Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 208: Too greasy

  Chapter 208 Too greasy

At the Christmas party of the Triwizard Tournament, everyone was dancing, even the half-giant Hagrid. Draco was dancing with Pansy Parkinson in his spare time and found that his godfather was not dancing.

  All the walls of the hall are covered with silver shimmering frost, and hundreds of mistletoe garlands and ivy are intertwined on the star-shaped black ceiling. Against the background of silver and cedar, he looked like a human-shaped black hole, and the light was sucked away. Unless he was willing to jump with Karkaroff next to him, he would have to stay in place all night.

It didn’t take long before he left the original place and walked with Karkaroff. The two former Death Eaters left together is very eye-catching. Besides, Harry Potter also left the table by pretending to take a drink. Stole out along the edge of the dance floor and ran into the eight-door hall. Draco Malfoy then used the toilet as an excuse to dump Pansy Parkinson and went with them.

  The front doors are all open. Go down the stairs in front and follow the overly decorated path to the Sifang courtyard. The splashing sound of water sounds like a fountain, and there are people sitting on benches everywhere. Then Draco saw his godfather take out his wand and exploded the rose bushes. The expression on his face was the most evil kind. Many little fairies in colorful clothes screamed and fled. The couple got out of the carriage parked in the courtyard in a panic. The boy was still wiping the lipstick on his mouth. It was clear at a glance what they were doing in the carriage before.

   "Hufflepuff takes 10 points, Fawcett! Ravenclaw also takes 10 points, Stebbins!"

   Severus Snape said annoyingly, and then pulled his black robe and walked away quickly, and Kakarov followed him. Draco wanted to go with him, but found that Harry Potter hadn't gone, so he continued to stay in place and observe. At this time, there was a very sister's singing in the auditorium. Fleur appeared in the rose bush with her dancing partner Roger Davis. He was so fascinated by her that he seemed to have lost the ability to think. Of course Draco Malfoy hated it even more. He was a big winner at the admission ceremony.

   "The food at Hogwarts is too greasy." Furong said irritably, "My dresses don't fit anymore!"

Roger Davis didn’t care what she was talking about. He just looked at her smirk and Draco Malfoy snorted. He didn’t bother to waste time on this stupid thing. He was going back and Pansy was still there. Waiting for him.

  Pomona retracted her wand. She had just attacked Draco, but his brain had become a hedge maze, a square courtyard full of rose bushes, even if it hadn’t become a hedge maze like his godfather. The news he gave her was neither useful nor useless, it was enough to deal with a woman full of love.

  She suddenly realized that Draco accompanied her to watch her, leaving the main house to the greenhouse, and better away from the meeting room. This is Malfoy Manor, not Hogwarts, but Slytherin's base camp.

   "You attacked me." Draco said with some irritation, "How dare you!"

   "I'm your godmother, Draco." She put down her wand and said coldly, "I have to say that you have learned well. You are almost as good as Hermione."

   "What about my reward?" Draco asked.

   "How about replacing that tree?" Pomona changed the subject, pointed to the oak tree next to the greenhouse and said, "Plant a tree of protection, if dark creatures attack the trunk that touches it, don't worry."

The   Dharma-protector tree is actually the Yamanashi tree. It has magical effects only because of its magical power. This place where werewolves once gathered is still full of unpleasant evil powers after so long.

   "Do you have any seeds?" Draco asked.

   "Of course there is." Pomona must answer, "But we have to move this tree away first."

   "How to move?"

  "Take out your wand, Draco, are you planning to use an axe like Muggles?" She said cruelly. A Malfoy who was too close to Muggles was definitely not what Lucius wanted to see.

   "You don't like very witch's song?"

"Why do you ask?"

   "You seem to be in a bad mood." Draco removed the stylus, and the greenhouse returned to silence.

   "I just don't like this genre." Pomona smiled bitterly and said, "I like Cetina better."

The very witch’s style reminded her of the 1970s. It was a time full of passion and turmoil. She was forced to join the ranks of "rock and roll", but she was a slow person by nature, just like her. Like her calm and soothing song, all she wants is calm.

The members of Very Witch were basically born in that era, and the oldest was only in their early thirties. They don’t know what happened in those years. Voldemort’s second rise was more than a star and a half worse than the first rise, if not Because of that prophecy, Tom insisted on killing Harry Potter himself, maybe it was the age of Voldemort now.

  Why don’t you save Sirius Black, Dumbledore?

She was ashamed and angry thinking. When everything returned to normal, she never thought of saving Sirius, because at that time she was busy helping Severus regain his footing in Slytherin and become a real deterrent to the snake house. The snake king. Draco's grandfather, Abrams, was different from his father. He didn't really support Voldemort. He died of dragonpox shortly after Dumbledore took over as the principal, and the Malfoy family was inherited by Lucius.

Lucius became a Death Eater when he was in school. He obeyed the order of the Dark Lord and cut off funding for Hogwarts. As for the Blacks, they are staunch supporters of Voldemort, but the fault is that they are not Sirius. Why? Dumbledore wants him to stay in Azkaban for twelve years? Is it because he was young and frivolous?

  Such punishment is too strict. Sirius is Harry’s godfather. He is more qualified than Severus to take care of Harry.

Dumbledore made a choice. He made Harry Potter the chosen person, and Severus was chosen along with him. It was all because Dumbledore was so crazy that he wanted to live with the werewolves in peace and wanted to find a cure for "Wolf The potion of "poison" keeps the werewolf sensible even after transforming.

  The old fool can be innocent and sensible without hurting others. It is impossible for werewolves and humans to coexist peacefully. Dumbledore’s vain dreams ruined Remus Lupin’s life. Now he was gone, and there came Lavender Brown, a simple girl who wanted love.

  "Why would you be a kind and clever person, Moonface?" Pomona's tears fell silently. If he is as evil and ambitious as Fenrir, Pomona can naturally hate him.

   "Who is the moon face?" Draco asked.

   "Remus Lupin." Pomona wiped away her tears and returned to normal. "He taught you a year of Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

   "I remember him, I didn't really see that he was a werewolf." Draco had no energy to say, "If it weren't for reading the newspaper, I didn't know Hagrid was a half-giant."

   "Then what do you think Hagrid is?" Pomona asked.

   "I thought he had grown so tall because he drank too much bone water." Draco was full of disgust.

   "You are so cute, Draco." Pomona messed up Master Malfoy's blonde hair, which she wanted to do a long time ago.

   "So the headmaster of Boothbarton is also a giantess, right?" Draco straightened his hair. "Why don't you and she look very happy?"

   "I'm not happy?" Pomona exclaimed. She remembered to keep a smile on her face at all times.

   "I dare say that the dean of Ravenclaw is also a fairy mixed blood, he is not very happy, why are you not very happy, except for the mixed blood Veeva Fleur Delacour."

   "Go and cut down that tree, Malfoy!" Pomona yelled coldly, her hair started to move, and Draco ran out of the greenhouse as if scared.

  Wait for him to leave, Pomona chanted the ring on her right hand, and soon a huge, bat-like thing ran towards the greenhouse.

   "What's the matter?" Severus looked at Pomona who was about to deform with a look of surprise.

   "Give me a demulcent and tranquilizer, hurry!" she gasped.

  He immediately took out the potion she needed from the deformed lizard skin space bag.

  After drinking the demulcent with hellebore syrup, the irritability and anxiety disappeared. After drinking the tranquilizer, the feeling of excitement disappeared, and a feeling of exhaustion swept through the whole body.

   "I hate rock and roll." After returning to normal, Pomona said listlessly, "It makes my heart beat faster."

  For people who need to suppress themselves at any time, this kind of music is very bad.

  She thought boringly, then leaned on his shoulder and said "Thank you for the potion."

   "Is it because I used black magic on you yesterday?" He calmly said, "There won't be another time."

   "No, it has nothing to do with you, my own emotions are out of control." She sniffed the scent of sage on his body, which also had a calming effect. "Life is really unfair."

  Pomona wants to be a mixed-blood Veeva like Fleur. Apart from her beautiful appearance, her pedigree has no effect on her. She is still a human being, unlike a monster like Pomona.

   "She is special." Pomona said with some hope. "No wonder Mrs. Maxim will let her participate in the Triwizard Tournament."

   "You mean Fleur?" Severus wrapped her cloak tightly.

"She actually thinks the food at Hogwarts is too greasy. Is that why your hair always looks oily?" Pomona smiled and looked at his fluffy hair and said, "I made her almost unable to wear hers. Dress."

   "Maybe it's because the food you made is so delicious, she can't help herself." He smiled gently.

   "Why couldn't I find school last time when I went to Durmstrang?" She was hungry and planned to eat Scandinavian cuisine. The last time she went to France, she ate Provencal fish soup.

   "The school is hidden to avoid some people's pursuit." He nodded the tip of her nose. "Not everyone is like you and can accept the Dark Wizard."

  (End of this chapter)