Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1913: journeyman (below)

  Chapter 1913 Journeyman (Part 2)

  Compared with Sirius, who had no time to say anything in court, the Luxembourg Marshal can be said to be non-stop in the flame court.

  His trial lasted for 14 months. He was acquitted in every charge, but his secretary was put in prison.

The entire poison incident was not just a simple palace battle, it was intertwined with God, the devil, blood, fear, and witchcraft. From 1679 to 1682, 442 people were accused. Of course, these people refer to the powerful and they are more involved. The civilians were not recorded. They were sentenced to hard labor and went to build a magnificent palace-Versailles in a moor that was not suitable for construction.

  When Marie of the Medici married to France, because she could not find fun in the Louvre and missed her hometown, she imitated the Pitti Palace in Florence and built such a palace with Italian Renaissance characteristics.

  There is a pool in front of the palace and there are deck chairs around it. Usually there are many people here to bask in the sun.

  Now what is reflected on the water is still a blue sky and white clouds, and there is a ship sailing on the sea.

In addition to trial slave cases, Lord Stowell was also a judge of the Maritime Court and a member of the House of Commons. He did not have much achievements in the political field. He spent all his energy on trial work. The fishing law he wrote constituted The cornerstone of British fishing law. At the same time, he and Marshall, an expert in international law in the United States, founded the Anglo-Saxon capture law system, which has almost become international law, which is determined by the British maritime hegemony.

  The fishing referred to here is not fishing fish in the sea, but refers to cargo ships, especially to neutral countries. The neutral country has the same armed neutrality as Sweden, but also the neutrality that relies on British cruisers. The Anglo-Saxon capture law determines that the belligerent country has the right to search the neutral country’s ships to prevent the neutral country from providing assistance to the enemy country.

  In addition to giving Phipps the power to become Governor of New England through direct non-election appointments in the Salem incident, it was also used to control the trade of neutral countries and allow them to serve England.

After the Battle of the Orange Grove, Godoy regained control of state affairs. Gabriel Ufral, who went to Spain to buy food, didn’t know how to hook up with him, and the two men convinced Charles IV and his partners. Together with the Americas, he obtained many blank concessions, and Ufrall sold some of them to the Americans. As long as this thing is in place, any country's fleet fishing unauthorised merchant ships protected by a Spanish charter can be regarded as a declaration of war on Spain. The "previous" Anglo-French Amiens peace treaty was torn down because the British fleet fished French merchant ships.

  Napoleon has always been restless, the French fleet and the Dutch fleet often harass the British fleet.

"Now" his warship is not sent out. Instead, he has built a port in Bruges. The cavalry director Udino who is in charge of the Bruges infantry division was the son of a beer manufacturer before the Revolution. If Napoleon really intends to concentrate on it. The economy, why not let Udino go to Melenhe, that city is famous for making beer.

  The Piast silver coins shipped from Mexico were scattered into West India for the sake of neutrality. Trade requires hard currency. With genuine silver coins in hand, everyone will do business with the British. Americans only have green paper money. In the 21st century, people regarded it as money, and in the 18th century, people regarded it as waste paper. The bill proposed by a member of the House of Commons was to build a road from Philadelphia to Chicago and use the proceeds from this road to repay the debts owed to Britain by the Americans before the War of Independence.

  If it is said that the independent United States can’t get it back, what kind of feelings are there? Of course, the money borrowed must be recovered. This is clearly written in the "Paris Peace Treaty."

  If the United States can get it back, it will be almost impossible to reunite peacefully. Political figures like Fox think that the Americas can’t get it back because of the weak Atlantic capacity.

  Even the horse-drawn "trains" have improved their capacity a lot. The British were experimenting when they came up with ideas in the Alps for the French to build such a road. Anyway, they did not produce manpower and materials.

  There is an invisible hand behind the market economy, which will encourage people to go in the direction of obtaining more profits. Dearborn Fortress itself is also a trading post.

  Logistics is a process of linkage. Chicago is also a very important “crossroads”.

  After the Second Century War, Britain was hit hard by the Marshall Plan industry, and India became independent, which can be said to have been severely injured.

  The lords of the British House of Nobility really want to hear the orders of the White House cowboys and let them lead the world?

  Americans are good at making movies. When the relationship between Britain and the United States was the most tense, they made a movie called "Brave Heart", which talked about Wallace leading the independence of the Scottish people.

  If you continue to follow the Americans, John Bull will look like an American buffalo, driven by the Indians to the edge of the cliff, jumping into a free fall and smashing to pieces.

  The new generation replaces the old. The maritime court and the capture law of the past have become history, and they have been sealed in the archives, replaced by the case law of Lord Denning.

  If you are a U.S. citizen, you only need to go to the bank of your husband and wife, and you don’t need any proof. Almost all you can get a loan to buy a house, while buying a house in the UK requires a lawyer to come forward.

  The real estate market in the United States lacks supervision, with high risks and high returns. This is the style of Wall Street doing business, and it is a paradise for adventurers.

  Family needs stability, and most people who dream of the American dream hope that they can find the kind of life shown on TV over there.

  It’s not everyday. Daily life is that you have a nosy neighbor. She wants to know the secrets of everyone in this community like a detective, often peeping through the windows of your house.

If you have a strange child in your family, for example, he can move things in the house without his hands, or some other weird tricks, then you have to be careful. There is no witch hunt in the 20th century, but you can’t stop it. Others are whispering behind your back.

  Their children will call him "freak" like Lily’s sister Petunia, and will not attend his birthday party. As for whether he will be bullied in school...

  Zongsi is tracking the little wizard, like the kind of children who have not been to the wizarding world, there is no Zongsi monitoring.

  He has to pretend to be an ordinary person, which actually makes him feel very painful, even if there is no "mother" who is holding a belt and trying to correct his bad habits by whipping.

  Because that is his nature, it feels like some people pretend to be happy, or pretend that they don’t care that others are happy.

  However, this is not the worst. After he understood how to use magic, the wand has become a habit of him. He was not allowed to use it at home during the summer vacation. He didn't understand why.

  My parents explained to him that this is a legal requirement, but he still doesn’t understand that this law is obviously unreasonable, so why not amend the law but force people to abide by it?

  It is a kind of happiness to be able to use one's abilities and talents freely. Home is a place to enjoy freedom, but with so many rules, home is not as comfortable as school.

  Especially there is a room of annoying relatives. He doesn't like them, and they don't like him either. It's rare to find a playmate who looks pleasing to the eye.

Severus didn’t know where the ship was heading. This journey was not like he was accompanied by many cavalry when he was traveling on land. The surrounding navies were British and French. Unlike the expeditionary force coming back from Egypt, it was all made The British navy's fleet is responsible for the return.

  They are not captives, they can carry the trophies collected from Egypt and their respective flags, but the Rosetta Stone cannot be removed. It is placed in the British Museum.

Both the Iliad and the Odyssey are legends about the Trojan War written by the blind poet Homer. "Heroes" sail on the sea on a boat.

This is indeed a dream full of myths and epics. Severus only hopes that Bonaparte can smile as happily when he goes to Elba and St. Heena by boat, because this is reality, prisoner. The journey will be the last voyage in his life, and there is only sulfur on that tropical island, without the fragrance of fruit.

  Is this inhumane? His life is at least much better than those who really live in prison. If he doesn't feel pain in jail, what's the point of keeping him locked up? There are also people in this world who don’t like to go out and like to stay at home. They feel that they have a very happy life. For example, he himself. The six years on the wasteland are like a blink of an eye, but the day here is very good. Long, like a year has 14 months, and every day is as long as a year.

  It seems that only this way can pay off their debts.

  (End of this chapter)