Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1714: The secret words of the goddess (59)

  Chapter 1714 The secret words of the goddess (59)

  Although the Malfoys were not doing well in the UK, Lucius never had the idea of ​​immigrating to the United States.

  Kakaroff ran to the wilderness and was found for one reason. Another reason is that, like many old British nobles, he never really looked down on Americans. However, it was acceptable for him to introduce one or two American wizarding families into the British social circle, but Draco suddenly rebelled at this time. He was not Astonian and did not marry, and Lucius then hit Severus with his idea. Body.

  A foreign woman will not care so much about local reviews, because all she has to deal with is strangers and heterogeneous cultures. To put it a little harder, when she was accepted by the British social circle, the child was already born. After having the child, does she still care about who Snape really loves?

  When Naxisha was young, he was also blinded by Lucius’ handsome appearance. Later, he realized that he was a man who couldn’t bear the pressure. But she didn't get a divorce either. The divorce is a very shameful thing, and she can live it as long as she lives. Only Lucius was on trial. She was really shaken when she was forced to appear in court, but they were already discredited at that time, and it would be even more ridiculous if there were other disputes.

  The nobles from the Slytherin family are very decent, and you can tell by their dressing, even if they have nothing to do with them, they still look good.

This is different from the common people "You have someone else out there! I want to divorce you". No matter where you are, the aristocracy must be set up. Rose, the fallen British aristocrat, looks down on the wealthy steel tycoon Carl. No matter how rich he is, he is still a civilian who wants to cling to her.

  British gentry evolved from the squire culture, but many of the squires came from peasants. Only after the enclosure movement became rich did they find ways to get married with those ancient noble families.

  For example, Umbridge bought Slytherin's locket. She didn't know it was Slytherin's, but thought it belonged to the Sylwyn family, one of the 28 pure-blood families.

  Harvard was first prepared for the children of British people who went to North American colonies to build. Most of these people graduated from Oxford and Cambridge. In order to let their children receive the same education as the United Kingdom, they established Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  This is like the difference between the original famous paintings and the high imitations. The British aristocrats have the original Oxford and Cambridge universities to study. Why should they go to the "high imitation" Harvard to study?

  Yes, Britain began to decline after World War I. After World War II, it even handed over its status as world hegemon to the United States of America. However, the upper echelons of Britain generally felt that Americans were mediocre knowledge and generally lacking wisdom. The difference between the American elite and ordinary civilians in cognition and education is about two hundred years. When the elite is developing technology to deal with aliens, the people at the bottom still don’t believe that the earth is round and don’t believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Degree.

The United States wants to use the Marshall Plan to implement "Americanization", while the United Kingdom uses modernism to oppose "Americanization". When the British working class tends to accept Hollywood movies, jazz, and American life, British elites have adopted a fierce resistance attitude. .

For example, Wilde said that a good American should go to Paris when he dies. Although the streets of Paris are much dirtier than those of London, they are much cleaner than the streets in the United States where there are street people everywhere. Even the streets of India during the British rule New York is clean.

  Massachusetts not only has Harvard University, but also Salem, the place where the witches gathered in 1692. When the witch-hunting movement in Europe is coming to an end, the witch-hunting movement in the New World is still in full swing.

  Salem almost became the capital of New England. That prosperous and beautiful community spreads over a mile, and the air is filled with the salty taste of sea water and the strong fragrance of pine. It is the most livable place in the British colony.

  When the new King of England came to the throne and the whole city of Boston was cheering and celebrating, Salemje issued an announcement that it was the only town in Massachusetts with a population of more than two thousand people except Boston.

  Only compared with the cosmopolitan Boston, Salem is quieter, but as refined as Boston.

  The calm of this town was not broken until the arrival of a wandering female named Sarah Good.

Sarah Good’s father was a Frenchman, a wealthy innkeeper, but he committed suicide and left a large sum of money in the hands of her stepfather. In her twenties, her husband died suddenly, leaving her for her. A large debt was laid down, followed by a series of lawsuits, which made her resentful and impoverished again.

A cruel environment will hone a person’s will, but an overly cruel situation will change a person’s personality. Massachusetts has a long-standing problem of helping the poor. Everyone hopes to drive the poor away, but after the war with King Philip left a lot of money. Widows and orphans.

  The residents of Salem asked the town to waive their road maintenance fees on the condition of relieving and sheltering these orphans and widows, so Sarah Good was taken in by the kind couple along with the women.

  Sarah’s emotions were difficult to control, she was malicious, and she was not grateful for helping kindhearted people, but she also spoke harshly, intimidating the family and insulting their children, so the landlord drove her away six months later.

  That winter, the landlord’s livestock started to die inexplicably. Later, when she wandered the town, she told the villagers in Salem that if anyone didn’t entertain her, she would give them some color. Sure enough, the cow of the Na family who was threatened by her the next morning suddenly died strangely.

At that time, people’s stereotypes of witches were twitching, screaming, strangling and hypnotizing, as well as being able to do some strange things, such as being able to become cats, dogs, wolves, and hares. Darwin’s theory of evolution mentioned that humans were changed from monkeys. This is not only a blasphemy against the creation of man in the Bible, but also an accusation of witchcraft.

  To use the words on the title page of "Witch's Hammer": not believing in witchcraft is the greatest heresy.

   Those who doubted the non-existence of witchcraft in the 17th century were criticized as “smart scholars in cafes” and liberals drinking latte in that era.

  If witches do not exist, why does the Bible warn Christians to guard against witches? So people came to an inference-denying witchcraft is denying religion, and denying witchcraft is advocating witchcraft. Those who deny witchcraft are to make believers take witchcraft lightly and then let them be hurt by witchcraft. Legions of the devil are everywhere, and their main purpose is to overthrow the church.

With such a person, you can’t explain to him the beauty of music in the process of proving Kepler’s law and the law of universal gravitation. The syllables sung by the angular velocity of the earth’s elliptical orbit are mifami, which sounds like misery and famine. (Famine), the bottom people love to drink because it prevents them from committing suicide, while the elite think they drink too much and they end up homeless.

  Immigration has worked so hard to exchange for a green card in the United States. The bottom Americans have their background. Are they happy?

When education is no longer a ladder for people to change their destiny, but instead uses people’s efforts, hard work and even life’s destiny to applaud, people’s mentality begins to change. Ordinary people begin to hate those who have knowledge and feel everything they say. They are all in collusion with the government to deal with their conspiracy.

  It doesn’t matter whether the Horizon Theory is the truth or not. Western-style democracy is a minority that obeys the majority. As long as there are more people who believe in the Horizon Theory than in the Horizon Theory, the Horizon Theory is the “truth”.

  How unbelievable this is, but how many people are there in the elite class? It is about 10% of the population. When 90% of the people think that something is right, you say that they are wrong. You are not in line with the spirit of democracy. Looking at it this way, what is wrong for the British upper class to think that Americans are mediocre knowledge and generally lacking wisdom?

The British invention of universal suffrage is based on Bentham’s utilitarianism. Bentham’s view is that the happiness of society is measured by the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people, not to increase the happiness of a few people and reduce the happiness of the majority. This principle governs, and all government measures must act accordingly.

It is in their own interest for most people to support a certain policy, that is, the most people get the greatest happiness. They hand over their rights to someone to do it for them, and recognize all his actions in the same way, and that's it. It is the birth of the great Leviathan, and a group of people unified in one personality like this is called a nation.

  The French personality led by Napoleon is a masculine male, and words such as Caesar and Rome can describe it.

  The now torn America does not have a single personality, but multiple personalities, just like a mental patient suffering from delusional disorder, living in an illusory world. This has also led to the world’s highest number of people suffering from mental illness in the United States, at about 26%. In contrast, the terrorists they call are more mentally stable than them.

  Whether the gun is handed over to a mental patient or a child of 2 or 3 years old, they cannot be expected to use it correctly. No one knows what mental patients do, and the child thinks it is a toy with a gun. Originally guns are insured, but there are many scenes in movies and TVs describing how to remove the insurance from guns. Children have a strong ability to imitate. If the insurance is too easy to be removed, he will "pupupupu" everywhere. Random shooting, such a three-year-old baby who is still eating a pacifier has the power to kill.

  Who is to blame after such a tragedy?

  So Grindelwald’s argument that wizards replace Muggles to rule the world and avoid them destroying the earth is wrong.

  They take responsibility for their own fuckups. Don't imagine that when the natural disasters and plagues spread in the Middle Ages, they put all the blame on the wizards.

Burning the wizard to death cannot solve the problem, but it is a placebo that can provide entertainment for some unfortunate people. Public execution will not bring any deterrent effect, but will bring happiness. This is an experiment in history, and Dickens recorded it. of.

  The Marshall Plan Britain allocated 3.2 billion U.S. dollars, 1 billion more than France. However, the 3.2 billion aid did not bring such a huge effect to the United Kingdom, and even accelerated the decline of the United Kingdom to some extent.

U.S. warfare and its waste, brand-new weapons and supplies were shipped to the front lines. If the U.S. had withdrawn at that time, these materials would be sold as second-hand goods. Therefore, most of the U.S. aid to Europe was actually war surplus materials, just like the American Civil War. Later, the United States sold the used Armstrong cannons to Japan, letting them engage in the Reform Movement.

Compared with other countries that have been smashed, the United Kingdom does not need war surplus materials. The United Kingdom has a large amount of materials to deal with. As for raw materials, Australia, New Zealand, and India are all raw materials producing areas. The quality and quantity of goods are better than those of the United States. More.

In 1949, more than half of the US$920 million allocated to the United Kingdom was cotton, grain, tobacco, and oil. The loans were only a small portion, but the urgently needed industrial raw materials were not included. The problem is that the United Kingdom could not take it, otherwise it would not even be able to get the loan. To.

While American industrial products took advantage of the Marshall Plan to enter Europe in large numbers, they squeezed the British industrial product market. At that time, Germany was abolished, France was half disabled, Britain was weak, and the strong and strong United States monopolized the European market. Europeans were right before World War II. American products are not interested, and it is the same after World War II. They only saw Americans buying European luxury goods. Who saw Europeans buying American luxury goods?

  It can be said that the Marshall Plan digs the foundation of England, and although the United Kingdom is in the European Union, it has not used the euro but has always used the British pound. The fairy tale of the European Union, the British masters do not believe that if it were not for tariffs, they would have left this quagmire of slow economic growth.

  For modern French people, Africa is their foundation. After the Second World War, Britain not only lost the European industrial market, but also lost its colonies. Among the many lost colonies, the loss of British India undoubtedly made Britain most distressed.

  De Gaulle never believed in the U.S. dollar. In 1971, he exchanged all foreign exchange for gold and returned to China. Other countries with foreign exchange surplus also exchanged foreign exchange for gold, and the Bress Woods system collapsed.

  At this time, the U.S. dollar forced the oil to settle in U.S. dollars in order to save itself. There was no U.S. dollar in the African franc system, but these West African countries bought American arms. It's just that they have no money. Except for the African franc, the foreign exchange was taken away by the French, and they had to trade with diamonds.

  These diamonds returned to the United States and became diamond rings. Under the witness of priests and relatives and friends, the bride wore these "blood diamonds" and entered the tomb of love with joy.

  Under the overwhelming advertising and publicity, which man does not offer a diamond ring when he proposes?

  Many people know about diamond scams, but everyone still buys diamond rings.

  Some things, even if you are transparent, 99% of them are not transparent, the scam will continue.

  Severus gave Pomona a ring. It was actually better than a diamond ring. She could summon him like a master, but she didn't use it often.

  And in the eyes of others, that ring does not look like a wedding ring.

  After wearing the wedding ring, the men and women represent the master. Josephine has a crown with a spiral carving on it, and the engraving is the head of Napoleon Bonaparte.

  Lucius told Severus in the voice of someone who had come over, that although it was vulgar, a diamond ring was indispensable. Even if the diamond was not worth the price, she had to wear it. This was part of the “tradition”.

  Look at her happy smiling face after receiving the diamond ring, don’t you feel happy?

  This is where Yang Mou is more terrifying than conspiracy.

  Diamonds are forever, and one is always passed on.

  Not every woman likes antique jewelry. She is the first owner of the newly dug up, and she likes it the same.

  It is "new", unlike the jewellery handed down, it is "second-hand".

  No woman wants to be a stepmother. The stepmother is not good to her stepson, and Lucius will not remarry after divorce because of Draco.

  Although the age is long, some people still know that the cause of the Salem incident was the stepfather who took away all of Sarah Good’s wealth.

  Is there any relationship between Sarah’s mother and her husband’s suicide in this incident? Did she give all the inheritance of her ex-husband to Sarah's stepfather?

  Sometimes people lose their minds, become crazy and extreme, not because she was such a person in the beginning, she was also a lovely angel.

  Salem’s transformation from a peaceful paradise to **** did not happen overnight.

  If people at that time could calm down, there would not be so many tragedies.

  (End of this chapter)