Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2494: null

   Chapter 2494 Empty

After the "Campo Formio" peace treaty was signed, the German Emperor Franz gave Napoleon six white horses and a luxurious carriage. On his first day in the Tuileries Palace, he and the second The ruling Combáceres and the third ruling Le Brun rode this carriage around most of Paris. The crowd cheered and cheered, and when they approached the Tuileries, there were guards crossing the road.

   This is entirely the field of the monarchy, and there is a slogan on the gate of the Tuileries Palace through which they passed: On August 10, 1792, France abolished the monarchy and never rebuilt it.

It was also on that day that Dandong led the armed forces from Marseille to attack the Tuileries Palace. They actually arrived around the evening of August 9. They originally planned to take the City Hall. Dandong took advantage of his accomplices to go. There was a break when the nearby church bells were tolling, and the bells rang through Paris, even in the central and eastern churches.

  The people who had already turned off the lights turned on the candles again, and the bell sounded like a crying baby, with a clear and continuous rhythm, waking everyone up.

  It was destined to be a sleepless night. Louis XVI only lay in bed for a while, and let the queen's sister wake the queen, and then watched the sunrise together on the balcony of the Tuileries Palace.

   Someone once said before that, the king could not hold on to the day when the leaves fell, and when the king saw the leaves of the trees in the garden, he was still sighing, "The leaves fall so early this year".

   At 2 am, Dandong once organized an attack, but was repelled by Swiss mercenaries. At 6 am, Ledrel once persuaded the king to take refuge in the riding arena, but the queen did not agree. By 9 a.m., about 20,000 people had assembled in front of the Tuileries Palace, compared with 900 Swiss mercenaries.

Originally, in addition to the Swiss mercenaries, there were also the National Guard. Seeing this battle, several squads suddenly defected, and then Dandong shouted, "The death knell! Let the king die! That is the revenge of the people! It is the moment of freedom for the people. "

Then a sea of ​​people tried to rush through the fence of the Tuileries Palace, but because Louis XVI did not allow the Swiss mercenaries to shoot, the Swiss mercenaries began to retreat after an hour, and the king's family was in Le Accompanied by Dreyer, he moved to the riding stables.

  Not all the Swiss mercenaries were still obedient to the king's orders at the juncture of life and death. They eventually fought with shop owners, craftsmen, etc., and by noon, thousands of people fell in a pool of blood, and the corpses piled up into mountains. The victorious people lit a fire, not only to burn the summer leaves, but also the corpses of those Swiss mercenaries.

   From that moment, the Feillonists, who were still fantasizing about a constitutional monarchy, gave up, Lafayette fled, and France entered a period of anarchy without a constitution. Seeing the chaos, Napoleon took a leave of absence to go to the St. Cyr Girls' boarding school to pick up his sister, intending to send her back to Corsica.

   At the same time, his classmates joined different camps, some joined the royalists, some joined the revolutionary army, although they were still military school students at the time, not yet official soldiers.

   There are many people who will bet early, but some will wait until the outcome of the game to bet, anyway, by the time Napoleon returned from Corsica, Paris was already occupied by revolutionaries. Not all nobles were as loyal to the Bourbon Dynasty as the nobles in the Tuileries Palace, preferring to die in battle, see blood on the wooden floor, and become part of the mountain of corpses. Many of them chose to join the revolutionary army. here.

But at the time of the Battle of Toulon, the commissioner from Paris did not ask any further questions. First, he investigated these nobles. At that time, Napoleon had already joined the Jacobins. With this relationship, he leapt to report and finally won the land. Len's command.

It is precisely because of his Jacobin affiliation that after the Thermidor coup, although he was lucky enough to escape prison and the death penalty, he was idle at home. .

  In the old days, the revenue of the Opera House operated the casino in addition to selling tickets and performances. From a certain point of view, the Opera House was as luxurious as the casino. The opera house needed money for the upkeep of these decorations, as well as pensions for the staff and other uses, and opera-goers, despite the king's prohibition, gambled just as often at Versailles.

   This trend spread to other parts of Europe. After watching the magic show, it was supposed to be gambling "normally", but Napoleon ordered gambling to be illegal, so it was changed to a dance.

  After the Battle of Waterloo, international buyers were also "waiting and watching" to see whether Britain would win or France would win, but because Rothschild got the news first, they won a lot.

   After a night's rest, Georgiana was less dizzy and remembered what her mission was. Compared with Josephine, her disadvantage is that she is not an aristocrat with a long pedigree, and with some things that happened before, she looks a bit like targeting the old aristocracy, like this is not enough for them to return to France and end their exile .

   Bonaparte often muttered that fear and profit are the levers that move people into action. The role of dividing the cake is quite likable, but if the cake is not divided well, it will lead to complaints. The Ministry of Finance owes 26 million francs, with six months to go, although according to the usual French style, this "acceptance" bond will be extended, and that won't be long.

  The navy's disability pension was used for the expedition to Santo Domingo. Although the French domestic newspapers did not publish it, foreign countries already knew that France was defeated this time. After cutting a few warships, part of the money was moved to pension the army and navy. Taking Santo Domingo as a springboard, the extravagant hope of founding a country in North America no longer needs to be thought about. Louisiana is like a chicken rib, and it is better to sell it to the United States for 80 million francs.

   Sold Louisiana Britain would definitely go to war with France, the place where the Treaty of Amiens was signed was not the negotiating table, but the Battle of Marengo. In the case of maintaining peace, France does not need so many warships. France once had the East India Company, although it went bankrupt in 1769. In 1785, the company reopened under the patronage of the royal family, and obtained a rich monopoly.

After the start of the Great Revolution, this monopoly was abolished, but the company continued to develop. The monarchy fell in 1792, and the East India Company even used bribery and other means to prevent the Legislative Council from passing the proposal to tax the company's shares. Lentist ministers condoned this tax evasion, arguing that a prosperous foreign trade was essential to a modern French republic. However, after the Girondins were replaced by the Jacobins in June 1792, the French East India Company was no longer protected, and the National Convention charged the French East India Company with profiteering.

The accusers believed that the East India Company tax evasion was motivated by a foreign enemy, William Pitt Jr. At the same time, a group of speculators began to short the shares of the French East India Company, they were counting on the National Convention to issue a decree before the company went out of business. , the stock rose.

But I really did not expect that the National Convention would allow the French East India Company to go bankrupt. The key to short selling is to have an "opponent". If the company goes bankrupt, all the profits and principals on the book will not be available, including Dandong. involved in it.

As for the things in the warehouse of the French East India Company, that is, the tea that Georgiana was drinking in her hand at this time, the consumption of tea in the United Kingdom was not something that a monopoly of the British East India Company could eat, so it was cheaper than France, the Netherlands, Austria and other countries.

As the British lowered the price of tea, the Austrian East India Company had financial problems. "Small profits but quick turnover" required sufficient transportation capacity. When the transportation capacity was insufficient, the profit of a shipment of tea dropped sharply. Less, the appearance of large British "countryship" ships in the South China Sea is not only for the purpose of preventing piracy and declaring maritime sovereignty.

Massachusetts is very different from other states in the United States. For example, New York, which used to be called New Amsterdam, was developed by the Dutch, and Massachusetts has always been the king's territory, so it is also called New England. It is believed that the king's dictatorship should be restored to restrain the tyranny of the parliament.

This is something that many wizards have not been exposed to. The royalists believe that the power of the British king is actually swallowed up by the legislative power. Obviously, the king can make laws, but the laws may not be enforced. Just like David The "Chimney Act" that Potter passed by magic to protect the rights of children can also be shelved.

Or maybe the Witchcraft Act has never been used in Ireland, and the final conclusion is that if the wizards asked Mary and William to legislate to protect wizards after the Salem witch trials, the law did nothing but the International The Statute of Secrecy gave wizards real protection.

  The existence of the Ministry of Magic is to enable the implementation of international secrecy laws. As for the Salem incident, it may be related to the Gulf Company charter recovered by the United Kingdom in 1684.

  Because the King of Spain issued a lot of blank charters, the charters on the British side were also suspended, but these charters did not affect the franchise and monopoly of the East India Company, presumably some tea merchants would encounter trouble.

  Georgiana remembers an American "big short" named Jesse, who made a lot of money by shorting Amtrak during the Los Angeles earthquake. Los Angeles has already been hit by a disaster. If the railway stops and the relief supplies cannot be brought in, how helpless would the citizens of Los Angeles be? So the U.S. government will definitely save Amtrak stock, which creates a "rival game", but Jesse complains about a misjudgment, otherwise he could earn more.

The road from Mechelen to Brussels is not yet important enough to be "rescue". Many roads in France are unmaintained, such as the road when Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI escaped, because In disrepair for a long time, even if they have good horses, they can't run.

   At that time, someone kindly suggested that they leave at dawn, otherwise they would be prone to a car accident, which meant that the people in the car had to get off the car and spend the night at the hotel.

  Plans can never keep up with changes. No matter how well-prepared you are, it will be in vain if you fail to cooperate.

   Just then Rutger came in, followed by a few young men, all with silk-covered picture frames in their hands.

   "What are you doing?" Georgiana put down the teacup.

   "Look at these." Rutger tore off the cloth from one of the paintings.

   It can be seen that this is a Dutch genre painting, the painting is not large, and it should be from the 17th century in terms of the style of painting and the clothes of the characters. This painting is of a beautiful woman. She does not use lapis lazuli like "Girl with a Pearl Earring", and her expression is not so innocent, but with a secular provocation.

   "This is the painter's wife, and she is his muse," Rutger said.

   "Who painted this?" asked Georgiana.

   "A painter who isn't famous yet," Rutger said, pulling out another piece of cloth. "But you might be able to make it famous."

It was a very humorous work, a large group of people were drunk, a child was stealing cheese from a cupboard, a dog was lying under the table picking up the leftovers, when a nun came in, the sun was shining from her open door The door shone into the dimly lit room, the drunken man closest to the door woke up, and the nun looked serious, and seemed to be planning to preach.

   These people need more sobering up, so that their brains don't hum, rather than listening to people babble.

   She couldn't help laughing.

   "Do you like it?" Rutger asked.

   "What's the painter's name?" asked Georgiana.

   "Jan Stein."

   She has never heard of this name, and she doesn't think that this painter's painting can be compared with "Girl with a Pearl Earring".


  Stern depicts the human world. The girl in "Pearl Earring" is like the **** of love in the sky. Stein's works have made her a lot better.

   "How much?" asked Georgiana.

   "Don't make this habit." Rutger shook his head and said, "There will be countless people who will sell you paintings of unknown future."

   "Then what did you bring these for?"

   "I hope you're happy, are you feeling better now?" Rutger said.

   She didn't answer.

   "Let's go, let's go out for a walk." Rutger looked at the sky outside. "It's a nice day today."

  Georgianna looked back, indeed, the snow had stopped.

   So she put on a fur coat and an equally thick hat, and followed Rutger out of the hotel suite to the melodious bells in the distance.

   (end of this chapter)