Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2102: Battle of Flowers (10)

   Chapter 2102 Flower War (10)

  Nick thinks that the fate of Chinese people with lanterns is like an English gentleman loving his umbrella.

  Because it will soon be a festival to commemorate the birthday of a goddess named "Mazu", there are many societies and guilds participating in the ceremony, and they appear on the streets of Guangzhou with flags of different shapes and colors.

"Mazu" is a bit of a Christian saint. She did live in Fujian. This kind woman helped people who went to sea to predict the weather, collect medicines to treat diseases, and rescue shipwrecks. At the age of 28, she dedicated herself to saving people at sea, so she All the statues are of young women.

   Sacrifices to Mazu are divided into family sacrifices and temple sacrifices. The admiral invited Nick to participate in the family sacrifice ceremony. Nick really didn’t understand what gifts to give when it was a sacrifice and a farewell banquet.

Lin Gua is not a "duty person". This is a new vocabulary that Nick learned from Juren. According to other Chinese students of Lawrence, he is a vulgar guy. The painter's assistant, they had a very close relationship, but when he felt that there was nothing to learn from Lawrence, he began to steal Lawrence's paintings and take them as his own, claiming to be painted by himself.

  Lin Gua ignored those foul words. He believed that he could not always rely on Lawrence's protection, and he needed to "really support himself" in a timely manner, and said those words were all out of consideration for business competition. From the first contact, Nick showed Lin Gua his picture book. Lin Gua was very willing to recognize Nick as a colleague and sent him a set of sketches.

   Lin Gua drew a sketch for the young lady that day, and he is currently turning it into color. When Nick came to his studio, he had just finished half of it.

"looks like?"

  Lin Gua held the pen and asked Nick with a sly smile.

Nick tried to convince Lin Gua to change the way he held the pen. He held the pen according to the method of holding a brush. If he used the Western painting method, it would be lighter, but after listening to Nick's explanation, he responded, "Oh, yes, I'm just a crappy painter and don't know much."

   Then Nick gave up his plan to ask Lin Gua to take him to buy gifts.

  Nick went to a local well-known antique shop at the suggestion of the locals. There are many treasures in it, but he really did not understand why a gong was sold at such an expensive price. Just when Nick was communicating with the boss, the leader who was there last time passed by the door. He was carrying a very beautiful lantern in his hand. The six pillars were decorated with carvings, with silk ribbons, hanging all around. The colorful tassels and the lanterns make the sunlight extremely soft, like Gothic stained glass.

   Zuoling can’t speak English, but he is very good at picking gifts. He chose a grotesque bronze sculpture, an old man riding on the back of a buffalo.

  Nick chooses a clock that he intends to use as a foreigner, claiming it was brought from Europe.

   Zuoling and the boss laughed when they saw Nick's choice.

   "Fortunately it wasn't the Admiral's birthday." The boss said to Nick, who had no idea what their joke meant at the time.

When packing the clock, the guy looked very unhappy, as if he was unwilling to sell it to Nick. Nick planned to take the clock back to the hospital first, and then went to the port to find Captain Yao. At this time, Zuoling reminded Nick what gift to give." Wanning".

   Then Zuo Ling lifted the lantern in his hand, as if to say that this was the gift he wanted to give to "Wanning".

   Then Zuo Ling pointed to himself, "I, Cao Xi."

Chinese is a very special language, and it is this specialness that makes people prohibitive. Chinese characters are a pictographic script, which is different from alphabetic characters, and most characters are ideographic, not phonetic, so the shape of Chinese characters. There is no necessary connection with sound, which makes many beginners in Europe feel at a loss.

   But Nick soon understood that "Wanning" was the name of the lady who had cataracts, and the handsome collar in front of him was probably her fiancé.

  Nick felt the need to improve his Chinese so that he could talk to Zuo Ling alone, without having to tell something in front of a third party.

   So he returned to the hospital, and instead of going to the pier to find Captain Yao, he found "Records of the Three Kingdoms".

  Nick found that Chinese characters also have roots. It is said that Chinese characters were invented by Cangjie. For example, when he painted the sun, he first drew a circle and then placed a dot in the middle. This figure later evolved into the word "Sun". When depicting the moon, he drew a crescent moon, and when drawing eyes, he joined two ellipses, which later evolved into the word "eye".

   uses analogies when describing complex concepts. For example, when drawing "Dan" to represent the morning, the sun is rising from the horizon. The word for the sun represents the sun, and the horizontal line below represents the horizon.

In the future, the treatment of fonts is more delicate. Combining two or three single characters together will form an understanding character. For example, combining the sun and the moon together constitutes "Ming", and the two woods together constitute "Forest". Hand and eye together constitute "see" and so on.

Most of today’s mental activities describe abstract concepts. The Chinese call these radicals “alphabetical characters”. The number of alphabetic characters themselves is small, only 214. They are used as radicals and combined with other characters to form new characters , It is said that a civil code uses 100,000 different Chinese characters, of which there are 7,000 or 8,000 commonly used Chinese characters, and only one-eighth of them are infrequently used.

   Usually a common reading only uses two or three thousand Chinese characters, and the ten-volume chronicle "Three Kingdoms" in Nick's hand only uses 3,342 different Chinese characters.

  Nick counted from day to night until the priest came to his room.

   "Would you like to talk, boy?" the priest asked Nick.

  Nick didn't know what to say.

   "How about I tell you a story?" the priest said to Nick, and he told Nick a long story.

  Georgianna turned to the next page, but the content on the next page was completely unconnected with the above, and it seemed that some of the content had been deleted.

   She reluctantly flipped through the pages, hoping to find a mezzanine or something. Later, she remembered to look at the footnotes representing the pages. The numbers were correct, which means that some content was indeed deleted during printing.

   "I'm so **** off!" she yelled.

   "Who is mad at you?" Bonaparte's voice sounded lazily at the door.

  Georgianna was stunned for a moment, and carefully observed his expression, as if he was not "frustrated" as in the legend, just a little "sulky".

   "Would you like to chat?" Georgiana said like the priest.

   He waved to her, she stood up immediately, he took her hand and made her sit beside the bed, lying on her lap himself.

   "No, I don't want to talk." He said tiredly with his eyes closed, and then he seemed to fall asleep.

   She struggled for a while, and under the drive to comfort him and satisfy her curiosity, she used the Flying Charm to summon the book on the table, and then continued to read.

   "If you dare to put the book on my face."

  Georgianna immediately raised the book, almost under her nose.

   "What are you looking at?" he said listlessly.

   "Nick Polo," she replied perfunctorily.

   "Shouldn't it be Marco Polo?" he asked curiously.

   "I don't know how to explain to you..." She put down the book in frustration, and then Bonaparte let out a scream.

   "I'm sorry," she said apologetically, moving the book from his face.

   He sat up from her lap and stared at her, looking like he was really angry.

   "Can I ask you a question? How would you answer if someone provokes you in front of you?"

   He looked at her seriously.

   "This sentence." Georgiana turned to the antique store, and Cao Xi provoked Nick's sentence "Nick Polo fell in love with this general's fiancee, and the general showed his identity to Nick Polo."

   "Is he tall?" asked Bonaparte.

  Georgianna thought for a moment.


   "I'll admit I'm short, but if you make fun of me, I'll cut your head off to eliminate the difference."

"Wow." She couldn't help but glance at him. This sentence was said by Napoleon to an officer who provoked him after crossing the Alps. Of course, Napoleon did not cut off the officer's head or invite him to eat a gun. Son.

   He looked like he wanted to teach her a lesson, but he didn't know how.

   "Would you like to lie down?" She pointed to her legs "That way you'll feel better when you're seasick."

   He stood up so arrogantly and walked away, but he didn't go far, and returned to the table where Georgiana was sitting just now.

   So she also stood up with the book and sat down opposite him.

   Don’t be half-hearted when reading, so you won’t find that kind of immersion.

   But now she had to be careful, lest she couldn't hear what he said when he wanted to chat.

   "What are you looking at?" he asked again.

   "Nick Polo." Georgiana said in a perfunctory manner, "You can understand it as Nick's Frenchman's travels to the East."

   "Why Nick Polo?"

   "Because of Marc Polo," replied Georgiana.

   He was even more confused.

   So she had to tell him all over again, starting from where Nick did cataract surgery for Wan Ning.

   Of course, a blind man does not need lanterns. After he regains his sight, he will be able to see the colorful world, as well as beautifully made lanterns.

  Nick, you seem to have met a strong opponent.

   (end of this chapter)