Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2257: Fiery frenzy (17)

   Chapter 2257 Fiery frenzy (seventeen)

Part of the border of the Republic of Batavia is on the south bank of the Skelder River, which means that the mouth of the Skelder River is controlled by the Dutch. Even if the French occupy Antwerp, the ship cannot go out to sea, it is only a inland port.

  The ancient Greeks pursued four virtues: wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance.

   Plato in his later years believed that temperance is higher than courage, because temperance is the harmony of reason and desire, and the world of Sparta is never peaceful.

  Before the embezzlement scandal at the Royal Navy's lumber mills, the British warring faction had the upper hand for a time, and the ambassador had repeatedly used the Malta question to provoke Bonaparte. At this time, Russia formed an armed neutrality alliance composed of Sweden, Denmark and Prussia. After bombarding Copenhagen, it even expelled Britain from the Baltic Sea. Only then did the Lord and the faction replace them.

  Although the door to the Baltic Sea was wide open after the bombardment of Copenhagen, it is not just hegemony to develop trade, and the people in the country are not willing to continue to pay income tax.

  The state of Norway was founded around the 10th century AD, and the Swedish king Olaf Trigvarsson once lived in exile in England. Back then Nordic was still the age of Vikings, and when Olaf tried not to listen to the will of the people and to make peace with the Norse, a formation of magistrates said, "This king will not allow anyone to give him advice, he One can only listen to what pleases him. He tries to rule the Norwegians, which no Swedish king would dare to imagine, and it makes many people live in unease. So as your countrymen, I tell you , you had better make peace with the king of Norway, and betroth your daughter to him as his wife, if you do not do as we ask, we will overthrow and kill you, and endure restlessness and lawlessness, our first That's what people did, they threw five kings into the well near Murahan who made us angry just like you."

   When the magistrate had finished, the words were welcomed with the clatter of the weapons carried, the king sensed the ominous omen, and then he offered to follow the customs of all Swedish kings, a typical example of the exercise of the right of resistance.

   Even if the Lishe River is not as large as the Yellow River, and it is still surrounded by so much sediment, and a hole is dug to build the canal, even if the Yellow River seizes the Huaihe River, the consequences are unimaginable.

  Sometimes outsiders think that the problem is this, after dredging the canal, the towns along the line will prosper, but if it is built as they imagined, it will not be water conservancy, but water damage.

East Netherlands and West Netherlands are two completely different styles. East Netherlands is close to Germany, while West Netherlands is close to the sea and has trade relations with Florence and Spain. It looks a lot more "fashionable". .

  The commercial atmosphere of the Netherlands is stronger. Their land is no longer used to grow grain for export, but flowers and vegetables. The Belgian upper class was also very receptive to French food imports, not having as much agrarian population to develop light industry, just as they stole technology from England.

The serf system in Germany began to disintegrate in the 13th century, and in the Netherlands and Belgium in the 14th century. However, the destruction of the Thirty Years War and the division of Germany further promoted the backwardness of the German economy, and the disintegrated serf system was revived, especially in North Germany and Germany. Northeast Germany is the most prominent, Russia also has serfdom, and the French Revolution completely abolished serfdom.

   She doesn't know whether steam engines and Jenny walkers can eliminate slavery. There are so many slaves in North America who grow cotton. But serfdom cannot be abolished without improved agriculture, and those slaves who grow cotton are also serfs.

   Americans did not improve the land, but operated at low cost in the mode of colonial agriculture.

  The Dutch have put greenhouses into business, not to grow vegetables, but to grow tropical medicinal plants. This greenhouse was built at Leiden University and was designed by a Frenchman.

  It takes capital and cost to build a greenhouse, especially for growing vegetables in a greenhouse, which may also cost you fuel. Belgians don’t think it’s necessary to spend so much money to grow vegetables, but they think it’s okay to build a flower garden. The French Renaissance was greatly influenced by Spain and Antwerp, especially the late Mannerism, which was basically passed down from the north.

   Mannerism is easy to confuse with Baroque. The original meaning of Baroque is irregular pearls, which are exaggerated and magnificent. Mannerism amplifies this exaggeration and looks more asymmetrical and harmonious, rather than the freshness and balance of the early Renaissance.

Rana was sent to Antwerp this time because he embezzled the military expenses of the Guards to renovate the new house. The new greenhouse in Antwerp looks like a palace, or very much like the Taj Mahal. It is as high as a three-story building with steel supports. It was painted with Napoleon's favorite green paint.

After entering from the carved door, the first thing you see is a wall. Maybe the designer is not confident enough about the steel support, or it may be to make it a place to place sculptures like the facade of the building. There is a large In the open space, let alone a dance party, horse riding and dressage are enough. After passing through the wall, I entered the greenhouse. There is still running water. It looks like a stream, but it is actually circulating water, which can be used to irrigate the plants.

The theme of today's ball is the Middle Ages. There are many people dressed in strange and strange ways. Holland used to have an accordion pleated neckline, which is what he wore in the portrait of Rubens. She was very suspicious of those people turning over the old antiques in the house. Out to wear.

Bertin designed her clothes with a lot of lace, tulle and broken diamonds. The daffodil is very reminiscent of blue, and the embroidery of narcissus, the most important thing is her sleeves, as long as she dances the tulle. Flying, it looks like a pair of wings.

   Bonaparte didn't dress up as Zeus or anything, he just wore a more gorgeous coat and held a flute in his hand to make it up. He was dressed as a bard.

   In addition to dancing, several sculptures were placed in the venue, which were used to decorate the port of Antwerp. The original plan to build a giant with feet on both sides of the strait was shelved like Rhode Island. It may not be so large to use stone, and it is too expensive to use copper, but people are still willing to build landmark buildings, such as a larger giant sculpture or bronze statue.

  Because Lana sank a stone into the water, now if you don’t need a punt to enter the port of Antwerp, you need to hire a pilot to lead the way. It seems that it is no longer a giant named “ant” who is extorting the passing ships.

   Augereau also came. Although he was dismissed and retired, he could still participate in this occasion. Before the band played music, the accompanying officials brought some oil paintings and handed them back to the Dutch parliamentarians.

These oil paintings were all plundered from the Netherlands by the Bourbon Dynasty or the Directorate. Even though the Dutch School of Painting once produced a lot of oil paintings, after passing through the Spanish royal family, the Austrian royal family, the Bourbon royal family, etc., there are not many left. Brussels The mayor actually sent her a painting "full of meaning".

   All Bonaparte returned were from the "previous dynasty", and he didn't find any of them. She didn't know if the generals present had realized it or not. Maybe they regarded it as a diplomatic activity.

   These few paintings seem to be enough to repair this greenhouse.

   She couldn't help but remember the discussion before going to bed the night before. Originally, she suggested that he play the fairy king in "A Midsummer Night's Dream", but he still felt that there was no need for comedy, and tragedy was the best classroom.

Then he talked about the fate of the Trojans after the end of the Trojan War. Andromache, Hector's widow, was captured by Achilles' younger brother and made a slave. Hector was held in his arms and blessed His son who would be stronger than his father in the future was thrown to his death.

   As for Athena, who helped the Argoths to victory, her temple was insulted, and Hera had the last laugh, because Hera was the goddess of the Argos.

   The prosperous city that once supported her and regarded her as a protector was scorched by fire, her priestesses became female captives and were taken away by lot, and the banks of the Scamanderros River were full of women crying.

   No one loved her, no Argos thanked her, and even Agamemnon did not keep the promise and took the priestess Kassandra abductively.

   At this time, Athena told Poseidon that she was going to give the Argos a tragic return journey, so there was the story of the Odyssey.

  Poseidon asked her at this time, "How can you be so moody, hate too much, and love casually?"

   She didn't know if he said these words to her, maybe he was also condemning her.

After all, Andromache did not cast aside his love for Hector, cut off his beautiful long hair, bare feet, dressed in slave clothes, covered his face with a robe, and occasionally recalled being a free man, A scene of walking down Troy Street.

   She seemed to understand why Mr. Jenner chose to go back to England after being treated politely by the French.

   She didn't know how long this method would last, but it worked one day at a time.

  So she called the military doctor and walked towards the few tongue-tied people. Bean planting is also being promoted in Belgium, and now, these "snapshots" are used.

   (end of this chapter)