Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2523: manonamission (sixteen)

   Chapter 2523 manonamission (sixteen)

   A Ravenclaw freshman stood before a pair of armor in the armored hallway, staring at it without blinking.

   She looked so earnestly that Pomona didn't pay attention when he walked over.

   "What are you looking at?" Pomona asked.

   "Where's the knight in the armor?" The freshman turned to Pomona and asked, "Or is there an invisible ghost inside?"

   "No, it's Charms." Pomona replied, "It's like you made pears jump over the table."

   Freshman turned his head to look at the armor in confusion.

   "But I saw someone turn the teapot into a turtle." The newborn looked at Pomona after a while and said, "They're all empty inside."

   "That's right, but although the teapot has moved into a turtle, its shape has changed. This is a course in transfiguration."

   "What's going on?" the freshman asked.

   Pomona wondered how to explain it to an 11-year-old.

   "We can't just look at the surface." The freshman said to her again, "Did you lie to me that there is no one in the armor because I am a child?"

  Pomona was very angry, and it happened that Remus' laughter came from behind her.

   "About this, I think you can ask Professor Feliwei, I think he will be happy to answer it for you." Remus bent over to the freshman and said, "Now, can I have a private chat with the Dean?"

   "He's also our dean." The Ravenclaw freshman glanced at Pomona, and the look made her angry, and then the freshman ran away.

   "Are you free? Pomona." Remus said after watching the newborn's back disappear.

   "What's the matter with you? Remus." She asked "helpfully".

   "I plan to set up the next classroom as an exam room. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class should be used more for actual combat, not just for theory, so I plan to simulate some scenarios in it."

   "But I'm going to get rid of the hairy crabs first." Pomona said. "There are so many empty classrooms at Hogwarts, why don't you use the other ones?"

"Because I said, I want to help you." Remus said with a smile, "Besides, I think bigger hairy crabs can exercise senior grades, even for those in the pest management department, they are difficult to deal with. "

   "Okay..." Pomona agreed after hesitating.

   "You have to help me set up the exam room." Remus said immediately.

   "I knew it!" She was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet.

   "It's not difficult for you, is it?" Remus said meaningfully. "Besides herbs, I heard you're good at transfiguration."

  Pomona looked at Remus suspiciously.

   She hadn't told him yet that she was the "senpai" who used to play with them. Could it be that Sirius told him?

   "Deal." Remus made the final call like an auctioneer, and walked into the classroom with a piece of parchment.

   She kept staring at the piece of paper to see if it was a Marauder's Map.

   "Oh, yes." Just as Remus was about to close the door, he suddenly asked, "About Longbottom."

   "What?" she asked nervously.

   "He asked me a strange question yesterday." Remus said in confusion. "He asked me if Harry's Defence Against the Dark Arts paper was handed in?"

   "Why does he ask that?" Pomona asked.

   "That's why I asked you, Professor, I heard that Longbottom is often studying in your greenhouse." Remus said with a smile, then closed the door.

   She frowned.

   "What's wrong with this semester? Everyone is mysterious!"

   She complained, originally she wanted to see the corrosion of the armor, to see if Filch could catch the student who violated the school rules next time, not let him go to the trophy room to wipe the trophy, but wipe the armor.

   She left the armor corridor and now she's going to find Neville, but it's Saturday for Hogsmeade, maybe he's gone in a wagon with the others, hope she catches up.

===================================================== =========

  Mrs. Dvordee is a brunette beauty, Bella used to have smooth jet black hair, but since her escape from Azkaban she has been very haggard, her hair has become fluffy and has lost its luster. Madame de Voude's hair was meticulously combed, and her body exuded a disciplined quality, but on the other hand, she also exuded an unpretentious and moving appearance.

  She is completely different from Josephine, who is always dressed up and has rose rouge on her face. No matter how beautiful a rose is, it is difficult to find it in a rose bush, but it is particularly conspicuous in the green leaves.

But now Madame de Voude doesn't need to be anyone's foil. She is wearing a black velvet floor-length dress and a necklace of the same style as Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting "Portrait of a Lady at the Court of Milan". Composed of black gems and gold, it circled her slender neck several times, wearing only a pearl bracelet and a silver rose ring.

   If you just look at her dress, she is indeed simple and generous, but Napoleon met Miss Campini in Milan, and Grassini.

   If it wasn't for Bertin reminding her that she had to keep smiling, she would have nearly collapsed.

  When Georgiana walked in front of Madame de Vaudet, the people around involuntarily stepped aside and looked at the two women with a playful look. Compared to the tall Madame de Verde, Georgiana looked so small that Mrs. De Verde had to look down at her, like an adult looking at a child.

   "Good afternoon," said Pomona, looking at Madame de Verde.

   "Good afternoon, ma'am." Madame de Voude replied politely, and even bowed her knee.

   "You look so radiant today."

   "So are you," said Madame de Voude enthusiastically.

   "I heard you're going to spend Christmas in Brussels?" Bertin said immediately.

   "Yes." Madame de Voude smiled hypocritically, "I won't go with you, and I'm not a member of the patrol team anyway."

   "Josephine won't invite you back to accompany her?" asked Georgiana.

"The first lady sent me out to assist you. I heard that you prefer to stay in the study room rather than the salon and dance party, so I'm here." She said pretending to look around, "but I think you People seem to be able to handle it.”

"We've just been through the war, and we're just waiting for a job." Georgiana smiled. "Marie Antoinette was so focused on fun, feasts, and dances that she didn't know what the life of the people was like. Those of us have come together to find the real interests of our citizens and make the country happy and prosperous. Instead of spending time researching parties, we should focus our energy on things that are more meaningful to the public interest.”

   "For the benefit of citizens and the prosperity of the country!" a man shouted with a toast.

   "For the benefit of citizens and the prosperity and happiness of the country!" Everyone raised their glasses and shouted together.

   Madame de Voude's mouth twitched, looking like she was about to have a stroke.

   "Excuse me." Georgiana smirked, then turned and left the "Duel Arena".

   "You weren't polite like that just now." Bertin whispered softly, following behind her.

   "I'm not Madame Pompidou," said Georgiana through gritted teeth, her body exuding a combative aura that made anyone who stood in her way sidestep.

   This reminded her of Bella again, because Bella used to be the same as she is now when she was at school, walking with her followers in the middle of the school corridor. It's just that Bella's eyes were still bright at that time. Her steps were big and hastily, as if she was in a hurry to grow up and leave school early. It seemed that only in this way could she catch up with someone in front of her.

   (end of this chapter)