Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2471: "Golden Age"

   Chapter 2471 "The Golden Age"

  When Pomona was the dean, he also did career counseling. Although Harry Potter is the "protagonist" in the eyes of Albus Dumbledore, there are also "protagonists" in the eyes of many parents in the school.

In order to allow Harry to fully enjoy himself before "generous sacrifice", the relatively relaxed learning atmosphere of Hogwarts was much more relaxed in those few years than before. Of course, many people did not learn much in school. I am even more anxious about graduation and employment. The wizards employed in the UK are not only British wizards, but also French wizards such as Fleur Delacour.

   Being willing to be ordinary is often the same as not seeking to improve, but Hufflepuff Academy has always focused on breeding and cultivation. Except for the Department of Protection of Magical Animals, there are very few “seeking progress” in the Ministry of Magic.

There is an ambitious man in Hufflepuff, as "rare" as Weasley's Parcy, who has been working hard towards the goal of entering the Ministry of Magic in school, but his father's magic in pure blood prevails The ministry became his "stumbling block", and he later severed ties with his family.

   The largest number of people participating in the Battle of Hogwarts is Gryffindor is Hufflepuff, although according to the proportion of participating in the battle, Hufflepuff is less than Gryffindor, but the advantage in numbers still plays a role.

Pomona couldn't understand the point of following Voldemort. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. Voldemort maintains so much hatred for Muggles, not so much because of his Muggle father, but because of him "The Power of Fighting".

   He is a dark wizard and needs this emotion to use black magic. Only if he is strong enough can the Death Eaters continue to follow him with determination. He is a "dark head" different from Grindelwald.

   At least that's what she understood, even though he had been possessed by her for a while, she still didn't understand him.

  In the 1970s when Voldemort first rose, both the Muggle world and the wizarding world were in a frenzy, and even the last "Pure Land" Hogwarts was not spared.

  She had long known that there would be problems with taking Muggle studies like this, whether it was Bubagi's or Alecto Caro's. But what she didn't expect was that she herself would fall to this point.

   Why doesn't she feel abnormal? Even if she wasn't "Bonaparte's" now, she was at least controlled by him, but what should she do?

Napoleon is impatient in his bones, but he can be firm and unshakable when necessary. The only thing she can do is to hope that Severus will come to pick her up, but she feels that this hope is getting slimmer and slimmer. .

Aachen was the capital of the Carolingian dynasty and the city where Charlemagne died of illness. For Bonaparte, who wanted to throw "a mass of loose sand" into granite, his goal seemed to be not only to make France, but also Let the whole of Europe come together and reshape Europe like Charlemagne, instead of "reviving" the Roman Empire.

The benefits of   unified Europe are obvious, at least not like in the 8th century, when Viking pirates roamed Europe like no one, without a unified country and army to encircle or resist.

No one told her what he did in Aachen. Anyway, he is "missing" again now. As a leader who has only experienced assassination, he will make people misunderstood. Where does he go next? Georgiana's next reply.

   She herself doesn't know what to write, and this time, no one will ghostwrite a disgusting love letter for her.

   She was not in the same carriage with Edgeworth after getting in the carriage, even though he was her guardian, he was also an Irish MP.

   Saint Merry did not know how much money he received and what kind of words he released, but he had to hold a grand magic show, so the theater had to temporarily suspend the performance of "The Magic Flute".

   "An admirable liar is not in how scheming he is, or how well-planned and well-planned, but in how he inspires people and changes the face of the world."

"Our trip has brought a great drama to Europe. In the opera last night, the most anticipated thing was not the love of the hero and heroine, or the wisdom of Selstrom and the light he represented. , but the song of the Queen of the Night for revenge."

"You told me that you saw a smile on Maria's sculpture because she had a brave son, and I asked the woman if she was going to let the child grow up to avenge his father. In her face I saw No resentment, no forgiveness, I only saw my own face in her eyes."

   "I think she hated me at that moment, not because she knew who I was, but because I disturbed her peace. She just needs to wait for me to leave and everything will be restored for her."

   "Those who cherish the 'have' and seize it with all their strength are those who are unable to protect the 'have', while those who continue to pursue the "have not" have treasures poured into them."

   "I was once confused, to what extent should humans be obsessed with fame and fortune? Now it seems that people chasing fame and fortune are not a bad thing."

   The letter that mentioned the above was not completely burned by her, but she also did not want to admit that he was right again.

When Vermeer was a child during the tulip mania, the golden age of the Netherlands began to decline after all this. Vermeer's father was also an art dealer. Investment and buying oil paintings were often prosperous times, and their family's good days also followed the tulip mania. It was changed after the dispersal of the art dealer, and part of the art dealer's shop became an inn to maintain the expenses of the family.

   In 1672, Vermeer also bought the inn, then moved out of the old house and moved to a much smaller house.

Also in that year, Louis XIV attacked the Netherlands together with Charles II of England. William III, who was only 22 years old, dug the seawall of Amsterdam and temporarily blocked the coalition forces. In 1675, Vermeer participated in William III's war. The army died at the age of 43 due to overwork.

   He and his wife have 11 children, how can one woman support so many children?

   And the auction price for a pair of his works is only about 200 guilders. If the paint and time costs are excluded, it is difficult to say whether he made a profit or a loss, because one pair of his paintings will take at least two or three years.

  Georgianna had been to Rubens' house, the residence of the great painter was indeed splendid, and he was in the rising period of Holland, and the painter died three years after the tulip mania.

   She felt that Vermeer could not be described as being born at the wrong time. The most important thing in this world is a talented loser. Mrs. Arnolfini, who appeared to be pregnant, was actually not pregnant, she just lifted up her skirt to let people see how much cloth she had in her green blouse.

The mirror was a luxury at the time, even though it was convex, and there were brass chandeliers, and puppies, etc., all describing the wealth of the newlyweds, and only painters put so much thought into finding ways to make themselves draw in a painting.

   Raphael, Michelangelo, and Da Vinci have done this. Of course, there will be troubles after becoming famous, but without fame and fortune, and without being remembered, how many people can do it?

   If you want to get a job, you naturally want to have a decent job. A decent job is demanding and has many competitors, unless you have a good father like Master Malfoy.

   Lucius screwed up a lot, but he had a wife and son, and as a man, he was good enough.

   Instead, it was Mr. Lover. This was the second time she had been disappointed.

   She touched her stomach, the silky fabric was empty.

   Just then the carriage moved and took her away from the castle after a slight bump.

   She looked at the scenery outside the car window, but she was thinking of Turner's landscape paintings. There was golden sunlight in his paintings. It was not like the weather at the moment, which was gloomy and depressing, as if it was going to rain again.

   (end of this chapter)