Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2452: Cecal zone (6)

   Chapter 2452 Cecal zone (six)

   Dealing with repeat offenders, if you use "civilized means", they will look down on you.

The woman named Betty was a member of a gang of robbers, consisting of 19 men and 3 women. The gang carried out road robberies. The main targets were food, money and jewelry. They lived deep in the forest and were almost inaccessible. .

Their usual way of committing crimes is to make female members of the gang pretend to be victims. When a passing business traveler or family rescues them, they will try to find out the situation. If they think it is feasible, they will notify the male members, otherwise they will steal it. Some valuable things, this time, Betty was too greedy, she would not have been caught if she left 5 minutes earlier.

  Although the drawbridge of the castle is closed, Betty can swim. As long as she swims through the moat, she will have a rich life in the future. She doesn't want to go back and share the spoils with her "friends" in the past.

  The leader of the gang, Beckland, became a soldier after the draft law was enacted in Belgium, thinking he could make money in an easy way. But he soon encountered problems with military discipline, and two years later he fled to Luxembourg during a battle with Austria, where he encountered other deserters.

These guys just don't want to live a hard-earned life, one robbery they ran into a song and dance troupe, most of the women were sold by them, but there was a woman named Julia who came up with an idea that she claimed could help The robber, and then the robbers did what she did, which is what Betty did, and Julia became the female leader of the gang.

   How many people did they kill? From Bette's chaotic memory, she couldn't count it, and Georgiana didn't plan to use Legilimency on her, but used Veritaserum.

   She didn't want Figel to know about this, she really thought Betty was a woman in distress. As for the Rashfukov, she was found locked in an empty room, her jewelry was looted, she fainted, and the back of her head was covered in blood.

  Georgiana asked her to find someone to watch Betty, but she went into battle herself, perhaps feeling uneasy.

A woman like   Betty is not a little girl who was sent to the palace to learn etiquette. The Rashfukovs are lucky to have a life.

   Now the problem is to catch the other gang members, but Georgiana is not going to hand it over to the police.

   There must be someone guarding the outside, so why not just do the trick, pretending to be Betty's hand, and invite you to enter the urn?

   So she handed the matter and the prisoner to Shabby, and then let Charlotte choose one piece of jewelry from many.

  Charlotte is really welcome, she wore almost all of Georgiana's jewelry, and finally chose an emerald necklace, there is no special reason, it is because this necklace has many gems.

  It was the most expensive piece of Georgiana's jewelry, but the whole set was only 100,000 francs, but she still pretended to smile and praised Charlotte for being beautiful.

  It may be because they "share weal and woe", Charlotte said she wanted to drink champagne, and Georgiana asked the maid to open a bottle of brandy.

   "You know that when Napoleon went to Egypt, Josephine went to Italy?" Charlotte said drunkenly.

  Georgianna did not answer.

   "She introduced Caroline, Napoleon's sister, to Mura. At that time, they had no money. Napoleon gave Caroline with Josephine's necklace."

   "That's someone else's housework," said Georgiana listlessly.

"Then did you know that the Southern Alps gave Josephine a necklace?" Charlotte said, "I heard that Murat asked them to give it, although the necklace was not as good as Marie Antoinette. That one."

  Georgianna woke up a little.

   "How does the relationship between Josephine and the sisters look like?" Charlotte asked again.

   "These foxes." Georgiana drank the wine in one gulp.

   "Who did Josephine bring with him?" Charlotte seemed bewildered. After a while, she said, "We all know who it is. She will send her whatever military contractor she wants in Italy, not like you."

   "What am I?" said Georgiana.

   "It only cost 400,000 francs." Charlotte said in disgust, "I saw that you made a lot of money at the exhibition. Since the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has to bear the cost, why not buy some expensive jewelry. How much is the broken crystal worth?"

  Georgianna wanted to faint.

   "You've worked so hard to win over the Russians that you're not afraid of Britain suspecting you?" Charlotte asked.

   "Isn't that obvious?" asked Georgiana.

   "Many people think that you are a spy and that the 'Diamond Boy' was placed beside him." Charlotte sighed, "Don't tell me, you are really in love with him."

  Georgiana poured herself a glass of wine.

"A well-educated lady can keep her head down, and if nothing happens, she will lie, and she will never reveal her flaws." Charlotte sneered and said, "This is Suzanne's lyrics in "The Marriage of Figaro", not for a vulgar woman like me. opinion."

  Georgiana remembered the uppercut that Hermione Granger gave Draco Malfoy, and thought that she too had the ability to be a female boxer.

   "To Susannah." Georgiana raised her glass.

   "To Susannah." Charlotte raised her glass and touched Georgiana's, and the two drank together.

   "That St. Merry, you worry about him a little." Charlotte said after drinking.

   "What did he do?"

   "How many more parties are you going to have?"


   "You need actors and magicians to have a party, right? I don't know how much he charges."

   "Damn!" Georgiana was furious.

   "As long as any one of you behaves a little closer, you can get benefits." Charlotte hiccupped, "Not to mention that he is a good friend of the two of you."

  Georgianna didn't blame Henry Petty for reminding her why she didn't speak clearly.

   After all, men are not as gossip as women are.

   "I heard that General Juno was going to kill him," Charlotte said.

   "Who?" asked Georgiana.

   "I can't remember." Charlotte smiled drunkenly.

  Georgianna didn't know if she was really drunk, but she probably guessed who she was talking about.

   She picked up the remaining wine on the table, took two sips from the bottle, then sat down at the table and took out the letter.

  Georgianna wanted to believe what Josephine and Reynolds said. She approached the handsome dragoon Charles to find out if the Parliament had planned to frame Napoleon.

   But external evidence is disproving this perception. Next to Bonaparte's study is Marie Antoinette's small drawing room, where he often stays awake for a while.

   "What are you going to write?" Charlotte asked.

   "Honest," said Georgiana.

   "Beware of being seen." Just as Georgiana was picking up the pen, Charlotte said, "Someone will open the letter in the postal service."

  Georgianna remembered that in order to protect Bonaparte's safety, the French Ministry of Magic sent a wizard to accompany her, maybe she could send a letter with an owl.

   But she thought of Severus again, who gave her his acceptance letter.

   Suddenly she didn't know what to write.

   "Whatever you're going to write, remember to start with 'Dear.'" Charlotte said boozingly. "Even if it's a pile of shit, it looks like a love letter."

  Georgianna shook her head. She couldn't find inspiration anyway, so she simply went to visit the Rashfukovs. She found that unless she was going to cure a Muggle with a potion, she seemed to be short of a doctor.

   (end of this chapter)