Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 204: screwup

  Chapter 204 Screwup

  The inventor of the refreshing agent is Linfred of Stinchcombe. He lived in the 12th century and was a casual and absent-minded guy. Nevertheless, his helpfulness and amiability made him very popular, and his Muggle neighbors would often come to see him. But they didn't know that Linfred's treatment of chickenpox and malaria was actually magic. Everyone thought he was a harmless, lovely old man, taking care of the interesting plants in his garden slowly. This gave him the nickname "Idle Man", and over time he became Potter.

  Because Linfred’s neighbors did not know that he was a wizard, he could experiment in private and invent many medical potions. He sold these potions to other witches and wizards and accumulated huge wealth. Linfred has seven children in total. When he passed away, he left an objective wealth to every son. Linfred's eldest son, Hadwin, married Iorance Peverier and formed the Potter family, using Linfred's nickname as his last name.

In the 18th century, Glover Shipworth was based on the formula invented by Linfred of Stinchcombe in the 12th century, and the refreshing agent was considered to be invented by Glover Shipworth. Yes, there is even a portrait of Glover Shipworthy hanging on the wall in the Slytherin Cellar.

The inventor of the potion for wolf poison is Damocles Belle, but his potion made with aconite can’t be called an antidote at all. Severus Snape improved him, so wolf poison The inventor of the medicine should be replaced by his name, but the old Gryffindor used this honor in exchange for the right to return to Wiesengamao.

  As the victim, Severus is no longer held accountable, and other people are even less qualified to speak, but the euphoria he invented during his school has become a special medicine for relieving symptoms after being attacked by a dementor.

  After the war, Harry Potter found the textbook made of the advanced potion of the Half-Blood Prince again. The Delightful Potion was the first he used to treat dementor attacks.

Just as the former Minister of Magic was worried, when the dementors stopped being the guards of Azkaban, they went to the mainland and attacked humans. Therefore, Harry Potter proposed that the guardian of the gods should be taken as a compulsory course, and even included in wizards. The content of the grade examination.

That's a ridiculous thing, because there are many people who want to make the dementors become the guards of Azkaban again. The kiss of the dementors is also a kind of death sentence. Some prisoners just keep him in jail is not enough. In addition, dementors wandered around and even appeared in other countries. It has become an international scandal. The death rate of wizards and Muggles who are incapable of self-defense has risen sharply, and the number of Aurors in need is increasing.

  In addition to political donations, the sale of rare banned potion materials such as dragon blood is also one of the sources of revenue for the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic has established a dragon reserve, and the staff of the Department of Fantastic Animals collects their blood while taking care of the dragons. During Sterling's reign, by driving up the price of dragon blood, he reserved a lot of gold coins for the Ministry of Magic, and this money was used to pay the salary of the Auror, which surged after the war.

In the three years before 1995, Hogwarts and Aurors hadn’t appeared. In addition to Fudge’s leadership style, “Everything is well”, the failed education was also an important reason. Now people believe that Voldemort is gone and will not come again. Disturbing their lives, they lost interest in the dangerous work of the Auror. As for calling the guardian of God as a compulsory course, there are different opinions. Some people expressed support based on the savior’s remarks, while others thought it was completely unnecessary, because calling the guardian **** was not. Everyone can do it.

  As a hero, the inventor of the euphoria, and the principal of Hogwarts, his portrait has the right to hang in the corridors of the school. The wealthy nobleman who is good at seeing the wind and making the rudder drew a portrait of him. In the painting, he looks very elegant, so that his not-so-good-looking face has become so charming because of this lonely dark temperament. .

He doesn’t have the shining smile of Lockhart in Witch’s Weekly, and he is not as handsome as Malfoy, but because of his unswerving love for Lily and his beautiful patron saint of Silver Deer, he has a lot of support. By.

  Love makes people blind. Slytherin’s reputation is no longer as infamous as he was in the past. The snot spirit who was once bullied has his own personality, and has his own unique way of thinking and acting style.

  People who are high-profile and always like to show their abilities in front of others tend to be annoying, and the aura emitted by low-profile people is more convincing.

  Pomona was afraid of him, because he was replacing Dumbledore and Lily in her heart, and he was a cunning man full of lies, and she didn't want to be fooled by him like a fool.

But he let her "tame" his desire to conquer. Humans are also a kind of animals, and they can be domesticated. Now looking at this man full of dark tension, who remembers that he was once caught by James Potter's fuchsia After the embarrassment.

The stronger the   , the more disgraceful the memory of that shame, it made him want to correct it just like Tom's bloodline eager to cover up.

  What he wanted to remember was his decent side. Fortunately, Harry didn't write that history when he rectified his name in the newspaper, otherwise Severus would hate Harry even more.

Personal love life is privacy, especially for someone like him who is good at hiding secrets. Although she desires to appear in the public as Mrs. Malfoy as well as Narcissa, she has become accustomed to such secrets. life. She likes spies and loves this kind of ambiguous relationship in the turbulent dark tide.

  Fred and George worked for him, but they felt that his greasy appearance was not worthy of a beautiful mixed-blood Veeva, a beautiful woman and a handsome man stood up right. The twins were optimistic about Sirius, but she ended up with Snape. The expression on George's face was as if he had eaten a slug, which was exactly what Severus wanted to see.

  Although his life had a bad start, he eventually became a big winner, but he would not show this victory to everyone, because he is a low-key person, and the sweetness of revenge is only known to those who have tasted it. When Hermione Granger was crying because of family disharmony and relied on overeating to vent his emotions, he and her kissed at the corner of the stairs. The sound of sucking sounded red in this quiet corner, as long as Hermione could hear it if she stopped crying, but he wanted her to hear it on purpose. He wanted to use his happiness to contrast the misfortune of the Weasleys.

  The biggest feature of the Weasley family is that although the family is poor, the family is harmonious and happy, and a large family is happy during the holidays. This kind of wizarding family made Harry, who had been lacking in love since childhood, feel warm.

Harry will not return to Privet Drive during the winter vacation. He stays at school every year. He stays at Weasley’s home as well. The old bat who spends Christmas at school every year can only find other places to spend the holidays. Otherwise, he will stay. To be bored with the joy in the restaurant, the holidays are the time when he can feel loneliness and loneliness best.

  Pomona has many students invited her to go to Christmas, but she spends her vacations to sleep, so she can be clean during the holidays.

  The surrounding area is very lively, but she feels very lonely. It will become very boring to go to too many parties, and friends who have common interests may get along more stable.

  Severus is very easy to learn, although the goal is to be strong, but this is the same goal as Pomona. He likes to read a lot of books. She doesn’t like it. When he encounters problems, she analyzes and discusses with him. When solving these problems, she also gains knowledge. She likes this mode of getting along. She used to be His teacher, now his classmate, is the same as Minerva who was Pomona's teacher, and then they both became Dumbledore's students.

Whether he recognizes it or not, the White Wizard taught him a lot, and the improved version of Wolf's Venom Potion also has Dumbledore's credit. He gave it to Damocles in exchange for greater benefits, although it hurt Severus. Nep's interests are reasonable.

  Albus saved Severus' life, and threw Barty Crouch Jr. to him, letting Barty Crouch Jr. commit the crime for him.

Albus chose to believe Severus Snape when everyone accused him. When Dumbledore was busy with Harry Potter, he was accused by the Daily Prophet of being a liar, Old Di Severus disappeared again when Gory was looking for him to talk, and it was only natural that the old Gryffindor took something as compensation.

   "I want to talk, how did you know that Hermione would come to Guihua Street?" Pomona bit her lip. Although he was as gentle as possible, she felt a little pain after the kiss for too long.

   "I guess." He obviously didn't want to talk, and he posted his minty breath.

This time he stuck his tongue in, and kept spinning like he was inviting her to dance. This French wet kiss was more passionate and more prone to accidents. She tried her best to push him away, but his embrace was extremely powerful. On the contrary, this kind of refusal is more like welcoming if you want to refuse.

The longer the suppression, the more terrifying the power released. His essence is very similar to his desperate mother for love, except that Lily closed the door, and Pomona chose to open it. She didn't care about his poverty or Regardless of his ugly appearance, she took a fancy to his talent and mind, as well as his loyalty, and spent a long time training, this ripe fruit originally belonged to her.

  The fruit tree goddess pushes the daunting potion professor to the corner.

  Anyway, there is only one life, so why not be happy.

   Badger Academy Spirit: Do the right thing because it is right.

  But now she wants to be herself, she doesn't want to be the moral example anymore, she wants to do what makes herself happy, even if it is wrong.

   "Should we go back to the room?" After the long deep kiss, he gasped and laughed.

   "Mom is very busy now, you can go play by yourself." She was so tough that she broke free of his control, just as if he had become Hagrid's brother, Glop.

  Under his stunned gaze, she was in a good mood, humming to find Hermione in the restaurant.

  The reason why Pomona likes Hermione is also because Hermione is sometimes very tough. Now that little poor is crying almost, it's time for Gryffindor's lioness to reload.

  (End of this chapter)