is changed to bank investment, then steel tariffs will be restored.

  As for the exemption of the British flour tariff, the French people will have one more choice, no longer holding up their aprons and clamoring for cheap bread.

Many French residents don’t have stoves and can’t bake their own bread, but the local bakery is not like Paris. There are charity associations to provide loans for maintenance. After the closure of the bakery, the bakers have been dismissed. Driven by profits, some People began to bake bread at night, forming a bread black market. The price of black-market bread is much cheaper than those opened during the day, and the sales of those aged wheat also flow to these places. So far, there have been no problems similar to Salem.

  There is tobacco. After the tobacco franchise, the price of cigarettes is too high, and the poor cannot bear it. Smuggling tobacco is also a very profitable business. The United States has been sanctioned, but that is the import and export of goods, the transportation industry has not been affected much.

On Veterans Square that day, Leon Coul told Sir Meri and Lord Whitworth that trade with Santo Domingo would be forbidden. This would not cause any loss to the United Kingdom. They have plantations in Jamaica, Cuba, and Brazil. Domingo withdrew and they just got their market share. As for the United States to let them cut off trade with Santo Domingo, it is also very simple. Napoleon’s old boss, Jacques Francis Digomier, who caused him a lot of trouble in the Battle of Toulon, is a sugar planter. He is very concerned about sugar consultation. The climate of Louisiana is subtropical. To adapt to these climatic conditions, Louisiana planters introduced a new sugarcane variety called Otabet. They used a more advanced irrigation system to avoid the problem of sugarcane freezing after harvesting. This way, they came to the United States. Cane sugar can also be provided, and they don't even need Santo Domingo products.

  Political elite figures are generally cold-blooded, and Napoleon also has his cruel side. The soldiers of Santo Domingo are a little better than Russian serfs. The serfs have to fight for 25 years before they are liberated. The skin of those people is white.

Bonaparte said in a public speech in Parliament that “peace is the most important of all needs and the most important of all glory.” But he also knew that when he lost his military victory and lost the ability to reward others, he Will also lose everything.

  Either we go to prosperity together, or we go to destruction together, Santo Domingo and France are now on the same rope.

After the War of Independence, the Westward Movement of the United States also got rid of the shackles of the United Kingdom. There was a local song, "One, Two, Three Little Indians". After the local "red men" were eliminated, this land became a plantation. Owners, they will need a lot of slaves to cultivate this wasteland.

If there is only Old Jordan in a house as the "master" and he is not loved by the slaves, then he will be worried. Maybe one night, there will be an oil lamp accidentally lit, and the entire manor will be lit, Old Jordan Will be burned to death in their own room, and the slaves will run away from the manor to freedom at this time.

  Introducing too many slaves, and the number of slave owners is not enough, so be careful that slaves are rioting like Santo Domingo. This is the reason why some states in the United States refuse the slave trade. However, some states also need these slaves to transit through states that refuse the slave trade, which creates a contradiction.

The regime of Santo Domingo is the light of hope for American slaves. Toussaint Louvidul cannot be killed, otherwise Santo Domingo will resist to the end. However, so many people have died. Among the 20 generals, there is also Napoleon. Those who have participated in many battles cannot understand and tolerate emotionally.

Originally, the Belgian land sale, which Georgiana thought would be easy, also encountered problems in the implementation process. It seems that the only way left in front of Bonaparte is to sell Louisiana. Otherwise, it is the tax source. The British method of collecting income tax is It certainly won't work. With the advent of peace, people's calls for the abolition of income tax are getting louder and louder. Addington's compromise is only a matter of time.

As for the railway from Paris to Lyon, it definitely cannot be handed over to the United Kingdom. The Bank of England loaned to the British Steel Company, and then the Bank of England bought British steel to build the railway in France. The money has always been in the United Kingdom, and they have made no use of French traffic. tax. What's more, if they build a railway from Lyon to the Mediterranean, then in the future the British navy will land from the Mediterranean, then this railway will be able to go directly to Paris.

  If you ride a horse, you can only carry two people at most. If you use it to pull a cart, you can carry 4 to 8 people, but if you use railroad tracks, you can pull a double-decker carriage to carry 20 people.

In the future, there will be more steam locomotives. Montalivé, the director of the bridge and road administration, is now a hot figure in Paris. He is also a high-ranking official of the Seine province. Lucian is "matched" by Lucian, and he has divided a part of power and administrative power to Leoncourt , Making him one of the two mayors of Paris.

Marmont is the artillery director. One of his jobs is to recast all the artillery of the French army. He has to face two problems. One is the artillery. The transportation problem of the artillery has always plagued Bonaparte and Giorgioanna. The wooden track was originally built for artillery vehicles. Now it has become civilian use. It is very simple to turn civilian railroad tracks into military use. The problem is that field operations are not necessarily all railroad tracks laid. It became more important in the engineering battalion.

  Solved the artillery, and then ammunition. If it weren't for the French Navy, God knows what the world will become.

  It can be said that even if Napoleon owes the banker's debt and does not pay it back, he finds an excuse to recover the debt, and no one will "now" object.

   There is a Jewish proverb that credit is both an intangible power and an intangible wealth.

  Frankness is absolutely important for business people. Wise diplomats know that they must never fool the other party. From a long-term perspective, reliability and fairness are an important asset.

On the day of the Wuyue coup, Napoleon made a bunch of useless speeches on the forum, but there was a sentence he said very clearly, "I brought you conquest, and now no enemy dares to invade our border."

  When people discuss charm, they often think of brilliant, beautiful, and wonderful affairs. Corsican dwarfs have nothing to do with these.

  But he didn’t know whether it was to appease her or for other reasons. He actually quoted a passage from Cicero in "On Duty":

  Mankind has two ways to resolve disputes, one is through negotiation and the other is through force. The former conforms to the characteristics of human beings and the latter conforms to the characteristics of beasts. The latter should be adopted only when it is impossible to adopt the former.

  A monarch must have a good understanding of how to use beasts and humans.

In Greek mythology, Achilles and many monarchs were brought up by the horse Chiron, and under his training they disciplined adults. Using half-humans and half-beasts as mentors is nothing more than saying that a monarch needs humanity and wildness, if there is only one trait. And the lack of the other will not last.

  If Louis XVI lacks wildness, then Napoleon is a little lacking humanity, after all, he is a wild lion.

  Many countries have seen the superiority of France, and many countries are learning, but if they learn the railway, they might become a tool for Napoleon’s future invasion.

  The best way is not to repair it. If you must repair it, remember that it must not be the same as the French track width.

  Georgiana looked at the document on the table. It was one of the bills recently discussed in Parliament on how to establish a household registration system.

Napoleon’s identity certificate was forged. The Corsica riots did not fix it. It is almost impossible to find a birth certificate. After the Battle of Toulon in 1794, he was promoted to brigadier general. As usual, he had to provide a background check. He provided it. It was the birth certificate from Corte on January 7, 1768, not the one in Alccio on August 15, 1769.

   On January 7, 1802, he asked Joseph to ask Bernadotte if he would go to Guadeloupe as general. It seems that he celebrated his birthday in this way.

  The last Guadeloupe general died of yellow fever. Should Bernadotte be sent again this time?

  No wonder Bernadotte hated him so much. If Simon and the others hadn’t discussed what government to replace after they killed Napoleon, he would have died long ago.

  The last assassination at the canal groundbreaking ceremony was that Lulange took the initiative. Their original plan was to assassinate Napoleon during a military parade.

  Unfortunately, there is no evidence, so civilian officials will not leave such things as brochures as physical evidence.

  As long as it is beneficial to him, he can change his birthday date.

  It is dangerous to negotiate with such an unfaithful person, but it is also a way of life for Santo Domingo.

  Relying on others is the bottom line after all, and we must know that a durable, reliable, and effective defense depends on ourselves.

  She can only secretly wish Santo Domingo good luck. Fortunately, this is just a dream.

  (End of this chapter)