Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1941: Egret feather (four)

  Chapter 1941 Egret Feather (4)

  Farron’s perfume studio is like an alchemist’s laboratory, with many kinds of equipment inside.

  It is really overkill to let him make "cocktail milk tea" for women. Fortunately, these wealthy women have servants and cooks. With their help, this "tea party" will be even more stylish.

  In the beginning, they were indeed drinking tea. British milk tea is simply milk, black tea with sugar, and the tea flavor of this milk tea must be strong. Later, they added spices such as star anise to the tea, and it became another kind of Masala tea which is very popular in India.

   Then someone added raspberry jam, maple syrup, cocoa, vanilla, peanut butter and caramel, and someone added lemon cream cheese, which looks like butter beer at first glance.

The sugar intake may be really exciting. Later, they actually mixed brandy into the milk tea. They said that the archbishop who replaced the wine with tea did not see it. They went to admire the flowers of Southeast Asia with Mr. Martin. He started to act recklessly and mixed Brittany cider into the chocolate.

  The children played "Trick or Treat" at night. These mothers seemed to have started playing during the day. Georgiana took a cup of milk tea with cider and found a corner to drink. She knows that some occasions need to be serious, but that is not her style, so she feels uncomfortable herself and others feel uncomfortable.

  But drinking in the monastery is really a sin. She pretended to repent for two seconds, and then tore off the Siamese cloth that she was pretending to use.

At first, people didn’t know what she was going to do. When she saw her torn off the cloth into a pillow, and then sat on it, they all woke up. These women’s homes are all in the cloth business, and soon someone will fill them with feathers. And the pillow of the tassel was brought over, and a room of women lay on the ground.

Others are very unkind. They put their own products in front of Georgiana to sell them. There are gloves, handkerchiefs, curtains, etc. Georgian is also very kind. Now she doesn't want to think about it anymore, and directly instructs the maid to choose what she likes. Yes, as for who pays the bill, she is too lazy to think about it.

  In fact, the British did not suffer. Starting in 1801, London wanted to expand the Old London Bridge, which was increasingly underserved by the capital. Building an iron bridge will not shake the public's perception, but it is against common sense to let an iron ship float on the water, but the strength of steel needed to repair such an iron ship cannot be achieved by the current technology.

  At the same time the age of steel began, the age of the roar of machines also began. At present, the British steel industry is still in its infancy, and it has not formed a recognized dominant position in Europe. There was once a factory owner who gave Georgiana a British landscape painting. His factory was on the verge of bankruptcy because of the break in the capital chain.

   Selling patents is the most helpless way. However, the demand for steel is also adjusted in accordance with the relationship between supply and demand, just as the demand for cotton in Europe increases, and the New World expands cotton cultivation.

  If the quantity exceeds the demand, the price will be lowered. Although in theory, the fabric with good craftsmanship is light and strong, there are also light and not strong. Just like Brittany’s peace at this moment, she still remembers the crisis of civil war at any time here not long ago.

This is the key point to avoid the outbreak of civil war and the livelihood of farmers. This is not just their own income. If France’s grain yield per mu is not mentioned, even if it develops industry, France cannot rely on a small agricultural population like the United Kingdom. Feeding so many workers who are not engaged in agriculture, then the events of 1789 will repeat itself again. Compared to working in industry, Georgiana feels that she is still better at being a "breeder." This time, shipping grain from Spain, Rouen's shipping company has done a lot. Compared with their fragile cotton textile industry, transportation capacity is more important.

  Naturally, the navy is indispensable for sea transportation. Put this aside. If Brittany's cider and meat can be shipped to the inland, it can also increase income.

  At present, the cows of French farmers are mainly farming cows. There are few cows. Anyway, there are much less dairy products than British dairy products. Now the condensed milk she adds to her milk tea is produced in Britain.

  She doesn't want to think about the too complicated problem. After everyone finds a comfortable position to lie down, she asks if any of the people sitting can play the flute.

   "I will!" said Alice, Leoncourt's granddaughter.

   "Play a tune." Georgiana said.

  I want to enjoy the Faun's afternoon.

She said to her heart, but did not say it. At this time, a clever servant had left the hall and went to get the flute. Before he came back, Georgiana looked at the lazy women. They did not look like the oil painting "Gothic" "The kind of seriousness.

   "I hate to be treated as a guest." Georgianna said, "This is the land of France, and every French person is the owner of this land."

   "But you are not French." A woman said, Georgiana remembered her, she was one of the people who dismissed her style at first.

   "What's your name?" Georgiana asked.

   "Jeanna." The woman with chestnut hair said provocatively "Jeanna Düssel."

  Georgiana thought her low and hoarse voice had a strange magic, but she soon became sober.

   "Many British people admire the changes brought to Europa by the revolution."

   Jeanna seemed to have discovered something interesting and smiled weirdly at Georgiana.

  "How do you define happiness?" Georgiana asked everyone.

  Women, you look at me, I look at you, but they didn’t answer the conversation.

"Nature gives us a kind of emotion, but it does not mean that it must be reasonable, or that it conforms to the logic of men. We have feelings. Usually it is like falling asleep. We need to wake up to feel it. I think this Happiness does not refer to a carnival life, although I had a good time just now, ladies." Georgiana raised a glass to everyone, and the others also raised their glass.

   "Do you believe anyone can drink 12 cups of coffee a day?" Georgiana asked.

  The women began to look at each other again.

   "I have seen the accounts of the princess, and they were shown to me by the first ruling. At that time, a servant of the princess recorded the accounts."

   "This is unreasonable." Another woman said.

   "How do you feel?" Georgiana asked.

   "She was fooled." The woman said.

   "The princess likes games, parties and all kinds of celebrations. This leaves her no time to manage these accounts, and no time to care about the lives of the citizens, so that interesting story will spread."

   "She should spend more time doing business." Jeanne Dussel said.

  "What do you think is the right business?" Georgiana asked.

   "Operate a factory." A business woman said.

   "Manage the accounts." Another woman said.

   "Anything else?" Georgiana asked.

   "Catch the fishy cat."

  As soon as this voice fell, everyone laughed.

"I thought it was to let everyone have a full meal, warm clothes, and shelter from the wind and rain. Thank you for your contribution to France last time." She raised her cup. "You ship by ship. The food that came has saved many people from starvation."

  The women smiled at each other this time.

"You have done commendable things to prevent Paris from rioting due to famine as in the past. Peace, justice and order are what I hope to bring. Of course, there is equality. You don’t need to flatter me. I have feelings. You guys want to make me happy, but I am not a Versailles woman. I need to be praised all day to find confidence."

   "Then what do you think makes you confident?" Jeanna asked.

   "Choose." Georgiana said with a smile.

  Now the women seemed to have different opinions. They talked in a low voice, and Georgiana was drinking milk tea, whatever they said.

  She looked at the misty sky outside, as if she saw a horse-drawn carriage, with little French wizards in thin silk sitting in the carriage. Their clothes could not withstand the cold in Scotland.

  However, there is a girl in this group. She is the object of the school boys' obsession. She chooses one of them, instead of dressing up like Cinderella, waiting to be selected by the prince.

  This is the freedom she understands, and it is also the reason why women who she understands feel happy when shopping.

  It is that they choose those exquisite products, and it feels so bad during the interview because the interviewer is waiting to be screened.

  If she is Cinderella, she will not feel happy or even ecstatic because she was chosen by the prince

   Although the days here are not satisfactory, if Severus doesn't come to her, she won't take the initiative to go back.

  He must pursue her. Of course, many people will say that she is not worthy, so whatever he does!

  There is a lion here who is willing to make such a big change for her. It is already very remarkable, and he is also taking great risks.

  Even if it was a dream, that was what he wanted to do, and some people would definitely think that he harmed the interests of France.

  Technical espionage is not that simple, it requires a shrewd mind. When the ice freezes the river, when the wind is no longer blowing, and the water power and windmill mills are unavailable, the steam engine-driven mill will be a substitute.

  Wheat needs to be ground into flour to make bread after threshing. Anyway, Georgiana had never thought that a steam engine could grind noodles before. She thought it would be able to drive trains and textile machines.

  The spies who went to the UK with tourists didn’t know what they would bring back. I hope they don’t want to watch the flowers for a while, and finally return empty-handed, otherwise it would be a waste.

  (End of this chapter)