Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 228: Cockroach pile

  Chapter 228 Cockroach Pile

  Anything, even if it is invented for a good purpose at the beginning, will become harmful once it is abused.

Weasley’s kindness is also being abused. They ignore the law for the justice in their hearts and exploit loopholes in the law. Now if someone wants to plug those loopholes, it will harm their interests. If they are kind and good people, they will be despised. Sentenced, then the ban on private dragon breeding will be in vain, and if strict enforcement is enforced, it will hurt the "feelings" of some people.

  Gryffindor has always been prone to impulsive action, but they don’t like learning, they don’t have any curiosity, and they don’t know how to solve it after trouble.

  Because Slytherin is evil, justice has defeated evil, and all evil forces should be eliminated, so all Slytherins must be eliminated. This is the logic of some people.

  While destroying Slytherin, a new Slytherin was born because of the old Gryffindor hat. This way Slytherin could not be killed. The lion had always been warlike, arrogant and arrogant, and had no desire for knowledge, and the abusive kindness made it even worse. Severus was bored with those people and had to deal with them.

  The Anti-Black Wizards League focuses all its attention on the black wizards, completely ignoring the rise of other races, and self-proclaiming lofty moral standards. The werewolf will not shut up just because the victim is a kind little Red Riding Hood.

If a monster like bird and snake grows to 15 feet, it can swallow a person in one bite. How to train this little snake to prevent it from harming humans? Test the level of breeders. If a monster that eats humans is raised, then the protection and management of magical animals The Secretary will send someone to deal with it.

Pomona sat on the ground and looked at the bird snake that snaked its way in the soft white carpet of Malfoy's house. It was still very weak, with its wings closed, only one finger thick, and it was now crying like a bird to eat. thing.

Severus took out a jar from the deformed lizard skin pocket, which was filled with cockroaches. He poured a handful in his palm and fed it to the little snake. The bird and snake looked at it and opened its beak without hesitation. Feast on the land.

   "When you are like this, when it sees you, it will only think of food, Severus." Pomona said listlessly, "You can't get sincerity by paying bribes."

  "Is it male or female?" He focused on watching the little snake eating cockroaches. "We should give it a name."

  For a moment, Pomona thought that she had seen the boy raising a thorny boy, until he spoke the next word.

   "I won, you are going to have a baby for me, senior sister."

   "I have a curse on me. Pregnancy will make me weak." She fought feebly. "What's more, it takes energy to train it to cooperate with you. Before the requirements are met, there are such dangerous creatures in the house that will endanger the safety of the baby."

  "Are you saying no to me?" He raised his black eyes and looked at her directly, his vision was like a drill.

   "No." Pomona suddenly realized that this was what he took from her last night, and she had the power to say no to him "I need to concentrate. Now having a baby will be distracting."

  "This is your new excuse?" He took his palm back, and was full of the little bird and snake. It began to concentrate on sleeping and growing up.

   "I'm worried about your health, Severus, control yourself." She said shamefully and helplessly, "We spend too much time together."

   "But you feel very happy, and so do I. This matter is our private matter and no one can intervene."

  Slytherin Code of Conduct Seventeen: We don’t trample on rules, we use rules.

It is reasonable and lawful for a wife to perform duties to her husband. What's more, she doesn't feel that she has been violently coerced with him at all. She even enjoys the process, but doing so will lose morality and do harm to the body. .

"Mentally, yes, I feel very happy to be with you, but our bodies can't stand it anymore, don't you know why the dark lord wants the Sorcerer's Stone so difficult?" she said bitterly, "he wants to be more perfect body of."

  He wants to go from mortal to extraordinary, complete the evolution of mankind once again, become the pinnacle of all beings in the world, crush all criticism and conspiracy with strength, his command is the will of the person who is ordered, no one can say no to him.

"I'm sorry, Severus, Millison Barnold once said, "I defend our inalienable right to celebrate." At that time, this sentence was cheered by many people, but now it has become notorious. For some Death Eaters, it’s a kind of carnival. Although what you did to me doesn’t hinder anyone, but you’re out of control just like Bella.” She was a little tired and didn’t know how much he listened. Sleeping with her own students was the most absurd thing she did in her life. Her authority and prestige disappeared in front of him, because in his eyes she was his woman.

   "So you want to deprive me of the right to be happy?" he said dryly.

   "No, the carnival is over, we should return to normal life."

  When Lavender Brown and Ron were together, it was Ron who stopped their relationship. It was more rational than women and men, and she hoped Severus would do the same.

   "When everything is over, can we continue to live in seclusion?" He looked at the little snake and said, "Just like Arthur and Molly, be a happy pair of fools."

"Fools can't protect their children." Pomona told him what he had said to Lucius. "Bill and Charlie are also in trouble now. They were the most worry-free children. Lucius wanted to Bill fired, you must stop him."

   "Damn it." He cursed, "Why are the three of them again!"

  Pomona laughed. Minerva once complained that every time something happened, there were always three of them. Previously, Gryffindor and Dean Slytherin were responsible for cleaning up the mess. She did not expect her to have such a day.

   "Dad, come on." Pomona said in French, "You can't fall down."

  "When can I get rid of them?"

   Pomona wanted to say that it would never be possible, but for his pitiful sake, he said, "When they grow up and can independently take on adult responsibilities."

   "It sounds like it will never be possible." He sprayed black smoke from his nose like a fire dragon.

"At least Hermione still has some hope. On Halloween in their freshman year, the troll ran into the school. It was Hermione who helped Ron and Harry take the responsibility." Pomona said, shaking her head. "She actually said she could be one. People deal with giant monsters."

"She is very concerned, but she caused the trouble, just like this time!" Snape stared at Professor Sprout with a forceful gaze. "It is Granger who loves animals and advocates freedom. The young lady let go of the Gringotts dragon!"

   "I know, isn't she looking for a solution to this matter now?" Pomona said dryly.

"That's the idea you came up with. Maybe Miss Granger will suddenly feel full of emotions. She feels that locking the dog in the dark underground is depriving her of the right to enjoy freedom, and then she gets hot and turns Lu Wei. Let it go."

"Do you know how Hagrid got the dragon egg? It was Quirrell who deliberately lost to him when he was betting with Hagrid in the pig's bar in order to obtain intelligence against Lu Wei. That dog loves to sleep... "

   "Just like you, I slept over every holiday." He looked at her badly, and narrowed her eyes. She noticed the danger and immediately stood up and wanted to run.

   "Wow," all the cockroach bodies in the jar fell on her.

"Ah!!!" Pomona screamed and slapped the body of the cockroach stuck to her hair and body. The bird and snake that had just hatched and was sleeping widened her eyes when she saw so much "food" falling from the sky. , It seems that I am dreaming.

Potions are amazing, but its materials are really disgusting. Who would crush the cockroaches and boil them into hot medicine and drink them. Anyway, Pomona has never studied advanced potions. She would rather deal with dragons. The dung will not cook the caterpillar slices as oatmeal and drink it.

  Professor Potion laughed so badly, "I know you are afraid of this thing. Every time you read the password of the principal's office, you feel nauseous and nauseous."

   "I hate you, Severus!" Pomona rushed to bite him in frustration.

In the year of the Triwizard Tournament, the password of the principal’s office was "cockroach pile", a strange magic candy sold in a honey candy store. It was made into the shape of a cockroach. It looked disgusting, but it tasted very sweet.

  He controlled her easily, and the corners of his mouth curled up again, attracting her attention like a vortex.

  "It’s not our son and daughter. You can’t use the two names Amore and Cygnus. Let’s call it Roach Dump. To commemorate the Triwizard Tournament that year, Dumbledore likes to eat that thing."

  She hugged him tightly. She hoped that he would never go to the principal's office and stay in the Slytherin cellar.

  "Don’t be so snoozy next time. I promise that this time I won’t be as dereliction of duty as last time. How about we try again? You can’t use pets as a substitute for children."

   "I didn't use contraception specifically." She was silent for a moment, hiding in his arms and muffled and said, "Last time we spent six years."

   "Sometimes I really wish my Muggle ancestry can start to work, why can they give birth so easily." He gritted his teeth, envious and jealous.

   "Dela has learned the snake-like voice. Before the rune snake comes, he can play with the cockroach pile. He is considered to have a younger brother."

Poor little dragon, he was a person from childhood to most. Although there are many attendants, he is very lonely. Harry originally lived in a closet and didn’t have a house with a garden, but he had many friends. This is what Master Malfoy wanted most. .

  "Tom doesn’t know what friendship is. He is always fighting alone. Don’t follow him on this point."

   "I know." He said relaxedly, "One or two real friends are enough. Too many makes you tired."

   "Then am I your friend?"

  He didn't answer her question, he just hugged her tighter.

The little snake made a hissing noise and crawled around on the carpet. It kept eating as if it was not full. In order to avoid it being hungry and hungry, it seems that Pomona should continue to keep the habit of carrying food at all times. Call her a freak.

  (End of this chapter)