Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2165: The Battle of Flowers (73)

   Chapter 2165 Flower War (seventy three)

  In the early Qing Dynasty, the eight banners, headed by the emperor, were ruled by the Eight Banners. After Dorgon conquered the entire Monan Mongolia, Huang Taiji abolished the old clan name and changed its name to "Manchuria". .

  In the first year of Shunzhi, although the power was concentrated on the emperor himself, even in the later years of Emperor Kangxi, the Eight Banners pro-guidance still had great power, and the princes formed a new Eight Banners pro-noble group.

  The old relatives and nobles are still there, and the new ones are formed. In particular, the three major Eight Banners relatives and nobles groups formed by the families of the three empresses of Emperor Kangxi have all participated in the battle for the storage seat. Therefore, the Yongzheng Emperor and the eighth elder brother Yinsi were not a simple personal political struggle, but a struggle between the old and new aristocratic groups in Manchuria and the imperial power, and Yinsi was their spokesperson.

Emperor Yongzheng was an ordinary prince before he ascended the throne, lacking the authority possessed by Emperor Kangxi, and the old and new Eight Banners pro-noble group formed with Yinsi as the center posed a great threat to the imperial power. Therefore, he gradually eliminated the backbone members of the Eighth Prince through constant win-over and differentiation, relying on his younger brother Prince Yi Yinxiang, his uncle Long Keduo and Nian Gengyao as assistants.

  After eliminating this biggest opponent, the newly formed Eight Banners upstarts Longkeduo and Nian Gengyao began to grow bigger and became a new threat to the imperial power.

  Since the Tatars and the Central Plains were merged into one country, the Great Wall lost its original function. It is not built on a beautiful plain, but winding up and down along the lofty mountains and mountains. There are still military camps at the foot of the Great Wall, standing by the solid stone gates.

Since it is no longer necessary for defense and safety, the Manchus no longer pay attention to its maintenance. Many parts of it have begun to collapse, while other parts have become obstacles to the development of the plain, which once relied on it for defense. .

As a prince who has been adopted, Yong Rong does not want to participate in the battle for the throne anymore, but he still wants to "relieve his worries" for Qianlong. First, Mongolia should no longer be a threat. Second, the power of the capital is complicated, and there is no need to let a new forces are involved.

  The highest decision-making body of the Qing Dynasty was originally the Council of Ministers of State Councils. The members were composed of relatives and nobles from the Eight Banners. At the beginning of Yongzheng’s ascension, the Minister of Prime Minister Affairs was established in the name of keeping filial piety for three years, and once held the highest decision-making power. In the seventh year of Yongzheng, due to the war with the Zhungar Khanate, Yongzheng ordered the establishment of the "Two-Route Military Aircraft", and the military supplies were handed over to Prince Yi, Zhang Tingyu, and Jiang Tingxi. At the beginning, the military aircraft office was just a temporary wooden house, which was first placed inside the Qianqing Gate, and then moved to the outside of the Longzong Gate. toward the institution.

   To enter the palace, you must pass the "door control". The difference between the "Forbidden City" and the "Purple City", the residence of the Emperor of Heaven, is the word "forbidden". Birds can fly freely in the sky, but there is no such natural freedom in the Forbidden City.

  After the establishment of the Military Aircraft Department, the emperor could freely choose his cronies to serve as the Minister of Military Aircraft. The Minister of Military Aircraft had no fixed staff or full-time positions, but only temporary positions. Since then, the king and ministers of government have gradually lost their importance, and it is difficult to see powerful ministers like Dorgon and Aobai again.

  It is not easy to operate a pawnshop in the capital. From the perspective of the pawnshops run by Celen and Yongrong, the first serious problem they face is the long-term non-payment of debts by officials.

  Celeng's pawnshop's interest was less than 8%, and the officials refused to pay, so he had to "instruct" the officials to make up for it.

The "Wancheng", "Fenghe" and other pawnshops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be deducted from the official salary on a quarterly basis, but the "Qingchun Peng" allocated by Yong Rong cannot do so, even if he is the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he has only Qianlong rewarded him with rent silver for the 1,800 official rooms rented out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  The pawnshop of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is difficult to compete with the private pawnshops, because the private pawnshops can issue merchants and earn interest. After all, the salary is fixed, and the profit of the merchants is fluctuating.

That day, the main purpose of sending people to Qintianjian was to pay back the money. After his home was raided, Yunduan Dorji had no money for a while, so he borrowed money from a pawnshop opened by Yong Rong, and repaid the principal and interest normally. Don't be afraid of someone writing the ensemble.

The use of    memorials began in the Kangxi period. There were no memorials in the Ming Dynasty. Since the Tang Dynasty, memorial documents were used. The memorial is like an excerpt. When the storyline reaches a paragraph, it is divided by a crease, which is called a "fold".

   A memorial is different from an official document. All important events, such as private affairs and confidential events, that are not convenient to be disclosed must be reported with a memorial, and no seal is required. In the Ming Dynasty, the powerful "eunuch in charge of the seal", the Manchus and the Han people during the Shunzhi period, whoever held the highest official title, held the seal, and the inscriptions covered by this "seal" can be made public.

  Small things ranging from greetings, thanks, trivial matters of the people, to military affairs, diplomacy, and confidential information can be reported with memorials. In the early days of Yongzheng's ascension, there was no fixed format. It only stipulated that the emperor should use Zhu Bi to give instructions on the memorial. This kind of memorial is called "Zhu Pi Memorial". Even if the emperor wrote "I know, I will accept this". important administrative basis.

   Zhu Cui can be written by the emperor himself or by the minister of military and aircraft. At the same time, the system of the memorial has also been extended to all governors, governors, and political envoys. Therefore, although the Council of State Ministers still exists, it has gradually become a decoration, and was finally abolished by Emperor Qianlong, and the last trace of the Eight Banners co-governance no longer exists.

   Emperor Kangxi stipulated that the memorials of ministers and officials must be written in hand.

   Generally, there are six lines for each piece, and two pieces on the left and right are one opening, each opening is twelve lines, and each line is twenty-six characters. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, parallel prose was popular, and the words were gorgeous, but sometimes the words did not convey the meaning.

  According to the actual situation, the officials who wrote the memorials were careful and cautious for fear of being condemned for what they said in the compromise. Therefore, when writing memorials, they were usually written by learned and experienced staff.

After paying off the money, Yong Rong ordered a Ulla to take Juren to the library of Wenhua Hall, which contained the memorials of ministers and officials, Zhu Bu's memorials, and edicts from the Kangxi period. Read it inside.

Not far from the Daku is Wenyuan Pavilion. After Li Zicheng entered the Forbidden City in the late Ming Dynasty, most of the Wenhua Palace was destroyed. Only the Wuying Palace survived and was ordered to be rebuilt. The Sutra feast was held, and the examination papers were also held in the Wenhua Hall.

During the Qianlong period, Wenyuan Pavilion was built on the site of Shengji Temple. This is the royal library. It was originally built to store the "Quanshu of the Siku". The Tianyi Pavilion in Zhejiang, which was imitated both in terms of regulations and concepts, was built in the beginning. In the Forbidden City with red walls and yellow tiles everywhere, it is black glazed tiles, and the paint is mainly cool colors.

  The imperial examination is an essential part of the career, but the lowly are strictly forbidden to participate. The so-called despicable ones refer to barbarians, slaves, criminals, executioners, yamen, actors, beggars, blind strays, etc.

   "Yi" certainly does not refer to the Manchus, although they also have to be distinguished from the Han people. The "Yi" here mainly refers to Europeans like Nick. Neither Lang Shining nor Tang Ruowang entered the office with the imperial examination.

  While the French were keen to pursue the "Chinese style", the German Enlightenment thinkers used the imperial examination system as a weapon to oppose the European aristocratic hereditary system.

   Since ancient times, European officials and titles are hereditary. Unless there are military exploits and rewards from kings, the Middle Ages in Europe are full of wars.

   This system of selecting officials of “excellence in education” fits well with Plato’s “philosophical king”. They opposed the feudal hereditary system, and everyone could enter the official career through equal competition.

   Bonaparte sneered.

  Georgianna didn't say a word and kept reading.

   This rule means that Nick can't take the imperial examination, but he can take the exam. With the reputation of a scholar, he can also not worry about punishment, and he can go to court without kneeling.

   This social distinction is not stipulated by law, but is set by human prejudice. To achieve good status, it takes three generations to engage in occupations worthy of respect and useful to society.

  Nick objected to this kind of discrimination, but Juren gave him a wry smile.

   "I can write memorials, but do you think the emperor will take care of our 'business'?"

  's self-proclaimed man gave Nick a sense of pity.

   "If we want to get out of trouble, we must also think about 'folding'." He said lightly, took another sip of wine, and smacked his mouth, as if he was very comfortable.

   (end of this chapter)