Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2032: Union Festival (1)

  Chapter 2032 Alliance Festival (1)

  On July 13, 1790, the people of Paris celebrated the day before the capture of the Bastille. Wordsworth left with a friend, Tom Wedgwood, intending to travel across France to Switzerland.

  The two travelers later met a representative who had returned from Paris, and the two young men were warmly invited to the dinner by the hospitable host.

  France has won the favor of Wordsworth since the beginning of the revolution. His physical and mental prosperity in France will promote the well-being of mankind, so he lost interest in British things for a time, and even indifferent to the British failing to abolish the slave trade.

  This is the true opposite of love-indifferent, Wordsworth also wrote a poem to commemorate:

  Because I came back with a belief that if France’s career goes smoothly, the respect of humanity by kind people will not always be useless;

  Although this branch of human shame is the most decayed, it seems to be an additional pain, but if the tree is cut, it will fall with it.

  There are many Europeans who think that Britain is free, but the actual situation is that many British people have to stay in this "land of freedom" because they can't get the tickets to the United States.

  People put the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, which is a symbol of freedom. When they see her, the European immigrants will always shout "America"! It was as excited as a sailor who was lost when he saw the lighthouse.

Wordsworth was full of hope for France and regarded it as a dawn, so much so that when he heard that Britain had joined the anti-French alliance and had also joined the ranks of the invaders, he was very angry and wrote poems to condemn him. In my eyes, what Britain is doing is opposing the independence and freedom of France.

  Napoleon’s birthday in 1802 was not happy. Wordsworth also went. He witnessed the scene with his own eyes: the silence of the people is a lesson for the king.

  He didn’t know how Napoleon hated him at the time, and instead wrote a poem: "I feel vain sadness for Napoleon, unthinking sadness!"

   Regardless of his sailor brother who provided Tom Wedgwood with "Forget Worn", Wordsworth himself is indeed very good:

  My youth is here to witness

  Many other sights, in a more proud era;

  The meaningless joy was sublime at that time!

  He is happy, don’t care about the Pope,

  The Archon or King, it sounds like he knows the fate of people and lives with hope.

  This is what he wrote after he witnessed the destruction of Napoleon's birthday, which brought security and prosperity to France. This birthday was August 15th, and the passionate National Day celebration was held just one month before.

  Later he wrote something unpleasant to Napoleon:

  But at this time, the French themselves became oppressors, turning the war of self-defense into an expedition of aggression,

  Totally forget everything they had fought for.

  Here is the "Orange War" that Napoleon invaded Italy and later invaded Portugal with Spain, and this is why his hopes for France were shaken. He did not oppose the Napoleon coup, nor did he oppose Bonaparte's autocratic rule.

  People who have contacted him in the salon say that he has an ancient prophetic temperament:

  The sins and ignorance that have been accumulated for generations are like huge reservoirs, which can no longer bear the terrible burden, suddenly collapsed, and floods flooded the country.

  This is what Wordsworth understood of the French Revolution and the subsequent reign of terror. He did not support the reign of terror, nor did he excuse the rulers of terror.

  So did the reign of terror save France?

  The rude methods have damaged and changed the hearts of some people. Compassion is the weakness of the French character and their charm.

  Will it be easier to implement the Factory Act in France than in the UK?

   There is a saying, don’t stand in the way of other people’s money, Napoleon has already encountered many assassinations, he does not need to set up more enemies, otherwise he will really die like Caesar.


  A little girl in a pink tutu suddenly ran over. Her target was her father, but she ran into Napoleon’s lap.

  Of course, he was wearing casual clothes at the moment, looking not so sharp, the little pink thing was hit by him and fell to the ground.

  God of War Napoleon and the little girl are like two creatures in parallel worlds... But Bonaparte still squatted down, helped her up before she started crying, and pinched her little cheek.

   "Let's go." He said to the dazed Georgianna.

  You never know what I experienced just now.

  She was thinking about it in disbelief, and she obediently followed him to a box. This is their experience in the restaurant during the day. If they don’t want to ruin the boss’s business, they’d better leave the lobby.

  Along the way, she found that many people looked at her, mostly men.

  What is a "stunning" emoticon? Is it shocked to become stupid?

  She smiled at them, but they were even more surprised, and even grew their mouths.

  Their female companion looked very annoyed, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Georgiana was also annoyed.

   So Wordsworth has a level. In the old age, "the joy of meaninglessness was sublime at that time." What is the joy of making people jealous?

  They just took their seats in the box, and someone came in before they had time to order.

   is the broker Stanley, and there is another person behind him. Georgiana met him at the reception. She is a fur merchant, and he is also one of William Pitt’s friends.

   "Good evening, Georgian." The fur merchant took off the top hat. "I didn't expect we would meet here."

  She looked at Bonaparte, and Bonaparte was also looking at her.

   "Good evening." She smiled if nothing had happened, like a simple encounter.

   "There is no room outside. Would you mind fighting with me?" said the fur merchant.

   "Please sit down," Georgianna said, and then Stanley and the fur merchant sat down together.

   Bonaparte raised his index finger, and everyone else walked out and closed the door.

  "Do you mind if I smoke?" the fur merchant asked.

  Yes, I really mind.

  But Georgiana said nothing, what else could she say? It was too late, and the fur merchant had already taken out the cigar and started smoking.

The   private room was quickly filled with smoke, as if it had become a smoking room, and Georgiana was now waiting to wear Slughorn’s smoking shirt.

   "You will turn to the next stop?" the fur merchant asked.

   "Yes." Bonaparte said arrogantly.

  "The road is very bumpy, do you want to change the way of travel?" the fur merchant asked.

  No one speaks.

   "You have the right of offshore fishing, but no one has said that you have the right of passage." The fur merchant said.

  "Have you ever counted how many warships we have parked in the harbor?" Bonaparte asked.

   "I also thought that if there is peace, there is no need to execute the capture method." Georgiana said immediately.

"The first baby of the Lady Liberty, chaste like a virgin, bright and calm, without any harm to her conspiracy and violence, when she deliberately finds a lover for herself, it must be the sea of ​​eternity." The fur merchant said. "Don't you think that dominance of the sea is like a lover, can't you let it?"

   Bonaparte smiled.

   "Let's talk to another place." The fur trader stood up. "I promise there are fish, Georgiana."

   "What if she says no?" Bonaparte asked.

   "Do you want to say no?" She was the fur merchant.

  At this moment, she thought of the Queen of England, and she had no right to say no.

  But she still looked at Bonaparte, he was staring at the two Englishmen opposite.

How to do?

  She didn’t know what her future might be, if she went there would be risky, so Bonaparte was caught in the assassin’s trap.

  But before she hesitated, Bonaparte stood up.

   "Let's go." He said calmly, as if he were in the hall just now.

  So she stood up obediently, like a boat drifting along with the crowd, letting fate push her forward.

  (End of this chapter)