Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2586: Cheese in the Trap (22)

   Chapter 2586 Cheese Trap (twenty-two)

  Pomona went outside the foyer, where the house-elves were busy cleaning the castle to a new look.

   She should have joined them at this time, but she was in a hurry to go back to the office and was not in the mood to stop until she came to the wall where blood was written on it.

Filch used Mrs. Skoll's universal cleaning agent, the kind of cleaning agent that can even clean the spiritual substance, but it can't do anything about the **** words. At that time, the whole castle was in a panic, and no one paid attention. Those words, thinking about it now, were definitely not something Ginny, an 11-year-old girl could have written.

   "What are you looking at?" Nick, who was almost headless, asked suddenly.

   "Nothing," she said dazedly.

   "I thought you heard Parseltongue again," Nick said. "That was the scariest sound I've ever heard."

After talking, Nick floated away, and Pomona looked up at the wall in front of her again. After Harry destroyed the diary with the basilisk's fangs, the blood on the wall disappeared by itself, but she always felt that the blood had penetrated. Go in and leave a stubborn stain on the wall.

===================================================== =========

  As she dived further and further, the red liquid became more and more like some kind of viscous blood, and the hoarse Parseltongue sounded in her ears.

   She couldn't understand what it said, but she swam in that direction, and soon the water became clear and cold.

   She swam to the surface, and then, carefully sticking her head out, found herself in the Hogwarts dock.

   The light in the room was dim, but she still saw the snake, Nagini, suspended in a magic ball of light, twisting and circling like a snake in a water polo.

   "I, my master." Snape said dumbly, "I don't understand what you mean, you performed extraordinary magic with that wand..."

"No," interrupted a pale, snake-faced eccentric brusquely. "It's me who's extraordinary, but this wand doesn't exhibit its legendary power, and I feel it is the same The one I got from Levander is indistinguishable."

   She remembered that the snake-faced man was Voldemort, and he was holding the Elder Wand.

   "Olivander said there was no wand stronger than it." Snape said, "Tonight, when the boy comes, this wand won't disappoint you, I'm sure."

   Snape stared at Voldemort, and said in a very firm tone, "It's only up to you, no one else."

   "Is that so?" Voldemort asked, sounding naive. "Is this wand really under my orders?"


"You're a wise man, Severus, do you know why I called you back from the fight?" Voldemort began to move around the room, his cloak crawling like a snake. "The Elder Wand didn't really go with me, Because I'm not its true owner, the Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed his previous owner, which means you, you killed Albus Dumbledore."

   She suddenly felt that there was a person beside her, Albus was standing on the water, watching the scene in front of her indifferently.

   "As long as you live, this wand will not belong to the real me, Severus, you are a good servant and loyal, but only I can live forever."

   Snape understood what he was going to do, but still racked his brains to say something.


  Voldemort waved his wand and the elderberry slid through the air, and he fell, hitting the glass.

   "Nagini, kill him," Voldemort said in Parselmouth, and she understood.

  The big snake started to attack him, fangs pierced his neck, blood stained his white shirt, and the purple tie that Pomona gave him.

   "Why didn't you read it?" Albus asked.

   She even covered her ears, she didn't want to hear anything.

   But the terrifying voice passed through her hand and reached her ears.

   "I'm sorry," Voldemort said softly, leaving the dock without grief or remorse.

   "The pool of blood also has a reflective surface, do you want to see it?" Albus asked.

   "Shut up!" she yelled.

   "You can save him if you want." Albus said "You know where the antidote is."

   "I know what you want to say." She said in a hoarse, old woman's voice, "Just like you, you can also use the time-turner to go back in time and drive away those three Muggle children."

   "You know why I didn't do that?" Albus asked.

   She bit her lip.

"We always do something that we regret, fantasizing that if we had another chance, we would never make the same mistake, and you can do the same, indulge in this fantasy." Albus said, "You heard Feeney Yas said it."

   "Why are you telling a painting!" Pomona exclaimed.

"Not a painting, but all the Headmasters at Hogwarts, who decide whether to make it public." Albus said, "Don't you love him? Why don't you want to stay in the Headmaster's office for a long time? ?"

   "I saw him kill you." She cried "Do you know how sad I am?"

   "Me too." Albus said, "Do you know how sad I am?"

   She looked up at him.

   "I think you have the best of everything in the world." Albus said slowly, "So until the last moment, I never thought of forgiving him."

   "Then you handed over the power to the portrait?" she asked.

   "Harry went to see Severus, I have them by my side other than Fox, and I have no other choice." Albus said, "But you have!"

   "Do you want me to blame myself?"

   "It's harder to blame oneself than to forgive others' mistakes." Albus said sadly, "What if I fired the spell that hit Arianna that day?"

   She had no way of answering.

   "She's not as pretty as you, but she's still my treasure." Albus said in pain, "Gellert...why didn't he come at me?"

   "You can also be a 'human shield'." She said indifferently, "Stand in front of Arianna."

  Albus looked at her in surprise.

"Why do you think I fell in love with him?" She smiled, "He knew so many black magic spells, but at that moment he thought of such a stupid way. You said, what kind of person we become is not what we have. What kind of ability is our choice, this is Severus' choice, but you have been entangled in the issue of him learning black magic, you want to transform him so that he can be like you, who told me To accept those who have different values?"

   "You're still defending him?" Albus asked.

   "I hate this. When I'm being fair, you talk to me." She said angrily.

  Albus sighed, "I thought you would be angry if you took Cedric away, so I didn't care about you."

   "You knew then?" she asked in surprise.

   "I want you to be happy." Albus said softly, "I thought he could give it to you."

   "He can indeed give it to me." She said deadpan "I just don't want to hear someone correct me and say 'You are wrong'."

   "You still want to live in seclusion now?" Albus asked.

   She smiled.

   "I always thought, I think it's really good to be the Lemays." She said lightly, sinking slowly into the water. "But I was wrong, Albus. Humans live in groups."

  ‘You can be like me too. ’

   She seemed to hear Albus say.

   Living in a high tower, locking your lover in another tower, and burying this secret in your heart for a century?

  No, Albus, I don't want to live like you.

   Hiding is really tiring, she doesn't want to hide anymore.

   When she resurfaced, she was back in the tub, the water was clear again, and the roses were still red.

   As if everything just now was just a dream.

   (end of this chapter)