Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1995: Good managers (part 2)

  Chapter 1995 The Good Manager (Part 2)

   In the old system, in order to confirm whether salt is added to the salted food in the common people’s home, the taxpayer would taste the food in other people's homes, and even went to the winery to measure the barrels of other people's homes and ask to check other people's drinking records.

50,000 customs inspectors or farm staff, 23,000 civilian soldiers deployed along the domestic defense line of 12,000 li, like a chaotic and complicated net, surrounding every province, city, district, or town. For different commodities, nearly 1,600 tolls are subject to provincial or municipal taxes.

   After the revolution, human rights are the first. Without an arrest warrant, the police cannot enter the homes of civilians, let alone taste the food in other people’s homes for salt.

  The main thing is to make people far away from Paris feel that kind of new ideas and progress, otherwise some people will confuse the French Revolution with the enlightened despotism and the American War of Independence.

The idea of ​​the French Revolution was the theory of social contract. In the Declaration of Human Rights, it stated that "the purpose of society is to benefit the public." Under the first requirement of the common interest, the free and active actions of individuals must not hinder the order and conditions of any social life. , Which is the first article of the Declaration of Human Rights, is born and always free, all rights are equal, and social differences can only be established on the basis of common interests.

France does not allow joint-stock companies, but allows partners in the Civil Code. Partners are equal. There is no major shareholder bullying minor shareholders, that is to say, if there is debt, the amount or equal amount should be borne by the number of partners. Part of the debt, even if one of the partners has a small share in the partnership, unless it is agreed in the contract that the debt is based on the ratio of shares to determine the liability of the partners.

  The debt contract concluded for the calculation of the partnership only binds the agreed parties and does not bind other partners, but it is not limited when other partners have authorized or changed the event to be beneficial to the partnership.

   For example, a opened a wasteland, he had the ownership of the land, and then used the land to go to the bank to obtain a loan to buy milk cows, but he could not raise cows himself, so he leased the cows to b. b can be an individual or a legal person. He regularly transfers the rent for renting cattle to a in accordance with the contract. A does not care about raising cattle at all, and at the same time, the fertilizer income of cow dung and the income of milk cannot be obtained by a. b. Through its own internal contract, share the income with partners equally, or distribute according to shares. This is negotiated by the individual represented by b or the legal person. Similarly, if rinderpest occurs on the farm and all cattle die, b will also Responsible for compensation a, the compensation amount shall be calculated in accordance with b contract, or evenly divided among all.

  With the current land prices in Brittany and the preferential treatment brought by the state's purchase of Dutch dairy cows, the loan is easy to repay, but the premise is to eliminate discrimination against herders and eliminate inequality.

  Partnership is definitely inevitable. The United Kingdom’s "Bubble Act" prevented the consortium, but businessmen found investment trusts. A good manager must be based on trust, and the trustee must manage the finances of others, and must take the interests of the beneficiaries as the purpose, and handle trust affairs cautiously.

  Some women are looking for a husband with a dowry, which is equivalent to looking for someone to help her with financial management. No one will find someone who engages in a Ponzi scheme to handle the trust.

And a kind manager is careful to take legal responsibility for all his actions, including actions and omissions, such as cleaning the cowshed, seeing a doctor for livestock, etc. He can do nothing, which will cause the livestock to get sick, and the animals will die. He will be legally liable and compensate for renting other people’s cow money.

Raising cattle also requires breeding as well as raising grapes. There is a native of Normandy, Cotanden, which can produce 100 kilograms of butter per cow. The improvement of breeds requires the establishment of pedigrees to ensure "pure breeds". Dutch dairy cows have been selected for many years. Now it has become a focus on milk production and not meat quality. Normandy bulls are also supplying meat to Paris. They have only 6 weeks of growth, and after this time they begin to eat grass.

Last year, in order to supply meat to Paris, not only this calf was killed, but also some cattle with poor physique. In short, the price of meat in Paris will definitely rise this year. No one thought that France would encounter food for two consecutive years. Reduce production.

  The shepherds are lazy, the farmers have little foresight, and everyone who grows grapes is full of energy. This is related to the unattainable status of grapes and wines. In the new era, the grooms who transport wine do not have to travel to 20 places to pay taxes, are teased and insulted by tax collectors, and do not need to delay for ten and a half months for no reason, waiting for the clerks to be lazy. It is necessary to sign documents and passes, and perhaps only the innkeeper will see the officials in green uniforms.

  Generally speaking, agriculture has a long cycle and low profits. However, in the eyes of bankers, it is better to have land mortgages than loans to workshop owners who want to live in the pastoral life. After they liquidate their assets, they will leave with both hands.

  Falrong said that it is possible to raise sheep. Raising sheep is more complicated. The wool lessor can only collect half of it. There are also the income of raising calves and lambs, which are not clearly stated in the Civil Code.

  The Italians can sell their twisting machines, and a resident engineer will be responsible for repairing those machines. If there is no problem with the machine, he will drink coffee, and if there is a problem, he will repair it. The monthly salary is taken. This solves the problem of low efficiency in the textile industry and also solves the shortage of manpower in agriculture. "beef cattle".

  The cotton textile industry in Normandy provides only a small part of the total French demand, and the Far East also provides one-third of the cotton demand.

  But Georgiana still heard other meanings from Ludrell's words.

  In September of the 8th year of the Republic, Napoleon was still in Egypt. How could he go to Victory Square to listen to the 107-page manuscript of Galanian. September of the 9th year of the Republic was also impossible. He was in Marengo at that time.

However, things are true. There was originally a horse-riding statue of Louis XIV on Victory Square, celebrating the end of the French-Dutch War "Treaty of Nijmegen". The horse-riding statue of Louis XIV was destroyed during the Revolution. Later the statue was replaced It is a wooden pyramid, and the original sculpture of Desai or Kleber should replace the pyramid.

  Later, Kleber’s copper pillar was erected near the botanical garden, while Desai’s was in Dijon.

  The shiny golden Kleber sculpture is actually woodcut with gold paint on it, which looks like metal.

  These are not the main points. The main point is that Ludrel talked about Louis XIV several times. She doesn't remember much about the Nijmegen Treaty, but a little bit she remembers that the Netherlands regained all its land on the condition of maintaining neutrality, and France wanted to reduce tariffs to the Netherlands.

  Iron and steel are duty-free, and of course they can’t be lowered any more, so the tariffs on textiles will be lowered.

  She didn’t know it was her own comprehension, Ludrell didn’t mean it at all, just reminded her to find a good emcee.

  She has to think about it. After all, history has proved Napoleon to be correct, and because of his policies, he has provided a "nurse nursery" for the industrialization behind France. Some fragile lives need to be carefully cared for, and let them experience wind and rain too early to die.

  However, what Perrier said, she also remembers that some new small businesses with mixed good and bad will make those manufacturers that have survived in this industry for decades to close down. They don't understand the rules of the industry, they don't know that some things are forbidden, and these are the lessons learned by the predecessors.

  Anyway, the French did not let her touch the sand gate room, which might involve their internal interests.

But she remembered one thing. The British judge Stowell and the highest judge of the United States of America, John Marshall, established an Anglo-Saxon fishing law system. Once Britain and France enter the state of war again, those grains shipped to Belgium can’t safely go offshore. Shipping by sea.

   Profitable war, unprofitable peace, everyone knows which one to choose.

  Although it was annoying, she still learned something from it.

  Whether it is Stowell or the elder Robert Peel, regardless of their personal behavior, they will make a "helpless choice" when faced with a change of position.

  So it’s not good for a wizard to look at Muggle’s personal character. Just like Newton, his personal intelligence is completely useless in the South China Sea bubble.

  Albus said that what determines who we become is not what we have, but what choices we make.

  He is indeed a wise man, but unfortunately he rarely goes to social occasions outside except for entertainment in school.

  Georgiana looked at the road ahead, where is her way?

  (End of this chapter)