Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1515: How to Train Your Dragon (6)

  Chapter 1515 How to Train Your Dragon (6)

  U.S. President George Washington established many policies and traditions that lasted into the 21st century during his two terms. For example, each president’s term is four years, and the president’s term will not exceed two terms, except for Roosevelt.

  However, Roosevelt was re-elected for four terms for his special reasons. The first was because of the Great Depression and Prohibition, and the second was because of the World War. However, in the 1951 amendment to the U.S. Constitution, no one was allowed to serve as president for more than two terms, and the president was not allowed to re-elect after he resigned.

  After the constitution is amended, there will be a referendum. In the fifth constitution, Napoleon will not be in power for life, but there is no stipulation that he cannot be re-elected and how many terms he will be re-elected. As if ten years is a term, Georgiana feels that this is much better than a four-year term.

  When the government changes, the previous government-invested projects often have no results, and then they are put on the shelf. This is a waste of taxpayers’ money.

Bonaparte’s dream is to leave traces of his own in history. Such traces do not have to be material, such as canals and palaces. They can also be intangible. The most important thing is that he has no time now. Continue to entangle the issue of the system.

The abolition of the slave trade is equivalent to one less industry and one less financial source. This kind of idealist victory can only occasionally be achieved. In the past, Quénet’s group of idealistic agronomists also won, but ultimately led to France. Economic turmoil. If Napoleon had created a new government by himself, it might have been much easier, but he inherited the inheritance of the French king and at the same time had to bear the debts they owed before, as well as the crisis brought about by the "market failure" in the countryside.

  Du Geer once said that if a consumer wants to survive, two things are necessary. The first is the existence of the commodity, and the second is that the commodity is within his ability, or that he has sufficient ways to obtain it.

  In poverty-stricken areas of France, most of the time people have begun to live on chestnuts, tree roots and other untransported food. Promoting potatoes and replacing grains with potatoes has reduced the poor's grain consumption to a certain extent. After all, people's appetite is the same, and it will not change because of Smith's imagination.

  But this is how people want to eat well when they are full, and they want to eat meat when they have bread. This is also the ambitious goal of some people.

All wolves eat meat. You can’t expect wolves to suddenly turn into rabbits and eat grass. Napoleon’s amnesty can not only release prisoners in France, but also amnesty Dusan Louvidour and his officers on the front line. The troops recognized this matter.

   Troop mutiny Napoleon did not only experience it once. He had crossed the Alps before because he did not have boots. The soldiers of one battalion were mutiny. The troops that he was a recruit also mutiny because of the military payment.

Davout married Aimee Lecobell, the sister of Lecobell, the commander-in-chief of the Expeditionary Force. As one of the commanders of the Guards, he was under much greater pressure than Rana in Antwerp, even with Napoleon. When Luvidul appeared in public, a sniper rifle could kill Luvidul. It is not possible to deal with such a lone wolf killer by force alone.

  It is the duty of every citizen to defend homeland security. The republic cannot be divided. This is also the difference between the republican system and other systems.

For example, the federal system in the United States. During the War of Independence, the states that participated in the war were poor and rich. Since the Continental Congress did not have the power to levy taxes, the Continental Congress had to hand over the issue of military supplies to the state government and the states to resolve it by themselves. There was a huge difference in the treatment of the soldiers. Some soldiers could not solve the problem with basic food and clothing, while others lived comfortably. If the status of people is distinguished by the quality of food, some soldiers during the War of Independence did not eat as much food as their slaves. The slaves in the plantation had at least cornmeal and bacon to eat. They only had rusks and water. Supporting them to continue fighting is full of patriotic enthusiasm and tenacious fighting spirit. At the same time, the officers also set an example and never enjoy any privileges privately.

  Masena was able to stay in Genoa for so long because he shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, and the soldiers ate what they ate. As a result, his own body was destroyed.

   Such poor soldiers met soldiers who lived a good life in the rich areas, and their dissatisfaction became more and more obvious. Each state has its own militia. When the governors do not give Jefferson funds, the federal government's expenditure is a problem. Without the central government, the governors themselves have the final say.

The ripped United States is the product of a state’s negative response to federal policies. France is completely different. There are many French speakers in the Alps. But when asked about the difference between the herders’ republic and the monarchy, most of them are not the same. Can't answer. What is the use of such a person to let him vote in a democratic system?

Based on the education level of the French in the early 19th century and the demographic structure of the urban and rural areas, there was only one result of the implementation of the referendum. Napoleon won, but he still had to do the referendum. He prepared for the referendum for six weeks and voted. As a result, there is no need to expect a reversal at all.

Victory is like a sweet spring. It makes thirsty people have endless aftertastes. The exile of the German princes diverted the attention of the French. Coupled with the performance of Louvidul, who had the chance to be amnesty, the people did not know that five thousand miles away. What happened on his island.

  If anyone wants to know, they can commit some crimes, and the court sentenced them to exile. He would know when he went to places like Santo Domingo and Guadeloupe.

  Christmas assassination in 1800, Napoleon exiled some Guyana sent by Jacobin, Guyana was also in America.

  There is no newspaper supervision in that place. Some only have rugged mountains and rain forests. After seeing the "truth", it is impossible to come back. Dead bodies will be buried in that place.

   "Scapegoats" have also been found, George Kadudar, the Polignac brothers, etc., these people are not within the scope of the amnesty, and if caught, the death penalty will inevitably be executed.

  The next September industrial exhibition will attract some people's attention. More news and more information will quickly make people forget about it.

A 30-year-old dwarf once said to a 48-year-old big one: "You have always been like my children. I never felt that you were slaves. I always thought that way. God gave you to my hands. Here, I am responsible to God for how I nurture you and how I treat you. I don’t believe anyone can have such affection for you like me. Your constitution says that everyone is equal before the law. How do you educate civil magistrates and criminal magistrates?"

Later, Dusan Louvidul said privately to Georgian’s "informants", "I understand what you want to do. When the British attacked the American South, they tried their best to push the slaves against the slave owners and let those who desperately desire freedom. Joined the British army, you want us to join your army like those people and help you attack your enemies."

  During the American War of Independence, he participated in the Anglo-French War. Colonel Samut, who was specifically responsible for combating pro-French Indians, once organized a militia in North Carolina, and they used sickles as weapons.

It is said that the terrain of North Carolina is also very complicated, with large tracts of virgin forests and swamps. Because this natural barrier keeps the British out, Samut will leave home alone to do business. When he comes back, the British will not only **** them away. He destroyed all his property, killed his family, and burned his house.

  Later, the colonel took advantage of the terrain and drove the well-equipped British Expeditionary Force from the Rocky Mountain Fortress. This team became one of the many legends of the War of Independence.

Tariffs are only collected when importing and exporting between countries. Of course, people in a country will not charge tariffs, but at most tolls. There used to be a region. In order to avoid such tariffs, they asked the conqueror France for After entering France, that area gradually became a part of France.

The deep-rooted flaws of France must be seen at a deeper level. The first thing the British came to France was to discover that France had no income tax. Duty-free grain and steel made British farmers and steelmakers like Napoleon very much. Outside of a small number of main combatants, no one regards him as a demon.

  After visiting Normandy, Mardin de Chasilon continued to travel in Brittany in western France. After harvesting the wheat, the farmers let the livestock go to graze. In addition to the descendants of Gaul in Brittany, there are descendants of South Wales.

  The open land system turns all fallow land into public pastures. In the enclosed land, there is no public herding system. Only the farmer’s own livestock can graze in it.

  Before agriculture was mechanized, independent farming was almost impossible. Either a family had many sons, and the father farmed together, or several families worked together to farm together. When the father died, the large plots were divided among each brother and turned into small plots. Each small plot of land owners tended to reach a certain agreement to implement unified crop rotation and collective pastoralism.

  The cadastral administrator of Manche once told Mardan with pity that there must be at least one collective pasture in this place.

  But the peasants who accompanied them during the inspection said, "No, sir, everyone here must tie up their livestock."

  The local farmer also said the same thing as the farmer. Everyone tied their livestock to the stakes of their own plot to prevent them from running into other people’s fields.

  Du Geer said in a letter to Hume: "You and I know what the biggest goal of all governments is, that is, conquest and money."

  If a person has meat to eat, he consumes less bread and grains, and the social problems caused by bread and grains are also less acute.

Dye crops and grazing can be grown in the fallow fields. The herders are quite idle, with high incomes and high taxes on meat. This is Giorgioanna’s new design for Santo Domingo, while sugar and coffee continue to be slaved. There is no provision for abolished regions.

  It is better to transport cattle from America to Europe than to transport slave ships.

  Her abilities are limited, what she could do in the early 19th century is to the point where slavery must be completely abolished, and slaves need to "take up arms" by themselves, just like jungle panthers fighting.

  Now French indigo is so expensive, the United States is also turning Louisiana into a sugar producing area, and the exported indigo is also a sanctioned product. Coupled with tobacco, Santo Domingo will make a lot of money. British-made cotton fabrics can also be shipped to Santo Domingo to be sold to former slaves, and furniture, building materials, and soaps can also be shipped there for sale. Those free people can live in decent houses instead of living in shacks. Inside.

  The premise is that the maritime trade route should be unblocked, and the bottom hand has enough money to consume the meat.

  She believes that people are emotional and spiritual. Many women, like Sally, disagree with slavery, even if she herself is a beneficiary of slavery.

  But what can we do?

  Georgiana looked at the women being housed outside the office. They received funding from the Church of England, put on cotton clothes, and gradually smiled on their faces.

  The factories that produce these cheap cloths are often built in slums. The smoke and stench from the factory chimneys also enveloped that place first, just like the spider's tail alley where Severus spent his childhood.

  As long as a man has a way to get out of a difficult situation, he will try his best to catch it, and a woman will go to such a place to suffer for love.

  Georgiana picked up the wine glass, respected the void, and drank it in one gulp.

  Women’s tears are not used for the purpose, perhaps this is the reason why the sea water is salty.

  (End of this chapter)