Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2298: scarletwoman (12)

   Chapter 2298 scarletwoman (twelve)

   Slughorn has an hourglass, when he thinks the topic is interesting, the sand in the hourglass will flow slower, and when he thinks the topic is boring, the sand will flow much faster.

  This does not conform to the objective laws in nature, but when we chat with a person, when we think the topic is interesting, time seems to pass quickly, and we hope that the sand can flow a little slower.

   "So, starting next year, we don't need to prepare for the Christmas show anymore?"

   Slughorn tapped the glass on the hourglass lightly, and it made a crisp sound that made her chaotic brain sober.

   "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

   "I said, from next year onwards, we don't have to prepare for the Christmas show anymore?" Slughorn repeated.

   "No, not just next year, not in the future." Pomona replied "Dumbledore felt that Christmas was more suitable for family reunion."

   Slughorn thought for a moment, shook his head and took a sip of mead.

   "New headmaster, new rules, I get it, just like a Muggle school right?"

   "Professors can also take a vacation, you have more time to socialize." Pomona "congratulated".

   "Do you remember Tom Riddle?" said Slughorn suddenly. "I knew when he was in school that he was going to be a great man. If he was in politics, he would probably be Minister of Magic."

Pomona glanced back at Slughorn's display rack, which already contained quite a few of his "achievements," including a photo of Tom Riddle and Slughorn holding a trophy , In order to reward Tom for protecting the school, a muggle witch died, the murderer is said to be Hagrid's pet.

Albus said that the school was not safe. Someone had released something dangerous from the Slytherin room, which would threaten the lives of teachers and students, so he asked the students to leave the school and go home for Christmas. .

   It's a matter of time, and since that performance "Fountain of Good Fortune" caught fire in the auditorium, the most popular pantomime has been canceled. Without wonderful programs, Christmas is nothing but a hearty feast to look forward to. It is actually quite tiring to prepare new tricks every year.

   But what about the children who have no home to go back to?

   "You wouldn't be proud of him, Horace," said Pomona, and took a sip of mead. "One day you'll regret your 'discerning'."

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  Georgianna took a sip of water. In the story of the Fountain of Fortune, the outside of the magic garden was crowded with people, but the trees in the garden would not make way for them until the arrival of three witches and a hapless knight.

The unlucky knight knows nothing, including fighting and sword dancing, riding a skinny horse, he thinks he will never get the fountain of good luck, and announces his intention to withdraw and go back to the outside of the fence, with the others who cannot enter the garden The shouting continued, but he was driven into the enchanted garden by the witches.

However, during the expedition, the witches all got what they wanted, and only one person was allowed to wash in the fountain of good luck, so they asked the unlucky knight to take a bath, and when the sun fell below the horizon, the knight walked out of the fountain He came out, gleaming with joy, wearing rusted armor, and threw himself at the feet of a witch who thought she was the most beautiful and kind woman he had ever seen.

   Sirius was so vicious that the knight seemed to have jumped into a pool full of love potions and accidentally drank two sips, so he fell in love with the first woman he saw.

Not long ago they found that Snape had boiled a lot of antidote in the cellar, filled several large tanks, and they called the Slytherin lounge "doomroom", as if he and James had become prophets. , foresaw Snape's plan to poison the whole school, and then sell his compound antidote. In order to prevent the arrival of "doomsday", the "robbers" tried to stop the evil, in the dark cellar Snape plotting a conspiracy.

   She smiled and shook her head, leaving that memory behind, and then she remembered something.

Lucius Malfoy felt that any depiction of Muggle-wizard intermarriage should be banned from Hogwarts bookshelves, and he had an ancestor named Brutus Malfoy, during the Anglo-Dutch War in 1675 He used to be the editor of "Wizards at War".

  The content of that magazine has nothing to do with war or wizards. In short, purebloods are unwilling to be involved in Muggle affairs. After all, they do not want to seek superiority in "vulnerable Muggles".

   Certainly not going to the same war as Henry Potter, even if the Anglo-Dutch war had been turned around by then.

  In 1673, because of Ruyt's victory over England in the naval battle and the occupation of Maastricht by William III, England signed the Treaty of Westminster and withdrew from the alliance, and France also withdrew in the same year. Fagel, the guardian of William III at that time, signed the "Permanent Act" on behalf of the underage William, which stipulated that the Dutch states would not allow William to become governor or admiral. Before this bill was signed, Oran Party leaders helped William III win the power to become governor and admiral.

The Amsterdam dam was dug up, the French and the British retreated, the prestige of William III greatly increased, not to mention that the French were still ready to make a comeback at any time in Maastricht, and no one mentioned the "Permanent Act", but Fagor Berger suggested that William treat the liberated provinces of Utrecht, Gelderland, and Aufleisser as conquered territories as punishment for their swift surrender to the enemy.

  The League of Utrecht was the basis for the independence of the Netherlands, getting rid of Spanish rule, and establishing a republic of provinces. There were only 7 provinces at first. This period was a period of rapid development of the Netherlands, and the prosperity of the Dutch East India Company brought huge wealth. But when the French and British coalition forces came, these provinces were not united, but rebelled, and even the former Dutch ruler De White was assassinated when he was walking down the street. The provincial assembly immediately sent people to Louis XIV, stationed in Utrecht, negotiated and promised to make concessions in terms of reparations and territory, but Louis XIV refused, waiting for a better time to attack.

  A scandal arose shortly after William III came to power, in which Dwight's brother, as chief executive, was conspiring to assassinate William III, an accusation made by a notorious surgeon and barber.

When the recovered Dwight went to the prison to visit his brother, the door was surrounded by angry people, and the cavalry was maintaining order, but after Dwight entered the prison, the soldiers were suddenly withdrawn, and the two brothers were surrounded in the prison inside.

  Dwight asked William III to send troops, but William III said that there was a riot in the province and no troops could be dispatched, and then the Dwight brothers were dragged out by the angry people and killed, and hanged to show the public.

   Immediately after, William III rejected Fagel's proposal, still holding that the three provinces belonged to the Commonwealth, and received special authority from the states to reappoint all the representatives of these provinces. In 1674, William's followers in Utrecht appointed him hereditary lord, and in 1675 Gelderland awarded William III Duke of Goulds and Earl of Zitphen, but was resisted by Zeeland and Amsterdam, So William finally gave up the two titles and became the mayor of Gelderland and Ovisell.

Maybe Hufflepuff wouldn't fight like Gryffindor, they had their resistance to Injustice, and Pomona wanted to be like the kids when Harry Potter was fourth in the Triwizard Tournament Wear a medal in protest.

   It was enough for Georgiana to be a "mayor of the city", she had no plans to become a lord like Margaret of Austria.

This is the second time that William III has helped her. The first time is that she "forgave" Bonaparte. There will be many mistresses. This time she needs careful planning, otherwise Bonaparte will not forgive a "betrayal" him. of people.

  This is different from Josephine's betrayal method, and Lucien will not let her go. Lucien is not as soft-hearted as Napoleon.

  The literati loves to use poison, and the people who stabbed Caesar couldn't find an opportunity to do so. In the slavery era Caesar was in, there were people who tried poison for him, so they stabbed with a dagger. In this era of equality and human rights, there is no such rule. Napoleon bought three slaves from Egypt. They originally had this "job".

  When Dante came out of **** and came under the stars in the southern hemisphere, he came to purgatory. Unlike hell, there is still hope in purgatory, and the original sin of the first layer of purgatory is pride.

That hole, and Lucifer, who also committed the original sin of pride, reminded her of the hourglass. Originally, this hourglass should be one-way. Those who cannot wash away their sins in purgatory will fall into hell. Who would have thought of turning it upside down? ?

   Copernicus has seen "The Sand Counting Man", and the heliocentric theory instead of the geocentric theory brings the same earth-shaking cognitive change.

  There are also many people outside purgatory, who are scrambling to be punished, and those who linger helplessly on the edge of hell. If you can’t go to heaven, it’s understandable to stay at the gate of heaven. Why are there so many people outside the gates of **** and purgatory?

   Actually, Georgiana has another way, which is to use the Imperius Curse on the Muggle First Ruler.

   That is unforgivable, even though her plan is known to others, it is also unforgivable. The most important thing is that she is not sure whether this plan can be successfully implemented.

   She can't be an empty talker, after all, she knows a lot of people who have been "cleaned" from the bailiffs.

  Things are like similar things, people are divided into groups, she hopes that she will bring him well, not by him. The first five layers of **** described by Dante are uncontrollable. The green lion represents the runaway ambition. It will hunt down everything in the forest like a blood lion until the hero kills it.

   I still don't want you to be the prey of others, to be hung on the wall like a trophy.

  In the end, Georgiana ended the dance early because she was too tired. If you asked Shibonaparte, he would definitely not stop, and he would hold on to the end.

   Then she got into the carriage with the help of Matilda, and returned to the palace of Margaret of Austria under the **** of the knights.

At about 11 o'clock, she made sure that he would not sleep with her tonight and then rested on her own. If he still had such a random mind tonight, she did not think that one day she would become homeless and Christmas. People who don't know where they've been.

She smiled bitterly and closed her eyes. In her dream, she returned to the castle by the lake, but there was no one she knew in it, only those stone piers were still standing on the outer wall of the castle. She always thought they were all are decorations.

   When she was in a daze, she seemed to see someone sleeping beside her, but she didn't care anymore, grabbed each other's hand and fell asleep together.

For a moment, she felt that she smelled Sirius' soap, and then the "person" who slept with her turned into a **** dog. It looked very good-looking, not skinny, at least better than the hapless knight. The horse is much better. She felt so safe, like being guarded by a knight.

   (end of this chapter)