Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2360: explosion (below)

   Chapter 2360 Explosion (Part 2)

   The Chamber of Secrets incident occurred in the second year of Harry Potter's schooling.

In that incident, Hermione Granger saw the basilisk through a mirror, and Justin Finch-Fonlieri, through his own glasses, and another who loved chasing Harry Potter for pictures. The boy, he was through the camera, and it was precisely because they didn't see the Basilisk's eyes directly that they didn't die directly like the crying Myrtle.

The difference between   mirrors and glasses lenses is the coating on the back, whether it is colorless glass or water, the light transmittance is very high, and only a small amount of light will be reflected. But when light hits the mirror's mercury coating, it is reflected back, so the question is, is there any loss of light in the process?

   Fresnel was "stuck" here, and Georgiana and Farron couldn't help him, all they could do was make him not forget to eat.

   As for the original experiment of replicating the Prussian "Illusionist" magic, he has completely forgotten it.

  Georgianna believes that the lifelike "Frederick the Great" is not a ghost, but something like a chocolate frog picture, in which Albus Dumbledore looks three-dimensional.

   However, Dumbledore in the picture has nothing to do with him, and he has no time to appear in the picture that the child gets when he disassembles the chocolate frog.

That "shadow" has nothing to do with him, just like he stood in front of a mirror, the mirror reflected his image, and then took a mirror and faced it face to face, it would form a "corridor" and many Dumbledore, But this "corridor" does not really exist, but a perspective effect similar to a painting.

According to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, the concept of space comes from pure intuition rather than empirical intuition, like a red rose, stripped of its color and fragrance, which can stimulate the senses , it still occupies space.

But if a rose is painted on a flat painting, the rose in the painting does not really exist, but an illusion. No matter how three-dimensional it looks, it still belongs to the two-dimensional world, and is not the same as the rose of the three-dimensional world. Are not the same.

   Similarly, the reflection of people in the mirror should also be an illusion. The space behind people that looks real does not exist, so where did Harry Potter get the Philosopher's Stone?

   He was standing in front of the Mirror of Erised, and if the Philosopher's Stone was not hidden behind the mirror and had nothing to do with the Mirror of Erised, then where did it come to Harry Potter's pocket.

   This was Albus' "secret", which he didn't tell anyone, and Pomona and Severus discussed it.

  Severus would read books that were obscure at first glance, Pomona would read about Buddhism.

  All dharmas are delusional views, like dreams and flames, like the moon in water, like images in a mirror, and they are born from delusions.

The    phase is born from the heart, such as seeing the oasis of the mirage, the thirsty people will run towards it desperately when they see it, because the oasis represents water, and the people who are not thirsty when they see the oasis do not necessarily want to go to it. On the way back to Cairo, Napoleon and his horse saw the mirage, maybe Napoleon was not thirsty, but the horse saw the oasis and ran uncontrollably towards it, with the rider who was not thirsty, no matter how he pulled The reins are useless.

The appearance of    is not only found in humans, but also in animals. Most people don’t want to compare themselves to animals, and this is the “appearance”.

There is a difference between humans and animals. This is the knowledge or concept formed in the human brain. The appearance of self and the appearance of all living beings are both non-signatures. If they are separated from all appearances, they are called Buddhas. Before the Buddha, all living beings are equal, and these living beings include humans and animals. , all belong to the six realms of reincarnation.

  The equality of Buddhism is the equality of the nature of the law, not the equality of the situation and status of all living beings. Those who do good karma go to the three good ways, and those who do bad karma go to the animal realm, the hungry ghost realm, and the **** realm, but even the three good deeds have disputes, and they are not as "peaceful" as the Buddhist realm of transcending reincarnation. It is pure and peaceful, so it is also called the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. It is the feeling of the forty-eight vows made by Amitabha when he became a Buddha. There are also sentient beings in the Buddha Land, but there is no suffering, hence the name Ultimate Bliss.

In the six paths of reincarnation and the three good paths, the heavenly path has delicious food but no beautiful women, and the Asura path has beautiful women but no delicious food. Both sides are jealous of each other and want to live a life of "food and sex". Those who enjoy bliss are not satisfied in these two paths; stay in the humane path. Can enjoy happiness, but there is no longevity of heaven and people, so people in the human way pursue ascension to immortality and immortality.

  If a person finds a way to live long, someone will definitely fight for it or imitate it. If he doesn’t fight, he may still live to be 180 years old. If he fights, his life may be shorter than before, and he will die at a young age.

   There is no peace even in the Three Good Ways, only in the Buddhist country. Many people don't know how precious Taiping and Anning are. How boring is a peaceful life, so what about suddenly recruiting troops to the battlefield?

  Some people saw their own glorious future, and they were honored as princes. Some people saw their corpses on the battlefield, and they were gone and never returned. These are not "predictions", but visions, and they are also born in their hearts. A Zen saying goes, "When one's life is in the midst of thorns and thorns, one's mind does not move, one does not move rashly, and if one does not move, it will not hurt." This sentence is taken from the Diamond Sutra, "If you don't take it from the shape, it's like it doesn't move."

  Kant and Tertens, the Deputy Minister of Finance of Denmark, were academic friends and had a great influence on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.

In addition to the contradiction between "primitive memory" and the possibility of actual observation, his research in psychology includes "inner senses". Kant mentioned the inner senses in his paper, and the corresponding is the outer senses. People represent objects as external The whole of itself is in space, in which their character, size, and relation to each other are determined, or can be determined, by means of the inner senses.

   Just like you stand in front of a mirror, you know that the person in the mirror is you, most pet cats and dogs don't know it, this is not "I think", so "I am" is obtained.

   Idealism emphasizes thinking, that nothing but thinking beings does not exist.

   But Kant believes that space is a priori intuition, not a concept, and is derived from sensibility.

   If Georgiana and Bonaparte were discussing this subject, they would have quarreled. He is a "rational man", and she is a "sensual woman". Some of her actions are quite inexplicable, but it is understandable that she is a woman who likes children, so she does not wear clothes made of child labor, even if it means that Bonaparte wants to Overpay to pay the bills, and Ross Bertin is now making money again.

   Ignoring Farron's somewhat sour tone, as the knowledge of "chattering" in the salon before, he can still talk about these German philosophies with Georgiana.

  Kant's sensibility is an indispensable dimension of cognitive ability, just like reason and understanding. Sensibility is intuitive, like the reflection of a mirror, it stimulates your eyes.

  Before people knew the law of universal gravitation, whether people knew it or not, they could feel gravity, but they just didn’t understand why they jumped up and fell to the ground.

   You are reflected in the ordinary mirror, but do you understand yourself?

   It is not you who is reflected in the mirror of Erised, but can you face your true self?

  Even though the "International Statute of Secrecy" artificially separates the Muggle world from the wizarding world, some things cannot be separated, because Muggles and wizards both live in "one world".

  Whether in the wizarding or Muggle world, seeing or hearing what others can't see or hear is not a good thing.

  Albus Dumbledore, who had told her this from a church pew earlier, told her that Credence had had a fight with him in Berlin, but the surrounding Muggles were unaware.

  Either Muggles have been erased from memory, but time and space cannot be controlled by Albus, not to mention the power of silence can cause large-scale destruction, and if people die, it is not something that Albus can solve.

   Either Credence was caught up in a dream and thought he had a fight with Albus.

   Then there is the illusion of entering another time and space, created by the light absorbed by the deluminator, making Credence think he is in Berlin.

  Thingsarenotquitewhattheyappear, nomatterwhatyou’vebeentold.

  The important thing is not the dream. Only by understanding "how I got in" can you be freed from it.

Even more unbelievable is that Albus actually gave the deluminator to Ron Weasley, who returned home during his Horcrux-destroying journey, and later said he saw a blue light, listen Reached Hermione's voice, and then Apparated to her side, not her side to be precise, but Harry Potter's side, and rescued the "dude" who almost drowned.

  Although it is not as "required" as the Room of Requirement, it is also in Ron's mind.

  Perhaps as Albus said, the Philosopher's Stone should be given to someone who can't use it, and the deluminator would be given to Ron, who loves to read comics.

   The more Voldemort wanted to get the Philosopher's Stone, the more he found nothing in front of the Mirror of Erised.

  Wait, Harry Potter didn't have a light extinguisher at that time.

   "What the **** have you done, Albus?" she murmured in confusion, and then heard a burst of hearty laughter.

   She followed the laughter and looked over, and found that it was the Austrian diplomat Metternich.

   "Good evening, Madame Sever," he said, taking off his hat.

  Georgianna doesn't understand, Austria is like this, what's so funny about him.

   "Good evening, Mr. Metternich." She looked back at the Cloth Merchant Guild. When did she come out?

   "Are you alone?"

   "Actually I have an escort..." She was looking around to see if she could find Figel.

   "I'll take you back, it's not a peaceful night." Metternich said with a smile, "Even for witches."

   She looked him up and down.

  Metternich gave a mysterious smile, "please" her on her way.

  Georgianna also smirked at him, gave up her plan to see the archbishop, and walked towards the station.

   (end of this chapter)