Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1743: Queen of Hell (14)

  Chapter 1743 Queen of Hell (14)

The generation born after the Second World War was once called the "Golden Generation". Unlike the Great Depression and World War II that their parents used to live in, the "Golden Generation" was in an era in which the United States did not experience the same experience as Europe. War, and because of a large amount of gold reserves, the US dollar has become a global currency. After returning from Europe, the veterans not only received courtesy, but they also received real material benefits because of their abundant supplies.

  At that time, the United States built many skyscrapers in the city to promote employment, and many small houses in the countryside. They were allocated to veterans. These veterans married and had children in that house, and there was a wave of baby booms.

  The Marshall Plan made America’s prestige soaring. It stands to reason that the "golden generation" should be the happiest generation. How did they become "hippies", a broken generation in the eyes of the elders?

  Imagine such a family with such a father and son. The father was born during the Great Depression. They lived in a house arranged by the government for veterans after the war because the son of the "golden generation" returned home on Thanksgiving.

  The son in his prime wants to chat with his 70-year-old father, but he finds that his father’s work information is still on the coffee table at home.

  The TV was on, a football game was playing inside, and my mother was busy in the kitchen.

  The generation of the fathers is very eager to be stable and stable, and because of the impact of the Cold War, many families have built basements to prevent air raids, and there are many rescue kits sold in supermarkets, which contain water for people to drink for several months.

  The children of the “golden generation” almost always watch their parents grow up with anxiety and work. Do they want that kind of life?

  The son in the prime of life needs a job. He has a strong sense of morality. He wants to find a balance between work and personal life, instead of focusing on work like his parents.

He is not as anxious as his parents, worrying that losing his job will make it difficult to find a new job as it was during the Great Depression. As for the war, the Vietnam War was provoked by the United States. Why did they go to the jungle for a war that is unjust and has nothing to do with their own interests? What?

  There are two horses, if they go head-to-head and there is not much difference, then you will chase me and move forward together.

   But if one horse runs too fast and the other horse cannot catch up anyway, the horse behind will not run, and its internal drive is not enough.

  Go to the Middle East to fight for oil. It is understandable that civilians can also enjoy cheap oil after plundering oil resources.

   But Vietnam has been fighting for 20 years and consumed 400 billion US dollars for what?

  Why do civilians abandon their lives in the United States and go to the jungle where there are guerrillas everywhere, risking death or even disability, while the children of the rich enjoy a happy life in the peaceful United States?

  Besides blind obedience to religious sentiments, if anyone does not accept these creeds, they will be regarded as enemies. There are also cruel paranoia and fanatical propaganda.

  If a hero is embraced by a certain group, then the hero looks like a true **** in the group.

  Mike Jackson in the rock music world married the daughter of Elvis, as if completing a power transfer ceremony. The object of people's cult of worship changed from Elvis to him, and people would pass out with excitement when listening to his concert.

  In a propaganda film of him, there is a troop behind him, and he can't see the end at a glance. It is said that 700,000 soldiers were dispatched in this propaganda film. The actual situation is not that many. There may be some composites, but Jackson has such a strong appeal from a certain angle.

  The Roman Empire was not maintained by force. It allowed the masses to produce pious praise. The Arc de Triomphe and the victory it represented made the Romans mad.

If a Wall Street elite has completed a very beautiful acquisition, but only people who understand his knowledge in this field understand what a great achievement he has made, and other people don’t understand what he did, then this kind of achievement Feelings will be greatly reduced.

  He is jumping there alone, and the others are just watching. No matter how passionate he is, he will soon feel boring.

  The concert was different. Tens of thousands of people shouted together like a tsunami. Hitler, Mussolini, and Churchill had all seen that scene before. People voluntarily obey the thoughts of the leaders, and the thoughts of the leaders ignite their enthusiasm from the heart.

  How can a rock star be a leader? What thoughts does he have?

  If the French Enlightenment was influenced by the thought of pity for agriculture, there was a Tang Dynasty poet in the hippie culture. He was named Han Shan, a monk. Zen advocates the liberation of people and emphasizes that everything is empty.

In the past, Han Shan lived in the mountains far away from society and lived in seclusion. The secular authority did not restrict him. This touched and inspired the hippies' pursuit of values ​​with distinctive personality. Therefore, Zen ideology has also played a very important role in the hippie culture. Heavy role.

After World War II, the United States was caught in a conflict between economic development and Protestant ethics. Asceticism is not conducive to economic development. Under the capitalist system, all the governance of mainstream political parties is considered from the perspective of pure economic efficiency. It loosens the financial industry and welcomes it. At the same time of financialization, in order to maximize profits and ride the wave of globalization, many American companies choose to transfer some labor that does not require technology to underdeveloped countries to reduce labor costs. This does not hinder their own wealth accumulation, but the goods they produce need to be sold. The financial industry itself does not generate any social wealth, but it can realize wealth redistribution. The bottom income is reduced, and the disposable wealth is also reduced. How to solve it?

  If you have something you want, you have to get it, instead of waiting until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when you have enough money, you can buy it, especially for real estate products, at one price a day. At that time, many new immigrants came because of the "American Dream". They not only took away American jobs, but also raised the prices of other commodities. These new immigrants were elites and wealthy people in their own countries.

Loan consumption has become a trend, just like hippies practicing yoga and eating vegetarian food. Those who are committed to making the United States "great" again have simplified complex social and human problems into economic problems to solve them. It is easy to print money. You can start the machine, but it is very difficult to create people. It is not enough to be born, and to inject souls into their bodies and a promising future.

  Consumption activities have become the sole purpose of economic activities. It can create the illusion of prosperity. However, Zen criticizes the greed, anger and ignorance in people's hearts, among which greed is the root of all suffering and evil in the human living environment.

  It happened that Protestant asceticism blocked the way of economic development. Protestantism gradually declined, and Zen took its place. Even the worship of Satan began to spread rapidly among young people. Zen sees liberation as a means of pursuing liberation and freedom, but just like Chinese food can change its taste abroad, hippies express it in more extreme ways such as alcoholism and "separation of leaves". What these people want to create is a new order. Establish new relationships between man and himself, man and others, man and society, man and nature, and man and earth. The hippies used unruly behaviors to draw a line from what they believed to be a pathological society, and aroused people's attention to social issues. The symbols of nuclear disarmament, the symbols of Egyptian life, and the inverted pentagram also appeared.

  This is not a rare occurrence. The Capitol Hill in Washington is surrounded by a huge inverted pentagram, which was designed by the Freemasonry at the beginning of the construction of this city.

  Hippies are also such a small wave of people, but their impact is huge. It was only at that time that the Soviet Union was still there. After the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States had the time and energy to deal with East Asian issues.

  The equality of Americans looks upwards, not downwards. Poor and white European immigrants free themselves from the fate of being squeezed by squeezing slaves, and they will not look down on the same level as low-end workers.

  The French have incorporated the dirty job of dredger into the civil service. The sewer is the conscience of Europe. This is not only the hygiene of the city, but also the spread of diseases such as cholera.

A person himself needs to contribute to others. This is also the source of his social recognition and dignity. India feels that dredging work is too dirty for no one to do. The sanitation of a national city that loves cleanliness and likes to bathe in the Ganges is so bad. .

  American elites exclude working people from the discussion of public affairs, and believe that people with low academic qualifications do not have the ability to think and judge. People are unwilling to engage in low-paying jobs with no sense of social identity. The streets of the United States have become as messy as India, and Silicon Valley has become the world of Indians. Originally, the caste system was invented by India, and of course they got mixed up in that system.

  The way the Indian people led by Gandhi rebelled against Britain was non-violent and non-cooperative. The real hippies repelled violence. They just wanted to lie down for a while in the peach orchard they made, doing nothing, freeing up their hearts and brains, and enjoying relaxing time.

  It's just that some strange people came in later, with long hair, tattoos, etc. The hippies were later stigmatized.

The Americans who grew up in the    generation later took off their exotic clothes and put on formal attire, acting like "adults". The mainstream values, power, and material wealth were still ruled by the older generation. But they are still those people in their bones, one set on the surface, another set behind their backs, such as the famous blue dress.

  The next generation who grows up in such an environment are better at disguising, and it is of great significance to teach by precept and deeds. Some people who look bad are actually easier to guard against than those dressed in hypocrisy. Some people even don't think they are bad people at all, and they don't know what to do that is immoral. Who would have thought that Hefpaff College would produce a Death Eater, and Buddy Crouch Jr. was also involved in torturing Neville's parents.

  A person who knows moderation under carnival is called a virtue. Even if he has problems with his own virtue, he knows that there are some things he can't do. Such a person is more wiser than a person who has fallen into disorder.

  Buddy Crouch Jr. is just as fun, exciting, and novel as the girls in Salem, and only knows that he regrets it when they are killed or when they are required to take responsibility.

  When social laws and personal desires are in conflict, some people will sacrifice society in order to realize their personal desires, and some people will sacrifice their personal desires for society.

  Old Buddy Crouch sentenced his son to death from the perspective of justice, but it was Mrs. Crouch that died instead of Buddy Crouch Jr.

  This is the mother who is willing to die in the place of the son. It is difficult for the husband to enjoy this kind of treatment.

  It’s just that Buddy Crouch Jr. didn’t really understand and repent. He chose another camp to help Voldemort resurrect, just as Regulus Black chose to destroy the Horcrux.

  A person accepts the kiss of a dementor and dies like a prisoner, a person is remembered like a hero, and even a loyal servant wants to die for him.

  It doesn't care what the world will become, it just wants to save Master Regulus.

  The name of this servant is Klitsch, which is the same as the collective name given to all its creators by the Creator.

  This kind of feeling dedicated to one person is very rare, and Sirius Black did not get it from Kliche anyway.

  He died in the Battle of the Ministry of Magic. In fact, because of his strength at the bottom of the Order of the Phoenix, he could not go. On the contrary, Snape, the chief of the Order of the Phoenix, should go but did not go, but Sirius went to protect his godson.

Before being taken away, Buddy Crouch Jr. said he would return to Azkaban triumphantly like a hero.

  Beside him, there is a house-elf Shining, who takes care of little Buddy Crouch like a mother.

  This is the nature of female animals, and she-wolves also have it.

  She is different from Dobby. After being kicked out of the house, she has a problem with alcoholism, just like those street wanderers.

  Did she become homeless because of her alcoholism?

  Family was originally owned by everyone, but now it has become the goal of a person's lifelong struggle.

  What is the relationship between the population problem and a social scum that does not have a fixed residence?

  You can enter people’s dreams when they are drunk, and there is heaven in the dream, where he doesn’t need to cry.

  Although the American dream is also a dream, this purely physical dream is not affected by television and public opinion. There is finally a clean place in the world that does not have those who love to be life mentors and spread fanatical success theories.

  As for the posters of superheroes that can be seen everywhere in the streets, there may be a smiling face with a "clown" painted.

  Even the devil was once an angel. (Evendeviloncewasanangel)

  Don't leave room for people, if you push too much, you will have this kind of anti-social personality lunatic. He is much easier to appear than the Hulk who mutated after being irradiated. How many Bruce Wayne will be there?

  (End of this chapter)