Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2634: Wind and Flowers (13)

   Chapter 2634 Wind and Flowers (thirteen)

Speaking of Hoover, many people will think of the dam he built, but during the First World War, as a mining engineer, Hoover helped 120,000 penniless and stranded Americans return home, and served as a U.S. in London. Chairman of the Relief Committee.

   Since then, Hoover has provided relief to American expatriates in Belgium and France. When the relief work ended in 1919, both Hoover and the American Relief Commission became the focus of society. Hoover was once known as "The Great Humanitarian" for his outstanding performance in war and starvation.

The problem of American food waste is known all over the world. Hoover was named director of the General Food Administration after being recalled to Washington, giving him the power to manage American food. He encouraged a voluntary approach instead of Forced rationing has successfully reduced domestic food waste and ensured the supply to the Allied countries. Even housewives know that "Hooverized management" means the most economical family food arrangement.

   After the end of the First World War, Europe was full of hungry people, food shortages everywhere, and Hoover's Relief and Reconstruction Agency gave him a resume as a "charitable industrialist" in Europe.

   So Hoover managed to get charities fully involved in the "composite republic," coined by James Madison, who believed that allowing the poor to live comfortably could play an important role in counteracting the "evil of factions."

During Hoover's tenure as Secretary of Commerce, he sought professional support from charitable foundations when formulating many plans. Even when dealing with the Mississippi River flood, he organized the Red Cross and the Community Welfare Foundation in the process of distributing relief materials. and other mass charities to coordinate the work together. However, in the process of trying, the public has a long-lasting debate about "what role philanthropy should play in national affairs", such as whether charitable organizations should participate in the formulation or implementation of national policies.

  Hoover wanted to inspire civil society charitable initiatives, but organizations like Second Salem always slipped in.

  Mary Ludence beat Credence, scolding "your mother is an evil, abnormal woman" while beating.

Owl is responsible for sending Harry Potter the admission letter and the book list for the coming year. If everything goes well, of course Minerva can handle it alone, but it is extremely difficult to distribute the Harry Potter admission letter. It just so happened that Albus Dumbledore was particularly "concerned" about Harry's acceptance letter.

In the first school year, dozens of owls were sent to Harry's admission letter and they didn't come back. Pomona and Graplan thought that the Death Eaters were interfering, or because of Lily's protection magic, the owls couldn't find them. To Harry Potter's address, so they went to Privet Drive after asking Harry's address, and then Pomona saw the scene of Fernon Dursley burning Harry's acceptance letter.

In a fit of rage, she used the Copy Charm, causing the Dursleys to be overwhelmed by the notices, and then Fennon "escaped" the residence with the family, and it wasn't until Harry's birthday that Hagrid brought the birthday cake and The admission letter found him.

In the second year, Harry was locked up because he seemed to have screwed up a big business for Fenon, and it was George and Fred, and Ron who "rescued" Harry in Arthur's flying car. picked up.

   In the third year, Pomona wanted to see what the Dursleys were going to do, so he went to Privet Drive to observe.

Finon doesn't allow anything related to magic in "his" house, he doesn't allow Harry to practice magic in "his" house, he doesn't allow him to do his summer homework, Hedwig doesn't allow him to come out and fly around . It is a bird, and it is its nature to fly. Not letting it fly not only makes it irritable and depressed, but also cuts Harry's connection with his classmates and friends.

   Then she saw Maggie, anyway, she didn't know if Maggie swelled up and flew into the sky was caused by Harry's magic riot, or the sting of the Billy Weigger she put.

   The scenes of the little wizard's magic riot are sometimes bloody. Although Mary Lou and little Henry Xiao were killed silently, why wasn't it caused by Credence's magic riot.

  The so-called "corruption of blood" (corruption of blood), which was introduced into England during the Norman conquest, probably means that criminals were deprived of their rights and capacity for serious crimes, and affected several stakeholders at the same time. A person with corrupt blood is considered to have corrupted and defiled the blood of his ancestors and their descendants, so that the person cannot inherit property or land.

The    Weasleys are well-known pure-blood traitors, along with Sirius Black, who was removed from the family by his mother.

After Harry returned to the wizarding world, he successfully inherited the "rich" legacy that James Potter left him. He could pay the tuition himself, instead of applying for a scholarship like the mysterious man, even in the second school year, the mysterious man could Tuition is paid.

   As long as you are a wizard, there are various perks. If you get stuck, just stand on the side of the road, raise your wand and a knight bus will pick you up, the Squibs don't have that treatment.

  If Neville was a Squib, it would be a disgrace to the family, even if he was Frank Longbottom's only son, and was thrown from a height by his uncle.

  Harry ran away because of Maggie's remarks that she thought there was "something wrong" with Harry. Just like the puppies in the competition, if the pup's problems are mostly caused by the bitch, Maggie doesn't realize she's scolding Penny with her.

  While Pomona was still worried about what to do with Harry's notices this school year, it was easy for him to go to the Weasleys, though it meant he was at the Dursleys for less time than usual.

Because Lucius Malfoy donated 1 million Galleons to St. Mungo's, this large sum made him a "man of the world" in the wizarding community. After all, few people knew how embarrassed he was when he was kicked out of the school board. Sample.

  As a Snape who has a "friendship" with Malfoy, he was also touted by Zacharis Smith's father. Who doesn't like to hear that he is related to the words "kindness" and "justice"?

  Hoover succeeded in making many Americans have money to donate money, and those who had no money sacrificed their time to help the victims of the First World War. His "no-cost federal governance" was to lighten the burden on the country.

  In the period of Roosevelt's New Deal, relief became a national affair, but Roosevelt did not think that the government should bear the main responsibility for relief. In Protestant ethics, work and "vocation" are very important concepts, and the way of life that God can approve is not abstinence to surpass secular morality, but the fulfillment of the obligations of the individual's position in the world.

So Roosevelt repealed Hoover's attempt and introduced forcing Americans to draw stricter boundaries between public and private charitable funds, but this did not affect the role of philanthropy in the administration of the US government and the cooperation of states and civil society agencies .

In 1934, the United States experienced the largest drought and strong winds in history, and the resulting sandstorms affected more than 75% of the land and caused the production of major grain-producing areas to decrease. The year-to-year ratio is much smaller.

The disaster had both natural and man-made causes. After the Civil War, the Homestead Act of 1862 provided 160 acres of land for every settler who went west, followed by the Kincaid Act of 1904 and the 1909 2010's Expansion of Homestead Laws, these policies led to an influx of inexperienced "farmers" who were completely ignorant of irrigation, over-cultivation resulted in no entrenched prairie grasses to hold the soil, and it began to be blown away by the wind, creating massive dust storms , exacerbated the effects of the Great Depression.

The Hoover Dam, which began in 1931 and was completed in 1936, tamed the turbulent Colorado River, gave birth to Las Vegas, and irrigated California and Arizona. California in the 1960s And water transfer from other places, starting from Roosevelt's New Deal, large-scale water conservancy projects have become an important way for the United States to solve the shortage of water supply in the Midwest. If only relying on the natural conditions of North America, it is not enough to make California the world's largest grain producer.

   In 1927 Henry Shaw Jr.'s campaign fundraising speech was about Prohibition. Pomona couldn't figure out how he could win against Hoover and Roosevelt, and what if he did? Can he solve these problems?

   Is it because he also has a good father, so the host said he is the future president of the United States?

   Hope he didn't take it seriously, but it doesn't matter whether he takes it seriously or not, because he was dead that night.

   died at the hands of what he called a "freak".

   (end of this chapter)