Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1648: frog&fog (36)

  Chapter 1648 Frog&fog (36)

  For many poor boys, I’m afraid they are dreaming of one day.

  Wearing decent clothes, holding a beautiful female companion, attending the grand banquet, and nodding politely with the same decent person, just like Jack breaking into the first-class party on the Titanic.

But for most people, such a dream is just a dream. The next morning they will still be "woke up poorly", and then drag the body without a complete rest, go to work and start a new busy day, and so on. Day after day, life feels dull and boring.

  But this kind of life is still much better than that of children wandering on the street. The plants grown in the wild environment are different from those grown in the greenhouse. The cruel environment does not give them too much time to be naive and romantic. Children with parents can beg their parents to buy their favorite toys, and these children without parents have to find food by themselves to avoid freezing and starving to death on the bustling streets on Christmas Day like little match girls.

At the same age of 13, Felix will mature much earlier than other children of the same age. The only thing that can make him show a "child-like innocent smile" is that he wears the clothes of the rich, or uses the clothes of the rich. After something. He knew that he got all this by his own "work", and even his parents' current job was also because of him. But what he doesn't know is that his life is counting down, which means that his "success" is short-lived. However, there is an English proverb that the sun does not always come out, so hurry up when the sun is there. He does not have "long" and "success" "Eternity" needs to be considered.

As for their parents from Eastern Europe, Haji is adapting to a new life anyway. When everyone else is wearing evening dresses, Haji feels that he is wearing the driver’s clothes. Alessandro will sail but not When driving, Haji even drove tanks, not to mention lengthened cars.

The streets in the center of Paris are actually not wide. It is difficult to expand. Coupled with the lengthened cars, traffic jams are common. The banquets can be held earlier to avoid the evening peak, and the parties are all Rich people, they don't need to punch cards like the working class.

  It takes a lot of expenses to maintain the gilded Versailles everywhere. Anyway, only relying on tourists and entrance fees is definitely not enough. How can taxpayers' money be squandered and wasted by those in power like a king?

  The crime rate in France is very high. Although not as high as the United Kingdom and the United States, thefts often occur. Not every piece of the Louvre’s cultural relics is a national treasure and must be recovered. The salary of the police is so low, and the work is more tiring than a dog. If a person is missing, they will not be tracked down. What's more, one or two stolen and tattered ones are caused by the man dressed as a sculpture and spent a day and night in the Louvre The sensation is much more eye-catching.

  Why did he do that? Is it performance art or a protester of an organization?

  When zodiac appeared, the media also followed up and reported on him. Everyone wanted to crack the password left by him. First, fbi solved the case and caught the criminal.

  This is more like a game of catching a rabbit or a game of treasure. People who are caught in the collective mind will find it difficult to leave that mind unless there is a "devil spokesperson".

And even if the devil spokesperson said that they would not listen, they would wait until the excitement disappeared or the new stimulus replaced them. At this time, the only agents who insisted on catching zodiac were those with federal government salary. , And very few people.

  Many people will adopt kittens, puppies, or other small animals because they like them for a while, and when the freshness is over, they will be annoying and then abandoned.

Abandoning children is not difficult for some people. Even if these children are their own flesh and blood, social maladies need to be corrected. National progress is achieved in the process of improving malpractices and governance. It is not like Harry’s uncle Fernon. It was over when it was sent to the orphanage.

In fact, Severus could cite the example of Voldemort murdering the baby Harry to prove that someone would obey the prophecy to eliminate the "hidden danger", but Monica and Alessandro are both Muggles, and Voldemort is farther away than the one for them. The Queen of the East is even stranger, at least they know that Attila is not a person of the world, it would be nice to understand.

  Years of teaching experience made Severus less clumsy than he was when he was young.

It’s just that the self in the mirror doesn’t have the tight skin that he had when he was young. He even saw that he had white hair and stood with a mixed-race Vewa. People would suspect that he was her father, and no one would think of his age. smaller.

   "Where is the scar on your neck?" Alessandro said while tying his bow tie.

   "I covered it with makeup." Severus said, "Need help?"

   "Yes, thank you." Alessandro stopped fighting with the tie. Severus reached out to take it, but didn't teach Alessandro how to tie a tie.

   "Did you understand what Gianluca meant just now?" Severus asked.


"Two girls from the United States were kidnapped from where they left when they arrived in Paris. One of the girls' father rushed to France to rescue her. Fortunately, he is an agent. If he is an ordinary person, there is no other way but to wait for the police. Deal with it, but I think that girl has been sold to the Middle East by then, and you have to protect your sister before everything goes bad." Severus said amid the rustling of silk.

  "Are you thinking too much." Alessandro said.

"Monica just wanted to play. You are her only protector, but I think she definitely doesn't want you to protect her. She even thinks she should protect you. You are younger than her, right?" Severus After talking about tightening the bow tie, Alessandro twisted his neck a little uncomfortable.

   "He doesn't want her to hear it, so he is such a metaphor?" Alessandro asked.

"Like I said, she was not vigilant enough. The urban adventurer named Bruni she found today was just as unbelievable. Maybe they will throw us in the maze, so I need you to watch it, understand? ?"

  Alessandro nodded slowly.

   "Apart from that reservoir, did you find anything else?" Severus asked.

  "If you come to Paris, you will lose something most precious." Alessandro said, "Do you believe it?"

"Who told you that?"

   "It's written in the magazine, oh!"

  Alessandro clutched his beaten head and wailed.

   "It looks like you are ready." Severus smirked.

   "There is another thing." Alessandro said, "I heard that there is a Great Seal Park nearby, and the Great Seal Line is the same name. The cherry blossoms there are very beautiful."

   "Maybe you didn't notice. It's the end of June. It's too hot for the cherry blossoms this season." Severus hissed.

  "Don't you think it is weird? The Great Seal Line, Great Seal Park." Alessandro said, "It used to be the place where Louis XIV held the royal banquet. French people value French cuisine very much."

  Severus pondered for a while and then asked, "Who did you hear?"

  "Magazine." After speaking, Alessandro took a half step back.

"Did you know that in English,'frog' means not only a frog, but also a railroad frog. Two railroad tracks that are almost impossible to encounter after crossing the frog for a short time ran away again, because from the beginning The destinations they choose are separately. From the time the passengers board the train, they have already made the choice." Severus stared into the mirror and said, "We can't install it anymore. You chose you." I chose mine too."

   "What do you mean?"

  Severus looked at the Muggle and smiled and said, "Believe me, it is necessary to treat others differently. You are not a saint, and you don't need to be fair to everyone."

  Alessandro still didn’t understand, and Severus ignored him.

  He came to Haji's side and whispered something to him.

   "How do I look?" Monica was wearing a gray evening dress and came to Alessandro very proudly.

   "Very good." Alessandro said perfunctorily.

  Then he was beaten. It just so happened that Monica beat Severus in a place where Alessandro touched her head, wondering what she had done wrong.

  (End of this chapter)