Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2500: "Little Tricks" (2)

   Chapter 2500 "Little Tricks" (2)

The full moon on the first day of the new school year was not "good news" for the children who welcomed a werewolf as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, especially Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban in order to hunt down He, the Ministry of Magic sent Dementors, and they even "attacked" Harry Potter on the Hogwarts Express.

   Her office door was pushed open with a bang.

   "Please come in." Her eyes were on the book in her hand, and she couldn't raise her head to speak.

   "Where's Longbottom?" cried the irritated old bat.

   She took time to look at him across the page, and found that he seemed really angry. If he found Neville at this time, Neville would definitely be torn to shreds.

   "He didn't come to me today." She kept her composure and said, "What happened?"

  The old bat didn't seem to believe what she said and entered the greenhouse without authorization.

As he walked into the innermost part of the conservatory, Neville slumped out through the open door with a cat on his waist, under the cover of the console. He looked quite frightened, though not quite like Harry Potter. Passing out, Malfoy has been telling everyone about it since the first day of school.

   "What are you doing?" she whispered to Neville.

   "I'll explain to you later." Neville lowered his voice, took the tea cup from her table, and looked at the tea stains at the bottom.

   She wondered more and more what the boys were doing.

   "Professor Trelawney said something bad was going to happen to my grandma in divination class." Neville's round face wrinkled in frustration. "I think she's wrong."

   "Longbottom!" Snape yelled from the greenhouse.

  Neville panicked and wanted to put the teacup back, and then took the opportunity to slip away.

   "Wait! Take it away!" Pomona pushed back. "How am I going to explain to him that I use two teacups by myself?"

So Neville put the teacup away again, unfortunately he didn't have Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, but he still thought of another way, the children in the lower grades in the protection of magical creatures class just finished class, and Neville curled himself up , mix it up and go back to the castle together.

   Seeing that he was safe, Pomona sat back in his chair and continued reading as if nothing had happened.

   Not long after the old bat came out, the black cloak was like a churning black mist, and he stood gloomily in front of Pomona.

   "Where is he?" The old bat gritted his teeth and asked word by word.

   "How do I know." She pretended to say.

   "I know he's with you, don't cover him up."

   "You searched just now, did you find it?"

   "There were two teacups on the table just now." He said looking at Pomona's face.

   "You read it wrong," Pomona said, and Snape reached out and turned the book in her hand upside down.

   "You got it the other way around," he said coldly.

   "I can't read German again." She struggled.

   "Then why did you read it?"


"about what?"

   "Muggle history, oh, you've been to Muggle schools, how about sitting down and talking?"

   Snape ignored her and strode in the direction Neville had left like a hound.

"In 1503, Edessa Sudenburg died," Pomona said, pointing back at him. "In the same year, the Scottish Parliament passed the Tree-Planting Act, encouraging the planting of oak trees, which would be 300 years later. To be the wood for the ships at the Battle of Trafalgar!"

   "What's the connection then?" Snape asked back.

   "Do you think the trees in the Forbidden Forest have anything to do with these trees? They are at least five or six hundred years old."

   "The trees in the Forbidden Forest are different from ordinary trees. They are magical creatures." After he finished speaking, he pulled his robe and planned to leave.

   "Have you noticed that Hagrid's pumpkins are so big that they are almost big enough for Cinderella to make a pumpkin carriage." Pomona said.

   He looked at her suspiciously.

"Sit down." She cast a copying spell on the teacup, and another on the table "Grindelwald was the most dangerous wizard of the past four centuries, I'm curious about what happened in the 16th century, you've seen wizards Fairy tales don't."

   "You have so many questions," he said impatiently, and sat down across from Pomona.

   "There is a terrifying version of the 16th century story about wizards and cauldrons. The wizards plan to practice combat, but the villagers have torches and grass rakes..."

   "I know that story," Snape interrupted.

"The cauldron swallowed the villagers and spit out some human-like substances, and I was wondering if the wizard in the story was trying to forge the human body." Pomona said, "It's like the Dark Lord intends to do after he gets the Philosopher's Stone. of."

   Snape leaned back in his chair, sitting comfortably, lost in thought.

   It seemed that Neville's life was temporarily saved.

   She thought fortunately, and poured a cup of tea for the old bat.

   "What does this have to do with Germany?" Snape asked.

"I've heard that Muggles have come up with the Chaos Theory, that butterflies in South America's forests flap their wings, and eventually a storm will form in North America. It's certainly not something that can happen overnight. It's like an oak tree that takes many years to grow." The Victory' was all Scottish oak, do you think that was one of the reasons for the victory at Trafalgar?"

   "Fighting isn't about equipment alone," Snape corrected immediately, and planned to go into a long discussion on the subject like the other men.

   "That's right." Pomona waved his hand quickly. "I just wanted to tell you that I found a wonderful connection."

   "You are far-fetched." He said indignantly, "With the method you said, everything can be involved."

"After the battle of Jena, Prussia had the Stein-Hardenburg reforms and he said 'top down you have to do what the French did from the bottom up', you think that's what the Mysterious Man did Reform?" Pomona asked.

  Snape didn't answer.

   "You joined the Death Eaters when you were young, didn't you think about that?" Pomona asked.

   "Not everyone who joins the Death Eaters wants to change the world." He said indifferently, "Most people just want to be crazy, or to benefit from it."

   "Something like Lucius Malfoy?" Pomona asked. "What happened to his house-elves after they were released?"

   "Did Stein Hardenberg do it?" Snape asked.

   "Do what?"

   "What is done from the bottom up must be done from the top down."

   "I don't know, I'm reading, but I don't know German." Pomona flipped through the book in his hand.

  Snape took it.

   "When did you learn?" Pomona asked curiously.

  He looked down at the book in his hand, completely ignoring her.

   She pouted, got up and walked to the greenhouse, intending to appease the frightened plants.

   Not only animals will be frightened, but plants will also be frightened. Of course, no one would believe what she said. How could plants have the same reaction as animals?

===================================================== ======

   "Do you want sugar and milk?" Georgiana asked Leila.

   "No... no need," Leila said nervously.

  Georgianna didn't ask her why she was so nervous, Leyla was only 16 years old, and not everyone was born an actor, so when she lied or acted, her face didn't turn red or her heart skipped a beat.

   "I talked to Alice just now. She mentioned to me the harvest of the trip. I almost forgot. What do you think you learned from this trip?" Georgiana asked easily.

  Leila moved a bit, as if thinking about how to express it.

   "Why didn't you go with Matilda to buy Christmas presents for the children in the almshouse?" asked Georgiana, sipping her tea.

   "I don't like toys," Leila said cautiously. "I prefer to read."

  What she said, Georgiana didn't believe it at all.

   "Don't stay in the room all the time, go out more often."

   "I'd rather rest." Leila complained. "There are too many people at the registration desk."

   "Are you tired?"

   "Hmm!" Leila cried and began to pour bitter water.

  Georgianna listened quietly, she knew that young girls love to play, how can they work with peace of mind.

   She doesn't care whether Leila did this or not. First of all, she confirmed that only those who received the invitation will be able to enter the party venue, which is mainly "inspired" by the necklace incident.

  Who let Jeanne in? If she doesn't even have a chance to enter the court, then there is no possibility for her to act, cheat and cause bigger problems.

   But beauty is a woman's passport, and an invitation is a "stumbling block". No matter how beautiful a woman is, she cannot enter the ball without an invitation. Of course, the Cinderella plot will not be played out.

  The prince invited all the women in the city to the ball and chose a bride. If he had confirmed the identities of the women in the city one by one before the ball, why would he have to go around looking for someone to try with his crystal slipper.

   If she wants to maintain this system, she will not deal with Leila, who "enforces the law with justice". It is very difficult for a 16-year-old girl to do such an offending thing.

She's a little smart, she knows how to please Georgiana in terms of dress and habits, but not so smart, if Leila's scheming is really that deep, she will find a way to move to other more flattering places, girls are popular The benefits are definitely more than being hated.

  You won't let me into the venue today, and I'll let you into the salon the other day. How can I build a network after going to Paris and not participating in various social activities? But Georgiana is a "British female spy", and she can remember the days when the purgers were shackled and unable to use magic.

   Her personal freedom is restricted, and even outsiders can't stand it, but she doesn't plan to care.

   This is an experiment, like Hermione borrowing a time-turner from the Ministry of Magic, of course such a dangerous magic item wouldn't be so easy to lend to a 12-year-old nerd. In fact, Fudge and Albus had a good relationship at that time. The key point was that Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and the school had to be blocked, so that he was "extremely good to Harry Potter's friends".

   After all, Harry is the only person alive from the mysterious man, and he has a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

  Everyone wants to see what the three little guys with the time-turner will use. If Harry's test in the first grade is "to find and not use", then the test of the third grade is "how to use".

   If someone uses a time-turner to go back in time and kill Voldemort as a baby or a child, what is the difference between that person and Voldemort?

  The child born in July is not just Harry, but Voldemort chose Harry just because he thought "there is a possibility".

She was drinking the tea in the cup, the tea soup reflected on her face, the dark liquid reminded her of the liquid in the Pensieve, but there was no moonlight in the tea, and there was a middle-aged man whose face was even paler in the moonlight .

   He didn't pretend to be righteous and not afraid. It was because he was afraid and subconsciously protected the three of them that she felt that he...

   "What are you laughing at?" Leila asked.

   "Nothing," she said coldly, and took a sip of tea.

   "Are you thinking about the First Rule?" Leyla asked innocently.

   She still maintains the smile she has practiced for decades.

   "I heard your father was in the lumber business?" asked Georgiana.

  Leila nodded.

   "I'm going to redecorate a palace and let your dad come to Paris."

   "Palace? What palace?"

   "Bagtier Palace."

  Lyra was confused. "Where?"

   "How do I know, I haven't seen it before," said Georgiana lazily, taking another sip of tea.

   Too bad Leyla couldn't get past a coconut-flavored ice cream, even though Leyla was about the same age as her male prefect.

   (end of this chapter)