Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1855: Sweetener

   Chapter 1855 Sweetener

  Whether it is the bells two hundred years ago or two hundred years later, it sounds the same.

  On the outskirts of Paris, there is a newly built town on the only way to Versailles. It was converted from a military camp where 20,000 soldiers loyal to the Bourbon royal family were stationed there.

It has been abandoned for a long time. One day Bonaparte and the Scottish Rose were driving together. They accidentally found it. Now it is a small town inhabited by the British in France. It is blocked by a log wall outside, and there is a clean water source inside. As long as we reserve enough grain and grass, we can stick to it as a camp.

  The theft of corpses has been repeatedly banned, especially young female corpses. When the British first moved in, they clashed with the residents of the town of Sèvre next door. This was the cause. At that time, Georgiana was responsible for coordinating and solving the problem.

  According to the monarch theory, no matter how powerful your army is, occupying a place requires the support of the locals.

  Although there is no evidence to prove that the British did it, Georgian still ruled in accordance with the Sackley Act, that is, the law prohibits the tomb-scraper from interacting with anyone until the victim’s parents accept compensation and offer permission to return to the crowd.

  Finally, the members of the Chamber of Commerce gave a sum of money to appease the mother who lost her daughter. The French townspeople also had limited contact with the British, and they did not have the kind of enthusiasm in Paris.

  Many people just remembered the night of St. Bartholomew that took place during the religious wars. At that time, it was the queen mother Catherine de' Medici who gave the order. In view of the current ambiguous situation in Britain and France, many people are still cautious to reserve a house in the town, usually living in Paris.

  Just as the British transported the French Egyptian expeditionary troops back to the country, the French guarding the gates for the British were actually French. It is said that this is the reason Georgia and the first governor knew each other. She came to borrow troops.

The British who had experienced the French Revolution described the chaos at the time. In the conference room where Versailles can hold 2,000 people, the speakers must scream with exhaustion. The crowd is always very noisy and more than half of them. Time was wasted on yelling, and what the latter speaker said had nothing to do with the previous one, so it turned into an aimless barrage, almost endless.

  Bigmeeting never doanything, the Commonwealth of the United Kingdom is also the same. When an issue is spoken, it will be started. In order to protect the safety of the “players”, two red lines will be drawn on the ground.

  In short, George III was anxious to continue the war, and the citizens did not understand his stubbornness because they could not see the benefits of continuing the war.

  A constitutional king is different from a queen. The queen does not have the power to say no. Even if she wants her to sign the document that she steps down, she still has to sign.

The king’s typical advantage is that he is in a constant position. British princes have to go to military academies, and constitutional princes have to serve. The Navy has a pink warship, which is said to be a whim of a certain prince. The warship of this color can be invisible in the afterglow of the setting sun, so I ordered it to be painted like that.

Although the British Parliament passed two laws to restrict the monarch’s royal power, in actual implementation, because of political inertia and the people still believe in the royal family, the king or queen is still the one with the most political power, but the queen will not be the same as the king. In military service, the queen has no right to say no.

An active and semi-crazy king often makes mistakes. The ministers are not only exhausted for this, but also worried about the king's use of power. The appointment and removal of William Pitt Jr. and Henry Addington are related to him. There is also Fox, who has visited France. After the first ruling, I also met with Georgiana.

  In Fox’s words, she was very mindless. Many mistresses would worry about the problem of old age and decay, but Georgiana actually didn’t know "saving money". Did she think that the first ruling would always like her?

Mistresses are another "culture" of the French besides strikes. At least for some men with certain assets, wives are used to give birth to children and mistresses are used to love, but this kind of love can be exchanged at any time. , There will always be younger and more beautiful.

  Which painting on the wall of the Louvre is not a treasure? Giorgioanna took a fancy to the statue of the Virgin, to be precise, painted by Raphael, and Bonaparte ordered it to be taken down and sent to her place.

  She likes "The Girl with Pearl Earrings", and the Dutch governor got the painting back.

  If the Pope hadn't sent the sculptor Canova, the Virgin and Child of the Vatican would not escape bad luck, although she wanted a copy.

Asking for these artworks will cause national conflicts. Rembrandt's "The Prodigal Son" is still in Russia, but there is still a copy of it hanging on the wall. The Louvre has become a trophy showroom. Of course, it was originally. It's a trophy showroom.

  Later, she also gave the Prince of Wales a Renaissance oil painting. The Prince of Wales liked it very much. No one knew that she was going to give him a portrait of the princess.

Bonaparte indulged her to "trick or treat". There was a tapestry in the restaurant of the Tuileries. It was a gift from Bonaparte to the Sultan of Turkey. She understood that it was a gift from the Sultan and was hung up. Caused a diplomatic turmoil.

  The incumbent Prime Minister Addington pays more attention to the interests of the Mediterranean, while William Pitt Jr. in the opposition pays more attention to Trinidad or Tobago.

  In the UK, there are fewer and fewer trees that can be used to build masts. The shipyard in Boston can provide masts for the Royal Navy. Brazil has a large rain forest. What else is there in the Mediterranean? They only left the glory of the past.

  Europe's royal family has a special fascination with Florence, the land of the Renaissance. They occupy the surrounding land like buying the bones of saints. The Spanish royal family is willing to exchange land the size of Louisiana for only a small amount of land in the Duchy of Tuscany. From a merchant's point of view, this transaction is very uneconomical. The Americans have coveted land in Louisiana for a long time.

  But the nobles are always different from normal people, let alone the royal family.

Napoleon stayed in Florence for a short time and lived in Palazzo Pitti. At that time, he was accompanied by the opera star Gracini. He liked listening to "Nina" very much, and later he invited the composer of "Nina". Paris, please continue to create.

  Use steel to be duty-free, in exchange for Addington to stop getting irritated over the Maltese issue last week, and to renew the contract after the contract expires. Malta is like Bonaparte’s inverse scale, which is untouchable.

  As for the iron foundry in France, which is currently busy recasting cannons, the civilian ones are not in charge, but it is also temporary.

  Many textile mills in France are family-owned companies, and their management models are very different from those in the United Kingdom. In addition, the church is involved.

  In the old days when silk was still an expensive luxury item, the bishops of Rome were almost covered with this expensive fabric on their beds. As France could also make silk fabrics, their orders went to these families in France.

  Technology and patents belong to others. This commoner has no right to let others share it with the public garden, unless the commoner agrees that his patent is not protected by law.

   Saltpeter can be used to make gunpowder, and it can also be used to make ice. American bison will be hunted anyway. Don’t waste the meat. It can be canned or sold to Europe in a “refrigerator” to increase income.

   Generally speaking, a man who is a little ambitious, even a worker is unwilling to marry an ordinary maid. Rousseau has loved aristocratic women. Later, when he is poor or confessed, he will marry a maid.

  But you can never marry the lover of your dreams home, and treat her as a child-bearer, and there are other lovers outside.

  Catherine Medici, who was born and grew up in Florence, had many suitors, but she chose Prince Henry of France. She never dreamed of what would happen later.

  Being a bride is very happy, especially if there is a grand wedding, and there are beautiful wedding dresses to wear.

  Even ordinary people get married in the church to ring the bell, although not like the wedding of the rich, the bells in the city will ring, and the sound resounds throughout the city, as if it has reached heaven.

   But ordinary people also have their own happiness. Girls can ask the man to be monogamous and always loyal, "You can only love me."

  Whether it is Georgian or Pomona, there will never be these, although she knows an emperor and a dedicated person.

  This is a curse on her.

  In the crystal ball, she is a "connection", and rum has also been used as a "connection" to bring a group of people together.

  These people claim to be the sons of freedom, and their members include John Adams, the founding father of the country.

  "May the Son of Glory and Freedom Live!"

  People held up the rum and shouted, as if to kick off a big show.

  (End of this chapter)