Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2465: Kiss of Thorns

   Chapter 2465 Kiss of Thorns

   I think the existence of the church fulfills three needs.

   One is to help the poor. According to ancient traditions in the countryside, even the poorest people will have their neighbors and friends mourning them after they die. Since the ancient Roman period, they buried the abandoned corpses in the wild and the corpses picked up from the Tiber River in the church cemetery, and people could not tolerate abandoning the dead.

   Medieval people would do the sacrament of the end of the day and believed that burying the dead and other good deeds were comparable. In Normandy, which we visited before, there are still people who carry this mission.

   The second is funeral service, and many places hand over funeral services to the church. Whether it is a priest in a chapel or a priest without a title, there is a need for a place to pray. For this purpose, some special altars were built on both sides of the basilica.

In the funeral procession of the 15th century, people would make a statue of the deceased king, with a wax face, wide eyes, life-size, and wearing the king's costume, but there can be no two royal costumes in this procession. People keep pace.

Although the ministers were in the funeral procession, they could not wear mourning clothes that would be detrimental to the new king. They had to wear red robes to follow the new king, which was different from those who wore black clothes.

  The king's two bodies, one is a mortal body, the other represents eternal power, but do you remember what you saw last time in Saint-Denis?

  I consolidate this religion, not as inseparable from the church as the power of the king, but because my power comes from the people. Anything that increases the welfare of the nation is connected to my own.

  The third is that people pray at the altar, and even though **** is silent, believers believe that they have been blessed or forgiven their sins.

  Be careful and thoughtful about your big plans. The principle of combat is that when a general must have experienced many battles, he will understand how to let the smallest things inspire people's hearts or make the enemy terrified. When you understand this principle, the number of people does not matter.

Do you still remember Rustam outside the bedroom door, he was sold to Bey as a slave when he was 11 years old, he had never seen the sea and was afraid of sailing, I told him: "Don't be afraid of anything, we will soon be To go to Paris, where there are mountains of beauty and money. You see, we will be very happy, happier than we were in Egypt!"

  If he wasn't happy, do you think he would sneak into the bedroom while we were asleep and kill us both with a dagger?

   But now he doesn't want a cloud of beauties and money, he thinks that won't make him happy. Rustam wants a family and a family to enjoy.

Men are eager to marry women. God created Eve to serve as Adam's assistant to guard the Garden of Eden with him. Fruits from all kinds of trees in the garden can be eaten and all resources can be enjoyed, as long as he does not touch taboos. .

  The serpent said that after eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, their eyes would be opened, and the eyes of the two of them were opened, and then they knew how to cover themselves with the leaves of the fig tree.

  I think when the eyes are bright, Adam must be amazed at what beauty he saw, because Adam was made in the image of God himself, and Eve is the masterpiece of the Creator.

  When Adam was alone, he was alone, but he did not forget his duty. Seeing that he was lonely, God gave him Eve as a partner. After having Eve, his eyes were full of her. Not only did he forget his duties, but he also touched the taboos that should not be touched.

  I can't believe that I met you, and you led me into your secret garden, which is probably the place that looks the most like heaven, and my whole life is beautiful.

  Your letter yesterday made me angry, I hate scheming women the most. I love to associate with kind, gentle, and forgiving women whom I love, so I will not allow venomous snakes to haunt the garden.

   Maybe I won't help you with the garden, but I will protect you and you will be safe.

   I wish you well, I love you.

  Georgianna put down the letter in her hand.

She thought about what Bonaparte said about the "secret garden," maybe he was referring to Hufflepuff's girls' lounge, which looked like a tropical rainforest, which she had mentioned when she was talking to him about the wizarding world. .

   Hell may be like this, some people feel that they are still good people and should not go to **** to be punished.

Isn't it a good thing to pursue longevity and let people live longer? For those who suffer while living, they do not expect longevity, or even want to be born.

   And those who seem to be happy hope that happiness can last for a long time, but they don't know when the accident will happen. Harry also had a happy family. Harry might have been different if Voldemort hadn't been there. By the same logic, can it be considered that there are unblessed children born without expectations?

   If there were no people like him, the world would be a better place.

   But Voldemort is different from other people who pursue immortality. He doesn't rely on anyone, even the sage's stone. He just wants to use it to create a new body.

  People do not know good and evil, so they will not feel good and evil. It is precisely because they understand good and evil that they have the saying that good deeds go to heaven and bad deeds go to hell.

   If good deeds are not rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds are not rewarded with evil deeds, why do good deeds that are thankless, or not do bad deeds that are profitable?

   Even some good people have been "retributed", and many sufferings in the world are on them.

   The mechanism controlled by the gods to punish evil and promote good is gone, and people are responsible for upholding fairness and justice. People believe that God has extraordinary power and can know everything, but people cannot do this, so they feel that they have opportunities and take advantage of all kinds of loopholes.

   But these are the scope of justice, so what about diseases and curses?

  It is understandable that bad guys are cursed, is Albus Dumbledore a bad guy too?

  Albus also wants family happiness, but unfortunately he doesn't have his own family, and the kind of affection that everyone seems to have is only seen in the Mirror of Erised for him.

Some things are only precious when they are lost, whether it is the ability to walk, family members or other common things, but people are still willing to pursue those dazzling glitz. Still more charming.

   It's not that easy to regain what was lost. If it was true, human beings would have returned to the Garden of Eden long ago.

  What is lost is that it can never be found again, so it has become unavailable and worth pursuing.

  Georgianna took a handkerchief and left her own lip print on the snow-white handkerchief.

   For a moment, she remembered the scene of meeting the XZ Savage in XZ, when Pomona and Severus were very young, and they were not the opponents of the Savage.

  Because they were afraid that the fire would attract a snowman, they spent the night hugging each other in a cave. After returning, they learned the magic of fire.

   She thought about the rainforest full of poisonous snakes, and the cold cave.

   Under the candlelight, the lipstick print on the handkerchief looked like blood.

   It looks terrifying rather than sweet.

   (end of this chapter)