Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1772: Queen of Hell (Forty-three)

  Chapter 1772 Queen of Hell (Forty-three)

The widow’s life is lonely. Tai, who played Hathor twice after Amenhotep III’s death, wanted to give this incident to his son’s new queen. After all, she was the biological mother of Amenhotep IV. , Even if he took over the other "cat-like" concubines in his father's harem.

  Without so many rituals and all kinds of women, Tai should be clean. Sometimes life is not like philosophers discuss. It is necessary to find out what it means to be alive, but to solve one problem after another.

When the Manchurian civil and military and the harem were busy dealing with the transition between the old and the new pharaohs, Tai took over the diplomatic letters. Amenhotep IV did not care about Asian affairs, and the "Queen Dowager" always had to resolve it. She wrote to Mitanni. The king gave him peace of mind and allowed him to continue to maintain his friendship with Egypt. Don't forget the love for the former pharaoh, and the same love for the new pharaoh, and must continue to send friendly missions.

  The other thing is to arrange a funeral for the former pharaoh. Although the Egyptians believe that people will be resurrected after death, death is death. The body that loses the soul will soon rot, and the pharaoh must be mummified as soon as possible.

Since Amenhotep III has become the incarnation of the sun god, his mummy must of course be different. When the internal organs are taken out of the king’s body, the corpse will be coated with a layer of golden resin. They were collected from various parts of the vast empire or even outside the country, and then the corpses were to be placed in a caustic soda solution. This solution is made with Nile water and natural soaking alkali from the Natron Valley in the north and Kabu in the south, meaning the union of Upper and Lower Egypt.

After 30 days of soaking, the hemoglobin was filtered out of the body, and the alkaline solution turned into a red liquid like amniotic fluid. The monks lifted the Pharaoh’s body from the solution, as if the body had been reborn, followed by the process of air drying. The burning incense all over the room is to summon the help of the gods and to drive away flies.

  No matter how the flies are given the meaning of bravery by people, the insects are still very disgusting, especially when they crawl on the corpses.

There are many little girls who worship heroes, but Tai feels that her life is worthwhile. In the royal family where **** among relatives is prevalent, Amenhotep III broke through the tradition and married her, one of the non-royal and non-noble merchants. Female, when she was young, she was incredibly happy to learn that she was selected as the queen. She felt that she was dreaming. When she grew up a little bit, she knew that this was brought together by her brother and was a compromise between the Amon priest group and the Pharaoh. .

Her son does not intend to compromise with the priests of Amon. He wants to destroy the traces of Amon’s existence and establish a new sun god, Atun. He needs someone to support him, just like Tai and Amenhotep III. Welcome back the ancient **** Osiris.

  Perhaps she will still remember the glorious scene at the celebration. In the daytime ceremony, she was like a real golden goddess, dressed in dazzling clothes, she was so graceful and luxurious that she walked in the ceremonial queue.

Amenhotep III played a competent pharaoh. He decently completed the "hunting", "sacrifice", and "victory" related to the war, although Amenhotep III did not have a lifetime. Leaving the name of bravery, he only led a war once in his life. It was the war against the Nubians in the early days of his succession. Although the purpose of the war was to ensure the transportation route from the Nubian region to the Nile in Egypt. Threats, but everyone knows that the new king's accession to the throne will inevitably consolidate his position with a victory.

Amenhotep III was not perfect, but he brought peace and prosperity to upper and lower Egypt, and made the entire Egypt rich and stable. Egypt reached its heyday under his rule. Since Egypt has that strength, why should he send it? How about a princess going to Babylon to get married?

Whether it is a nominal princess or not, she will only consolidate the status of the King of Babylon in the hearts of the subjects, and even the status of the hearts of Asian countries. It is the strength of Babylon that makes Egypt have scruples, which will make Egypt appear "weak". It will not be what Amenhotep III would like to see.

  The air-dried body was coated with a second layer of resin by the monks. This resin was preheated in advance to allow the liquid to flow into every corner and ensure that the Pharaoh’s limbs were perfectly sealed.

  After handling everything, the mummy of the pharaoh is as hard as a stone shell. This is a conscious design of the pharaoh, which is different from his sculpture that looks plump and round like a woman.

After completing this step, the monks wrapped him in multiple layers of linen, put on a golden pharaoh's outfit for him, and then put on a golden death mask, and then the pharaoh's body was placed in the golden coffin, and the next step was to prepare for the funeral. , That needs Taiyi and the new pharaoh to preside together.

  No matter how to play God, people are still human after all. Does anyone know if Tai really loves Amenhotep III?

With the passage of time, the beautiful Taiyi of the past will gradually age, but new and beautiful women from all over the world are constantly being sent to the palace. If Amenhotep III really decides the queen according to the degree of beauty, then Tai Yi has long been replaced by a new beauty.

  This is the case for men, without a refined appearance, they simply don’t bother to understand the soul of a woman.

  After witnessing the pharaoh’s funeral, Tai left the temple full of smoke.

  She knows very well that her son, Amenhotep IV, likes beautiful women as much as his father, so the first condition for choosing a new princess is to be beautiful. It is said that there is a female side branch in Thebes related to the Luna family. They are worshipped as goddesses in Thebes. This "heiress" can be seen, but I hope she will not be like Anthhotep.

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The incarnation of the goddess Hathor recognized by the Egyptians is not any queen or princess of the eighteenth dynasty, but Nefertari, the great queen of Ramses II of the nineteenth dynasty, that is the tomb. On the wall is a picture of her queen playing Senet.

  Since Amenhotep III proclaimed himself the **** of the sun and the Nile **** Hapi, his sculptures have been reused. It seems that people think that a **** with the power of sun and water should look like that.

  In Ramses II’s long reign, there were seven princes, but his favorite was the "Southern Beauty" Nefertari, who even surpassed the other two Egyptian queens to preside over religious ceremonies.

  But at this time, it was not Hathor and Osiris that she sacrificed, but the **** Min. He was the **** of harvest and fertility, the guardian of desert travelers, and the guardian of children.

  Egypt boys and girls will offer lettuce and fruits as tribute to him when they enter adulthood, and they will eat them after the gods enjoy them, which symbolizes adulthood. This is the earliest coming-of-age ceremony in Egypt. His image is usually holding a cane, which means that he always guides the lost traveler.

  Sometimes he is considered the incarnation of Amon. On the wall of the Temple of Luxor, there is Nefertari shaking a fork-bell in front of the gods and participating in the "Sailboat of Min God" celebration.

  Every night, after a tiring day, after the sun goes down, you will take a solar boat to the underworld. There are other ghosts on board who are going to the underworld to be judged.

  They used to be rowing boats. The oars were easily caught by the dead souls in the water. Changing to sails saved the trouble.

Just like dancing when erecting the festival pillar, the pharaoh and the princess will be present at the ceremony to preside over the mast erection ceremony. After the mast is erected, a man will climb to the top of the wooden pole to show respect to the **** Min .

  In the history of Egypt, the "vertical column" is a very solemn thing, and the obelisk cannot be moved easily. After the death of Anthotep, no matter how Thutmose III tried to obliterate her deeds of the female pharaoh, she only retained her history as a queen. He did not level the obelisk of Anthotep, but built it. The curtain wall blocked it, but this action left the obelisks behind.

  The base of the obelisk in the Place de la Concorde depicts the process of erecting the pillars with gold paint, which looks very Egyptian.

Amenhotep III built more buildings in his lifetime than Ramses II, but he was not as famous as Ramses II. On the contrary, his daughter-in-law, Nefertiti, was more famous. Her colorful bust was unearthed. Later people even thought she was Cleopatra VII.

This is a generally accepted concept. Of course, the one who can conquer Caesar is a peerless beauty. Being beautiful is not only a prerequisite, but the overwhelming visual impact can also make people feel distraught, kneeling directly on the ground, surrendering to her amazing charm. .

  But how beautiful can beauties grow? She is not the same as two eyes and one nose? She's a monster more or less.

  People value the importance of the outside and ignore the role of wisdom, but understand that there is no meaning. Contrary to most people's ideas, it is not good for people, especially women. Others don't need you to express their opinions and tell them what is right and wrong. Those who know everything are especially annoying.

  Sutter thinks that anxiety is a good thing and a symbol of awakening. Is it necessary for philosophy to exist in universities in the 20th century? After graduation from philosophy, what industry do you work in? It's about news and publishing, teachers, etc. How can engineering students and engineers be convenient and useful.

  Some people feel that it is a pain to become a screw that can be replaced. Some people also feel that becoming a screw is a contribution to society. He has changed his original life through his own efforts, which is more useful than those who dream of it.

You feel that you can’t stand a life of step by step, but many people think that it is the idea of ​​an unruly and maverick. You don’t work hard, you have a plan for your future, and you are not sure about your own position. It doesn't matter, the insensitive attitude towards life.

This kind of disagreement mostly occurs in the quarrel between parents and children. Although they are under the same roof, there are two kinds of people. One is married men and women, and the other is men and women who have not married. Married men and women pursue stability. Inventing the natural society of the family and developing countless ethics around it is to bind free men and women.

  During the French Revolution, men who were recruited and married were not recruited, and unmarried men had nothing. The Crusades were like this. The problem of second sons and illegitimate children of the nobility was to be solved.

  When single men died on the battlefield, and married men joined the army in order to protect their families, they were also young people of school age. These people may not have the heart to invade, but they have the heart to defend the country. As long as there are fewer people getting married and more bachelors, there will be more people who reflect on "I don't want to carry dishes forever."

  They will be like the Americans to venture, take risks, take opportunistic tricks, pursue personal success and the value of life, be uncomfortable with the status quo, and think all day long.

Many people don’t have so many ambitions. They are satisfied by marrying and having children with their loved ones. They don’t even want to live in a Haussmann apartment in the center of Paris or live in a villa in the picturesque countryside. They prefer to live. In the suburbs, there are two bedrooms in a dead alley, and a duplex building with two living rooms downstairs is enough. On the contrary, the Palace of Versailles is uncomfortable.

  They want to allow their spouse to cheat. Who has time to control how the upper class controls the world?

  If you force people to be unable to get married and settle down, find a goal, and everyone will work towards that goal together. The bachelor does not take care of it, and takes his family and children with him.

In the past, the French aristocracy grabbed the tax revenue of the territory and went to Paris to enjoy it. Now it is grabbing the wealth of the city dwellers. Rabbits don’t eat grass at the nest. The French Revolution caused troubles in the cities. There was no chaos in the countryside, where theocratic power did not fall. Can hide in the industry in the country.

  Fortunately, the homelessness problem in France is not as serious as that in the United States. As long as the Secretary of the Interior who has been trained in the United States shuts up and does not say "cleaning up social scum", the people will not be irritated and there is room for relaxation.

U.S. justice associates "foreclosure" and "eviction". This means that people who buy a house cannot repay the loan, and they will lose their homes and be driven out of their houses if they are foreclosed by the court. Living on the streets, the government doesn't care, families are broken up, and unfree men and women become free again.

Since the 1980s, the United States has begun to market prisons, bringing criminals into prisons and giving them shelter. After all, prisons are funded by the federal government, taxpayers’ money is a stable income, and shelters rely on kindness. , Income is unstable, God knows what the conditions are.

  There is violence in prisons, which can force prisoners to obey, but shelters do not. So many rules may not be as happy as wandering on the street, and the problem of homelessness becomes more serious.

  The street is full of homeless people, which is detrimental to the city, but the judge gave justice and mercy to the bank, and he had to bear such a result. The United States of America inherited the British common law, but did not absorb equity. Abandoned wife equity is an example.

Cicero felt that the real law is natural and harmonious, impartial and rational, and man is "orderly freedom." Later, Anthony's soldiers cut off his head and hands and placed them on the forum where he once gave a speech. When he stunned the residents of Rome, maybe he could tell people other truths.

Anthony, who once treated Cicero courteously, did not intend to kill him. He just wanted Cicero to be exiled. Octavian tried to remove Cicero from the list of participants who were punished to assassinate Caesar, but who was Cicero? Luo was the leader of the rebellion against Caesar, and he worked hard to restore the constitution after Caesar's death?

The entire Roman law is permeated with a concept of justice that is not simply artificially determined. Even if Rome decays, the legal system of Charitney is also affected by the principles of natural law. That is to say, if the temporary masters of the country do not have justice, that is, they Acting in violation of natural law, people with justice and rationality do not obey their moral obligations.

  The United States also has a castle law. The home is his castle. When someone robs you, you can use heavy weapons to defend yourself without the obligation to retreat first.

  The group of "smart" bankers caused such a big disaster, and even the result of the murder was minor.

  When the birth rate of the ruling class drops, the birth rate of the total population rises, which is the contribution made by immigrants. In the past, when the Puritans first arrived in the New World, 6 children in a family were normal. The Indian population decreased due to various reasons and the land was occupied by immigrants.

Raising a person with right and wrong values ​​is very tiring. It takes time and energy. It is more difficult than printing money. What's more, young people have insufficient discrimination and strong imitating ability. This is a time for them to be good at learning and to instill a lot of consumerism in their minds. It is easy to cultivate consumers, but they have not cultivated the power of their desires beyond the control of rationality. Their behavior is uncontrollable.

They will lie and have age pretends, and even they will be controlled by adults to lie like the girls in Salem. Ponzi schemes will become more and more. The brains of the "old people" are degraded, so how can it be considered too much? they.

It is possible that you think you have met a "true goddess" who has both beauty and wisdom, but in fact it is a woman who has been married seven times like Mrs. Zabini. Her son is never ashamed of this, but instead and Della Komalfo talked about how she got rich every time she was a widow.

   Ramses II also promoted education. As for what is in class, it is possible to teach children to follow the emperor's (Pharaoh) orders and fight bravely when they grow up, just like the teachers in Napoleon's time.

The people at that time left a lot of papyrus scrolls. This is a reflection of their high literacy skills, that is, the content is not very "harmonious." For example, a rogue named Paneb, who is a habitual offender of public order and morals, while he is on the street. The stepfather who chased him shouted, "I'm going to kill this old thing at night!"

  How do you think that the guilty person is Panebu's rogue. In fact, it is the stepfather who beat Panebu's biological mother, and he wants to avenge his mother.

  It is easy for people to have their own positions and opinions preconceived, and think that they are right, and hope that the other party will accept their opinions.

There is nothing wrong with the sentence of working hard to achieve success. One cannot ask God to hope that a big pie will fall on one’s head. There is a story about "The Narrow Gate of Heaven" in the New Testament. The people who work get as much as those who have only worked for an hour, and everyone will go to the landlord's house to work late in the future.

  Forcing others to "awaken" and let others follow anxiety and confusion is also wrong. Every soul has a way to go. Since the original intention of the "awakened" is to want the good of others, why should we deprive others of the right to be happy?

  You look at other people's misfortune, and others look at you.

  You are pursuing spiritual abundance, but the material is scarce. The 20th century is no longer the middle age of being proud of poverty.

  The power of knowledge is ultimately to be realized. In this respect, liberal arts are inferior to science and engineering. The research results of science and engineering can bring about technological and industrial revolution. What are the results of liberal arts research?

Perhaps there is no absolute harmony and complete peaceful coexistence between people, but like members of the Order of the Phoenix, the obvious boundaries between classes can be eliminated, while differences and mutual respect are not ruled out. The pure-blooded noble Sirius Black can be with the werewolves. Lupin lives together, even if they are wealthy enough to buy a "super-running" firebolt as a Christmas gift for their godson, but Remus doesn't even have a fixed residence or job.

  During Prohibition, the underground bar also became a fusion place, and everyone came to find happiness.

The Pharaoh does not launch a war of aggression, and the civilians do not have to die. If he wants to engage in ceremonies, let him do it? He has also built so many buildings, everyone has work, consumption will increase without stimulation, and the food on people's tables will become rich and varied. many.

  Instead, it was Ramses II. Egypt’s economic recession under his rule had already begun. His relics were won by quantity and size, not by exquisite craftsmanship and quality.

It would cost a lot of money to raise such a huge harem, and to raise an army to fight everywhere, so I had to save money from other aspects. Fortunately, Ramses II was not so critical and unkind. His title was carved on the wall. No need to make embossing so laborious and laborious.

  His son of Ra is the beloved of Amon and the ruler of the world.

  It seems that he has the incarnation of Hathor Nefertari, so he doesn't want to be Hathor's beloved like Amonnet Hart I.

It was also thirty years after wearing the crown. Amenecht I was assassinated by his guards. It is indeed time to celebrate the thirty years. Fortunately, Amenhotep III passed away in peace. The assassins were not sent by the Babylonian king who was ashamed to anger at the ceremony. This sacrifice was not prepared in vain, he and his country were protected by Osiris.

  (End of this chapter)