Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1966: sleep tight

   Chapter 1966

There are two main reasons why Gao Naiyi's investigation did not continue.

  One, there is no corpse. This is important evidence to distinguish between homicide and disappearance, and this is why Georgiana ran to the cemetery to check the tombstones.

In that era of uninformed information, many people who thought they were dead would suddenly appear, and in a port city like Rouen, it is possible at any time that someone suddenly boarded a passing ship and set off to any place in the world. A corner.

  Second, after the harpy banshee, "the whistling Jack" appeared again. He may be a combination of the flute piper and the dark wizard Jack who is running around Bavaria.

  This wizard is a bit similar to a legend, no one knows his real name, so "Jack" is used to call him.

  At the time, Louis XIV was busy with his Palace of Versailles and conquering the Netherlands, and didn't care what happened to Rouen, far away from Paris.

  It is not only the guilds of handicrafts and teachers, but also booksellers. In the 17th century, the book publishing industry in France was not in the hands of the church.

  Louis XIV was a very centralized monarch. He gave the power of book publishing to publishers who were loyal to him with a license. The work of verifying the books was carried out by the inspectors of the booksellers' guild and the police.

The insiders are the most familiar and familiar with the insiders. These booksellers got the prints and knew where the inks were produced. Rouen’s guards put those shops selling that ink in jail, and then the prints disappeared. , This matter is gone.

  There was no census at the time, and there was no such thing as an ID card. The dead had names and occupations, but almost all of them were individual handicraftsmen or shopkeepers, and they had almost no social relations. If it weren't for Gao Nayi to be the lawyer in charge of Wang's Shuize Forest, he would not investigate this matter, and would treat it as a story told by children like everyone else.

  He never talked about this in his future life, and hid the investigation record in the alcove.

  Georgiana did not expect to live like this today. She originally wanted to visit the University of Rouen, and in the afternoon went to the furniture factory of Luck’s house.

  Women’s benevolence is really undesirable, but she really can’t attack the woman named Maria.

  The so-called "going back" is not really going back to Rouen, but going to a small town called Montigny nearby.

  This village is a timber business. After the trees were cut down, they opened up farmland and wineries.

  This can be regarded as a European obsession. Anyway, there is a vineyard called a landlord. It is the same as the British think that a house without a lawn can only be called an apartment. Although Brittany is famous for its ciders, the renard family in the town where they are staying has opened a small plot to grow grapes, just like planting potted plants in a garden, just for decoration.

  He doesn’t live in this house often. The housekeeper and his wife are in the town and occasionally go to clean it. But Bonaparte wanted to live in their master's house, and they couldn't do that the Lord would not let him live. Anyway, she was stunned, and Georgiana was lying in the bathtub in the mistress's room on the second floor.

  The warm water was sprinkled with roses, exactly what a normal woman would expect, and there are also scented candles around, although this is because there is no electricity and I have to light it.

  All this can keep her away from the village in the deep mountain and old forest, and also keep her away from the unforgettable hatred.

  Georgiana absolutely believes that if the pure-bloods knew that the Surgeon appeared, they would never show mercy, and the men, women, and children in that village would not want to leave alive.

  Even if the British Ministry of Magic is allowed to come forward, Maria will be imprisoned in Azkaban, and suffering in the land of destruction is not as clean as a clean break.

  This is another reality in the wizarding world, and there is no room for relaxation, although she does not know whether Maria’s group has anything to do with the wizarding mercenaries in the United States.

  The scavengers in the United States are selling fellow wizards to make money. They are profitable mercenaries. If Maria and his organization are smuggling, then they would not eliminate wizards for the purpose of making money.

  Maria puts herself on the side of justice, light, and "power from heaven." Georgiana really wished to know how Albus would deal with this kind of person.

The bedroom door suddenly opened, and she knew who came by just listening to the footsteps. She looked back at Bonaparte with dark gray eyes. He was still wearing the cavalry colonel uniform and cocked hat, but he should have changed all of them. Now, it’s not like the one before.

  Why they went to the virgin forest, and it rained again, it was a strange thing to ride without splashing mud all over.

   "Need me to find the archbishop to celebrate mass for you?" he asked.

   "No!" Georgiana immediately said, "Do you think I will be'purified' together?"

  He shook his head unreasonably.

"I know what black magic is. I even married a black wizard." She calmly said, "If I were you, I should worry about what you will do when he comes to the door. I'm fine, you don't have to worry about it. I."

   "I'm used to danger, and I know how to face the setbacks and ups in life." He said contentedly, "I tell you a little secret, don't suffer yourself, try to make yourself happy."

   "I really like this bathtub with hot water." She smiled and said, "You also sprinkled roses."

   "I thought the university should be like Sorbonne." Bonaparte looked out the window and said.

   "I thought it was like Oxford or Cambridge." She took a handful of water and let it drip from the gap between her fingers. "The city of Rouen is really amazing."

  He didn't speak for a long time, and Georgiana continued to play in the water. The sound of the water sounded very pleasing, and she felt much better.

   "I have figured out a way to break the Methuen Treaty." She said.

   "You can talk to me." He said, "Don't worry about business."

  "Sell wine as wine." While playing in the water, she said to herself, "If it is mixed with cinchona powder, it is said that the wine is mixed to improve the taste."

  He was listening quietly.

  "If a line of defense is indestructible, then bypass it. Don't let Sharptal force the British side to violate the treaty and make French and Portuguese wine tariffs equal."

  "Do you think someone will believe it?" he asked.

  "Do you know how to drink perfume?" She looked up at him.

  He looked at her with a worried look.

"Don't suffer yourself, right?" She smiled and said, "You may think I will be happy if I keep changing clothes for these two days, but there was no French official at the party yesterday. I don't think there is anything to do with that kind of occasion. of."

  He didn't act very angry and wanted to hold on to her injustice.

  So she stopped smiling.

  "What can I do to make you happy?" he asked.

   "Thank you for rushing to save me. If you didn't come then, I might not be able to hold on." She said calmly, "I never understand why so many people long for longevity, and life is so exhausting."

   "Or I will sing a song for you." He said suddenly.

  She looked at him with disgust.

   "Then what do you want?" He asked unreasonably.

  She thought about what would make her happy.

   "I want to see the fireworks." She looked into his eyes and said, "I want to be able to see it across the strait."

  He laughed, and sat down at the bathtub with her head resting on him.

  She didn't get the promise, but she didn't care anymore.

  She let out a long sigh of relief and fell asleep with her eyes closed in the warm water.

  She believed that even if she fell asleep, this guy would fish her out of the water to prevent her from drowning.

  It is her talent to get a good night's sleep, so that she can think of nothing. For people like her, this is heaven.

  (End of this chapter)