Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1621: frog&fog (9) repair

  Chapter 1621 Frog&fog (9) repair

Theodore Roosevelt was once a brave soldier, a veritable cowboy, an incomparable policeman, and even a champion of judo. He and Franklin Roosevelt, who later led the United States out of the Prohibition Depression and World War II, were distant relatives. People called Theodore Roosevelt's nickname "Teddy."

Charlie is the English pronunciation of French. The name of "Imperial Peacock" Charlie Bonaparte should be Charles Joseph Bonaparte-Patterson. He is the most devout Puritan and conservative. He prefers to travel long distances. Riding in a carriage instead of a car, rejecting progressivism and rejecting electricity to enter his Baltimore home. But this person who has been ignored in the 21st century is the founder of the FBI. He and Teddy became friends because of the fight against crime.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the United States made great economic progress. The acceleration of the industrialization of the North further disintegrated the old colonial system in the South of the United States. The first Ford car was born on the assembly line of Detroit, and urbanization began to accelerate. At the same time, workers and leaders The relationship between them has reached the point of tension. In order to achieve a monopoly and establish a strong position, some trust companies began to bribe officials, and crime rates in some new cities were also rising rapidly. Al Capone, John Dillinger, and Babyface Nelson’s childhood basically lived through this era. Without legal constraints, the federal government is unable to cope with the transformation of society, and local police are often forced to assist in handling some special matters. In order to reluctantly maintain social order, the federal government can only rely on a pitiful budget and special agents to complete some very tricky tasks. Charlie Bonaparte said, "The laws of the country are barriers during war. If they can be built well, it can Help kind citizens fulfill their obligations". However, the Secret Service at that time had a very important task besides fighting crime, which was to protect the safety of the president. In 1901, President McKinley was assassinated by a 28-year-old Wu government activist Leon Chorgosh and hit by a bullet. Up the abdomen.

According to the U.S. Constitution, Vice President Roosevelt took over McKinley’s position and became president. Like Charlie Bonaparte, he believed that the country could not make long-term progress in a disordered environment. In 1906, Charlie Bonaparte became president. The 46th attorney general in the history of the United States, representing the federal government in handling the Rockefeller monopoly case.

The attorney general did not like to spend the night in Washington. He would commute on the train from Baltimore to Washington every day. On the commuter train, he would review Rockefeller’s thousands of pages of archives, just like Napoleon Bonaparte studied military maps. Look for flaws in these files.

If soldiers worship generals, then Lawrence, who is also a lawyer, worships this victorious lawyer who dared to fight against oil tycoons in court. The once invincible Rockefeller Empire is in the hands of Charlie Bonaparte. After being dismantled into 37 subsidiaries, the largest antitrust case in American history ended in the federal government's victory, even though the symbolic significance of this victory was far greater than the actual blow to Rockefeller.

The free market will inevitably form a monopoly. The oligarch will destroy one, and new oligarchs will grow up soon, just like black magic. One of the landmark buildings in New York, the Rockefeller Building, was built by the Rockefeller Company. Its top floor It used to be an observation deck overlooking the panoramic view of New York. However, after the completion of the World Trade Center twin towers, the Rockefeller Center robbed a lot of the limelight. The observation deck was also closed in the 1980s. At the same time, the Rockefeller Center was acquired by the Mitsubishi Foundation Buy it, this became a symbol of the rise of Japan and the decline of the United States.

  Later, the United States took advantage of the burst of the Japanese bubble and bought Rockefeller back. After 9/11, New Yorkers lost a place where they could have a bird's eye view of Manhattan, so Rockefeller's observation deck was reopened not long ago.

  Rockefeller Center is not the tallest skyscraper in New York, but it is the largest building complex. The headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency during World War II was also in Rockefeller Center. Before the Rockefeller Center and the Chrysler Building were built, the Woolworth Building was the tallest building in New York and even in the world. Originally, its top floor was suitable as an observation deck, but for some "special reason", no one remembered it anyway. this matter.

The creator of the Woolworth Building was a very headstrong man. He was born in poverty. After he was rich, he became addicted to things that he could not get when he was a child. In comparison, John Rockefeller Jr. entered his father’s company. Instead of being happy because of inheriting a huge amount of wealth, he is always nervous and anxious, and feels tortured by it.

In today’s world, even the natives of Amazon recognize the green dollar bills. The dollar figures of different price points are different. The figure on one dollar is George Washington, the head of the two dollars is the third US President Jefferson, and the head of five dollars. It was Abraham Lincoln who abolished slavery in the United States.

His portrait is not only on the U.S. dollar. There is a Lincoln Memorial on the west side of the National Mall in Washington, DC. In front of the Lincoln Memorial, there is an all-white Abraham Lincoln seated with the words "This point is to commemorate Abraham." Lincoln, he saved the Union for all Americans."

  However, it is such a great man who has never softened his hand when dealing with the Indian issue. The expansion history of the United States of America is almost a history of Indians’ blood and tears. The US Army’s elimination of the Indians has become its basic mission since its establishment. Although Melissa Smith of Indian descent is a girl, the only way to protect her legal property from being violated is to pick up a pistol by herself. No one will help her, even law enforcement agencies.

  When the knight cannot rush to the hero to save the beauty in time, the girl can only become a knight by herself. Fortunately, the United States can't help but shoot, otherwise Melissa would be like her fellow Indians, relying on curses and magic to drive away the Europeans who invaded their hometown.

Although the gunman who assassinated Abraham Lincoln was a Southerner, many conspiracy theorists believe that the assassination was directly related to Lincoln's preparation for currency reform and the withdrawal of currency issuance rights from the Federal Reserve.

  Who controls the country’s currency issuance power is the real power of the country, no matter who the puppet wearing the crown is. Once Lincoln's reforms are realized, the US economy will no longer be controlled by bankers, so "Bang", with a burst of gunpowder, Lincoln became the first president to be assassinated, and also intends to take back the right to issue currency from the private Fed. There is also Kennedy. Kennedy’s widow said that the gunman is just a tool of employment. According to the U.S. Constitution, if the president fails to perform the duties of the president in an accident, the vice president will take over. The president dared to say that he would take back the right to issue currency.

  This is just a speculation. There is no actual evidence. The secret files under investigation may have to wait another 100 years or longer before being revealed, and even leave no traces like some secrets, and thus become the dust of history.

However, the truth will surface sooner or later, just like the Secretary of Magic Serafina Piqueley said in 1926 that there are no silent people in the United States, but in 1930, there was a silent cause in New York. Destruction and panic, Muggles are unable to deal with this supernatural phenomenon, while the US Ministry of Magic is busy dealing with the incidents caused by Grindelwald in other places, and the charge of destroying New York is placed on Newt Scamander and his Fantastic animals.

  How could such an absurd thing as the Second Salem happen at the foot of the US Ministry of Magic, the tallest building in the world?

The son of a newspaper tycoon who campaigned like Henry Shaw didn’t believe in magic at all, and the Muggle School would not specify the history of witch hunting. Anyway, it’s all about the dark Middle Ages, people of that era. Too ignorant and superstitious.

  During the War of Independence, the Channing family was a well-known jurist. He once said that the U.S. Constitution is a contract with death.

The equality of human beings cannot solve the legal problem of slavery, but it can explain that the revolution is reasonable and legal. However, the Declaration of Independence was written by them. The slave owners who could not find an explanation in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution looked for "higher "Law" makes people obey, such as the church and the Bible.

  This accelerated the speed of the collapse of faith, and correspondingly, the witch hunting movement has become a scandal that everyone is eager to get rid of.

Also eager to get rid of the scandal is the Secretary of Magic Piqueley, who not only ordered the Auror to destroy Credence, but also ordered the execution of a female Auror who participated in the incident, if not Newt Scarman. De saves her in time, and the female Auror will become a victim of politics.

The expansion of Napoleon’s empire is not just an expansion of territory. The French also believe that it is a noble mission for them to add their superior civilization to their backward neighbors. Just like the United States spreading democracy and freedom, these ideas impact each nation’s own traditions. theory.

  When a person feels that he is doing noble things, he will not feel that he is committing a crime.

  What’s bad is that the so-called free and open America will actually have silent people that existed in the Middle Ages. How did you become the number one in the world?

  The Americans are no longer able to save the world. The British still need to save the world. The British Ministry of Magic has sent Aurors to the world to support and solve the "Grindelwald problem."

Compared with the United Kingdom and the United States, French purebloods are less enthusiastic about observing international secrecy laws. French wizards do not produce. After the French Revolution, the land and other assets left by their ancestors were taken away. They cannot be like some British wizards. The family also relies on ancestral inheritance as a source of income.

  Paris is the Paris of lovers. Beauty is not only a passport for women, but also a rope ladder that changes fate. Therefore, various beauty potions sell well.

  After earning income, every wizard must provide a donation to maintain the operation of the magic hair department. Later, how the French political change has nothing to do with the wizards and nobles, because their wealth no longer depends on the king.

This organizational structure was devised by Rabastan Lestrange, the patriarch of the Lestrange family. In addition, he will also transport the trolls who committed crimes in Liechtenstein to the sparsely populated Norway, and the Norwegians will transport these Cruel ogres are trained as the mascots of the Quidditch World Cup performance team. Although they are not as good-looking as the Veeva of the Bulgarian team, they are part of the "tradition".

  France is very tolerant of Veeva, because even if they are classified as beasts by mom for some special reason, they can marry human males and have the same status as human females. No one will care about and discriminate against them.

Correspondingly, the status of Muggle planting wizards is very low. The Ministry of Magic will allow a female half-giant to become the principal, but will not give Muggle planting any opportunities. They are usually the bottom salesmen who sell the potions to Muggles. . In contrast, Britain, which has experienced the "revolution", has become the ideal home for these Muggle wizards. For example, Fleur Delacol became an employee of Gringotts in the United Kingdom. France actually has Gringotts, but she prefers Go to the UK to develop. She met Bill Weasley there and married him. What kind of man can you find a woman like her? He just married a poor ghost.

  A powerless, discriminated half-werewolf has the ability to protect his beautiful wife?

  Fortunately, he is a hero, but how long can this hero's aura support?

  Women can be naive, full of love in their heads, men can’t, if you don’t want to be taken away from his wife like Yousef Karma’s father, Bill can’t continue to be like his father.

  He must fight for power, or become stronger, as long as no one can beat him, then the mixed-blood Veeva will still belong to him.

  So, strength can bring happiness, and the loser will be taken away from everything.

  The power of a heart that fights to protect something is different from a heart that is confused and fights for some reason.

  Pasi Weasley once left the family in pursuit of fame and fortune, but later he returned when he was lost, and his family accepted him.

  Reading is not all about getting ahead. The Weasley family was ordinary and very happy. Harry felt warm and decided to abandon his blood-related family and stay in the wizarding world.

  What people leave behind is not all benefits, but Voldemort doesn't seem to understand this. He has to pursue strength one-sidedly, and finally gets lost in his own ocean, becoming a counterexample for others to refute that sentence.

  Hate, prejudice, and fear can distort people's opinions, just as love and gullibility can make people blind.

  What a pity, not only because he is brilliant, but also because part of what he said is right, but no one believes it, maybe only when the disaster hits his head will he wake up, but it is too late by then.

  When Severus was chatting with Garcia, Gonsai had read the story. He looked at Severus, and he stopped talking.

   "Want to have a glass?" Garcia said, holding up his champagne glass.

   "Thank you." Gong Saiyi said politely.

  The hostess got up and left the living room.

   "What's on it?" Severus asked blankly.

  "A love story." Gong Saiyi said, "Don't worry, it's not as explicit as the Marquis de Thad wrote."

   "What did you write!" Severus asked every word.

  "The story of a man being saved by an angel." Gonsey said conservatively, "but that angel was bewitched by a devil, and he is going to save her."

  Severus laughed angrily, the glass on the table was broken to pieces because of his demons, and the wine in it was spilled on the table.

  (End of this chapter)