Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1776: Queen of Hell (47)

  Chapter 1776 The Queen of Hell (47)

There is a movie called "Saving Private Ryan", and there is a young man named James Ryan, the youngest of the four brothers in the family. All three of his brothers have been killed in battle in various places within two weeks. The United States Combat Command After learning the news, in order to prevent the unfortunate mother from suffering the loss of her son, the generals decided to send a special team to rescue her remaining son safely from the war zone.

  The task of the rescue team fell on Captain John Miller and his team who had just completed the landing mission on the coast of Omaha. These soldiers do not understand why so many people are looking for someone on the dangerous and vast European battlefield? To be precise, it is an army like them.

  Why did the employees of the Ritz Hotel save the Allied pilots? Because the cost of cultivating them is not the same as the cost of cultivating an army, the cost of cultivating a Harvard graduate is also very high. From this perspective, in order to protect Harvard graduates, it is only natural for the army with low education and low cost to pay its own lives. Isn't it?

First of all, "smart people" must understand that neither the US police nor the government is obliged to protect citizens from criminals. If citizens are violated, they have no right to require the police and the government to take responsibility, unless there is a special relationship between the plaintiff and the police and the government. relationship. In other words, even if the American police see that you are about to be shot headshot by criminals, they are not related to you and have no responsibility to protect you. They will stand far away with guns and try to negotiate with criminals. , Ask him to lay down his weapon, if you are unfortunately headshot, they will send you to the hospital out of humanitarianism, provided that you can still be rescued.

  There was a homeless man like this. He was sleeping at home and heard something downstairs to check it out. As a result, the thief ran behind him and hit him in the head with a shot. The neighbor heard the gunshot and called the police.

After the police arrived, they found that he was still breathing and sent him to the hospital. He survived, but the bullet stayed in his brain. He lost his ability to work. At the same time, he had to bear huge medical expenses. He had to sell the house to repay the debt, and his girlfriend broke up with him, and he never saw who the thief who opened the gun was from the beginning. His experience is comparable to the male protagonist in Shawshank’s salvation. It’s just in the movie. The banker of was locked up in jail, while he lived on the street and became a homeless person. And because his tent interfered with the appearance of the city, the neighbor called the police and asked the police to evacuate them, so he had to ask a public interest lawyer for help.

At this time, the local court explained to him that policing is a service provided by the government to the society as a whole to maintain peace, safety and order. The government only provides policing for the "all the public" as a whole, not to individual members of society. Undertake this obligation. Those who want to drive away these homeless people are community residents, so the police must enforce the law, and then he retreats, hoping that the public interest lawyer will help him fight, even if he is to be expelled, at least the police must return his property to him.

  There was a bullet in his brain, and he had to take the painkiller prescribed by the doctor. In English, the word drug has two meanings. The police confiscated the “medicine” when the pile was returned to him.

  This medicine is called OxyContin, which contains opiates and must be swallowed as a whole, without breaking, chewing or grinding. If the tablet is broken, chewed or ground, it will cause the rapid release of oxycodone and the absorption of potentially lethal amounts. Its price is very expensive, a bottle of tablets containing 10 mg per tablet, the wholesale price is close to 100 US dollars. If it is the highest dose of 80 mg per pill, it costs six to seven hundred dollars per bottle.

  Although it is so expensive, this medicine is still very popular. Since its introduction, it has been at the top of the sales list, with annual sales of several billion US dollars. At that time, other painkillers on the market could only last for 8 hours or even 4 hours. Patients had to take the medicine 3 or 6 times a day, which was unbearable. The 12-hour drug effect is good news for patients, which means that they will never be woken up in the middle of the night when the painkillers fail, and they can sleep peacefully until dawn.

  It is precisely because of this dangerous addiction that before OxyContin was launched, doctors in the United States regarded nicotine painkillers as scourges, and they were generally only used for long-term cancer patients or patients who had reached the end of their lives.

But the situation of homeless people is very special. At that time, the public relations team of pharmaceutical companies gave "pain" emotional meaning. Pain should not only be the privilege of cancer patients, but also the natural human rights of all pain patients. Pandora's box is so quietly. Open, in 1996, the number of OxyContin prescriptions prescribed by doctors in the United States was only 300,000. By 2001, it had increased by 20 times to more than 6 million.

  The reason why OxyContin is considered a magic drug is because of its 12-hour efficacy. Without this, it would be no different from ordinary painkillers.

  In order to maintain the image of the magic drug, pharmaceutical companies require all doctors in the United States to insist that patients take their medicines at a frequency of once every 12 hours, and they are absolutely not allowed to shorten the interval between medications by themselves.

  But people soon discovered that the effect of the drug lasted for less than 12 hours. One was that the patient developed drug resistance, and the other was because of false propaganda, so the pharmaceutical company asked the doctor to increase the dose. Some sales representatives even remind doctors privately that they can tell patients that there is no upper limit on the dose of medication each time.

  Although the law stipulates that each prescription is a one-off, the amount of medicine should not exceed 30 days, and the doctor can prescribe it after it is used up, and the patient cannot prescribe the medicine in advance. But addicted people can only think of other ways to get more medicines, such as seeing several doctors at the same time, and then going to different pharmacies to get the medicines, so that you can get a lot of OxyContin at one time.

  All kinds of small clinics bloomed all over the place for a while, and drug addicts even went to prescribe medicine across the state. If there is federal low-income medical insurance, the amount of medicine for 30 days is only 3 dollars, and the medicines on the market cost hundreds of dollars, and the profitability has given birth to black market transactions.

  Later, even doctor’s blank prescription notes can be sold on the black market. Later, the situation got even more out of control. Some "middlemen" even crushed the medicine and sold it to the children. At this time, the police who drove the homeless man approached him.

Providing the arrested person with opportunities to cooperate and improve his situation is the "most common" method for recruiting informants. For the police, once an arrested person is in jail, his value as an informant will be greatly reduced, because soon he The news of the arrest will spread on the street.

  Even if there is insufficient evidence, the police will deliberately approach or arrest certain people in order to recruit informants. When a potential informant believes that his words and deeds may be prosecuted, he will agree to cooperate. Once the informant agrees to cooperate, he will reach an agreement with the police officer. This agreement can be written or oral. The relevant details will be finalized in future activities. The federal government also has an informant fee in its expenditures.

The French know "polite" very well. They know that corruption and bribery are inevitable in business activities, so the French government gave those large companies a privilege to obtain "subsidies" through tax rebates, which happened to be the " Under the Anti-Bribery Law.

  It is difficult for the United States to pass a law, but it is very simple to modify it. The slow activation of this dormant law requires a process of adaptation. A sniper needs a lot of practice to be cultivated. Once he is born and then he is familiar, he will gradually become proficient in the operation. In other words, the Tarahan incident was just a practice, involving only Alstom's subsidiaries, and not involving the "target" ontology. At the same time, through this experiment, the U.S. Justice Department also verified that they were buried in 2000. "Foreshadowing."

In 2000, through the OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. government organized countries that dared to resist the United States to sign an agreement called the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. All countries that signed this convention have authorized The United States can investigate and prosecute any company in the signatories of the Convention, but these signatories cannot retaliate against U.S. companies through legal means, because the U.S. has the priority of investigation, such as the Tarahan incident. It is not that the French courts do not want to pursue U.S. companies, but Because France signed that agreement, they cannot pursue compensation from American companies. Moreover, when such a multinational company is involved, the country will first initiate a prosecution and accuse it of bribery. Eventually, the American company will return to the United States for trial, and France still has no priority.

These things are interlinked. For example, Goldman Sachs saw the crisis brought about by the real estate bubble in the United States, and set up a remote-controlled bomb in Greece in Europe. When the time is right, it will detonate and divert public attention to avoid the domestic situation from heating up and shaking. The self-confidence of the "America first" of the people.

In other words, the United States has penetrated European intellectuals and media through the Marshall Plan, and there are people who speak for them everywhere. They will condemn Greek sovereignty issues and refugee issues in the media, and will not mention the United States or the United States. It will be said that the refugee problem is caused by the United States.

  The influence of herd mentality on people’s choice and cognition is huge. Some people will quote the opinions of celebrities to warn everyone, even if these opinions are fake and thin, people still enjoy it.

  People always accept people who have the same opinions as themselves, and reject people who have different opinions.

  But what makes them more happy is that people who originally disagree with each other have changed their opinions through their own persuasion, which gives them a sense of victory and accomplishment more than those who agree with their opinions at the beginning.

  It is a terrible thing to disappear from the crowd. Everyone is telling lies and doing things against their will, which finally leads to huge irrational behaviors.

  A person who insists on standing alone in the torrent of the times is like a pillar standing upright in the water. He has to accept the impact of many winds and waves. Others will treat him as a madman or a fool.

  The executives and high-ranking officials on the "hunting list" are all potential American informants. As long as they are willing to cooperate, they can serve as "stain witnesses" to reduce sentencing, and they can even get a certain amount of financial compensation from the government's compensation.

  This is a trick repeatedly tried by the Americans. Many low-level operators in the London trading in the United Kingdom are threatened to buy in this way. Their existence is to bring down a bigger goal, and all the transaction records in their hands are just evidence.

  Before launching an offensive against France, the Americans had mastered the informants of Swiss banks, and habitual offenders often deposited the stolen money in Swiss banks.

  Although customer information is not external according to the regulations of the Swiss Bank, which one is better than life imprisonment or being a tainted witness or light sentence?

  It is easy for people to encounter the prisoner’s dilemma. Alstom’s potential informant is not only the person in charge of the Indonesian project, but others have confessed. What are you still fighting for? Do you want to be sentenced to life?

  Alstom is the pillar energy industry in France. If it is dismembered and acquired by the United States, it will be equivalent to the Suez Canal. It is located on the territory of Egypt and was built by the Egyptians, but the tolls are not collected by the Egyptians.

  The French had to pay the Americans for electricity unless they wanted to go back to the 18th century when there was no electricity.

  Even if other power companies are established, it will not only take time, but nuclear power technology is also in the hands of the Americans. How many patents are there for such a large company?

And nuclear power is only 70% of Alstom’s business, as well as rail transportation and satellites. If you lose this battle, not only will you build the Eiffel Tower, you will not be able to drive the insult, and even the French rail transportation will be affected by the European Union. Acquired by other countries.

  The Japanese lost their self-confidence after being hit by an atomic bomb. The Anti-Foreign Bribery Act can be understood as an economic nuclear weapon, and unlike a real nuclear weapon, it cannot be easily pressed by its button and can be used at any time.

  Once the world is controlled by the Americans, then women do not want to give birth to a child and let him come to this desperate world.

  Unless the French, like the Egyptians, use force to drive away those Americans who are sucking blood at Alstom and other companies, Pepsi's acquisition of Danone is only a partial battle, and there will be more financial wars in the future.

  *** was originally a great stick for upholding the law, but later it symbolized power, violence, terrorism, and foreign aggression and plunder.

The way of struggle invented by mankind is becoming more advanced, much more civilized than before, and it is not easy to detect than before. If there is a dictator, it is the agreement that established the priority of the US judicial power and tore it up. Or if they use a non-US network service, they can't continue to wield that stick.

Then there are "stained witnesses." As long as the witnesses retract their confession or lie, just like the Italian who was protected by the US military in the Godfather movie, he originally wanted to sue McCorleon, but he temporarily changed his testimony, and he was originally confident. The full of FBI officials did not understand and showed a surprised expression. It may be difficult for him to imagine what could be more tempting than a reduction of sentence?

  This is what Yankee doesn’t understand. Putting so much effort into exercise is also about losing weight and reading. Isn’t it just for popularity?

  Who welcomes Americans for fishing law enforcement into their own homes?

  They can find an agent, and the world will look for orders for weapons, and he will give bribes to officials. Then the audio and video recordings of these bribes can become evidence of the Anti-Foreign Bribery Act.

  One of the differences between white-collar crime and blue-collar crime is that these gentlemen are easily threatened, and they wear listening devices and other auxiliary equipment to assist in the investigation.

  Yes, brother, you have been betrayed by your own people, and the second difference between white-collar crime and blue-collar crime is that they will call themselves profit-seeking businessmen rather than criminals, and their criminal values ​​are different from those of unemployed blue-collar workers.

  Take credit to yourself and push your mistakes to others. This is the politician on Capitol Hill in Washington.

   Roosevelt’s implementation of the New Deal did not have that much resistance because the situation at the time was terrible.

  As long as the United States has a strong president, they can hope to come back from the dead. After the crisis, it will be another decades of national fate.

  As for how many "young leaders" in the French government have been infiltrated, it is unknown.

  In addition to the apparent government, France also has a black cabinet called the Mining Group. The mineral agreement approved by Charles de Gaulle with Germany on the Alsace Lorraine region is also related to them.

  The control of German steel in the hands of France can restrict the development of German military industry. Who told Germany to lose in World War II? The lifeblood of the prosperous steel empire since the Prussian period is in the hands of others.

  The Godfather of the movie opens by saying: "I believe in America."

Those Muggle wizards of civilian origin are not counted among the American Muggle elites. The diplomacy of the Ministry of Magic is inextricably linked with the strength of Muggles. It was not the British Ministry of Magic that was full of Grindelwald's riots around the world. Should the world send an Auror?

  The internal affairs of the French Ministry of Magic have been intervened, but they can only swallow their anger. At most, they are wanted for the illegal entry of Newt Scamander.

  Patience is very painful, but you still have to endure, everything can be adapted.

  Although the so-called hatred is accumulated in patience, painkillers obviously cannot solve this problem.

  (End of this chapter)