Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1873: giantslayer (seventeen)

  Chapter 1873 Giantslayer (17)

  There is a painting in the Louvre called "Man in Gloves". This painting was painted by Titian and is one of the works that Bonaparte snatched from Venice.

  Georgiana thought that Napoleon went to Venice to recover the treasure hidden by the Knights Templar to supplement the military expenses. This story was told by Napoleon in front of many people, and everyone was dumbfounded.

  Someone later said that the Knights Templar seemed to have been in contact with the Freemasonry Alliance, and Venice had a tomb of the Freemasonry, which made everyone realize it.

  I am doing a lot of construction in the country, especially for buildings. The happiest ones are the "masons", who are originally engaged in the construction industry. In France, roads used to require toll taxes, but Balzac’s novel says that the money was not really used in the workhouse.

When the cavalry captured the "vags" at the workhouse, but they couldn't just live like this and not work. The purpose of the Marquis was to deal with the tramp problem, not to feed the idlers with taxes, so they would be arranged to work on roads. , Repairing city defenses, fortresses, military camps, and so on, but the toll tax is not in the workhouse, but into the pocket of the tax collector, so these homeless people serve like slaves, or the roads are not repaired at all.

  A farmer has to go out once, to open a certificate, to endure the bad bumpy road, and to be careful of robbers. Because in the past the territories were permanently entrusted to the nobles, the peasants had to pay a toll tax for every place they visited, and they had to pay the city tax when they arrived in the city. Extortion, so the farmers are reluctant to travel far, at best to go around the nearby market, have a drink, and then return to the village.

  Traffic taxes and other trade taxes are shared by multiple forces. If two neighboring lords are married, they may not have to pay them once. If two people are hostile, they may be paid twice. In the feudal era, commerce was curbed. After mercantilism prevailed, this kind of exploitation was not conducive to commercial development. One characteristic of coastal areas is that taxes are easy to collect. In places like Brazil, there are rainforests everywhere inland. It is difficult to collect taxes. However, England can invest in building a road to facilitate the collection of taxes in Portugal and to facilitate development. Of course, according to the Methuen Treaty, British merchants will not set foot in Brazil, but they can transit in Tobago.

  In 1789, Britain’s coal production was 10 million tons, while France only had 700,000 tons. The invention of the steam engine required coal, and coal can also be used for smelting. Not only industrial countries can dump industrial products to agricultural countries, but agricultural countries can also dump agricultural products to industrial countries. There are many reasons for the formation of this monopoly. One is whether there is convenient transportation, and the other is the type of industry. If heavy industry is the mainstay and there is no light industry like sugar factory, then heavy industry products will be used for food.

  Theoretically, Belgium can import food from the Baltic Sea, but Rana is guarding Antwerp, another port of Bruges is currently dredging the French, which also requires a lot of labor, so those caught refugees have work.

Belgium was blocked, but it was not completely blocked. British textiles still did not open the market. However, British steel could be dumped duty-free. At the beginning, Austria lost a lot of money to repay the national debt to the Belgians. Those were real money and silver. Both Britain and France want it.

The previous tax packagers would do this. They would force the farmers to buy salt. The farmer said that I had no money and didn’t need salt. Then he didn’t care. He took the farmer to the market and specified a price for him to buy. The tax man collects taxes from it, so that his task is completed.

  The French sold sugar-making equipment to the Belgians. This method is arrogant and rude, but what about the large-scale dumping of cotton and grain by the British?

  Before the amount of coal and iron mining in France comes up, steel dumping is inevitable. If the steel industry wants to enjoy the same protection as the cotton textile industry, is it willing to use steam engines like the UK? Watt's improved steam engine was first used in coal mines, and the United Kingdom has an advantage in that it has fewer people so that they can have surplus dry industry and others without consuming a large amount of coal and wood fuel. There are many French people, and every household is cooking and heating. If more coal is used for industry, coal for people’s livelihood will be in short supply. According to market rules, the price will increase. Now civilians are not clamoring for bread, but I was clamoring for fuel, and eventually I had to import it from the UK.

  As far as semi-finished products such as steel are concerned, the import tax is mainly borne by producers, not consumers, and manufacturers who engage in metal processing without tariffs can also benefit from it. Compared with semi-finished steel products, there is no market for finished products, but isn't Belgium buying sugar-making equipment? In addition, steel is also needed to repair bridges. The only constraint on railway development is locomotives. This cannot be solved in a short time.

  The business was promoted on a ship, which Bonaparte gave to Giorgioanna at a price about the necklace that Jeanna had cheated on in the name of Marie Antoinette. Although it cannot be abused, the soldiers finally know how to fight back, so that they will not end the relationship by suicide like a young Werther like Copern.

  After asking about that book, it is true that many young people have chosen to commit suicide due to its influence, and they are also at fault. Men don't do anything to women, and the feeling of humiliation is really terrible.

  This can be regarded as a deterrent. It cannot be used to coerce girls. See you in a military court if you are reported.

  The Louvre returned a batch of famous Italian paintings, many of which were morally problematic, such as Tassi, who was accused by the female painter Artemisia.

  Titian has been careful to avoid becoming a court painter and only serves one patron. Although he was awarded the "Earl of Palatine" and "Sir Golden Spurs", and was repeatedly invited to Spain, Titian only left his hometown because of a few short trips and stayed in Venice most of the time.

He also painted women without clothes, but when he painted, he thought about other issues, such as Aristotle’s goddess of love in heaven and the **** of love on earth, as well as "living women" and Ubino’s. The sleeping Venus painted by Venus and Giorgione is a lot more alive, just like a lady who just took a bath and waiting for her lover to come, and Giorgione’s Venus is a beautiful The body, she is dead.

  Is Georgian really helping Britain or Bonaparte?

Even William Pitt, who had achieved small-scale success because of the Trinidad bill, did not believe her very much, but profitable peace is indeed more worth maintaining than unprofitable peace. It is better to treat the textile industry as a pillar industry. Support one more door, or the house will fall if the pillars fall.

The Italians are not without benefits. They got an order for a typewriter. It was invented by an Italian printer for his blind girlfriend. The typesetting order is very different from the typewriter invented by the British. It is more in line with the French usage habits. The people copying books in the church library began to work with typewriters.

   Bonaparte asked Varmon to expand the public library. These books can be used to expand the collection, but they need a lot of translation before opening to the outside world because they are written in Latin, Greek and Hebrew.

  The literati who accompany Bonaparte to catch robbers have a job. As long as they have income, freedom of speech is not so important.

Scribes in the Middle Ages also had to collect money to copy books. That was his livelihood. If Rousseau had no work of copying sheet music, the articles he wrote would not sell money at all and could not make a living, although they triggered the Enlightenment and France. The great revolution.

  Some people may not flee to the New World to get rich, but they really can’t stand the powerful and their lackeys. People can get rid of the oppressors in the new land with sparsely populated land. Of course, this is temporary.

  The new country will promote the development of the old country. It can build roads, railways, and ports through foreign trade, just like building a new home. You can buy everything from curtains to pots, and the old country can also export products.

  However, "Xinjia" has no money. This time, the American warships also participated in the transportation of food from Spain. They were ordered by Congress to do it.

  Not only can you make money to fill the hole in the national debt, it is also related to the gunpowder equipment exported from France. With it, the United States does not need to exchange flour for gunpowder powder.

  This feeling of being restricted by people everywhere is uncomfortable. It's like nothing can be done without money. Poor boys can't afford furniture and have to make their own.

When Louis XIV canceled the "Nantes Amnesty", he did not expect that the Hugloists would go so decisively. In fact, the Hugloists knew that they were suppressed by Louis XIV. They were not allowed to serve as any government officials, and they also excluded them. In addition to freelance work, and declared that the children of Protestants and Catholics "rightly married" are illegitimate children, Protestant women cannot hire Roman Catholic midwives.

These are still "grinding little troubles". What really makes them feel angry is that the wealthy cities built by Protestants in southern France are often harassed by dragoons. After the troops are stationed, they can create chaos at will, including looting in Protestant homes. They assaulted their wives and daughters, and even if the Dragoons did that, they would not be punished. This made the Protestants breathe a sigh of relief when they heard that the king had issued the abolition of Nantes' pardon, and exclaimed "how great what the king has done."

  The repeal of the Nantes pardon made the Mante farmer widely condemned, thinking that the king was urged by her, and the responsible writer never condemned her.

  Unfortunately, when the Protestants began to move out in large numbers, the soldiers were encouraged to do everything possible for such poor homeowners. Murder and torture became commonplace, and those who tried to move were put in prison.

  This didn't work. It was time to run. France's industry and commerce collapsed. The king couldn't collect taxes, so he had to melt the silver chandelier of Versailles.

The abolition of the Amnesty Decree in South was a catastrophe. After the Protestants fled, they spread rumors to the Dutch and German people. The French became cannibals and said that the French would bring danger to all countries that had carried out religious reforms. So Sweden, The Netherlands and Germany formed an alliance to fight against Louis XIV.

The king is hard to change, but the queen can be changed. What's more, Napoleon Bonaparte’s wife is Josephine, and Georgiana is like a girl from the Bolling family. Now she is a lovely "court flower", just Anne. ·Bolin likes jewelry, and Georgiana likes famous paintings.

It’s too sad to see the beauty beheaded. People invented the guillotine for mercy. Gryffindor’s headless Nick was chopped so many axes and didn’t completely die. There was a layer of skin on his neck that prevented him from joining the guillotine. Head knight hunting regiment.

Just when Alessandro was halfway through his climb, there was a sound of horseshoes. He looked in that direction and found that it was the two Durahams. They were trotting along the central axis of the barracks from Vincennes Castle. Come here.

If he stayed on the "Pyramid" all the time, Durham would be unable to climb the tree like a dog under the tree, and reach for the cat on the tree, but when the French soldiers were busy returning to camp, they found him sitting on it. It's all over.

  If he leaves at this time, there is still a chance to escape, but... he can almost put things on the top.

  Should I give up? Still insist?

  Alessandro gritted his teeth. He really hoped that he was a wizard at this moment, so that the two monsters below would not be afraid.

  It's a pity that he is a Muggle, and they are not lucky enough, maybe this is what grandma didn't tell Monica back then.

  (End of this chapter)