Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 2837: "Red Eye" (10)

  Chapter 2837 "Red Eye" (10)

   Deep beneath Whitehall, where the Department of Mysteries is located, there is such a room.

  It looks dimly lit, with a sunken center, forming a huge stone pit. Stone steps surround the entire room, like stone benches, gradually descending step by step, and each step is steep, like a lecture theater.

In the center of the pit, instead of a chained chair, there was a raised platform with an archway above it, and a tattered drapery hanging from it, which, though there was no wind, Still swaying gently.

  Some people say that they can hear people talking from the other side of the curtain, as if there were people...

   "Go! Jay still has a few tickets for the Weird Sisters' concert!"

  Pomona dodges two students running down the hallway.

  The Weird Sisters are going to hold a concert during the summer vacation, and although there is still some time before the summer vacation, tickets have already started to go on sale, and a new black market has formed again.

  She hurried to Filch's office, and the first person who opened the door was Mrs. Loris, who was looking at Pomona with red eyes.

   "Professor, you are here." Filch said in a slightly smug tone, "These are the two students who are going to provoke the Whomping Willow."

   "Dean." Tonks and Tupri looked at her pitifully.

  After making sure Filch wasn't shackling them both, Pomona looked at Filch.

   "They are new students. I think they must have lost their way. Thank you for finding them, Argus."


   "Thank you Mr. Filch yet?" Pomona said to Tonks and Tupri.

   "Thank you for saving us, Mr. Filch," said Tonks and Tupri.

   Filch was speechless.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pomona left Filch's office with Tonks and Tupri.

   "What's the matter with you two? Why are you so adventurous?" Pomona said to the two of them after arriving at a place where no one was there.

   "We want to take a closer look," said Tonks.

   "The Whomping Willow will attack anything that moves, whether it is a human or not." Pomona said angrily, "Peeves took you there?"

   "No, we went by ourselves." Tupri said righteously.

   "Then you must be responsible for your actions. From today until the day of summer vacation, you will be in confinement. Come to my greenhouse tomorrow afternoon." Pomona said.

  The two wailed together.

  Pomona ruthlessly ignores this, and if the Whomping Willow did hurt them, they're either in the hospital wing at the moment, or somewhere worse.

   Having settled the matter, she walked up the grand staircase, and the Fat Lady was singing opera again.

  If she didn't sing high notes for the sake of singing high notes, her voice would sound pretty nice. She came to the spiral staircase on the third floor and took it to the principal's office.

   She's a little late, the faculty union has already started. Snape was standing on the outermost floor, near the door. He had noticed Pomona as soon as he appeared, and he moved to the side.

   "Where did it go?" She asked in a low voice.

   "Listen yourself." He said impatiently.

  The principal is instructing the final exam and the owls exam.

   "Do you think Carter can last until next year?"

  Pomona looked over, and it was the professor of ancient runes and the professor of arithmetic and divination talking in a low voice.

   "I don't think so." The professor of arithmetic and divination said in a low voice, "It's not like you don't know how powerful that curse is."

   "Are you busy tomorrow?" Snape asked her.

   "There are two students going to detention," Pomona said.

   "Confinement? You?" He twisted his lips and smiled maliciously.

   "Is there a question?" Pomona said.

   "Tomorrow is the weekend, and you are going to confine the students on the weekend?" He asked with a smile.

  Pomona slapped her forehead, she forgot about it.

   "Do you have any questions? Professor Sprout." Dumbledore asked.

   "No, nothing." Pomona lowered his hand. "I just slapped a mosquito."

   Dumbledore continued talking about exam week, Snape let out a muffled laugh, and Pomona wanted to step on him.

   Finally when the meeting was over, they left with the others, and Albus didn't leave anyone alone to talk.

   It seems that everything is calm.

   "By the way, there is something I almost forgot to tell you." On the way down the stairs, Snape suddenly said, "The headmaster is going to set up a new project, the Horned Beast Release Project."

   "What? When? Why did Albus tell you?" Pomona asked.

   "Since it's about Liz Stewart, do you think she's up to the task?" Snape said.

   "I'll have to ask her that," Pomona said.

   "I'm asking for your opinion, not hers. If she can't do it, she can be replaced by someone else. The Ministry of Magic is not just a conservationist of magical animals." Snape said, "This can be used as an international cooperation project."

   "Leeds haven't graduated yet."

   "Didn't Scamander fail to graduate? Vera can't live with humans forever, she will be put in the forest in the end."

   "But can Leeds go in the current situation?" asked Pomona.

   "That's why I'm asking your opinion, it's actually a good thing to let her go from all this," said Snape, by this time they were in the hall.

  If it were normal, Pomona would definitely ask Liz for her own opinion instead of making a decision for her.

  Because of the rumors, Cole of Gryffindor has become the primary suspect for Barnaby's violence. Now he is as angry as James in the past, looking for Barnaby's "theory" everywhere.

  But Barnaby seemed to disappear from the school all of a sudden. He neither dropped out nor suspended, and his homework was always handed in on time, but there was no one in class.

   "Tomorrow...shall we meet here, or go to North Ford Marsh?" Snape asked.

   "We'll talk about it at dinner," said Pomona wearily.

   "I don't want to eat at school on Friday night," Snape said.

   "Then where do you want to go?"

   Before Snape could finish speaking, Charlie hurried into the hall.

   "Where are you going, Mr. Weasley!" Pomona stopped Charlie.

   "They kidnapped Ben," Charlie said to Pomona. "They won't let him go until Barnaby intervenes."

   "Wait, who kidnapped whom?" Pomona stopped Charlie who was in a hurry and wanted to run away.

   "Cole and the others kidnapped Ben, and asked Barnaby to come out and speak clearly." After Charlie finished speaking, he ran to the Gryffindor Tower.

   "Where are they?" Snape asked.

   "Screaming Shack," said Charlie without looking back.

  Snape's magic pressure soared.

   "Just now there were two little ones in the first grade. They went to mess with the Whomping Willow." Pomona smiled and said, "I will punish them for confinement until the end of the semester."

   "The moon will be full soon." Snape said coldly, "Will there be a werewolf going there to transform?"

   "I think it's Lupine's secret," said Pomona softly.

   "Go and inform Li's guardian, whether he is a guardian or a member of the werewolf capture team, he should come forward." Snape said.

   "How did they get to that place." Pomona muttered, "Except for the secret passage, the surrounding area is closed."

  He obviously didn't care about this, and walked towards the outside of the school.

  (end of this chapter)