Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1770: Queen of Hell (41)

  Chapter 1770 The Queen of Hell (41)

  Any dynasty hopes to have a long history since its establishment, but even the strong 18th dynasty of Egypt has only lasted more than two hundred years from the day when it was founded to the establishment of the 19th dynasty of Egypt by Ramses.

Ramses I was in his fifties when he came to the throne. He reigned for only 16 months, but he continued the construction projects of his predecessor, and then started construction at the Karnaksi Temple and the river above the Valley of the Kings. A new mausoleum.

In essence, these buildings are no different from the marketization of prisons carried out by the Americans. They are all paid from the state's public expenditures. Only one is used to bury pharaohs and members of the royal family, and the other is to lock up disobedient people. , So that only obedient flocks are left outside.

If you worship other idols, Jehovah will bring disasters. This approach is no different from slave owners. The Israelis believe in Jehovah because Jehovah helped the Israelis to leave Egypt and get rid of the slavery of the Egyptians. If the tribal gods of the nomads are so authoritarian , Then people can also abandon him and worship other gods. If you want to destroy, then destroy. Maybe the creator thinks that he has given life to man is great, but the creators are not asking the creator to create themselves, and they are played like Job by the devil and God. "I" don't Willing to be born into the flesh for this purpose.

  In contrast, although the Greek gods are chaotic, they are relatively free, and they will bring rich harvests, wine and wisdom. If Jehovah still uses laws and intimidation to make people submit, then people will definitely abandon them.

  Such an "adverse son" is indeed hateful, but why does the "father" have to give birth? A tolerant and compassionate God Father is more easily accepted by mankind, and is willing to open his arms to the prodigal son who has lost his way. The choice is two-way. Since ancient times, so many gods can be worshipped, and many gods have been abandoned by mankind. Why does Jehovah not allow his fall?

It is impossible for people to have no desire. The desire to survive is also a desire. The ancient Greeks asked rich and powerful people to donate money to build public facilities, and allowed them to leave their names on those buildings, so that they would be in the mausoleum with those The tomb owner who engraved his name everywhere was remembered, and the goal of immortality was achieved. Doing this is more realistic than challenging the restricted zone of life and making the body immortal.

Since the fifth dynasty of Egypt, the pharaoh has five names, namely Horus name, double goddess name, golden Horus name, name of the king of upper and lower Egypt, and name of the son of Ra. Among them, the name of the king of upper and lower Egypt and Ra The name of the son will appear in the circle of the king's name, it is usually in an oval frame, whether it is horizontal or vertical, the meaning is the same.

Ramses II was not the son of Ramses I. It was Seti I who inherited the throne of Ramses I. Before he came to the throne, he was already a co-ruler of Ramses I. It was only after the death of Seti I. The succession of Sith II means that Ramses II is the grandson of Ramses I.

  Propaganda is Ramses II’s best weapon. A large number of sculptures and murals can see Ramses II’s name. The power that only the pharaohs had before was given to the rich Greeks.

  With the expansion of Alexander's army, the Hellenism is also expanding, the most notable of which is the construction of Greek architecture. Not only in the Mediterranean, but also in Asia Minor and Egypt, there are also Greek buildings. In addition to discoveries in mathematics, physics, and astronomy, such as Euclid and Archimedes, they are also architects.

  Of course, the low-cost houses that common people live in have no preserved value, even the houses of nobles. Only buildings such as temples that have spent a lot of time and effort will survive the vicissitudes of life.

  Perhaps Athens did not plan the Kabbalah graphics like the ground roads in Washington, but the Greek-style buildings have been integrated into Western architecture.

In addition to democracy, ancient Greece also had a tyrant system. This is also the rule of Florence. Among them, Cosimo de Medici was the pioneer of this tyrant system. He was also known as the uncrowned king of Florence. People of the European Renaissance.

  Imagine a world where there is no Renaissance in Europe, and there are no artists and scholars such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Botticelli. What would that kind of Europe be like?

For Florence and Siena, the life-and-death battle was only a battle of about 30,000 people. Ramses II led the Egyptians to fight for control of Syria with the Heti tribe and touched 20,000 soldiers and 200 chariots. Opponent Moataris led 10,000 soldiers and more than 3,500 tanks. Over two thousand years, the number of participants in the battle remained the same, but the number of tanks decreased. This may be related to the local mountainous terrain. , But under the **** of the church, there is no doubt that European productivity will fall back.

Even the way to deal with the Black Death is different. In the same disaster, Milan was less affected. The bishop of Milan at that time ordered bricks and doors and windows to be sealed as soon as a case was discovered, regardless of whether the dead or the living were healthy or sick. All locked up.

  Although Florence has killed half of its population, it has also shaken the seemingly unshakable old order. The Medici was born in poverty and was not from aristocracy. In Europe, the Medici family, which admired the marriage of aristocrats, was despised.

  But whether it is Siena or Florence, they have seized the power of rule from the hands of the nobles, and the craftsmen are always cruelly exploited in the hands of the nobles. After Cosimo took power, he treated those with talents courteously, and no longer enslaved them like pack animals during the feudal rule.

Michelangelo was urged by the Pope when he painted the Sistine Zenith painting, but at that time he was civilized a lot, so as not to seal off the secrets, like the craftsmen who built the ancient royal tombs on the day the tombs were repaired, the craftsmen To be buried with the monarchs too.

The pharaoh had many funeral objects. To prevent theft, he set up numerous institutions. Even Tutankhamun left a spell, but he couldn’t prevent the "house thieves." Those high priests of Amon knew the traps inside and moved their capital to Memphis in Thebes. Before they dared to be blatant, after moving their capital, they stole the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, and Ramses II opened a new cemetery in Saqqara.

No matter how much wealth is hidden in the ground, nothing is left after thousands of years of tomb robbing. After Napoleon brought Egyptian civilization to Europe, it caused an "archaeological fever". Nothing could escape the "cultural relic hunter", even the pharaoh's mummies. The dome and obelisks of the temple have been moved away.

The obelisk on the Place de la Concorde was praised to Ramses II and stood where Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette beheaded. Is this taking the pharaoh’s curse seriously or not. What's the matter?

The king’s circle in Upper and Lower Egypt is generally composed of Suter trees and bees. Suter trees are a specialty of Upper Egypt, and bees are the national emblem of Lower Egypt. Together they are the kings of Upper and Lower Egypt. This is where the new king enthroned. Taken at the time.

The name of King Nisupit of Ramses II was the strong man who possessed the **** Maat, a person chosen by the **** Ra. The **** Ra is represented by a circle and a dot in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, which just coincides with The sound wave of the six-character mantra "Om" is the same. This word represents equality and can eliminate arrogance.

Maat is a goddess wearing ostrich feathers. Ostrich feathers are her symbol. The famous Anubis said that the feathers in the picture of the heart are her. Her beliefs are the core of the ancient Egyptian religious concepts. All the causes of the harmony of the universe cover the order of the universe, social relations, social morality, personal cultivation, etc., and are the embodiment of order, justice, and justice.

  The legend of annihilation of the world has been heard too much and I am tired, but it is not as good as a certain American president said that he has nuclear weapons that can destroy the world ten times.

  Before the nuclear bomb, the poor ghost had nothing, and after the nuclear bomb, there was nothing left. After the civilization restarts, everyone will return to the Stone Age together. Who will lose more?

  St. Augustine said that letting people have free will is tantamount to denying God’s omnipotence, and also allowing God’s gift to the world and Christ’s sacrifice on the cross loses its meaning.

  Whether it is baptism, prayer, mass, or sacrament and ceremonies, if believers cannot feel that they are not in vain, it will be difficult to continue for a long time.

When the women of Venice prayed in the chapels of their homes, asking Maria to drive away the Black Death, if they kept praying and did not respond, then they would not continue for long, but the plague was "because of their prayers." No matter how tight the finances of Venice were at the time, it still had the most beautiful crown in the Adriatic Sea, the church of Our Lady of Ann Khang.

  The Greeks call echoes. Hussein Sina thinks that echoes are related to distance. When the distance is too close, the echoes cannot be heard because they are not only separated by distance, but also the time required for the sound wave to travel.

  When the singer is weak in concert in the desert, singing under the roof is stronger.

  But there is a low-frequency sound wave that is inaudible to human ears. It exists between the heavens and the earth, and because the resonance will not be weakened, what kind of tune does this sound sing?

  (End of this chapter)