Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1530: "Lines"

  Chapter 1530 "Lines"

In the third century BC, the center of civilization at that time was in Rome, Italy. Paris was just a small fishing village. A tribe of fishermen "Parisis" occupied the island of Citadel in the Seine. The embankment of the island was its original For centuries, the Seine River was its original moat. It maintained the shape of an island for centuries, until Caesar led his troops to destroy the peaceful life of Parisians.

  In the flames, the Roman Legion and the stubbornly resisting Parisians launched a desperate struggle until the last Gaul who wanted independence was wiped out. Since then, the Romans gradually built a new city on the Island of Citadines and gradually expanded the city to the left bank of the Seine.

  Later in the fifth century AD, Attila came to the "Rome of Gaul". He did not choose to siege the city like Caesar, but chose to siege the city. In the end, the Turks gave up the offensive and instead attacked Orleans.

  After another two or three hundred years, the Vikings appeared. These pirates from Northern Europe would take small boats and sail along the Seine River to Citadel Island.

They would destroy the bridge to the land on the island and looted the residents along the coast. Bald Charlie was unbearable and decided to further consolidate the fortifications on the Seine, so he built a thick tower on the right bank of the Seine and built it on the left bank. A small bridge and a tower built of bricks and stones were built next to it, and a trench was dug to protect the small bridge.

  So there are two more towers on both sides of the Seine River. They stand like the gates of Paris, ready to guard the heart of the city, the island of Cité. The castle on the right bank is called the big castle, and the castle on the small bridge is called the small castle.

With these two fortifications, it was not so easy for the Vikings to looting Saidai Island. Once the Vikings planned to destroy the big castle, they rowed through the trenches surrounding the towers, using axes and pickaxes. Attempt to shake the foundation of the tower. The defensive side standing on the tower immediately melted the asphalt and poured hot oil into the enemy at the low place. At the same time, they lit their bows and arrows with fire, and ignited the unlit areas.

  The Vikings on fire were like a human-shaped torch. They jumped into the Seine to save themselves, but the ignited oil was still burning in the water, and only the charred corpses floated on the water.

  People once thought that this large castle surrounded by fire was no longer good, and the bell towers of almost all churches in the city rang. In the wake of the alarm, the Vikings launched another round of offensive, and there was a steady stream of ships coming here, and finally they opened a gap, but they faced the earls and soldiers who guarded the city of Paris. We, after a **** battle, the Vikings retreated temporarily, and they retreated to camp on the right bank of the Seine.

  They used the truce to ransack nearby villages to ensure the supply of rations and the construction of siege equipment, while the city of Paris was busy strengthening the castle and installed a trebuchet on the top of the tower.

In the winter of this year, the winter rain was particularly dense, and the high-tide river washed away some of the small bridges. Therefore, the small castle appeared to be particularly isolated and easy to be besieged. The Vikings felt that this was a good opportunity to attack, so they used a light The warship is near the tower.

However, these ships were smashed when they hit the bridge piers, and finally sank into the water. The Vikings were furious and killed the tower. At this time, there were only 12 guards on the tower of the small castle. They were choked by the smoke. Unable to breathe, he began to withdraw to the place on the small bridge that had not collapsed. They met the Vikings who had been waiting here for a long time. In face-to-face combat, eleven warriors were killed, and only one aristocratic youth survived.

  The Viking wanted to catch alive, but the noble young man drew his sword and killed himself. The angry Viking vented his anger on the small castle and chopped off the last stone.

  In the spring, the soldiers on both sides are exhausted, and finally the leaders of the two sides meet for negotiation. During the negotiation process, the Vikings broke the contract. They did not accept this shame and planned to kidnap the defenders in Paris and let the Franks hand over more money. However, these Franks repelled them, and they escorted the guard to Citadel without incident.

  The Vikings refused to leave. They were stationed on the right bank of the Seine. At this time, the rotting corpses outside the castle caused a plague. People who died of illness were thrown into the trench full of war dead.

  Frank’s capital is not in Paris, but in Metz, located in the northeast of what is now France. Since Peping and his sons enthroned with oil according to the ceremonies in the Old Testament, and conferred the monarchy as a "legitimate" means of inheriting the crown, the coronation ceremony of the monarchs required the pope to anoint him. At that time, the Frankish King Charles was a fat man. He received a call for help from Paris, but he didn't want to pay any attention. So the defender of Paris, Count Erd, gathered at Compiègne with the West Francon nobles and held a coronation ceremony here. , The people had to hold a mass hastily, and asked the bishop to put oil on the king, and the new king's enthronement ceremony was completed.

  The King of Erd led the West Franconian nobles to continue fighting with the Vikings outside of Paris. After driving away these robbers, he sent his troops to attack Metz and became the ninth emperor of the Carolingian dynasty.

  He sat on the throne for ten years before being replaced by Charles III. He was the posthumous son of Louis II the stutterer. Louis II did not inherit his father's throne and was crowned as emperor, resulting in the first vacancy of the "Emperor of the Romans" monopolized by the Carolingian monarch. Charles III only inherited the throne for 4 years, and was later inherited by Erde’s son-in-law Robert I. The next Frankish emperor’s crown was worn by Erde’s descendants and his son-in-law in turn.

  Since the 12th century, people built a huge August wall to be safer. As a result, the castle gradually lost its defensive role and became the seat of the Paris Judicial Center.

  How can there be any human rights in the Middle Ages? The big castle became an ominous place, where prisons, morgues, and interrogation rooms were all concentrated. There is an alley called Saint Lefroy next to this building, but the locals call it lieuffroy (lieuffroy). This word is split to approximate lieueffroyable, which means terrible place. Not far from the castle is a large slaughterhouse. Since the 10th century, there has been a place where animals were slaughtered. The throats of the beasts were mixed with the howls of the tortured and the howls of the prisoners. The blood clotting could be smelled far away. After the stench, this dark, maze-like area became the most terrifying place in Paris. It was not until the construction of the Saint-Jacques Tower in the 16th century, and the slaughterhouse was cancelled and turned into a post station for leather goods. Only a short period of peace in the area.

The mansion of the Duke of Burgundy is backed by the August wall, which is now invisible. After Burgundy was disintegrated, this tower was once a shelter for the poor, and the dry trench outside the tower was still beggars. The residence where he stayed, the mansion was completely renovated in the 16th century, and turned into a theater. Louis XIV, like Napoleon, loved the works of Gao Naiyi.

  One of his most famous works is "Sina", which tells the story of Sina in ancient Rome who tried to assassinate Emperor Augustus and was forgiven by the emperor after being discovered. Georgina also acted in this drama. When Napoleon went to the theater to watch a play, it happened that she was acting in this play. He came a little late at the time, and Miss Georgina just happened to sing "If I can seduce Sina successfully, then I can seduce others, of course." . At that time, everyone in the theater looked at Napoleon's box.

  Louis XIV often read another line in the same play: I am my own master, just as I am the master of the universe.

  In the 16th century, in addition to religious reforms, mysticism prevailed. Astrology, alchemy, etc. established secret societies of all sizes. The most famous at that time was the Rosicrucian. These secret groups will hold rallies in various places. This altar behind the Burgundy Mansion Theater was used by a group at that time. At first, Georgiana thought the gold threads on the white marble surface were magic circles. Miss Moreau’s association also studies astrology. The two of them studied for a long time and did not come up with the results. Not long afterwards, academicians from the French Academy such as Laplace and Monge suddenly came, and they saw the one on the ground. The altar was amazed.

  Georgina is very afraid that this altar has something to do with death believers and the kidnapping of children fifty years ago.

  Living sacrifices, especially pure children and virgins are the best sacrifices, she just doesn't feel the power of darkness at the moment.

  She saw a different person among this group of scholars. This person kept staring at her, and Georgiana stared at him when she left.

  She knew that Napoleon had mastered the Freemasonry, and even Lafayette was a member of the Freemasonry.

  Lafayette has been to the United States, where he may have been involved with them. Many leaders of the War of Independence, including George Washington, were members of the Freemasonry.

  They may have more knowledge and secrets than the church, because they are said to have been established for four thousand years.

Before Francois I, the capital of France was not in Paris because of the Hundred Years’ War. The king had been active in the Loire Valley for a long time. At that time, it was during the Renaissance. Therefore, the French Renaissance architecture was mainly concentrated in Tours on the Loire. It is the seat of the capital of France during the Hundred Years' War. Other cities in France, including Paris, rarely leave the mark of Renaissance-style architecture.

Giorgioanna remembered that it was reported in the Paris Commune newspaper that Freemasonry wore aprons and red and blue ribbons that symbolized Paris, walked out of the dark corners, and came to the place where the fighting was the most intense. .

  Because this city is not only a French city, but also a Freemasonry city.

  They are always there every time there is a conspiracy, and Georgiana feels tired.

  She smiled mysteriously at the man, and left the overcrowded room with Miss Shamorro.

  (End of this chapter)