Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2488: self-awareness

   Chapter 2488 Self-knowledge

  Since the Dorcas Twelve Tree case exposed a lot of information about the wizarding world, wizard-Muggle intermarriage has since been considered illegal.

However, the United States is not the first country to propose this bill. As early as 1733, the British Minister of Magic Perseus Parkinson had proposed this bill, but the bill did not pass, and he was quickly ousted from power. Derek's great-great-great-grandfather becomes the new Minister for Magic.

European immigration to America in the 17th century made the conflict between the magical and non-magical worlds less acute in Europe, but intensified rapidly in the Americas, especially the purgers, who multiplied by the end of the 17th century, and the Magical Congress of the United States after the Salem Incident Established, they began to arrest, try and execute purgers for murder, human trafficking, and torture. That said, the Magical Congress of the United States is not the kind of place where Azkaban is used as a last resort, but even so there are some notorious purgers who have evaded capture, forming families with No-Maj and hiding in the crowd.

   They should have been alive by 1733, but they were still mostly active in the Americas, and it wasn't intermarriage that troubled European wizards.

First of all, we must understand the British civil service system, which was a major reform after the Crimean War. Before that, the British Prime Minister would take office with a group of officials. These people are not only cabinet ministers, but also some "offices". After the reform, their duty was to implement the policies of the government at that time and not participate in political party activities. Before the reform, their appointments were all under the responsibility of the Prime Minister, which means that when the Prime Minister changed, a large number of them also will be replaced. As long as you have seen the mountain-like documents of the executive branch, you will know how unreasonable this system is. It takes time to become familiar with these affairs and the relationships among them. After the reform, senior officials will no longer be transferred with the change of cabinets, and their years of service will also increase. The longer it became, the civil servants gradually became an important part of the state apparatus, with the title of "the government behind the scenes that never changes".

   That is to say, the two parties in the front desk take turns singing, and the backstage never changes, but people like Malfoy will not have much interest in "administration". The nobility’s vocation is to manage the country. Due to the strict screening of electoral qualifications by the electoral law, the number of qualified voters is pitiful. Even the lower house, known as the “House of Commons,” accounted for 22% of the nobility members in 1800. If our distant relatives are also included, there will be more. In this way, many seats in Congress are controlled by big landowners and nobles, and if the Malfoy family does not comply with international secrecy laws, they are also one of these people who control the seats.

  The number of seats affects the passage of the bill, and the use of magic to pass the "Chimney Act" like David Porter is also a violation of the International Secrecy Act. But the point here is that the wizarding society is relatively isolated from the Muggle society. If the Malfoy family chooses the wizarding world, then they will give up their social life in the Muggle world. If they insist on not cutting off the Muggle family, such as cabinet ministers , Prime Minister, etc., will keep them away from the new core of power in the wizarding world.

   This "cut off" is only superficial, and despite their vehement vehement denial that they ever had an intimate relationship with someone, wizarding historians can come up with a stack of evidence to the contrary.

  Septimos Malfoy's reasons for opposing cooperation are various, but almost all of them are related to the Muggle world, and it is impossible to get any reliable information from his mouth.

   When it was time for the intermission, they had to go back to their respective boxes. Before leaving, Georgiana stopped Rufkin, while Stamp and Malfoy left separately, and did not go "arm in hand" together.

   "What happened?" Georgiana asked Rufkin "How did Stamp's attitude change so much?"

   "You heard, about cooperation..."

   "I want to know the real situation, don't use this to perfunctory me." Georgiana interrupted Lufkin.

   The female Minister of Magic did not speak immediately.

   "Something bad happened?" asked Georgiana.

   "We got a tip," Rufkin said finally. "There's a group of people that will attack before Christmas."

   "People from the magical world?"

   "No...I can't tell you more." Rufkin said "Excuse me."

   After she finished speaking, she walked quickly.

  Georgianna did not delay, and she found Di Roc again, who was standing in the doorway of her box.

   "What do you know about the Christmas attack?" she asked straight to the point.

  Diroque smiled weirdly. "You also think France is behind the scenes?"

   "I think we may be talking about one thing, but I don't know what happened." Georgiana said in confusion, "The atmosphere of the meeting just now was so weird."

   Diroc pondered for a moment, then said.

Socks were originally woven one by one. Weaving this kind of socks requires high craftsmanship, but someone invented a kind of socks, which is to cut the whole stock of socks with scissors, and then sew them with needles, so that they can be sold in the market. sold off. It's just that the quality of this kind of socks is rough, but it is cheap, cheap and easy to make, so it quickly flooded the market, and a large number of hosiery workers were excluded or forced to reduce their wages.

  The hosiery workers repeatedly negotiated with their employers and went to parliament to ask for a ban on the production of these "cut socks", but got no feedback, so they stopped working and established ties with "other" organizations.

   This organization is called "the blacklantern", and the organization believes in the **** of death. The participants are required to take an oath in front of the **** of death, strictly abide by the secret, and never betray. Once the secret of the organization is revealed, they will be punished by death. Every time the organization will hold a meeting in the suburbs far away from the city at midnight on Friday night. There was once an agent who tried to pretend to be a member to participate in the meeting, but it was quickly discovered. However, many places including Leeds, London, Manchester, etc. received many reports. Alert - "By Christmas they'll be on their way, and one night they'll be all over the place at the same time".

This aroused the suspicion of the British authorities that it was France or the Jacobins who launched the "Bread and Blood" movement behind the scenes, so Georgiana understood why Stump and Malfoy both refused the French to send people to investigate the "common". God Vision" organization.

The secret conversation between Addington and Sir Baring was mainly about the Louisiana acquisition. The American farmers had enough land to provide enough cheap cotton as raw materials for the British cotton mills, which was beneficial to the British manufacturing industry and the export of the company. . France is not selling Louisiana now, and it is not opening the market. Such peace is laborious and unprofitable. While steel is currently duty-free, cities such as Birmingham have no seats.

  Under the aristocracy, most ministers of colonial affairs were under their shadow, and there were many in the army. Fighting in the army has always been the cause of the British aristocracy. The Navy expanded nearly fivefold by capturing sailors from American merchant ships and selecting officers from the landed aristocracy.

   The best way is to strangle the British navy before it becomes a monster, but neither France nor Spain, the empire on which the sun never sets, has a good chance of winning. From the history she knew, after the Battle of Trafalgar, the status of British maritime hegemony was established, and then Britain would enter a period of rapid growth until the Victorian era.

   Later Otalein Gamble organized a Muggle Inquiry Committee to conduct some kind of intelligence test, and they believed that Muggle intelligence seemed to be much greater than wizards thought.

It was also almost in his time that the civil service system was preparing to reform, to solve the problems of selling official porridge, and administrative inefficiency, all of which were due to the fiasco of the Crimean War, which led to domestic corruption and corruption of the government. Incompetent lash out.

   It's not enough to expose that Prime Minister Addington took bribes in the Louisiana takeover, at best Addington's resignation. She personally has no personal grudge with him, and she has no interest in sending him to prison. Now she is thinking about a question, if she can't change anything, just see the truth, what's the point?

   is meaningless, so why does she seek it?

Luckily she's a magical creature, and she looks very young when she's old. Muggle women should marry themselves while they're still interested, otherwise they'll be like Charlotte in Pride and Prejudice. .

   She only has time to read books when she is not married. After getting married and having children, endless housework and various chores will occupy her time. She has no time to read books and understand them.

   This is the difference between married people and those who don't. Relatives are sometimes not what you think, Albus, even Arianna will suddenly become very rebellious one day and run off with a bad boy riding a motorcycle.

  You want wool socks because you don't have them, and what those who wear wool socks want, may be what you have.

There was applause around   , and Georgiana applauded along with the others, not thinking about the performance at all.

   She didn't leave the theater, but remembered the cold outside. Was it all an illusion?

   (end of this chapter)