Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1779: Queen of Hell (Fifty)

  Chapter 1779 Queen of Hell (Fifty)

In the American media and mainstream culture, people call a type of people whose necks are red because of long-term physical labor as red necks. Generally speaking, this is because of the discrimination of northerners against southerners and because of the "red neck" cultural level. Generally not high, they are also targets of discrimination by the elite class.

These "winners" automatically ignored the contribution made by the South during World War II. If the Democratic Party members in the South turned to the *** regime at that time, it would be difficult for the United States of America to avoid another "Civil War". Are there any Americans busy with the Civil War? That energy to "save" Europe is unknown.

  As jfk said, the mode of war has changed, from invasion to penetration. Aquinas, a jurist of the natural school of thought, is a very fat person. His figure is like the ghostly fat monk of Hefpaff. When he was studying, one of his classmates suddenly pointed out the window and said, "Look, there is a cow flying." .

   Aquinas believed it to be true, and really ran to the window to look, and while looking at it, he asked "Where is it, where?".

The classmates laughed loudly. Because of Aquinas’s figure, his nickname was "Stupid Cow". Soon Aquinas realized that he had been cheated by his classmates, but he did not turn into anger, but watched the classmates calm down. Saying "Compared to Niu Huifei and my classmates who would deceive me, between the two, I think the latter is more ridiculous and ridiculous. Niu Huifei is not ridiculous, nor ridiculous, but as a classmate, you actually want to It’s too ridiculous and too ridiculous to make fun of me and lie to me. I would rather believe that the cow can fly, and I don’t want to believe that my classmates and friends will deceive me.”

  As Nietzsche said, it’s not that you lie to me that makes me sad, but that I can’t believe you anymore.

Hobbes wrote another book after Leviathan was written, called "Behemoth", which tells about the English Civil War, which can also be understood as the process of Leviathan’s death. When the world has experienced indulgences and After the Black Death and the loss of confidence in the church, the secular king and the parliament began to compete for power with each other.

For example, those programmers who give up labor law protection because of high salary, even if they are located in a very high-end office building, but his actual situation is a savage wilderness world, the weak and the strong, the survival of the fittest, he did not want to die before he came up with it. Outsource work to others. Whether this set of methods is legal or not needs to be discussed, but he has changed from a person who obeys the rules of the game to a person who sets the rules.

This is also the position that the head interest groups have tried their best to occupy, and James Porter also said that the law is for others to obey, and the person who makes the rules will never follow the rules, so that they can make their own interests. Maximize, but this set may be useful for judges, but it is useless for women. Before getting rid of his arrogance and arrogance, Lily ignored Mr. Porter at all, let alone marrying him and having children. .

Her refusal made him feel embarrassed. He was often in adversity to see the true qualities of a person. The way James Potter came up with was to deal with a Slytherin snake and show his heroism through "public execution". , Slytherins are all evil, aren't they? So Gryffindor that fights evil is just.

   Fortunately, Harry has a personality like his mother and believes in fairness and justice.

When the world is full of injustice, maybe there is still Eros who can retain a little fairness. Boys hope that girls can be the referee. Do you like a man who can give you everything you want, or give everything you have Your man?

  He may not be able to satisfy you, everything you want, but he can work hard for you. This kind of boy often looks stupid, not as eye-catching as the college prince. In fact, James Potter also belongs to this category. Although he is rich, he is far from his good "buddy" Sirius Black.

  James Potter died in order to protect Lily. He did not run away. This is one of his few advantages.

  As long as you explore with your heart, you will always find one or two shining points in others who seem hopeless, while some people will stare at others' shortcomings and ignore their own shortcomings.

  These arrogances are so arrogant that because there is a huge inequality between “genius” and “stupid”, “stupid” has to make sacrifices willingly for “genius”. They are quite good at self-marketing, even if the person they sell is far from their own, but if there are too many lies, they themselves believe it.

Just like Henry Shaw, "I am a shining star of tomorrow, and I will become the president of the United States", completely forgetting what effect a republican will give to the Democratic Party in New York and his purpose for the party. It was to raise donations. At that time, the Democratic Party did everything possible to loosen the prohibition. After the Democratic President Roosevelt came to power, the prohibition was cancelled. If Henry Shaw really planned to run for the president, then he would have to fight with the West. Otto Roosevelt is a competitor. After winning the election, what plan does Otto Roosevelt have for economic recovery? There is also such a high crime rate, and how should he deal with the rising *** forces on the European continent?

  He didn't talk about it at all in his speech. He had no plan. He just participated in the election to win the election. Becoming the President of the United States can make him shine. But his father likes such a son. This is the success considered by mainstream values.

  If becoming the president of the United States in the future is only an incentive between father and son, it doesn’t matter, but the host speaks out loudly, which is very embarrassing. Is the host complimenting Henry Shaw or humiliating him?

Although the Red Neck does not control any media or industry, they have a large population base. According to the elites’ indifference to politics and Red Neck’s enthusiasm for political participation, there will be a president who the elites do not like to enter the White House. This is a minority. The democratic system that obeys the majority, unless the system is changed and put in the name of "tyranny of the majority", but no one dares to do that. This means that all the rules of the game since the founding of the United States have to be overthrown and restarted. , The turmoil caused is no less than the French Revolution.

  This kind of anger and nowhere to vent emotions is what the people at the bottom feel. It is fair when everyone is enslaved.

As for being brainwashed by American culture, Muggle wizards who believe that everyone is equal will be ridiculed by goblins and werewolves. The standard Anglo-Saxon management method is strong force. Whether it is a werewolf or a goblin, one must always be pushed into the fire pit. Let the other obediently submit. This is similar to those on the job, seeing the homeless people who lost their jobs so miserable, in order to keep everything they have, no matter how they are exploited, they dare not use the labor law to defend their rights.

  Even if he wins the lawsuit, the "document" is on him, and other employers dare not use such a person. In view of the fact that the werewolves now have nothing, and Gringotts is in the hands of the goblins, it is more appropriate to regard the werewolves as a role model for killing chickens and monkeys.

The only thing that keeps people in a system is fear. Fear works well. Every mother knows that when a child is not obedient and crying, she threatens that a terrible person will come to live with him, and soon he won’t. Cried.

But this set is ineffective for refugees. *** is ***. Imams are often found in places where refugees gather. They have their own laws and customs. When the laws of European countries conflict with their laws and customs, how to enforce the law? ?

  They will tell European law enforcement agencies that unless you learn to respect us, we will not abide by your laws.

  It’s better to say elsewhere, what about the capital?

  The beauties in the Paris park wore bikinis to bask in the sun, and conservative black women asked them to put on their clothes.

  These girls cannot be controlled by men from France, let alone their homeland. What qualifications do refugees have?

  Women like to pull clothes in fights, and those thin pieces of cloth can withstand several tears.

  Screaming is useless, but it will attract onlookers. What is the matter with men when women fight?

  The police can't control it when they come. They can catch the buddy who is pretending to be a sculpture in the Louvre. If this is where the girl should not be touched during law enforcement, how can we explain it?

  If they take care of them, there will be men on the other side to help. In ancient Chinese legends, there are mulberry picking girls from two countries who accidentally stepped on a foot and triggered a national war. So this kind of loss for French girls can only be eaten by themselves, and it is useless to prosecute. If you want to find fairness and justice to go to other countries, there is no need for visas between EU countries.

  Women may not have the advantages of men in terms of body and strength, but wisdom is equivalent to men.

  After several generations of battles between the pharaohs and the nomadic Sissokos, Egypt needs to recuperate. Hatshepsut pretended to be the daughter of God. In addition to emphasizing the identity of the protector, the combination with Amon also symbolized endless fertility. During the reign of Hatshepsut, Egypt’s main task was to "raise people." ", she left an inscription on her temple in Thebes, whether it is a rich lady or a poor girl, Hathor will help them be happy, get a child and a good husband.

  A man needs work to support his family. She has built many buildings. There are many sphinx sculptures in Memphis. As the heirs of Thutmose I, the father and daughter both worship the sphinx as sacred.

  Sphynx once came up with a famous puzzle, what animal has four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet at night.

  Many people know the answer to this puzzle. What if you change to another puzzle?

  If you can’t answer this, it’s not that you can’t enter the lounge to sleep. The wizards have been arguing about the definition of “human”. Sphinx and Sphinx and Helicopter can speak human words but they cannot be regarded as human.

  They can eat people, the truth is, no matter how amazing they look.

  (End of this chapter)