Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2024: Naughty Wind (2)

  Chapter 2024 Mischievous Wind (2)

There is a very eye-catching place in the portrait of the sun king Louis XIV. Because of his height, he needs to wear high heels, and the heels are painted red. Until the Revolution, wearing red heels was the privilege of the French nobles, so except for "no trousers" "Han" and "piedplat" are also titles representing humble origins.

   Even without stockings and wearing high boots, some people still want to paint their heels red. Religion links the idea of ​​equality with heaven so that the rich can be killed by the poor. But the government sentenced the criminals to death, but the pastor pardoned them for going to heaven. The same behavior was put on one person, and one was guillotine, and the other was forgiveness. In Bonaparte’s terms, the open operation of these two powers is completely different. Since these two powers can collide with each other, then the conflict between them can be foreseen, without leaving a clear boundary for them to follow up in advance, and clearly point out that they are. The secular part cannot prevent the church from encroaching on the country. After all, religion wants to have everything.

  The first ruling government does not want a dominant religion, nor does it want a new religion. In other words, he supports the establishment of the Ministry of Magic, restrains the wizards' behavior, and prevents them from spreading "superstition" everywhere.

He also forcibly closed the Worship and Fraternity Society because of this. Giorgioanna recalled what Grindelwald had done in France before, and he also carried out a kind of thought spread-wizards are the righteous men who prevent Muggles from destroying the world. They don’t. Then there are mobs protesting for their own interests.

  She wondered how to prevent the "future" Grindelwald from taking such a loophole, but the result of her thinking was unsolvable, like one day Voldemort would be born in a Muggle orphanage.

  If the church is allowed to regain its dominance over the secular world, it will also be detrimental to wizards, although witch hunting like the Middle Ages is no longer possible.

Science is subverting people’s perception of the world at a speed beyond human imagination. Georgiana thought she was already “avant-garde”. The discovery of the Moonlight Society is amazing. Tom Wedgwood, who suffers from depression, has already I did a silver salt photosensitivity experiment and wrote related papers for publication.

  According to Stanley, this tall, handsome, and talented son is liked by many girls, and people now like this noble “British temperament” with a touch of melancholy.

But he still wanted to laugh happily. He learned from a friend that David had discovered nitrous oxide. They called this gas must come from heaven, which can bring wonderful happiness and seems to be harmless to the body. .

But Erasmus Darwin thought it might happen. In the next few years, Tom and his friend who also suffered from depression were treated with opioids and nitrous oxide, and the final result was as Darwin expected. Yes, the "gas from heaven" caused lasting and irreversible damage to Tom's friends, and indirectly caused damage to the people of the Moonlight Club.

  Curiosity is a common feature of the people of the Moonlight Club. Many of them conducted gas experiments under the drive of curiosity. In the end, they came to the conclusion that this kind of happiness and kindness was created by the chemical reaction of the body, not by God. David is a shrewd careerist. He left the Moonlight Society as quickly as possible and joined the newly established Royal Academy of London.

Napoleon didn’t like Wordsworth very much, not only because Georgiana paid too much attention to him, but also because the poet Wordsworth had a sailor brother who became Tom Wedgwood’s "feelings" after David left. "Exploring new suppliers. Tom and Wordsworth met in Paris, but what his brother provided was not "Heaven's Gas", but a plant, an Indian plant that he claimed to be "Nepenthes".

There is also a description of Nepenthes in Homer’s epic. However, Tom who began to try "Negrinosca" has a sharp drop in weight, and is completely unable to quit it. Without "Negriscia", a young man with depression, he feels life. No fun at all.

  He is only in his 30s, but it seems that he will not live long. Erasmus Darwin can't help it. The problems faced by the new generation of Moonlight Club members are different from those of the older generation. They need to explore the unknown world alone. This is a problem that many days will encounter.

Throughout the ages, the church seems to have played the role of a villain to prevent progressive thinking, allowing those "heretics" to believe in the miracles created by saint bones, ominous bird flights, fortune tellers, dream interpreters, witchcraft, and vampires. Stupidity, ignorance and gullibility are always accompanied by misleading and enslaving mankind.

  Georgiana agrees with Newton’s approach, which is to understand God by understanding God’s creation, whether it exists or not.

  This is one of her directions, and it is also the concept shared by her and Bonaparte.

Those pleasant things are often not good, but it’s just as painful to stay awake like Albus. People will protect it because they love Hogwarts. It can bring happiness to children. When Umric ruled the school, the Weslai brothers bombed it until Dumbledore returned to the school as principal.

  They bombed not only the education bills hanging on the wall, but also wanted to get rid of the shackles imposed on them.

  The old nobles may not be accustomed to what it means to "concession to the emotions of the people". Before Mrs. Dubari ordered her slaves to leave the National Committee, she was used to this way of life that ignored the emotions of slaves.

In the era of the supervising government, it really did not impose taxes on public opinion. Excessive extortion, suffering, plunder, and poverty in the old system caused deep-rooted anger. Any government, even out of sympathy or at least cautious taxation, will bring a strong rebound. .

So the supervising government made a living by borrowing money from bankers, which also caused another problem. The bankers controlled the government. Napoleon would not be invincible no matter how much he was able to win the war. What's more, the super government wanted to take advantage of his time in Egypt. Establish your prestige by winning battles.

  Napoleon did not eat blind democratic formulas. If he did not sell Louisiana to increase the revenue of the treasury, he would have to increase revenue from other places. As for the orphanage and the Protestant church, she could not intervene in setting up the management committee.

William Pitt Jr. was dismissed for interfering in the Catholic affairs of Ireland. Although the British residents staying in France lived in military camps outside the city and were restricted to a certain degree of freedom, their lives were much better than those of French prisoners in British prisons. The British captives also felt that the French approach to the captives was more humane.

  Women really can’t get involved in this kind of thing. Learning and exploring are also a kind of play. She can usually play with the children.

  There is a slogan on the wall of the Birmingham Library-there is no philosopher, only the eternal church and king.

However, in April of 1791, buckle boots were no longer popular at the time. They changed to shoelaces. The trade in Birmingham was affected to a certain extent. Parliament passed the "Police Act", and citizens complained about it. Rising parish tax rates and paying for the police bill, all the quarrels mixed together, and finally formed a "presbyterian conspiracy" aimed at seizing control of Birmingham.

With the arrival of midsummer, events in France aroused panic among conservatives. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette fled from the Tuileries and were later captured, so they were on the anniversary of the capture of the Bastille. On that day, there will be a dinner in Birmingham to celebrate "Friends of Freedom." The dinner will be announced in the "Gazette", and the names of all the inviters will be printed on the half-penny pamphlet.

However, the copy of the pamphlet I actually got declared "celebrated the freedom of the Gauls" and condemned the corruption of the parliament, the hypocrisy of Pete, and the luxury of the royal family. "The peace of slavery is more careful than the war of freedom for tyrants." Dinner party It was postponed for a while, but the landlord of the Royal Hotel kept persuading the banquet to continue.

  Later, these people got drunk and the banquet disbanded at five o'clock, but the guests did not leave. The anti-Jacobin faction was holding a meeting, and the drunks threw mud and stones at them indiscriminately.

  About three hours later, a group of more and more determined thugs arrived at the Royal Hotel. Long after the dinner was over, they were so angry that they broke all the windows, and then turned straight to Priestley’s new clubhouse under the bright moonlight.

At that time, British gentlemen advocated the "retro" sport. Many people participated in the archery club, including some ladies. When the riot happened, the Birmingham authorities didn't care because most of the gentlemen were holding archery competitions in Staffordshire. When they returned, all doors and windows in Birmingham read "Eternal Church and King".

  The mob has a list of attacks. Although this list is constantly being revised and increased, there are seven heretics who are the wealthy manufacturers of the Moonlight Society and their friends.

   Bolton installed the cannon at Soho’s door and called on his workers not to join the "mob court". As for his home was beaten, smashed and burned, he didn't care.

This riot caused the Moonlight Society to suffer fatal injuries, not only the loss of property, but also everything they believed in-"rationality", "science", "freedom", "experiment", a joint attack on science and revolution, this It marked that the British people no longer trusted the intellectuals, Dr. Prichtley was expelled, and the Moonlight Society was almost destroyed.

  The gentlemen summoned volunteer cavalry to call their homeland. The king sent dragoons to suppress it. Someone put a dagger on the table of the council, saying that this was the weapon used during the riots.

Since 1787, Bolton has used his stamping minting machine to make "Wilkinson Tokens", which are similar to pennies, except that the head on the coin has been replaced by Wilkinson's, and the back has been replaced by a woman. .

  Although these representatives are not circulated, they are just a decorative artwork, Bolton produced 5 tons. Because it is only half the weight of Williams tokens, merchants are only willing to treat these silver coins as half a penny.

  Someone started, and other entrepreneurs rushed to follow suit. Soon this privately minted coin drove away the sovereign currency and even circulated in distant London.

  The chips in the casino also have a similar function. Although it requires sovereign currency exchange, you can buy things in the nearby shops with the casino chips, but the casino has to be careful about fake chips.

  Nine of the ten speculators will be addicted to gambling. They win fast and lose fast, and the women’s dowry is also used by them to pay off their gambling debts. The new French Civil Code stipulates that the woman’s dowry cannot be used to pay her husband’s debts, so that even if the husband goes bankrupt, she and her children can still live on.

  This is a law suitable for a stable society, but it is difficult to implement.

Bockbokin would not **** Merope a little more Jin Jialong for her because he looked pitiful. There are so many Jin Jialong in Harry’s vault. They are essentially placed in a jar with some people, digging a pit and burying them. There is no difference between the gold coins that rise up, so Muggles always encounter insufficient currency when they use coins.

  A person who has nothing, suddenly finds that his father has left such a large fortune, he should feel very lucky. Who dreams of not having a wealthy parent who has been separated for many years?

  Georgiana would not be so stupid that Napoleon collected taxes just to do good deeds. Both the army and the gendarmerie needed to pay military salaries. He gave the generals an annuity of one million francs a year.

  It is said that in 1783, in the midsummer of the year Annie died, a bolide moved across the night sky and Bolton observed it.

In that year, Birmingham launched the "balloon postman" experiment. They had extracted hydrogen lighter than air from iron and water. Darwin originally planned that it would fall in Soho Garden, but the "naughty wind" pushed it to Sri Lanka. The House of Councillor in Tafford.

  This is actually very simple, it is the electrolysis reaction of water, and water does not directly react with iron.

  The French Academy was also conducting flight experiments at the time. This was a cutting-edge technology. At that time, the French Academy tied four or five prisoners to a balloon to carry out manned experiments, intending to let them fly across the strait.

The principle of this kind of hydrogen balloon is different from that of a hot air balloon. Giorgioanna didn’t mention it, but she planned to get the Swiss inventor Ami Algond back to France. He opened a burning company in Geneva, but because of lack of funds Bankrupt, he lived in poverty himself.

  He participated in the balloon driving experiment, despite the fog and rain that day, and he left Birmingham because of the riot.

  The so-called broker is like this. He has a lot of resources and is in urgent need of a buyer. It is possible that the machine he sells is worthless or even brings disaster, but it may also bring unexpected uses.

  Compared with gas, hydrogen pollution is less. If Algond can find a more scientific and cheaper way to produce hydrogen, then Paris will have more street lights.

  Jack the Ripper himself appears on a dark street. The light will make law and order better, but some people hate street lights and will deliberately smash them.

  Napoleon himself is not as profligate as Louis XV, and Giorgioanna does not like luxury goods as much as Madame Pompidou, but if they die, they may be flooded.

  I’m afraid I can’t wait for them to die. Who will take over in 10 years?

  What are you thinking about so much, just dreaming, she cried for so long yesterday, can't it make her happy for a day?

  (End of this chapter)