Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2692: "Witch Soup"

  Chapter 2692 "Witch Soup"

  Pomona placed a plate of red soup in front of Minerva.

   "What is this?" Minerva asked, too careful not to touch it.

   "Healthy food." Pomona said triumphantly, "Didn't you say last time that the dishes I cook are too greasy."

   "Is this blood?" Minerva asked suspiciously.

   "Of course not!" Pomona exclaimed.

"what is that?"

   "Taste and see." Pomona handed the spoon to Minerva.

   Minerva took the spoon and scooped up a small spoon very carefully.

   "How is it?" Pomona asked enthusiastically.

   "Sour." Minerva savored the taste in her mouth, "It's a bit like vinegar."

   "You are so rude! How can I treat guests with vinegar?"

"what is that?"

   "Red wine, I also added vegetables, which is definitely healthy enough."

   "Where did you find this dish?" Minerva put down the spoon.

   "Not good?" asked Pomona.

   "We can't give alcohol to the children." Minerva lowered her voice, "Especially the first and second graders, their parents won't allow it."

   "Oh, come on." Pomona said indifferently, "If Muggles really have to be of legal age before they are allowed to drink, the Three Broomsticks business will be over."

   "That's outside, I mean inside the school." Minerva said seriously.

   "You can't make such a rule!" Pomona also said seriously.

   "What regulations?"

   "What outside, inside? Why different standards?"

   Feeling hungry, Feliwei came to the kitchen, but he turned around and left immediately after seeing the scene inside.

   "I don't have the power to ban the Three Broomsticks from selling Butterbeer to minors," Minerva said.

   "Oh, so you have the power to ban me?" Pomona asked.

   "This is the Hogwarts kitchen," Minerva said.

   "And this is not your place," Pomona said.

   Minerva glared at her for a moment.

  “Besides, there is no such ban in other countries. An 8-year-old French kid knows more about wine than us.” Pomona added, “We also need to take care of the eating habits of foreign guests.”

   Minerva finally got angry and left. Pomona won the game, but she looked at the vegetable soup boiled with red wine on the table, and she didn't have much appetite.

   "Is this dish going to appear at the school opening banquet?"

  Pomona looked up and found that it was Slytherin's old bat. He was shrouded in darkness, and even the firelight in the kitchen could not illuminate the corner he occupied.

   "She's always straight," Pomona grumbled.

   As a result, I missed many things, such as the marriage between Minerva and Muggle boyfriend Robert. Britain does not prohibit witches and Muggles from marrying like the United States.

  He didn't speak.

   This should have been a beautiful summer vacation, but it was ruined by the Dark Mark that appeared on the Quidditch World Cup.

   "Are you okay?" Pomona asked.

   "The principal asked me to ask you, when will you send Boginbok's things back." He said coldly, "The luggage of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is coming soon."

  This is another unpleasant topic.

   "How about tomorrow?" Pomona said.

  He still didn't speak.

  She wanted to say something, but he had already left.

  The dancing flames in the furnace stretched her shadow into deformations, making it look like she was dancing a strange dance.

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  Richard Triwick's steam engine made a loud whistle, and it ran in the snow in style, but there were no horses to race with it today.

  The man seemed to have a soft spot for the machine, and the guests kept applauding after seeing it.

   She thought absently that Rose was running on the deck because he couldn't bear it. She was rescued by Jack when she almost jumped over the railing and jumped into the sea, and then she told the others that she was going to see the propeller or something.

  She was wearing a red and black dress at the time...

   "Are you listening?"

   She looked at the speaker and saw that it was Richard Edgeworth.

   She looked at him with a smirk.

   "Do you want to hear what's going on, or do you want to stay in a daze?" Edgeworth asked.

   "You guys continue talking." Georgiana said, and then continued to be in a daze.

At that time, Jack chatted with Ross about ice cave fishing. Of course, his purpose was to tell Ross how cold the sea was, as if there were thousands of knives stuck on him, because he accidentally fell into the icy lake up.

  Harry broke through the ice and jumped into the water to retrieve the Sword of Gryffindor at the bottom of the lake.

   In fact, Snape didn't need to go through so much trouble to give the sword to Harry, making it like some kind of test.

  There was no Albus around him looking, asking him to do that...

  If Phileas Black had told her and Minerva the truth and the misunderstanding had been resolved in advance, would it have been a disservice to them, or would it have brought about a different ending?

When she was in the movie theater, she saw that Jack died and did not save him. On the contrary, she envied the old couple who hugged each other to meet death, and even put her head on the head of the person sitting next to her. on the shoulders.

  She could hear his heartbeat, as if to prove that she wasn't dreaming.

  She imagined looking into those black eyes, looking for the almost invisible light in the darkness, like looking for the stars in the dark night sky.

  As long as your eyes are sharp enough, even the hard-to-find stars like Lynx can be found.

   Its best observation time is winter, when the starry sky is not full of magnificent stars like midsummer, so only dim constellations like Lynx can be seen.

  However, it is uncomfortable to go to the Astronomy Tower in the cold winter. If you are alone, you may have to wrap yourself in a thick quilt.

  Or build a fire and use it to drive away the biting chill.

'return. ’ Ross said to the crew members who came back to search and rescue in the lifeboat, but unfortunately her voice was frozen and hoarse, and she sounded like a gossamer.

  So she used her last strength to swim to the side, and blew the whistle on the crew's neck. The loud sound attracted the attention of the distant ship, and the crew gave her back.

  ‘Can you hear me? '

   It was this sentence that woke her up from that never-ending dream. She could have been hiding in Hogwarts, always being a little girl.

   But living in that dream, although she would not feel pain, she would miss many things just like Neville's parents.

  So she chose to leave Hogwarts in the end, and started to grow up again, until the age when drinking did not have to worry about breaking the law.

   Adults have both happiness and pain. If he had been living soberly like Albus, in the end even love would have left his heart untouched, and death would be a real rest for him.

  Hufflepuff's code is ninety-two, keep it simple, but maturity is also indispensable.

  This is very difficult to do, how can I be a simple and mature person?

Perhaps it would be ideal for Albus to continue to be the old man who was still a child at heart, but unfortunately he had to leave Hogwarts and return to the world of adults, and no one except his enemies realized that he was already Over 100 years old.

  There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people. Different people see Harry Potter differently. In her eyes, Harry is just an ordinary boy. Harry was only 17 years old when he defeated Voldemort, and he was only an adult in theory. When the adults chose to surrender, he was still resisting.

   So he became the hope of the Resistance.

   It is not advisable to give the responsibility of saving the world to a child, he has already done what he has to do. Whether it's avenging Cedric, or destroying Voldemort's Horcrux, this is what she, the dean, should do.

  He could rest, although a peaceful life was boring for the adventurous Harry, and in a way, Voldemort's situation was understandable and sympathetic.

  She let out a long sigh, and the white smoke she exhaled looked so real that no one could doubt that it was fake.

  (end of this chapter)