Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1817: "Sea Monster" (4)

  Chapter 1817 "Sea Monster" (4)

  Severus ran wildly through the fog-filled tunnel, while staring at the writing on the wall that looked like the rest of the catacomb to mark the location on the ground.

According to the information on the Qimen Dunjia on Pomona’s bookshelf, there is a saying in the Five Elements Essence called Greed and Wang Ke. The five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining. The normal sequence is to start with wood, wood generates fire, fire generates soil, and native gold. Jinshengshui, "wood, fire, soil, and gold," simply means that wood will actively prosper when it encounters fire. Finding "wood" often represents a way of life, but this "wood" is not necessarily real wood.

Yin and yang always appear correspondingly. The attribute of soil is to nurture all things. A company nurtures people. The company represents soil and employees represent wood. But at the level of a country, the country is soil, and the company grows on the soil. The "wood" too.

  A small cycle is enclosed in a large cycle, and the big cycle may be enclosed in a larger cycle. Besides, it is a water dragon that drives this formation. Jin Shengshui, Jin Kemu, the writings on those walls are all inscribed with metal, Qimen Dunjia also has its own attributes, and the breaking methods of Hanba Array and Shuiba Array are different. What's more, electricity can be conducted through metal. Even if Muggles are not magical, they don’t know what tricks they can make with electricity. Anything built by humans, if not maintained by later generations, will quickly become ruins and disappear. . This place is obviously maintained, which means that it is still functioning normally. If you don't understand its order and run blindly in it, you won't have the same luck with Harry Potter to find the right way.

When missionaries came to China to preach with Western astronomy, Emperor Kangxi also shared his "own things". Among them was a German named Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz who discovered ancient times The hexagram phase is composed of a long straight line and two short straight lines, namely "——" and "一一", which can be replaced by "is" and "not", so there is a binary system, and later Computer Languages.

Six lines are the ancient Chinese way of observing the world. The original intention is interaction and effectiveness. It needs to be measured through global calculations. Similar to a company, it is a wooden attribute for a while, and a soil attribute for a while. It depends on how the "overall" is defined. It is different. People look at the "games" differently, and the corresponding ways are also different.

  The level of civilization of Gaul is comparable to that of Rome. The Romans later used a lot of Gaul words, such as carriage, soap, etc. Gaul also had the most advanced iron smelting technology at the time, and Rome was still in a bronze civilization.

  It’s just that when the Roman legions arrived, it was the tribal alliance that faced Caesar, and the leaders were not completely united. These were clearly seen in the eyes of Caesar, who was an enemy.

  The Romans all know that the purpose of collecting taxes is to fight wars. The money is used to build sophisticated weapons. The soldiers use these equipment to expand their territory and obtain more farmland and slaves.

  The Gauls are freedom-loving. A century before the Romans conquered Gaul, Gaul’s monarchy and aristocracy gradually disappeared, replaced by selected judges.

  The iron axe is a must for the Gaul Celts. It can be used not only for combat, but also for cutting trees, chopping wood, and hunting.

  And two-handed broadswords are much more difficult to build than an axe, and most people cannot afford it. The axe is easy to equip as a life necessity. When Caesar attacked Gaul, there was no road to land. At that time, the Gauls mainly used canoes as a means of transportation, building thatched houses along the Seine, and gradually formed some tribes. And according to the teachings of Druids, the Celtic people live in the forest. "All roads lead to Rome" will inevitably cause damage to nature. Except for the decisive battle near the Lutecia swamp, the Romans still have to face the tribal alliance hidden in the forest. This terrain is also not suitable Battle of the Roman Legion.

  In the past, Englishmen were often attacked by Robin Hood. Archers were more adaptable to fighting in the forest than cavalry. In short, they didn’t enter the forest. If they didn’t know the previous situation, some unexpected dangers would occur if they continued to go deeper.

  Caesar did not lead his troops into the forest, and continued to fight fiercely with the Celtics hiding in the forest. He ordered the soldiers to build winter camps and cut down trees to build ships, which required a lot of Celtics to work.

The Gaul Celts did not want the Romans to stay in Gaul for a long time, nor did they want the Germans to invade at this time. Caesar had already colluded with the Germans on the way to attack Paris to ensure that his back was not given. broken.

Napoleon Bonaparte’s defeat was in this place. He used a conspiracy to pretend to attack Ireland. In fact, the troops were assembled in Marseille. The British paid attention to the defense of Ireland and ignored the defense of the Mediterranean. As a result, his expeditionary force was not there. Arrived in Egypt without any obstruction.

  Later, the British reacted and immediately sent a navy to block his retreat. The French Eastern Fleet was defeated, and Napoleon’s back route was also broken. When Hannibal crossed the Alps, he also made an alliance with the Negaulians, letting the Negaulians guard his rear, and then he crossed the Alps.

This is the difference between a strategist and a brave man.

  Severus quickly exited the place along the original path and returned to the previous "entrance". The two prisoners who were lying on the ground had disappeared. It seemed that they were both rescued by the man wearing the helmet.

  The basilisk will obey the orders of the old snake tune, and the basilisk left by Salazar Slytherin will only listen to the Slytherin heir.

Druids are as good at caring for animals as Hefpaff, and "pets" will also obey the owner's orders. Although it is a hybrid naga, naga is a kind of psychic magical animal. He will sing to seduce sailors in the past, a bit of the siren Jason encountered while searching for the Golden Fleece. Naga don't like eating people, but they don't mind changing their taste occasionally. Children who have heard a lot of fairy tales think that mermaids are as kind as Princess Ariel and will save the prince who falls into the water.

If only the Gauls are allowed to work and do not benefit them, then the Gauls will not let the Romans living in the winter camp feel better. After Caesar repaired the winter camp, half of them were allowed to live with the Gauls. Coming to Gaul is tantamount to building a house for yourself. Living in a camp is definitely more comfortable than living in a hut. His army built barriers and trenches in the other half of the village. These are all caused by stones, which forms The earliest basic quarry in the Catacombs of Paris.

  This was the first step of the conquerors. Caesar later expelled the Germans together with the Gauls, but before he could finish his work, the civil war broke out in Rome, and Caesar had to leave Gaul and return to Rome.

  Before leaving, Caesar expected a more serious disturbance in Gaul, so Caesar decided to let his lieutenants conscript in Gaul.

  This can reduce the number of soldiers in Gaul. In addition to the Romans, the Gauls have other enemies. If the Gauls are busy defending against other enemies, they will not have enough manpower to cause chaos after the conscription.

  Second, it is possible to find enough manpower to deal with the Romans. It is difficult for the Roman soldiers to deal with their own citizens, or it is more convenient for this kind of foreigners.

  The third is to allow these young people to see the power of Italy. As long as they have seen Rome, the "eternal city", these "barbarians" who spend their days with the mountains and forests will understand what the power of civilization is.

  Later Gaul was indeed Romanized, especially the Provence generation in the southeast, close to Rome, and there were also Gauls who wore Roman robes and lived the Roman way of life.

But some people refused to give in. Before the civil war broke out in Rome, the Gauls near Britain had already rebelled. Not only did the Gauls in the coastal areas have a large number of ships, they also far surpassed the others in terms of sailing knowledge and experience. Almost all the tribes who sailed on this ocean before the Romans paid tribute to them.

If they accept the rule of the Romans, then this interest will no longer belong to the Gauls, so they began to lobby the various races. Instead of enduring the slavery of the Romans, it is better to maintain the traditions of their ancestors. Caesar knew the news because it was beyond reach. , He asked the lieutenant to build a battleship on the Rigel River that flows into the ocean and prepare sailors. As long as the season permits, Caesar will rush to the army.

  Napoleon is still a certain distance away from Caesar, anyway, he has not conquered Britain, but even Caesar did not conquer Britain without the first battle.

  In the era when Caesar was in, the civil law had not yet taken shape, there was only a twelve-bronze method, and Caesar's method of subduing the Gauls was through hostages. In this regard, Napoleon surpassed him.

  Napoleon is a bit similar to the combination of Caesar and Chase Dinny. If he is given some time, he will continue to grow, and genius knows what kind of monster he will become at that time.

  The hybrid naga is actually far inferior to the basilisk, but in this environment it can cause greater power than the basilisk.

  The author of the Old Testament Psalm once said: I was born from evil, and I have sinned since the day I was born.

  The prophet Jeremiah said, "May the day I was born be cursed, and the day I was born be forgotten."

  Good job Job also said, "God, I cursed the day I was born. May the day my mother gave birth to me be forgotten."

  In early Christian thought, only sinners would be happy on their birthdays. In the Old Testament, the Egyptian Pharaoh would celebrate his birthday with a grand ceremony, and the King Herod in the New Testament would do the same.

  Human beings hate the original sin, and even the mother who gave birth to them also hates pregnancy.

  At that time, Rome worshipped Venus, the **** of love, and Caesar himself was also a sacrifice to Venus. The Druids were originally composed of women, and male Druids were later allowed to join.

  The believers worship the Virgin Mary, but in the old days, human women did not possess her magical skills. They still needed to share the forbidden fruit with men to give birth to children.

  After Clovis converted to Catholicism, the political influence of the druids gradually weakened. Sacrifa stipulated that the throne should be passed on from male to female, and the Catholic Church confirmed its legitimacy. This time Druid was completely eradicated, and almost everyone had forgotten it. I am afraid that the modern French themselves do not believe that the land under their feet was once the center of Druid and Celtic culture.

   Test-tube babies are different. They can be in vitro fertilized by technology, but if they don’t commit the original sin, will women not be hated?

As a wizard, Severus should not hate witches. He knows the past history of hunting witches. He still remembers how angry she was when she called Lily a witch for the first time. Witches and witches are of the same kind. According to the Lettering Code, he must protect women.

  But what if Pomona betrayed him?

  It is not the hatred of potions that eliminates the magic of the ecstasy, but the no longer obsession.

  Even Albus Dumbledore did not get rid of the obsession with power and fame. Although he liked men, Dumbledore was still a man.

   "Don't lose yourself in the illusion of power, Pomona, you are still a very cute woman." Severus whispered, looking back at the "bride" in the middle of the "stage".

   Then he took out the communication crystal and continued to try to contact Lucius Malfoy.

  (End of this chapter)